Another Perspective


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Willow Grey is 18 years old, sharp, attentive and intersex. Some see her as quiet and rude as her friends kno... More



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Holly's POV

Willow stands in front of me with a sheepish smile, I walk off and take a seat on my sofa. She follows me and starts making these puppy dog eyes, my main focus though is to ignore her and to read. Laying on the sofa, she climbs inbetween my legs and places kisses down my neck. "Baby" she mumbles.

"Pretty sure Mia is your baby" She groans then looks up at me. "Shouldn't you be with her right now? Actually you know what?! Take her to Berlin" She looks at me surprised as I walk away and head straight to my bedroom.

Getting my phone out, I send a quick text to Vicky. At first I was annoyed about the kiss but to be honest I don't care anymore. I find it very amusing, Gemma and Megan told me to continue acting like I'm upset. Just for a little longer. Hearing footsteps, I see Willow walk in. She has her arms crossed and looks at me as if she is trying to figure something out. "Fine. I'm going to Mia's" She grabs her keys from my bed side table then walks off.

Okay wait what?!

"WILLOW GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE" Her footsteps tell me that she's heading downstairs. Running after her, I leap onto her back and wrap my legs around her waist. "You're not going anywhere!"

"Holly. Get off me. Right now" Climbing off her, she turns around and I see that stupid smirk on her face.

Rolling my eyes, I walk to the kitchen with her following and was about to open a bottle of wine but instead I grab some water. My phone rings and I see it's Joe. Willow looks at the screen and raises a brow.

The door bell rings and she walks away to open it. A couple seconds later and Perry, Joes brother, walks in with bags and a smile. "I've spoken to Joe, he got the divorce papers. He's really sorry Holly. But I told him straight that what he did was unforgivable. I needed to see you, to make sure you were alright" Willow looks him up and down.

Perry opens the bag and takes out three bottles of red wine, some snacks and a teddy. "Thank you" I hug him tightly.

He smiles brightly, "I'll leave now. Just remember to call me whenever you need me" He walks off and gives a gentle smile to Willow. As soon as the door closes, Willow looks annoyed.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

She rolls her eyes, "Nothing" As she approaches me, her lips come in contact to mine.

When she left, I called Vicky so she could come with me to get Willows presents. We get to the gallery of the artist and see him talking to some people. As I approach the painting at hand, I look at the price and my eyes go wide. "Jesus" Vicky mumbles.

"I know right"

"Remember Gemma said to mention her name to him. I'm guessing he would give us a ten percent discount or something"


Willows POV

Tonight Waylan and I will be having a massive party for our birthdays. I'm fine with that as far as I'm drunk or high. Waylan is pretty hyped by it, he hasn't stopped talking about it. Our parents are fine with it, as far as we clean the entire house after and make sure no one ends up upstairs. I wanted just a couple of us but unfortunately my brother is friends with the entire school and the place is going to be packed.

We decided to have the party tonight because tomorrow is our birthdays and we would be traveling as well as no see each other. We opened gifts before this with our parents then they left. They are spending the weekend on a romantic weekend in the mountains. Lily should be on her way here with her boyfriend soon. I'm pretty excited to see her. I've miss my sister when she's gone, but I never tell her cause honestly I can't be arsed for the soppiness.

"I'm here hoes!" Megan shouts while bursting through the doors and leaping onto my back.

Gemma walks in with Vicky and a large smile. I wish Holly could come but she teachers like half the school and I'm not ready for all hell to break loose. Lily walks in and spots me, she squeals and hugs me tightly as I still have Megan on my back. "If you don't get off right now, I'll throw you out!"

Meg jumps off and rolls her eyes amused, "You need a smoke"


Lily gets out a bag and passes it to me. When I open it, I gasp and a wide smile forms on my face. "Thank you so much" She got me this beautiful Tommy Hilfiger leather bracelet. I spoke about it a couple of times but it became out of stock so I just forgot about it.

"Where's the other fucktard?" She asks with seriousness.

Laughing, I point to where Waylan was. We both look at him as he attempts to throw popcorn into his mouth while upside down. His friends cheer him on amusingly.

We finish up putting the decorations and start grabbing the alcohol from the cellar. The girls put the food on the table and Waylan starts hiding all the expensive stuff upstairs. By the time we're done, there's half of the school here. Checking the time I see it's only seven and I'm already done for the night. Walking to the garden, I see Lily talking to Gemma and Vicky. Megan walks towards them and passes them some drinks. Before I get to them, I spot Mia who is walking towards me.

Groaning internally, she stands in front of me with an eager smile. I could roll my eyes right mow but I'm sure it's just the alcohol talking. Before coming out here, I had a couple shots with Waylan. I'm nowhere near drunk or tipsy yet there which is unfortunate. Looking her up and down, I notice how hot she looks. She's wearing a short skirt with a cropped top that has a v cut showing her cleavage. "Happy Birthday" She says in a seductive type of voice.

She leans forward and places a kiss on my lips, then walks away with her hips swaying. My eyes follow hers until I hear someone whistle. "Hey dickbrain! Come here!" Vicky shouts and I make my way to them.

Taking a seat, they roll their eyes then pass me a drink. "Mia will definitely try to fuck you tonight"

"I wouldn't object to it" My eyes still on her.

They clear their throats, "Seems like you've forgotten someone?"

My brows raise then I remember. "Holly"

"Yes Holly you dick" Vicky retorts then shakes her head, "If you want to be dipping your dick into different holes then at least let her know"

Thinking about Holly, a brightness flares in me. I miss her. She should be here with me, instead she's at home. I know Vicky said before that she insisted on staying with her but Holly refused. I sound like a real dick. Like how I'm talking about Mia then about Holly. God get a grip Willow. AND WHY DO I KEEP LETTING HER KISS ME!

As the time goes by, we play some drinking games and pretty much the whole school is here. I see the stoners by the pool and approach them. Terry, one of stoners looks up and smiles crookedly. He is legend for the bringing the best weed as well as being a caring guy. "Ayyy birthday girl! I got you a present!" He shouts then scrambled into his pockets trying to find something. His clothes look raggedy but are clean and scent of fresh perfume elevates him. "Here!" He passes me a necklace box, there's a bow on it.

When I open it, I see a single spliff. "Woah" I don't know why but it fascinates me for some reason. It's quite big and smells strong off the bat.

"It's very special...for my special customer! Please enjoy it! And it's very much safe! I made it myself!" He says excitedly then starting taking a drag of his own.

He passes me a lighter and I immediately put the spliff to my lips, then start to light it up. Inhaling it and taking it back, I slowly keep it in for a while then let it go. It slightly burns the back of my throat but after a couple of more times, my entire body becomes floaty. The grass looks thinner and water in the pool looks like blue jello. The people around me become ghosts, nothing but figures in my painting.

As I walk away, each step feels like I'm on space. I can hear the crunch of the leaves and the bass of the music coming from the house. I take in some more and things become clearer...what am I doing here? I should be in that pool! Before I could walk towards it Mia approaches me. She looks like a God. "Woah...Holly"

Her brow raises, "Holly? Who's that?" She asks calmly while giggling.

She is definitely drunk or something, I can't put my finger on it...wait what is my finger doing.

My finger is on her chest. She smirks then presses her lips on my cheek, "I think you need to sit down and have a snack" That voice, that's someone I know. "Come on dickbrain. Let's go" Lily grabs my arm and pulls me inside. Looking behind me, everything goes  in slow mo but then I see Terry waving at me while laughing. I wave back and absolutely burst out laughing.

When we get inside, Mia walks with us to the kitchen then hugs me. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and rest my head on hers. Lily raises a brow, "Mia would you like me to get you something to eat"

Mia nods lazily and Lily walks off, in that moment, Mias hand grazes my jeans. I feel a tingle as she starts rubbing my bulge. Her lips come in contact with mine, it was so fast that it can't be human. I push her off and my eyes wide. My head feels like it's moving one tenth of its speed. Fuck me I'm hungry...

"Willow?" She asks then approaches me.

I feel to go in panic mode but something in my brain tells me not to. Grabbing the spliff, I relight it and take in a couple more drags. My head falls back on the cupboard as I lean against the counter. "Mia. I'm in love with someone...I won't be doing anything with you"

"But you kissed me"

"Actually you kissed me twice just now...god my head" Groaning, I look and see Lily walking back in with pizza. Walking towards her I grab her arm and she looks at me confused, "Drive me to Holly's"

Lily raises a brow, "Whos Holly? Where does she live?"

Forget it I'll drive.

"WAIT WILLOW" Lily shouts but my mind takes me to a happy place. A place with Holly in my arms. Ahahahha Stewie from family guy is hilarious! Fuck sake! Why are their jocks here!

"Move prick!" I shout as I push them aside. They all look at me confused then I realise that I'm not pushing any one aside. Now I'm just confused.


Holly's POV

There's a heavy knock on my door right after I hear a car turn sharply. Leaving the sofa, I pause my show and walk to the door. As soon as it open, the breeze wafts in the smell of weed. Look at the person at hand, I drag them into the house and see they drove here like this. "Willow! What the fuck!"

She laughs then grabs me, putting me on her shoulder. "I've got you a present!" She says sternly then carries me upstairs and throws me on to the bed. She then takes her shirt off and throws it at me. Laughing I grab her shirt and look at it, I immediately stop laughing. "Willow...why's there lipstick stains on your shirt"

She scoffs, "Oh it was just Mia" She says calmly. Her eyes are bloodshot and focus is everywhere. I could tell she was high from when I opened the door but this has just confirmed it.

"What'd you mean?"

She shrugs her shoulders then takes her shoes off, "She kissed me a couple times then touched me in the naughty naughty place but don't worry I stopped it" She starts giggling but all I feel is pure anger. She lays face down on my bed and looks at me for a good minute, "Oh much trouble am I in?"

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