Love Never Existed - Hyunsung

Por Hanniemin9

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Why do we stop believing in love? And why is it that we believe in love? What is love in the first place? An... Más



194 16 1
Por Hanniemin9

Arriving at the bustling nightclub was harder than I thought. There was nowhere to park outside that place, so Chan hyung and I had to leave the car some blocks ahead, in front of a coffee shop.

As expected, in the club, there was loud music that made our hearts and ears feel oppressed just by the second we entered. The neon lights left us blinded. The place was so packed that it was hard to walk.

The moment we arrived here, I started to really wish to be at home, preparing Su-jin's food and watching some kid's shows with him and Kkami.

Why on earth did I agree to come to a nightclub? I didn't remember how much I don't like these places!

It was already too late to go back on my word even if I wanted.

Once you accept something, you need to keep your word until that promise is fulfilled.

That is something Jinsu's father always told me when I was young. I guess I have that wise advice well attached to me.

"Hyunjin, do you think that..."


"Do you think that..."


"Do you think that..."

This is why I hate to come to these places. You can never hear what your friends are saying. Not even if you are close to them by one inch just like Chan hyung and I right now.

"I can't hear the rest of the question, hyung!!!"

"Fuck, man! I'm just by your side. Why are you so deaf today?"

"I'm not deaf! The music is so fucking loud, hyung! Don't blame me! What did you say?"


"Aaahh~~~," I rubbed my left ear, the one Chan hyung just destroyed with his loud voice. It was so hard for me to yell just like he did, so I had to drag him near the bathrooms where the sound sounded muffled, "if he is already in this place and hasn't noticed your messages, I don't blame him. I mean...look at this place. We can't even hear ourselves..."

"That's a good point. Maybe I should try and call-" Chan hyung paused when the phone in his hand illuminated. He has been waiting for that guy to call him or tell him where he is, and it seems this is what he was waiting for.

I saw my friend scrutinizing those messages. His face seemed to illuminate, and not for the light coming from the screen of his phone.

"What did he say, hyung?"

"H-he is already here...i-in one of the tables. What tables? There are tables here? I... I don't know what we..."

"Hey...hey...relax, hyung." I said while placing my hands on his shoulders to calm him down. I could see how nervous he was, "it's okay. Ummm...tables. Yeah... I think I saw some of them, but I don't know in what direction. Let's just look around..."

He took a deep breath before nodding, "y-yeah, you are right. Let's go look around..."

Ever since Chan hyung entered this place, he had been biting his nails. He seems pretty nervous.

Who wouldn't, right?

He is going to finally meet this online friend he met who knows where on the internet. They have been friends for years now, although they haven't met in person not even once.

The reason for this is unknown to me. Chan hyung doesn't talk to me much about that guy.

Leaving that aside, I'm so happy that Chan hyung is going to meet him at last. Chan hyung is a really nice person. He cares for others, and I can see he cares for this guy more than he thinks. He says that they are just friends and that there is no feeling behind the word 'friendship'. But I don't believe any of this.

I think one day the time will give me the reason for suspecting that my friend likes that online person. I swear it is going to be like that.

Knowing this, still, I don't dare to tease him with that, because he gets in a bad mood when I do it. As I once said, Chan hyung is really sensitive to the subject of love. He takes relationships very seriously.

Even though I also do it, he is more of a serious person than I am. And that is to say a lot.

Anyway, continuing with the meeting they arranged to see each other for the first time. I don't know which one of them suggested the idea of coming to a nightclub, but that didn't sound right to me.

I perfectly understand the part of 'no one wants to be catfished...'

But...I mean...they could have chosen another place, am I right? Like a coffee shop...Hongdae...Gangnam... I don't know... Any place full of people... Even a library could have work for goodness sake!

Anyhow, I am already here, so I need to focus.

We've been here for almost an hour now. We have been walking in circles, and still, we can't find that damn table.

I don't know what's wrong with this place. It looks like a damn maze. People are shouting and pushing and the loud music is not helping much. It is not even 9:00 p.m. and there are already drunk or drugged people all over the place.

It feels like they are leading us to the same place we just came up. It looks like a never-ending circle. I feel like we can't go further than those damn bathrooms!

"Aaahhh—hyung— I swear I can't do this anymore," I said while taking a colorful necklace from my neck. The one a random guy put me on as I was passing through the crowd, "call him and tell him to meet outside."

Chan hyung nodded while taking off his own colorful necklace as well. "Okay. Maybe, we should go to that coffee shop. The one that is near our car-"

"What?! To the coffee shop?! You must be kidding me! And why didn't you suggest that in the beginning?!" I said in disbelief, "we have been walking in circles here!"

Chan hyung slapped my arm. "I didn't know this place would be like this..."

"It's a nightclub- Ugh! I'm so done with you, hyung. I'm out." I rolled my eyes and tried to go away, but he caught me.

"Hyunjin?! Where are you going?!"

"To pick Su-jin up."

"Hyunjin!! You promised-"

"Hahaha, just kidding! I'm thirsty, hyung. You have me running in circles. I'll go to buy some water."

"Then wait for me. I'll go with-"

"Huh? Why do you pause-"

"Hyunjin! It's him!" Chan said while pulling me to some meters away from where we were standing. He turned in my direction with wide eyes, "Hyunjin, look behind me! He is there. That's him! That's my friend,"

I looked at the side where he told me to look, and there I saw a guy standing on his own.

The sight was stunning, and it made me gape. That guy looked so intimidating.

"Wow!" Was the only word my lips could utter after seeing such a character.

"What? What?! Is he looking in this direction? Is he?!"

"No, he is not." I said without taking my eyes away from that guy. I was really impressed by the likes of Chan hyung, "you know...I never thought you liked...ummm...strong guys...?" I turned my face to my friend and suddenly a smirk painted on my lips, "what a taste you have, hyung~~~,"

He deadpanned and narrowed his eyes at me, "don't start with your jokes, Hyunjin. Don't you dare to make this awkward. I already told you. He is just my friend. I don't like him in that way."

"Yeah...yeah..." I rolled my eyes really hard.

How can he say that? Is he crazy or what? He just panicked a moment ago after seeing that guy!!! Why would he make things awkward?!!!! He is the only one acting awkward here!!!

"What is he doing?" Chan hyung asked eagerly after I was just glaring at him. He really forgot about what he just said...about not being interested in his friend.

See? He only acts awkwardly.

I can't be associated with this hyung anymore.

I bit the insides of my cheeks and took a long and deep breath. I did my utmost to not comment on anything. I simply said before taking a look back at that guy, "let me see what he is doing..."

Chan hyung's online friend had his head lowered, but I could see that he was of medium size. Just a little bit shorter than Chan hyung is, which is way shorter than me.

His hair is black with some blue lights. The way he is dressed is quite breathtaking, comfortable, but also eye-catching. It can be considered formal for that blue formal shirt he has, but those black leather pants are definitely not.

"Stop staring and tell me what he is doing, Hyunjin!" My friend chided.

"Easy, hyung. I was just taking a look at your- Ummm...I mean— He is just sitting down. He is alone... Ah- wait...he took his phone...and...he is now typing-"

"He sent me a message!"

"To you..." I was kind of expecting that, "hyung! Don't reply." I said when I saw Chan hyung about to do so. "Let's just go over there. You already know where he is..."

"Yeah, but..."


"I'm nervous, Hyunjin..."

"And why is that?"

"Because...I don't know..."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head. "You are not supposed to act like that if you say he is just your friend, hyung. You two are not meeting for a date. You two are just friends, remember?"

He nodded at me with sad eyes. "Yes, you are right... I-I'm sorry, Hyunjin. Forget it. Let's go..."

I raised an eyebrow at him. There was something bad with that attitude.

Why is he so stubborn? Even if they met online it is pretty obvious he fell for that guy, isn't it?

Is there anything wrong with falling for someone you met on the internet?

Love is love, right? It shouldn't be a problem.

I guess I will need to talk with him about this in the near future.

Chan hyung and I crossed the whole stage and went to the other side, where his friend was waiting for him.

We didn't even reach the table when that person spotted my friend and came to say 'hi.'

"Chan?" He asked while pointing toward my friend, "is it really you?"

The latter laughed nervously and nodded. I had to nudge on his side so he could answer with words.

"I- yeah! Hahahaha! It's me!"

"Oh, man! We are finally meeting! It's been years, huh?! You look better in person than in the camera! I swear!"

"Ah, no, no!" Chan hyung blushed, "you are the one that looks way better. You are so handsome and- I mean-"

"Oh, well, hahaha, thank you. That's...umm...really nice to hear..."

"I- um... Yeah..."

They were about to fall in a tiny awkward moment. Fortunately, that guy was quick to speak and saved the moment.

They both shared some words, inside jokes and things I just faked-laughed because I didn't know how to react.

Until five or six more minutes, they noticed that I never spoke. And it was because none of them had the audacity to introduce me or to introduce to me.

"Aahh! I'm sorry, Hyunjin!" Chan hyung apologized when he noticed his mistake, "let me introduce you to my friend. This is Changbin... Changbin, this is my best buddy...his name is Hyunjin..."

The latter reached his hand towards me and bowed politely at the same time.

"I'm also at fault. I'm sorry, hahaha! By the way, nice to meet you, Hyunjin..."

"Don't worry. It's okay. Nice to meet you too."

I responded to the greeting and introduced myself as well with a smile.

It was the only thing I said before they drifted their attention back to each other.

I could really tell they were true friends. Their conversation really seemed to flow naturally.

"Ummm...didn't you say you would be bringing someone?" Chan hyung inquired while tilting his head.

I also was wondering that since I saw that guy alone.

The guy named Changbin scratched the back of his head, a little bit embarrassed, "yes...he actually came with me, but..."

"But?" My friend asked curiously.

"He got a little bit upset about being here. He hates these places. So he left to buy water as soon as we arrived and he hasn't come back. He told me he would be around, though..."

Chan hyung chuckled and turned in my direction, "he reminds me of someone..."

" least we have something in common," I narrowed my eyes at him.

Changbin chuckled this time, " must be around his age, Hyunjin. I'm pretty sure you two would get along well. He is a nice and lovely person."

"Yes, they will. Hyunjin is also nice, and lovely," Chan said, "by the way. Didn't you say you were thirsty? You should go and get some water..."

I got pissed at that comment, but suddenly some guts overcame me. I smirked and leaned to his side, "so... Are you trying to get rid of me so soon? Should I get back to pick my baby up?"

"I'm going to kill you if you go..." My friend muttered just for me to understand.

"Oh...water? You are going to get water?" Changbin inquired, "if you see a lonely guy arguing with a waiter or someone, could you tell him to come to me please? He would definitely be my guy..."

"Arguing? Why would he argue with someone?"

He shook his head, "he is going through...some stuff..."

"What stuff?" I inquired nonchalantly.

Changbin scratched the back of his neck. He looked quite uncomfortable with my question, so I immediately tried to fix it, saying, "wait- I- I'm sorry for asking... I didn't mean it. I just said it out of mania. You don't have to tell me."

He seemed to sigh and nodded after a moment. He waved his hand, "don't worry. So, please...can you just tell him to come to me if you see him?"

I nodded, "sure. I'll be back in a moment then."

I felt so embarrassed for what I did that I didn't look at my friend. However, I could feel he was digging daggers in my skull.

I left the two of them alone on that table and ran out of it without looking back.

What Changbin said left me thinking for a good while. I guess that spending a whole year raising a baby has affected me a little bit. I am forgetting how to read a room, and when I should ask something appropriate and when I shouldn't.

I didn't know I could lose some social skills after depriving myself from hanging out with people that weren't babies or dogs.

After scolding myself a little bit, I proceeded to find that spot where drinks are sold.

I had to cross the whole stage once again. All the drunks and crazy youngsters were flirting with me as I was passing through.

I even felt how someone touched my butt.

I was not in the mood to throw hands or ask who the hell did that, so I just focused on getting out of there and approached my objective.

When I arrived at the bar for drinks, I ordered a bottle of water.

The waiter told me that they only served it on a glass with ice. So, I told him that it was okay in that way.

As I was waiting for my drink, I took a look at the surroundings.

From my point of view I could see all the people, the lights, the DJ, Etc.

My friend and his friend were out of sight, so I couldn't tell how they were doing.

Most of the people were dancing, and some of them were coming and going to this bar to buy drinks. Just a couple was to my left. They were drinking but also drowned in their own conversation.

In that same direction, at the distance, I saw a guy arguing with a waiter. It was there when I remembered what Changbin told me.

Tsk! Is that the guy he came with? He looks like a brat...

I sighed tiredly. I was not planning to go in his direction and tell him that his friend was looking for him even if Changbin asked me to do it. That looked kind of problematic.

I'd rather say I didn't see him or something.

So with this set in my mind, I took a seat and waited for the water for at least five minutes.

That glass of water was taking so long to come. But it eventually came to me.

"I'm sorry for the wait," the waiter said after a while, while handing me the glass I ordered, "I had to go and open a new bag of ice. We ran out of it. I'm really sorry,"

"Don't worry, man..." I said while taking the glass, "thank you, by the way..."

He nodded and went away to take the order of another person.

As I was drinking, I started to think of Su-jin.

I was wondering what he and the doctor could be doing. For a moment it crossed my mind to sneak out of the nightclub and go to see him, but I thought that would be a bad idea, so I just stayed there for some more minutes. I wanted to give some privacy to my friend.

"Hey, there..."

I looked up just to see the waiter show a bright smile to a guy that sat next to me.

The waiter was attending to someone to my left, but he left him mid-order when that guy arrived.

"Do you want the usual?" The waiter asked in a seductive yet respectful way. It was hard to tell if it was respectful after seeing how he slightly bit his lower lip.

The guy next to me seemed not to mind that flirting action and only nodded and handed a bill.

I got curious to know who this person was and why he made the waiter act like that just by his presence, so I turned my head to see him.

The moment I turned around to face him, my heart stopped beating.

It was as if I had seen a ghost or something.

My legs got numb, and my drink almost spilled all over my shirt.

I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.

I rapidly turned to the front and screamed inwardly.







On the outside, I seemed unbothered, but on the inside, I was dying and having a damn battle with myself.

I had to take another look, but this time longer, so I could confirm that I was in the right.

I turned once again to the front and had the same complicated reaction inside of me.


I can't believe that after all those years of searching for him were in vain, and now that I just came with Chan hyung just happened to finally find him.

I had so many mixed emotions. I felt half happy, but also half sad.

I didn't know how to even feel. Maybe I was emotional because he looked kind of different.

After all, it has been so many years, and he has changed. Just by what I saw I can see he has matured a lot.

Before in Jeju, he looked so cute and innocent. So pure and fluffy.

But now... Now he looks so damn handsome, sexy and with a tint of seriousness and mysteriousness.

I don't know what the time did to him, but he looks hella fine.

Those cute features are still there, but they have matured.

I don't know which version of him I liked the most, if the cute guy I saw in Jeju or this sexy guy it's just some seats away from me.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Where have you been my whole life?! How is it that you suddenly appear now that I have a baby?!!


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