Feel the adrenaline (Midoriya...

De MarieNoels

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The first chapter is a little info about this book so I'm not gonna put that here lol. Just wanted to give my... Mai multe

Pussy boy
What the hell
You really are a kind person
Let's fucking do this
Midoriya isn't quirkless anymore
Welcome to your hero academia
What was that..?
Show em what you've got
I'll be by your side
Nice shoes shortstack
Bakugou vs Midoriya
Wake up
Emergency exit Iida
F in the chat for Iida
Do I like him?
Obstacle course
Cavalry Battle
Kira's new ability
Kira is very swag
Izuku vs Todoroki
Kira vs Tokoyami
authors note
First kiss
Kira vs Bakugou
Rivals and friendships
Internships pt.1
face reveal
Internships pt.2
Tears and messages
Monoma's an asshole lols
Final exams pt.1
Final exams pt.2
Daddy issues?
Two heroes: pt.1
Two heroes: pt.2
I'm sick :(
Two heroes: pt.3
Two heroes: pt.4
Two heroes: pt.5
Pool day
I love her
author's note: PLEASE READ
Relentless training
Darkness takes over
League of Bastards
info on Kira
Back on track
Provisional License pt.1
Provisional License pt.2
Provisional License pt.3
Author's note: new story!
House arrest
Deku vs Kira
author's note: PLEASE READ
The big three
Valentines Special
See you later, Midoriya
Calm down
The choice is yours
Author's note
Keep fighting
My favourite hero
Final decision

Class 1-A

938 27 5
De MarieNoels


The next few days were depressing to say the least. Kira had immediately been hospitalised after they had gotten back, the girl passing out as soon as her head hit a pillow. Her injuries were severe, which took multiple days to heal and her mental state wasn't the best either. A lot of doctors with healing quirks came to try and help Kira out, though the healing process still wasn't completed after 5 days. Kira had a scar on the right side of her jaw of where Kameru had hit her and the doctors wanted to help her get rid of it, but Kira surprisingly refused.

She thought of the scar as a memory, a lesson for herself to know where she had made mistakes. So the doctors respected her decision and stopped trying to make the scar go away. That didn't mean Kira was allowed to leave yet though, since she had a shit ton of police interviews to go through. These took some days as well, taking place in the hospital during her recovery period. On top of that, Kira received a great amount of scolding from All Might as well as Aizawa for going back into the fight after Bakugou had escaped.

But besides that, they were happy Kira was safe and back within their reach. A day or three after the incident, Kira's father had been healed as well, coming to visit her to properly thank her for what she'd done. She saved his life after all, even after everything that has happened between them. They both agreed to work things out together, and so her father also agreed to the new plan UA had up their sleeve. UA High had installed a dormitory system, which meant the students would now live in a dorm on campus to ensure their safety on a closer level.

Kira desperately wanted to stay at UA and pursue her dream of becoming a hero and her father acknowledged that. He was sceptical at first, when Aizawa came to discuss their situation he almost declined. But he didn't want to ruin anymore of Kira's dreams, so he allowed it, entrusting the school with his daughter's life. Kira had also been informed of the provisional license exam that was coming up, meaning that heroes in training could receive a pass that would allow them to handle a dangerous situation on their own. If they didn't fail the exam of course.

Other than that, Kira had been told about All Might's retirement, the news catching her off guard to say the least. It seemed the fight with All for One had been the last one ever for the symbol of peace, his power having given up on him after everything had settled down. All for One was captured and put into captivity in the most secured prison in the world, kept on surveillance 24/7 to ensure that he wouldn't make any moves. The league had escaped, along with Kira's brother, which could prove to be an issue. 

Kira had been questioned about the odd changes in her quirk that night, to which Kira didn't have a proper answer. She knew she had messed Kameru up pretty badly, but she didn't remember most of it. The doctors had requested to perform some tests on Kira's quirk to try and find out why it reacted so impulsively sometimes, but Kira quickly found herself unable to fully activate her quirk. When she did, it caused her a great amount of pain since she had trouble controlling the amount of energy she released. Her quirk was out of control and it even seemed confused, her energy flicking between a red and purple colour. Her teachers had been informed, so they decided to place Kira on an individual training regiment to try and solve the issue.

Kira didn't understand and thinking about everything that had happened really exhausted her. She didn't feel okay, the opposite really. The information she had received over the span of only a few days caused her a great amount of stress and the nightmares she had gotten of Dabi, Kameru and All for One weren't helping her. It seemed Kira had been traumatised by her capture, resulting in random flashing images of what had happened, such as Bakugou being in terrible danger and herself being threatened and almost killed. Kira hadn't felt so lost in a long time, only one person being able to keep her sane.

Midoriya had visited her every single day without question, refusing to leave her unguarded for a long amount of time. He had been very protective and sometimes even possessive of the girl, not allowing her to do too much work by herself without letting him help. Since they confessed their love for each other, he's been much more comfortable and even confident in their relationship, going as far as to actually change the girl's clothes since she couldn't do it herself. Kira was very grateful for Midoriya's help, so when she was finally discharged from the hospital, she decided to stop by a souvenir shop before heading over to the school.

Kira looked around the aisles, her entire body itching from all the bandages she wore. Her arms were completely covered up, along with her hands and fingers, her torso was completely wrapped up and it annoyed Kira to no end. She was ordered to return to the hospital in a few days to have them removed, but until then, Kira would have to change her bandages herself every day. She was sure Midoriya would not allow her to do it all by herself, so she was sure she'd see a lot of him for the next few days, which was totally fine. 

She mindlessly strolled through the small shop, gazing over the endless amount of All Might plushies. She honestly didn't know which one to buy, since Midoriya basically had every piece of merchandise there was, until she came across a rather small poster. It displayed All Might in his hero costume with his back turned towards the viewer, his hand reaching out to a group of small children. The children were crying, but their faces adorned small and hopeful smiles as they reached up towards All Might. It almost reminded Kira of the way All Might had reached out to Midoriya back when he was quirkless, so Kira knew she had to buy the small poster.

After paying for her gift and exiting the store, she lazily looked around the busy street. People were gloomy and had started losing hope after All Might had retired, which was clear by how dull and tired everyone seemed. Kira heaved a heavy sigh before scratching a spot under the bandage on her hand, continuing her walk to the train station. After a good 10 minutes, Kira had found herself a spot on the train as she watched the landscapes zoom past her face. She had her earbuds in, blocking out all sounds around her as she started looking at her own reflection in the glass.

She looked tired, her eyes barely holding onto their sparkle and the purple bags under them only proving her point. She grimaced at the sight, reminding herself to start getting into makeup again, until she suddenly felt someone standing at her side. Being too tired to actually turn her head, so she opted to just try and find their reflection. As soon as her eyes landed on the person standing next to her, her eyes widened and she turned around with a start. Her breathing picked up as she quickly looked around the wagon, trying to find the way too familiar stitched up face she had seen in the reflection just seconds ago.

Her fingers shook by her side as her heart raced, standing up to try and get a clearer view of the passengers on the train. She received some odd glances of people who were trying to continue their day in peace, but Kira couldn't care less. She could've sworn she saw Dabi standing right beside her. Or was it just her mind acting up again? She couldn't tell, and that terrified her. She looked inside the wagons beside hers through the small windows, finding that they didn't hold the person she was looking for either.

"Excuse me miss, are you all right?" asked someone from the opposite side of the wagon, making Kira look towards the older man. She looked around one last time just to make sure until she slowly nodded her head. "Y-Yeah, just thought I saw someone", responded the girl before turning to sit back down in her seat. She dragged her hand across her face, looking down at her fingertips which had started glowing purple out of instinct. She closed her hand into a tight fist, making the glow disappear before going back to carefully watching her reflection in the glass window. 

When she had finally arrived at her destination, Kira sped walked out of the train and towards the school, keeping her eyes wide open in case someone she recognised would be in the area. Because of her fast pace, it didn't take her long to reach the school, which made her shoulders drop as she relaxed. Villains couldn't get to her in the school, is what she concluded before waking straight towards the dorms. She hadn't seen them yet, so when Kira saw the large building with her own eyes, she couldn't help but stop and stare in awe.

It was about 5pm now, so she was sure her classmates would be waiting inside. Kira rolled her head around as she felt some cracks in her neck, sighing as she prepared herself for the big 'welcome back' she'd receive. Sure, she was happy to be able to see her friends again, but the only classmate she'd seen since the accident was Midoriya. He was the only one allowed to enter her room in order for Kira to recover as fast as possible. Though that didn't mean she didn't receive any calls or texts from her classmates.

God, she will never forget the cringe memes Kirishima kept sending her to try and cheer her up.

Kira sighed one last time before pushing open the large doors, immediately coming face to face with her entire class bundled up together in what she assumed to be the common room. Everyone turned to face her, but they didn't jump at her like she thought they would. They just stared with their mouths agape and their eyes wide, making Kira awkwardly push the tip of her foot against the floor. "Uh.. Hi?" spoke Kira quietly, seemingly triggering some kind of response from the class.

Everyone promptly jumped up from their seats, sprinting over towards Kira and giving her no time to prepare herself. Her classmates all jumped on top of her and tackled her in a bone crushing hug, making her topple to the floor and groan as her lower back hit the hard concrete. Shouts of happiness were heard and even some tears were seen as she opened her eyes again. "Kira! I'm so glad you're okay! We thought you were dead since they would't tell us anything!" shouted Kirishima as a waterfall of tears streamed down his face.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?" asked Uraraka carefully, her eyebrows pushed together in worry. Kira opened her mouth to respond but was immediately interrupted by another classmate, the questions filling her head to the point where she couldn't comprehend them anymore. Suddenly, Kira was pulled off the floor from under her arms, causing her to let out a squeak of surprise. She looked over her shoulder only to find Bakugou with a deadly glare on his face as he started shouting at the class.

"Back the fuck up! Can't you see you're overwhelming her! Let her fucking answer before asking more stupid questions!" barked the blonde, making everyone promptly fall quiet. Kira stared at him with wide eyes while Bakugou only clicked his tongue and quickly glanced her over, almost making sure she was okay, before stomping off and out of the room. Kira raised a brow, but quickly looked back at her classmates who were now either sitting or just waiting around for her to be ready. "Sorry about that Yamari. We're all just really excited to see you again", spoke Sero as he bashfully rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah! We were so worried!" exclaimed Mina as she came over to hold Kira's wrapped up hand, pulling a small chuckle out of Kira. "It's okay, I'm happy to be back. But I'm just really tired and it's been a bit rough these past few days", responded the girl, making everyone nod their heads in understanding. "Don't feel obligated to answer our questions! We're pleased to see you up and going again!" spoke Iida as he pushed up his glasses, making Kira smile at the group. "All I wanna do right now is check out my room and hang out with you guys", spoke the girl earnestly, causing the group to smile at her. 

"I baked you a cake since we heard you were coming back today. I hope you like chocolate", spoke Sato quietly as a small blush covered his cheeks. "Aw Sato, thank you but you really didn't need to", spoke Kira in return, a soft look on her face. "Nonsense! Here! I got you some lotion that should help the healing process! Plus, it makes your skin super soft", offered Hagakure, the invisible girl holding out a small pink bottle towards Kira. "And I got you a small plushie since you seem to love those", added Kirishima, a blush covering his cheeks as he smiled at the girl.

Kira stared at the group in awe, feeling her emotions starting to act up again. The class watched her curiously, their eyes quickly going wide in panic as they noticed the girl's eyes filling up with tears. "Kira?! What's wrong? You don't like the plushie?" asked Kirishima worriedly, his hand coming up to rub her arm. Kira shook her head as she reached up to wipe her tears, looking back up with the softest of smiles. "Thank you guys, so much. I needed this", spoke Kira before reaching out to ask for some hugs. 

Everyone slowly took their turns to give Kira a big hug, not wanting to overwhelm the girl too much. They cherished Kira and loved her dearly, so they would do anything to make sure she was okay, so she could have fun with all of them like she deserved. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu patiently waited for their turns to have a word with Kira, both of them pleased to see the girl without any injuries. They did notice the scar on her jaw and wanted to ask questions, but decided they could ask her later, it wouldn't be polite to ask such things right now.

Kira enjoyed the reunion greatly, going as far as to tell everyone to start calling her by her first name, to which the class gladly agreed. When it was Kaminari's turn to give Kira a hug, he seemingly refused to let go for a little while, making Kira raise a brow in confusion. Kira pushed him back to try and see what was going on, but definitely didn't expect the obvious pain his face showed as she looked him over. "Kami, what's wrong?" asked Kira softly, blinking a few times as Kaminari latched his arms back around her neck.

"I'm fine. It's just... Can we talk? Later?" asked Kaminari quietly, making sure their other classmates couldn't hear them. Kira nodded her head as she patted his back, giving him a smile as Kaminari pulled back. "Of course Kami, I'll meet you outside after dinner, okay?" offered the girl, making Kaminari nod with a sad smile. After everyone had finished giving Kira her gifts and hugs, she was finally able to head up to her own room. Kira's dorm room was on the fourth floor, right next to Uraraka's room as Aizawa had told her. She was across from Kirishima and Bakugou, Shoji and Mina sharing their floor as well.

As she stood in the elevator with her arms full of gifts, she couldn't help but wonder where Midoriya had been. She hadn't seen him downstairs with the others, which confused her. Why wasn't he downstairs? As soon as she opened the door to her room, her question was answered. She was met with the sight of Midoriya arranging some of Kira's small plants on her desk. Kira's eyes went wide as she watched Midoriya closely, his tongue peeking out of his mouth and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he carefully placed the plants, making sure they were in the perfect spot.

"Izuku?" spoke Kira softly, making Midoriya jump up with a yelp. "K-Kira?! You're already back!" cheered the boy, immediately running over to take some the gifts off her hands. Kira was left staring at her room in shock, everything already unpacked and decorated, just the way she had imagined it. Her bed was beside the large sliding door that led to a small balcony, her nightstand right next to it. Her TV stood on a small cabinet on the opposite side of her bed with pillows placed in front of it, LED lights perfectly sticking to the ceiling above. Her closet was on the other side of the window, right next to that was her desk.

Pictures, posters and figurines were lined up all over the room on little cabinets that stuck out from the wall. Kira couldn't believe it and almost burst into tears yet again. Midoriya noticed how Kira was staring around the room, his hand coming up to rub his neck. "Uh, I didn't know how you wanted to decorate your room, so I just tried something out. I hope it's not too bad", spoke the boy quietly, gasping in surprise as Kira suddenly hugged him tightly. "K-Kira?" asked Midoriya, his hands hovering over the girl's back.

"You did all of this? For me?" asked Kira, her voice muffled since her face was pushed against the crook of Midoriya's neck. Midoriya tangled one hand in Kira's hair, the other rubbing small circles on her back as he hugged her. He hummed in response, confirming Kira's question. Kira pulled back, a thankful smile on her face as she leaned in to give Midoriya a short kiss. "I love it. You really didn't have to", spoke Kira, making Midoriya shake his head with a smile. "I wanna help however I can, so don't worry about it." Kira sighed as she leaned back in and placed a small kiss on his cheek, then his other cheek, his nose, his forehead, until they were both giggling like small kids.

"Okay, okay! I get it! You're happy!" laughed Midoriya as he pushed Kira a bit further away to allow his blushing cheeks to cool down. Kira suddenly jogged over to her backpack, rummaging through it to find the poster she bought earlier. Midoriya raised a curious eyebrow, leaning closer to try and get a look of what Kira was doing. She quickly turned around, making Midoriya jump back slightly to avoid butting heads. Kira walked over to her bed, patting the spot beside her to urge Midoriya to sit next to her. Midoriya complied and kept trying to steal a glance at the small object in Kira's hand, but she hid it behind her back before he could take a look.

Midoriya huffed and pouted as he shot Kira an unamused glance, making Kira shake her head with a smug smile. "So impatient", teased the girl, making Midoriya roll his eyes as he chuckled, raising his hands in fake surrender. "Alright, alright fine. I won't look anymore", reasoned the boy, making Kira nod her head before taking a deep breath. "I just... wanted to thank you. For everything you've been doing for me. I really appreciate it and I know this small gift won't compare to everything you've done, but I felt like I needed to give you something. So... here." Kira handed Midoriya the rolled up poster, the boy looking at her with soft eyes.

He slowly took the poster from her hands, rolling it open and staring at it with wide eyes. The poster was beautiful to him. Even though it was obviously fan made, he couldn't help but feel his heart clench painfully in his chest at the old memories. All Might reached out to small hopeless children, the sun shining behind him and the wind causing his cape to flow with its current. Midoriya grasped the poster tighter, making Kira grab onto Midoriya's wrists in a panic. "Hey! Don't do that, you'll crinkle it!" scolded Kira, before she noticed a small water droplet falling on the poster. She carefully looked up only to find Midoriya's eyes welled with tears, some of them already strolling down his cheeks.

Kira panicked and grabbed the sides of his face, wiping away the already fallen tears as fast as she could. "Hey, it's okay. I can get you another poster if you want?" spoke Kira softly while Midoriya began to shake his head. He gave her a sad smile before placing the poster on the bed beside him and reaching his arms over Kira's neck. "Thank you, Kira. I love it", spoke Midoriya in between small hiccups, making Kira slowly start rubbing soothing circles on his back. The boy accidentally pushed his shoulder against Kira's jaw, making her hiss in pain as Midoriya immediately pulled back.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to!" apologised the boy as he quickly wiped his tears, causing his eyes to slightly swell up from the friction. Kira shook her head with a reassuring smile, rubbing the sore scar that resided on her jaw. "It's fine, it's just kinda sore", spoke Kira, not entirely convincing Midoriya. He gently pulled her hand away from her face, his own replacing its spot on her scar as he gently caressed her jaw. Kira watched him closely, seeing him lean in to place a soft kiss on top of the scar. Kira could've sworn her heart melted right then and there, the sweet gesture making her cheeks heat up. 

Midoriya smiled at Kira, his cheeks adoring their own small blush as he kept his hand secure on Kira's face. "It looks beautiful", whispered Midoriya, making Kira's eyes blow wide. She had been afraid that people would see the scar as something revolting or ugly, so to hear Midoriya say this, really made her soft. Her gaze dropped down to Midoriya's scarred hand, reaching over to take it in her grasp and softly start tracing them with her fingers. Midoriya still wore a bandage over his arm from his fight with Muscular, so Kira trailed her fingers all the way to his shoulder and back as Midoriya watched her movements closely.

Kira intertwined his scarred fingers with her bandaged ones, chuckling sadly as she watched their hands. "Guess we're both badasses now", spoke the girl, making Midoriya chuckle as he squeezed her hand. "Yeah, guess we are", responded Midoriya as he used his other hand to brush a stray piece of hair out of Kira's face. Kira nuzzled into his hand, closing her eyes as she let out a sigh of relief. She felt safe here, with Midoriya. She hadn't felt so relaxed in days and that thought made her want to do the same for him. But little did she know, Midoriya had been stressed about her condition to no end, so this moment meant the world for him as well.

He gently rubbed his thumb over her cheek, his gaze soft and loving as he watched her nuzzle her face into his palm. "How are you feeling, love?" asked Midoriya, the sudden pet name catching Kira completely off guard. Her cheeks flared up as she averted her gaze, feeling utterly vulnerable at the moment and Midoriya noticed, so he didn't pressure her into responding, continuing his soft caresses on her face. "Uh, I don't know honestly", responded Kira, making Midoriya frown in worry. Though, Kira only gave him a smile as she locked eyes with his beautiful emerald ones, squeezing his hand before responding.

"All I know is that right now, I've never felt better", spoke Kira softly, causing Midoriya to sigh in happiness. He leaned in, his hand moving to the back of her neck as he pulled her closer, Kira's hand coming up to hold his arm. Midoriya slowly placed his warm lips on top of hers, both of them immediately relaxing into the kiss. Kira's heart felt like it could beat out of her chest as Midoriya gently leaned her down onto her bed, the hand that was holding hers coming loose to support himself above her, careful that his weight wouldn't cause her any discomfort. He suddenly licked her bottom lip, asking Kira to slightly part her lips, which is just what she did.

Midoriya's tongue meddled with hers, pushing his mouth impossibly closer to hers. He felt so incredibly connected to Kira at that moment, desiring to be even closer to her than he already was. One of his hands slid down and lightly lifted her shirt, rubbing his thumb over the skin of her stomach as gently as he could. Kira smiled into their kiss, her hand coming up to play with his hair. After a few more seconds, Midoriya leaned away, gazing at Kira in the most loving way she could've ever imagined he could. "I love you", spoke Midoriya softly, causing Kira to lean up and place a lasting kiss on his forehead, mumbling against his skin. "I love you too."


Dinner was... interesting to say the least. Class 1-A had forced Kira to tell them what her favourite food was and despite saying that she really didn't mind, her classmates were stubborn. Katsudon had always been her favourite ever since she had started hanging out with Midoriya, so that's exactly what the class made for her. They all did their best to cheer her up, quickly noticing that she felt very emotional and tired. So the entire evening, they did everything they could to make Kira feel better. 

Midoriya hadn't left Kira's side all day, holding her hand whenever he felt Kira get anxious or just brushing his arm against hers to let her know he was there. She couldn't be more grateful for how thoughtful and sweet Midoriya was being, the gestures making her heart bounce happily in her chest. So, because of Midoriya's behaviour, the class had started asking questions. Mina was the first to bring it up, asking Midoriya why he was behaving so clingy, which caused the boy to get flustered. Apparently, that got the others curious as well to the point where everyone's attention was on them.

Midoriya nervously looked towards Kira, a furious blush on his cheeks as he silently asked her to answer the questions. Kira sighed and shook her head as she placed her chopsticks on the table, redirecting her gaze towards her classmates. "Izuku and I are together. That's really all I'm gonna say about it, so it's perfectly normal for him to behave this way", was all she said before ignoring the other questions that were fired their way. Her classmates soon gave up, realising that Kira really wasn't gonna answer anything else on the matter. But above anything else, they were happy for them and they were satisfied with that.

After dinner, Kira had just gotten to standing up, wanting to take her plate to the sink to wash it, but Midoriya had stopped her in her tracks, telling her that he would wash it for her. Kira finally refused, not taking no for an answer because she thought the sweet boy had been doing way too much already. Midoriya pouted, but let Kira have her way nonetheless. After she had finished washing her plate, she stretched her arms above her head, closing her eyes as she felt a satisfying crack. She felt the bandages over her torso move in their place, reminding her that she still had to change them.

Before she could go upstairs though, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Kira turned around and faced Kaminari, who gave her a small smile as he looked her in the eyes. "Can we talk?" asked the blonde, making Kira perk up a bit. She nodded her head, remembering how she had promised him she would meet him after dinner, so she gestured for them to talk outside. As they were walking, Kira snuck sneaky glances towards her friend every few seconds, her eyebrows furrowing in worry as she noticed Kaminari's gloomy expression.

He'd been like that ever since she returned and Kira couldn't help but worry about him. The usually energetic blonde hadn't been the same and Kira didn't like it. Not one bit. She shut the door behind her as soon as they were outside, sitting on a bench down the stairs of the porch. She patted the spot beside her, watching carefully as Kaminari sat down next to her. He gazed towards the small grass fields that were positioned in front of them, his eyes telling Kira that he was deep in thought. "Kami..?" asked Kira softly, making the boy seemingly snap out of his daze as he turned to look at her.

He looked tired, bags clear under his eyes and his cheeks red from what seemed to be dried tears. Kira hated seeing him like this. So when Kaminari hummed to signal that she could continue talking, she shuffled closer to him, taking his hand in her own bandaged ones. "You've been acting off all day. What's wrong?" asked Kira carefully, rubbing her thumbs over Kaminari's palm. Kaminari heaved a big sigh, directing his gaze towards their hands. He swallowed thickly as he began tearing up again, quickly blinking away his tears as to not let Kira see him like that.

He cleared his throat before looking up at Kira again, his brows furrowed in a sad gaze. "I just... Look, Kira.. I know I can be a bit... flirty with girls sometimes. Even with my friends. And I know I do the same to you sometimes, but somehow, you've always felt different to me. You're not just some girl that I wanted to date. No, you're so much more than that to me. Don't get me wrong, I don't like you in that way! So don't, uh, think that I'm trying to make a move here. It's just that.. I.." Kaminari gulped again, obviously trying to find the proper way to form his sentence, but being unable to.

He was keeping himself closed off, scared to show his true emotions to someone else. And Kira knew how that felt all too well. She squeezed his hand, making him look up towards her as unshed tears gathered in his eyes, the lump in his throat making it hard for him to breathe. Kira smiled softly at him, her eyes so gentle it made Kaminari want to cry even more. "It's okay. Don't be scared to show me how you feel. I know how it is, not wanting to seem weak in front of others. But if there's one thing I learned, it's to never keep your feelings to yourself. It's okay to let it out, so take your time. I'm not going anywhere", spoke Kira, her voice almost holding the tone of a whisper.

Kaminari grit his teeth as his bottom lip began to tremble, his tears finally sliding down his cheeks and gathering on the bottom of his chin. His shoulders shook as he grasped onto Kira's hands with both of his, holding them so tight as if she'd disappear when he let go. "I-It's just that... You're so much more to me than any girl! Or any friend at that! You're my best friend and... you mean the world to me. I've never had a friend like you, and I care so much for you. I don't ever want to lose you..

So when you got taken away at camp, it completely broke me... When I heard the news, I felt like I couldn't breathe. Because I wasn't even anywhere near you when they took you! I should've been there! To help you! Because damnit Kira, I'm training to be a hero! Yet I couldn't even save my closest friend... I got so mad at myself... I thought I'd lost you forever! Then, when I saw the news, I saw you at Kamino Ward. You were all beaten up and I felt so bad! And when you let go to fight again, I got so scared... I didn't know what to do or how to act, so I cried... I missed you so much and I'm so happy you're back... So how come I can't stop feeling guilty?! I'm so sorry Kira! I'm so sorry for leaving you there!"

Kaminari was sobbing at this point and Kira had no idea how to respond. This was so unlike Kaminari, his true feelings finally making an appearance. It shocked her to no end, so she did the only thing she could think of. She quickly pulled him in for a hug, feeling Kaminari desperately cling to her shirt as he cried. His nails accidentally scratched her injuries, but Kira didn't make a move to lean away. Kaminari needed her and he was still very much afraid of Kira leaving again. She just never expected him to break down like this to the point where it seemed she was unable to calm him down.

She slowly began rocking them back and forth, letting Kaminari sob on her shoulder. Her shirt was getting wet, and her back stung from the way Kaminari held her, but she didn't care. She just wanted him to feel better. "Don't apologise for something that isn't even your fault", spoke Kira sternly, making Kaminari pull back just a little to look her in the eyes. Kira was on the verge of tears, the sight of her best friend breaking being a lot for her to handle. But she held back her tears, deciding that this wasn't about her.

"I never once even thought of blaming you. My capture was my own mistake. And they were my own issues to deal with. I hate seeing you like this and I know what I'm saying isn't gonna fix the issue. But please know, I never ever blamed you for anything that happened. You're gonna be an amazing hero, I know so. Because you're always here for me when I need it. Remember at camp, when I was so tired I could barely stand? You wanna know why I cheered up? It was because of you, Kami. You're my best friend as well and I won't ever leave you, I can promise you that. I'll always be here. Maybe not every second of the day but I'll be damned if I let some stupid brother of mine keep me from being here for you."

Kaminari immediately hugged Kira tighter once more, mumbling silent 'thank you's' between his heavy breaths. Kira rubbed his back, waiting for him to calm down as he cried. It took a while for him to calm down, so when he finally did, Kira pushed him back a little. Kaminari's arm came up to wipe at his tears, his other hand reaching over to hold Kira's wrist. She smiled at him, watching him give her the smallest of smiles in return. She decided to start playing around a bit in hopes of cheering him up, so she threw her arm around his shoulders and ruffled his hair with the other, making him chuckle as he lightly swatted at her hand.

"How about we play some video games tonight, huh? I already know I'll beat your ass at Mario Kart", teased Kira, squealing as Kaminari poked her in her side. He looked up at her, his usual smirk reappearing as he scoffed. "As if, I'll have you know I'm the ultimate Mario Kart pro!" scoffed the blonde, making Kira roll her eyes as she stood up. It was obvious Kaminari had been crying, so when they entered the building again, she made sure she was in the others' line of sight as she passed them. She knew Kaminari wouldn't want the others to know he had been crying, so she excused the both of them, quickly jogging over to give Midoriya a kiss on the cheek and bidding everyone goodnight.

Her and Kaminari competed in Mario Kart for the rest of the evening, only stopping at 1AM when Kira felt Kaminari's head drop on her shoulder. She looked over, finding him fast asleep. He must've been tired after worrying so much, so she decided she could let him sleep over in order to let him catch up on some well deserved rest. She carefully laid his head down beside her, not before skilfully snatching a pillow off her bed and laying it under his head. She silently stood up and shut off her tv, grabbing a blanket to drape it over his shoulders. When she had finally gotten in bed herself, she spared him one more glance, smiling before turning around to go to sleep herself.

Kaminari really was her best friend.


A softer chapter for y'all after all the drama :) But don't worry, I still have some drama left in me :D

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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