Manan: Baby love

By user32078143

371K 22.7K 1.9K

Its a manan fanfiction. How a 15yr old boy found a new born baby and fell in love with her a first sight. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 23

3.8K 193 7
By user32078143

Next day Manik's sleep was broken because of continuous knocking of door. He opened his eyes and saw Nandini was completely sleeping on him so he slowly made her sleep on bed and went and open the door.

Manik: Dhruv you here? There's still time for everyone to wake up.

Dhruv: Manik actually I am scared.... I couldn't sleep all night... What if Alia rejected me I love her a lot man I don't want to lose her.

Manik: Calm down buddy... You love her right so believe in your love and everyone saw the love she has for you in her eyes so don't worry she is going to yours very soon.

Dhruv: Thanks yaar buddy you helped me clear my mind I was thinking to back off from my plan.

Manik: Oye don't even think of doing such thing or else next time I will make sure she rejects you.

Dhruv: No No now I am confident that after few hours she will be mine. Thanks once again and sorry to wake you up early in morning.

Manik: No worries chalo then milte hai in few hours.

Dhruv went from there and even Manik went to sleep for 2 hours.

Nandini woke up first and saw that Manik was still sleeping so she climbed on him and started poking his cheeks but he removed her hand. She again started poking him.

Nandini: Dadda wake up na... See the time we will get late.... I want my surprise.... Wake up wake up wake up. (she started shaking him)

Manik: What is it bacha let me sleep for sometime.

Nandini: No wake up we will get late.

He woke up and sat on bed Nandini on his laps. He pecked her forehead.

Manik: Good morning baby.

Nandini: Good morning.... Now hurry up we need to get ready for my surprise.

Manik: Someone is very excited Ha.

Nandini: Of course after all my Dadda has planned surprise for me. Now let's go and get ready.

They went inside bathroom. Manik was cleaning her body.

Nandini: Dadda now that I will get to know surprise in few hours why don't you tell me now.

Manik: No chance.

Nandini: Please ok if you tell me I will not throw tantrums for eating food.

Manik: Make such promises which you can fulfill.

Nandini: (thinking) How about if you tell me then you will get Nandini's special kiss.

Manik: (laughing) Still a no.

Nandini: How about 2 kisses... No No 5 kisses.

Manik: Sounds tempting.

Nandini: Isn't it.... So now tell me.

Manik: Even though it sound tempting still it's a no and no more exchange offer because I am not going to say so zip your mouth.

She pouts. They both got ready and went near reception area where everyone had decided to meet.

Manik: Good morning everyone.... Where is Cabir?

Mukti: Arey don't ask.... That idiot was still sleeping 5 min back now he woke up and went to freshen up.

Nandini: (pouting) Why does he had to wake up late today.

Navya: Don't be sad he will come in 5 min till that time let's have breakfast.

After that Cabir joined them and everyone finished their breakfast and headed towards Disneyland.
When they were few min away from their destination Manik said.

Manik: Baby wear this blindfold.

Nandini: Why blindfold?

Manik: So that you don't get to know about the place we are going.

Nandini: But I don't want to wait anymore now.

Manik: Only few minutes then you will know your surprise... Please for me.

Nandini: Only for you.

He made her wear blindfold. After 10 minutes they reached they came out of car Nandini was in Manik's arms. They all went towards the entrance and he made Nandini stand but still holding her hands.

Manik: Ok so on count of 3 you will remove your blindfold ok. (She nodded) 1..... 2.... 3 .

She removed her blindfold and opened her eyes but because of bright light she closed her eyes again. She then slowly started to open her eyes and was looking at the surrounding around her. She made a confused face but one board that she read caught her attention "Welcome to Disneyland" she was shocked to see that. She didn't even moved a bit.

Mukti: So Nandini how's the surprise?

She didn't moved a bit. She was freezed on her place.

Manik: (shaking her a bit) Nandu bacha did you like your surprise?

She looked at him still in shocked. Suddenly she started jumping.

Nandini: OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I cant believe this. Are we really standing in front of Disneyland? Please tell me this is not my dream. We are standing in front of Disneyland. This was the best surprise I have ever got.

She jumped on Manik and hugged him tight. She kissed his whole face. Later on she hugged everyone and thanked them.

Nandini: Seriously this surprise was worth waiting but now I dont want to wait anymore please lets go inside fast.

She holds Manik's hand and drag him insides while others were happy seeing their baby sister smiling wholeheartedly because of their surprise.

Mukti: Just look at her smile... She is so happy today.

Cabir: I swear to god if such things make her happy I am ready to surprise her everyday just to see that smile on her face.

Everyone: Me too.

While they were gazing her Manik called them.

Manik: Guys come on lets go.

Everyone ran towards them.

Alia: So from where do we start?

Nandini: I want to go in that ride.

Cabir: Ok then lets start from there.

After that they all went in many different rides.

Abhi: Now what next?

Cabir: Haunted house.

Nandini: No way I am not coming you all can go.

Alia: Same here even I am not going.

Cabir: Come on yaar dont be a spoil sport.

Alia: I am scared of such place.

Dhruv: Dont worry I will be with you the whole time. If you want you can even hold my hand.

Everyone just fake coughs. They both blushed.

Cabir: See Alia your problem is solved and Nandu Manik is there with you so why are you scared.

Nandini: But-

Cabir: No buts its final we are going.... Please Nanduuuuuuu.

Nandini: Ok fine.

Everyone hooted and very excited to explore such place. They all went inside the house. It was all dark just a small light was installed to lighten up the place a little.

Nandini: Dadda are you there?

Manik: Yes baby I am right behind you.

At the same time Alia saw someone coming in their direction she shouted out loud and hugged Dhruv tightly in fear.

Dhruv: (patting her head) Its gone you can now open your eyes.

She slowly opened her eyes and peaked a little and saw no one was there that's when she realised that she was hugging him so tightly so she broke the hug. Both were looking here and there.

Alia: Thank you.

Dhruv: My pleasure.

After that they continued the rest of the activity sometimes Nandini and Alia used to get scared but their partners handled them and like that they completed it.

Mukti: That was so fun.

Alia: What fun... it was so scary... I am not going in that place again in this lifetime.

Cabir: Arey but you have your "Partner" to keep you safe.

Dhruv: (gritting his teeth) CABIR SHUT UP.

Later on they went on different rides and had their lunch. That's how they spent their day.

Nandini: Lets go on Ferris wheel.

Manik: That's the last ride for day.

Cabir: Lets go in couples. What say?

Everyone agreed with him and went in couples.

Manan's POV

Nandini: Look Dadda its so beautiful. I am in love with this scene.

Manik: Its really beautiful (looking at Nandini)

She blushed.

Nandini: I am talking about the scenery.

Manik: But what can I do I cant take my eyes off you.

She was now full red because of blushing.

Nandini: Thank you for such a beautiful surprise. It was the best surprise of my life.

Manik: Anything for my baby. (He pecked her cheeks)

Manan's POV end

Let's see what our Dhrulya is doing.

Alia: Dhruv I am scared of heights please stop this thing.

Dhruv: Alia don't worry open your eyes and see how beautiful the night view is... Trust me I am with you.

Slowly she opened her eyes Dhruv holded her hand tight. When see saw the view outside she was mesmerised.

Alia: Its so beautiful..... If you wouldn't have gave me strength I would've missed this beautiful moment... Thank you so much for giving me strength and holding my hand whenever I was scared.

She hugged him because of which his heartbeat increased. He also hugged her back.

Dhruv: I will always hold your hand.

She broke the hug and saw him with a confused face. He holds her hand and said.

Dhruv: I don't know how to say this but I always want to be your strength, hold your hand whenever you feel low.... I don't know what you feel about me but for me you are precious than anything in this world..... I love you.... I don't know from when but I have realised that I love you a lot. Alia Will you be my girlfriend?

She was shocked by the sudden confession she never expected him to confess like this.

That's all for today. Hope you like it.

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