Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

10 - Good Form

603 20 0
By bethanyjanebooks


Killian and Liam set foot onto the shore of Neverland, Liam picked up an envelope from their rowboat, "What exactly does the King have to find on this island?" Killian asked Liam shows the envelope to Killian who opened it and took out a drawing of a plant.

"A plant," Liam told him.

"We journeyed across the realms for a plant?" Killian asked.

"Our sources say it's magical. Potent enough to heal any injury," Liam said.

"So, we never have to bury another sailor at sear again," Killian said.

"Now, you understand the importance of our mission and why it's just you and me doing this mission," Liam said.

Pan appeared out of nowhere behind them, "Are you two lost?" Killian and Liam turned around swiftly and drew their swords, "You look lost to me," Pan said.

"Identify yourself, boy," Liam said.

"I'm Peter Pan, I live here. Who are you?" Pan asked.

"Captain Jones," Liam sheathed his sword, "And my lieutenant," Liam glanced at Killian before looking at Pan, "We're here by order of the King," Liam said as Killian sheathed his sword.

"The King, huh? We don't have any King's in Neverland, just me," Pan said.

"That's funny. We seek this plant," Liam pulled out the drawing and showed it to Pan, revealing the plant was Dreamshade, "Now tell us, boy, where can we find it?" Liam asked.

Pan took the picture looking at it, "Your King sent you for this plant?" Pan questioned.

"You know it?" Liam asked him.

"Dreamshade? It's the deadliest plant on the island. Your King is really ruthless," Pan said.

"Nonsense," Liam said.

Killian looked at Pan, "It's medicine," Killian said.

"It's doom," Pan looked at them both, "Why fight a messy battle when you can kill an entire army with the sap of one plant?" Pan said.

Killian leaned to his brother, "Is it possible? The King would turn poison upon our enemies?" Killian whispered.

"Don't be so gullible," Liam said to Killian and turned to Pan, "This boy is playing games and I'm quickly tiring of them," Liam took the picture from him, "Come, we should keep moving," Liam said to Killian and walked on.

Killian slowly followed him and he looked back at Pan, "Don't say I didn't warn you," Pan said as he waved Killian off.

End of Flashback

Killian made it to the top of Dead Man's Peak, he was about to throw the rope down to the others when Pan appeared in the distance out of nowhere, "Don't pull them up yet," Pan said behind them and the pirate captain slowly turned around to see Pan standing at a distance.

"What do you want?" Killian asked.

"To offer you a deal. Come back and work for me, like the old days," Pan said.

The pirate captain chuckled, "I don't miss the old days," Killian said.

"What if I were to offer you something hard to come by," Pan teleport right in front of Killian, "Passage off the island," Pan said.

Killian shook his head, "Still no interested," He said.

"What if I were to sweeten the deal? You can take someone with you... Elaine?" Pan said.

"She wouldn't leave without her children," Killian said.

"She did once before," Pan said.

"And she's regretted it," Killian said.

"We've known each other a very long time, Killian. We've done business before and I think this is the perfect time to restart that relationship," Pan said.

"What if I'm not interested?" Killian said.

"Of course you are. Because that's what I've always liked about you. You're good at surviving," Pan said.

"What do you want me to do?" Killian asked.

"Be in my employ. Do my dirty work," Pan said.

"What dirty work?" Killian asked.

"When the time comes, I'll let you know. But first, I need a signal that you've taken my deal," Pan said.

"So my word right now wouldn't be good enough?" The pirate captain questioned.

"You know me," Pan teleported behind him, "I like action. I'll know you've taken my deal when I see the prince's dead body up on that peak," Pan said.

"Oh, you'll see that anyway. He's on his last legs thanks to dreamshade," Killian said.

"I wanna see you kill him before he poison. I want to see your hook inside his body," Pan said.

"And what if I don't take your offer?" Killian questioned.

"Remember the last time you didn't listen to me," Pan pulled Captain Hook's flask out of his jacket but the captain swiftly took it back, "Have a drink. You know it always helps you think," Pan said and disappeared.

David climbed up to the top of the cliff and Killian saw him, "Bloody hell. I told you to wait," Killian said and helped him up as Elsie, Kerr and Aimee appeared in grey smoke behind them.

David was panting, "Were you talking to someone?" David asked.

"Just talking to myself. It's an old habit from many nights on the lonely seas," Killian said.

David looked down to see the pirate captain holding a flask, "Well, I'm glad to see you're enjoying the refreshments while you do it," David said.

"Apologies, mate. It isn't much farther now," Killian said as he put the flask back into her inside pocket as David walked on and the others followed after him.

"He's just a dad, he'll get used to you," Elsie said.

"Doubt it," Kerr said.


On top of Dead Man's Peak, Killian and Liam was walking towards a dreamshade plant and Liam compared it to the one in his drawing, "Well, it certainly doesn't look like medicine," Killian said looking at the plant.

"You choose to believe that boy over our King, your loves father?" Liam asked as he put the drawing away.

"That boy showed us the path to the dreamshade. Why would he lie about its nature?" Killian asked.

"To keep it all for himself. You actually think our King would send us to retrieve something so dangerous, put you in danger when you're together with Esme," Liam said and walked over to the plant for a closer inspection.

"I would hope not. This is not what I signed up for," Killian said.

"You signed up to listen to your King," Liam said.

"Because I think he was a... A man of honour," Killian said.

"He is!" Liam said looking at him.

"If this is a poison it won't just end the war, it will obliterate an entire race," Killian asked.

"What do you know of any of this? I am your brother and your captain. You will listen to me," Liam said.

"No, I'll fight my enemies, but I'll fight fair," Killian said.

"Then allow me to disabuse you of that illusion," Liam said as he drew his sword, cut off a branch from the dreamshade bush. Liam turned to Killian and showed him his arm, he dragged one of the thorns up from his wrist.

"Brother! Don't!" Killian said.

"See? Perfectly fine. I told you," Liam turned to the plant, "Our King would never lie to us. Now, let's collect our specimens and get off this-" Liam suddenly paused and began gasping in pain.

"Liam?" Killian said.

"Killian..." Liam said and turned back to Killian, showing his veins were turning black from the dreamshade.

"Your arm!" Killian said and raced over to his brother's arm and supported Liam as he started to fall, gasping in pain.

"I'm sorry, brother," Liam said weakly.

"No... No. No!" Killian yelled.

End of Flashback

The other half of the group of heroes had Devin tied to a tree and Elaine stood opposite him to interrogate him, "It's too late! Henry is a Lost Boy and Julia is a Lost Girl, now! Your children are two of the most vicious recruits we've had in ages!" Devin said.

Elaine started to choke him but was pulled back by Emma and Mary Margaret, "Don't let him get to you, okay?" Mary Margaret said.

Katy and Regina looked at each other before looking at the other, "Move aside," Regina said and stepped forward but Mary Margaret blocked them.

"Why?" Mary Margaret asked.

"So I can rip his heart out!" Regina said.

"Then he'll do exactly what we want," Katy said.

"This is not how we do things! Katy, I thought you knew that!" Mary Margaret said.

"I do know that! But sometimes you need to go a little dark to get what you want," Katy said.

"Elaine, we can find another way," Mary Margaret said.

"Really? And what do you think, Elaine?" Regina asked. 

Elaine looked at Regina and Katy, angry at what Devin said, knowing they were right, "I think we need to talk to our kids," Elaine said.

"We can't do this! That is brutal-," Mary Margaret began to say.

"Done it," They turned to see Faye holding Devin's heart, "Sorry, you were taking too long so I just went for it," Faye said.

Mary Margaret looked at her, disappointed, "I'm sorry Mary Margaret," Elaine said.

"You don't have to apologise to me. It's Henry and Julia I'm worried about," Mary Margaret said.

"I know. That's why I'm willing to let them do whatever it takes," Elaine said.

"When we get to them. I just want to make sure the line is still there," Mary Margaret said.

"What line?" Emma asked.

Katy and Regina untied the ropes binding Devin to the tree and Faye motioned him to follow as they walked to the other.

"The line between what they're willing to do, and what Elaine is willing to do," Mary Margaret said.

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get them home!" Elaine said.

"But the cost can't be this family," Mary Margaret said.

"It won't be," Elaine said.

"Second thoughts?" Regina asked as she handed KYy a compact mirror.

Elaine looked at her, "Let's get them that message," Elaine said.

"Oh, we're going to do more than that," Regina said.

Katy broke the compact mirror in half and handed one half to Devin, "You're gonna see them," Katy said.

At Dead Man's Peak, Aimee, Elsie, Kerr, Killian and David approach the dreamshade vines. Killian sighed, "Well, since you're dying from the stuff, you won't mind if we stand back while you...?" Killian said.

"Yeah," David rounded Killian as he drew his sword and raised it to the captain's neck, trapping him between the blade and the dreamshade veins, "I know about your deal with Pan," David said.

"You heard that, then?" Killian questioned.

"Yeah, I heard that," David said.

"We all did..." Elsie said.

"Then you know I didn't agree," Killian said.

"He's got a point," Kerr said.

"Yeah, you also didn't disagree," David said.

"Oh, now he has a point," Aimee said.

"Don't you see? This is what he wanted, to turn us against each other," Killian said and grunted as David pressed the blade against his neck.

"Well, it worked," David said.

"You already didn't like him before, so it doesn't matter," Aimee said.

"You're making the poison spread quicker, mate," Killian said.

"I don't care. I just have to last long enough to get the sextant back to my family. Now, take me to it!" David said.

"My brother didn't lose his satchel up here! I made that up," Killian said.

David slowly lowered his sword in disbelief, "What about the insignia?" David said.

"I dropped it on the path so you'd find it," Killian said and inhaled deeply.

David looked at the three young adults, "You three knew?" David asked.

"Yeah," Elsie said.

"Why?" David asked as he looked at Killian.

"Because I knew you'd never make the journey here if I told you the truth," Killian said.

"The truth? The truth... You brought me here to die?" David asked.

"I brought you here to save your life!" Killian said.

"You're a liar!" David grunted and charged at Killian who punched him in the nose making David fall backwards and knocking him out when he hit the ground.

"Hook!" Elsie said.

"He'll live... Trust me," Killian said.

"Fine, if he doesn't we won't stop mom from tearing you apart," Elsie said.


Killian was hovering over Liam's unconscious body, "Come on, Liam!" Killian shook his brother, trying to rouse him, "Hey, hey. Let's get you back to the ship, come on," Killian said as his voice began to break and he tried to pick his brother off the ground.

"I tried to warn you. He'll die as soon as the poison reached his heart," Pan said and walked towards Killian who looked up at him.

"Please. He's my brother, he's all I have left of our family," Killian whispered, pleading the younger boy to help.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have goaded him into it," Pan said.

"He's so stubborn. I didn't mean to, can you help me?" Killian asked.

Pan sighed deeply, "Well, it might not feel like it, but today's your lucky day. There is a way to stop him from dying," Pan told him.

Killian stood up, "Tell me," Killian said.

Pan walked over to the dreamshade plant and waved his hand, revealing a spring that was tucked away behind it, "This spring. These waters are rich with the power of Neverland. It's what keeps this land and all on it so... Young. If one was to drink directly from it, its powers could cure any ill," Pan explained.

"Thank you," Killian said and walked toward it but Pan stopped it.

"But... I must warn you," Killian looked at him, "All magic comes with a price and that spring is no exception. Don't leave the island unless you're willing to pay it," Pan said.

"Of course, what you want. It's yours," Killian said and walked to the spring, he filled up his canteen with water from the spring. He walked back to Liam and poured it into Liam's mouth, "Brother!" Killian said.

Liam woke up, "That's Captain to you," Liam wiped his mouth and Killian laughed in relief, "What happened?" Liam asked as he sat up.

"It doesn't matter. Now, let's pay the boy," Killian said as he stood up.

"How?" Liam asked.

"Boy! What do you want?" There was silence as Pan had disappeared, "Boy?" Killian called out.

End of Flashback

At Pan's camp, Henry and Julia were sitting on the outskirts as he drew a picture of a house in the dirt with a stick as Devin approached them. Julia and Henry stood up and looked at him, "I don't want to fight again, okay?" Henry said as Julia stayed behind Henry.

"I didn't come to fight. I came to deliver a message," Devin pushed the Mills twins further towards the clearing, the picture in the dirt disappeared as the Mills twins shuffled backwards, "Your family is here," Devin said.

"What?" The Mills twins asked.

"They're on the island trying to find you," Devin said as Regina was at the other camp, holding Devin's heart, controlling his words and actions.

"Y...You...You're making this up because I cut your cheek. You're trying to get back at me," Henry said.

"Look," Devin said and he handed Henry the half of the mirror Katy gave him earlier and Devin left to go stand guard.

Henry and Julia looked into the mirror to see Mary Margaret, Elaine, Katy, Daniella, Emma, Regina and Faye, "Henry, Julia  are you okay?" Regina asked in the mirror.

"Henry! Julia! Can you hear us?" Elaine asked in the mirror.

"Mom?" Henry said.

"We're here too, Henry, Julia!" Mary Margaret said.

"Hi, kid!" Emma said.

"Kids, are you okay?" Katy asked.

"Hi," Daniella said as she waved.

"We're here and we're not leaving without you two," Faye said.

"No..." The Mills twins looked at Devin, "This is a trick," Julia said.

"No. No, this is not a trick, kids," The Mills twins looked at Elaine, "I promise you this is real. Kids, it's Operation Cobra Rescue. It's us," Elaine said in the mirror with tears in her eyes.

"Y...You're here?" Henry asked.

"Yes. We're coming to get you," Emma said.

"Kids... Whatever Pan says, do not listen to him, please... Don't, he'll lie to get you to do whatever he wants, promise us," Faye said.

Henry glances to the side as he heard someone, "There's someone coming," He checked again and saw Pan walking through the brush into the camp, "It's Pan. We gotta go," Henry said.

"Henry, Julia," Regina began to say in the mirror as the others stammered.

"We... We gotta go," Julia said.

"We love you!" Regina said in the mirror. 

Henry dropped the mirror, shattering it and walked back to camp.


Killian and Liam were back on the Jewel of the Realm inside the Captain's Quarters as the ship flew over Neverland, "How are you feeling?" Killian asked him.

"Shipshape," Liam sighed and looked at him, "Killian... I should've listened to you," Liam said.

"Oh," Killian waved off the comment and stood up, "I'm just glad you survived. What now, brother?" Killian asked.

"We reveal our King's cowardice and protect Esme from any crossfire," Liam said and rounded his deck then grabbed his coat.

"Well, let's hope the realm sides with us... I am worried about Esme," Liam looked at him, "Hopefully she sides with us," Killian said.

"Oh, they are," Liam put his coat on, "To fight battles with unholy weapons is, as you say, bad form and I've seen Esme love you as a drunk, trust you even then, she'd trust you now," Liam said.

"Aye, you're right," Killian put his hands on his brother's shoulders, "I will follow you till the ends of the earth, brother," Killian said.

"But before following me to the ends of the earth, marry that girl and become more of an honest man," Liam said.

"I plan to," Killian said.

"Off-stage!" Crewman announced, "All hands, brace for landing!" The ship creaked and waves crashed as they set down in the water, "Land ho!"

Killian chuckled and looked out onto the ocean through the window, "What do you say, Liam?" Liam was quietly gasping, "You want some company when you report to the Admiralty?" Liam grunted and fell to the ground, Killian turned to his brother realising he was in pain, "Liam?" Killian said.

Liam continued to groan and gasp for air, "No, no!" Killian ran to Liam, "Liam! Liam!" Killian took his brother into his arms, "No, no, no, no! No, no, no!" Killian shouted, "Help! Help!" Liam gasped and then went limp, dying in Killian's arm, "Liam..." Killian said as his voice broke and he started to cry.

End of Flashback

David was still unconscious on the ground as Killian took out his canteen. Killian grunted as he stood up straight, "Bloody hell," Killian covered his face, drew his sword and began to hack away at the overgrown dreamshade.

"Maybe we'd be useful?" Aimee suggested.

Killian looked at them, "Oh, aye," Killian said and stepped away as the three young Nightingales used their magic to move the dreamshade to a safe distance for Killian.

"Cheers," Killian said and walked over to the spring, filled up his canteen with the water from the waterfall before he walked back, he checked himself over for scratches and sighed in relief, seeing none.

"Did you doubt us?" Elsie asked.

"Never," Killian walked over to David, he poured some of the waters into his mouth, "Mate, wake up," Killian said and slapped David awake gently.

David coughed, "Hey! Get off me!" David said as he struggled to get away from them.

"Hey, whoa, whoa!" Killian pushed him back gently, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa. Look," David paused breathing heavily as the pirate captain held up the canteen and David looked at it, "In this canteen is the water that will stop the dreamshade and will save your life," Killian said.

David was coughing, "That's why you brought me up here?" David asked.

"Yes," Killian said.

"You knew I wouldn't come on my own, that I wouldn't leave my family," David said.

"That you were stubborn? Yes, I gathered that rather quickly," Killian said.

"Makes you prefer for our mom," Kerr said.

"Oh, are you accepting that?" Aimee asked.

"Hardly, she's not the other woman type," Kerr took the canteen from Killian, "If you pick one of them and stick, you can drink. I don't care which one you pick, but no more stringing our mother along," Kerr said.

"Branston..." Elsie said.

"No, I've had enough. She's been through this twice nearly, it's time to choose David. Who can't you live without?" Kerr asked.

David inhaled deeply and nodded, "I know, I know now," Kerr sighed in relief, "Well, give it to me," David said.

Killian took the canteen and David looked at the pirate captain confused, "There's something you need to know first. Because its power comes from the island, once you drink this water, you can never leave Neverland," Killian told him.

"Well, my threat doesn't work anymore," Kerr said.

"It's a small price to pay for what I get in return, the chance to save my grandchildren..." David panted, "And to help my family get home and tell the woman I love, I love her," Killian gave him the canteen and David drank it all. David lifted his shirt, laughed in relief as the effects of the dreamshade disappear and Killian helped him up, "One question, why risk your life for me when there wasn't anything for you in return?" David asked.

"Oh, I didn't do it for you, mate," Killian winked and smiled, "The faces of Esme... They've either had a terrible father or a terrible husband, Elaine luckily, she has neither of them. She may not tell you, but she sees you as a dad... Like I said, I know your daughter better than you," Killian said.

"So she could be fine? She could live?" David asked.

"I hope so, mate. No crazy husband to worry about whether Bae was alive or not... And she's not ill... But being on this island, it's a deathtrap... So, if you don't mind, can we go?" Killian asked.

"Sure," David said.

"We'll do it... Walking with you two is a nightmare," Aimee said.

Elaine, Katy, Emma, Mary Margaret, Daniella, Evangeline, Sebastian, Roxanne and Regina walked back to their clearing after talking to the Mills twins, "You think they're okay?" Mary Margaret asked.

"They're fine," Elaine said.

"You know this how?" Regina asked.

Elaine looked at her, "Because they're our kids, and they're survivors, and now they have something to survive for. They know we're coming and we're not gonna let them down," Elaine said.

"Told you it would work," Katy said.

"I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm just..." Mary Margaret sighed as the Swan trio looked at her, "I know how easy it is to give in to the darkness. I didn't want you to-," Mary Margaret said.

"They didn't. I did," Faye interrupted.

"That's what we're here for. One happy family," Regina said.

"One confusing happy family," Evangeline said.

"Indeed," Faye said.

Aimee, Elsie, Kerr, David and Killian appeared in grey smoke and the others turned to them, "Stand down, it's us!" David said and they all lowered their weapons, David walked over to Faye and hugged her, lifting her up.

"Whoa," Faye held on as she looked surprised, "Err... What's with the squeeze?" Faye asked.

"I'm sorry," David said as he put her down.

Regina looked at the pirate captain, "Uh, where is the sextant?" She asked.

"I'm afraid Pan got to it first," Killian said and he sighed deeply.

"I'm not complaining but what's going o-," Faye began to say.

"I love you," David said.

Faye stared on shocked, "You want to do this now?" Faye asked.

"Seriously?!" The Swan trio said as Daniella sighed.

"Now or never. I love you, Faye," Faye glanced at Mary Margaret and David walked towards Mary Margaret, "I'm sorry Mary Margaret," David said.

"How long..." Mary Margaret asked.

"When you were in the Enchanted Forest... Maybe before," David said.

"Has... Has anything happened between you?" Mary Margaret asked.

"No," Faye lied and Regina looked at her.

"Promise?" Mary Margaret said.

"...Yeah," Faye said.

Mary Margaret looked at David, "Our marriage has been dead for a while now... Just wish it was under better circumstances," Mary Margaret said and removed her ring before handing it back to him.

"You're taking this well..." Kerr said.

"I punched her when it was the shadow, without her magic... I'm not stupid enough to fight her," Mary Margaret said.

"You can... I won't fight back... You can get a punch in," Faye said.

"No... I... I had a feeling about you two for a long time... It's okay," Mary Margaret said.

"This is too easy," Elsie said.

"Cilla, you okay, love?" Killian asked.

"I'm okay... Just wanting her to punch me, really..." Faye said.

"I'm not going to punch you!" Mary Margaret yelled.

"Fine yell at me then, you yelled at the shadow but haven't said anything to me, what did you say?" Faye asked.

"Do we really need to go through that again?" Evangeline asked.

"You want me to yell, okay I'll yell at you. You ruined my marriage! You've stolen my husband! What do you want now, my kids? My home?" Mary Margaret yelled.

"I did not mean to break up your marriage, but you were attacking Regina and Katy, making them feel like shit. If anyone broke up your marriage, it was you. I never told David I loved him, I never made my feelings known. We got close when you were away and I was hurt because of Graham and he helped me, but I never changed how I was, if he fell for that, that isn't my fault!" Faye said.

"Don't fight... Please... It hurts my head," Daniella said.

"Sorry sweetie," Faye said.

David looked at Mary Margaret, "I am sorry... I can't keep lying about it," David walked over to Faye and she looked at him, "Sorry it took me a long time," David said and he kissed her.

The Swan twins looked away awkwardly, "Okay, we're now... Complaining," Emma said.

"Us too," Elsie said as she and Kerr looked away.

"What I wouldn't give for another sleeping curse," Regina said.

"Who you putting under?" Katy asked.

"At this rate with them two, myself," Regina said.

"I'm in," Katy said.

"Heard that," Faye said.

"Hook... He saved my life," David said as he held Faye close to him.

"You sure you want to tell them that, mate?" Killian asked.

David slowly released Faye, "On our trek, we were ambushed by Lost Boys. Pinned down, outnumbered. But Hook, he risked his life to stop me from getting hit by a poisoned arrow but if it wasn't for Hook, I wouldn't be alive," David walked over to the pirate captain and looked at Killian, "Your flask, please," The pirate captain handed it over to him, David raised it in a toast, "I thought he deserved a little credit," David said.

"Thank you," Killian said.

David took a swing and coughed before handing the flask to Mary Margaret who took it, "To Hook," Mary Margaret said she took a swing and handed it to Regina.

"I don't do rum," Regina said and walked away.

Emma took the flask, "To Hook," Emma said and drank some, handing it to Faye.

"To captain," Faye said and drank some before handing it to Elaine and they walked away leaving, Elaine and Killian alone.

"I hate rum," David said.

"Didn't have to drink it," Faye said.

"We didn't," Sebastian said.

Elaine smiled at him, "To Killian," Elaine drank some before handing it back, "You really save his life?" Elaine asked.

He took the flask, "That surprise you?" Killian asked.

"Well, you and David aren't exactly... How do you say it?... Mates?" Elaine said with a smile.

Killian smiled at her, "I couldn't let your father perish on this island," He said.

"Thank you," Elaine said.

"Uh..." He stepped closer to her and scratched the nape of his neck, "Perhaps gratitude is in order now," Killian said with a smirk.

Elaine chuckled softly and shook her head, "Uh, yeah. That's what the 'thank you' was for," Elaine said.

"Mm... That's all your father's life is worth to you?" Killian asked and he stepped closer again.

"Please," She rolled her eyes and smirked, "Couldn't handle it," Elaine asked.

"Perhaps it's you," Killian stepped closer, "Who couldn't handle it and who needs to give up," Killian whispered.

Elaine looked at him and glanced at his lip, "Screw it," Elaine said and grabbed his collar, pulling him closer and kissing him passionately, he instantly responded and held her close.

Killian lifted her up and pressed her against a tree as they kissed, holding each other close before they both reluctantly pulled away for air, "That was, uh..." Killian said.

"Uh-huh," Elaine said as she nodded and breathed heavily before he let her stand properly.

"Elaine?" She hummed and looked at him, "You okay, love?" Killian asked.

"Feels familiar... Just getting used to that a lot with you," Elaine said.

"Keep me informed, okay?" Killian asked.

"Promise... Can you... Can you, uh, get us some firewood, please?" Elaine asked.

"Sure," Killian said.

"Thanks," Elaine said and kissed his cheek before she walked away back to the group.

Killian turned to walk in the other direction and exhaled heavily, "That was different," Killian muttered.


Aboard the Jewel of the Realm, the crew staged a burial at sea for their late Captian Liam Jones, dropped his wrapped body into the sea, "This belongs to you now," A young crewman handed Killian a bag with an insignia, "Captain," He said.

Killian held the bag carefully looking at it as he brushed his thumb over the insignia, "You will never leave my side, Brother..." He said quietly to himself and looked at the crew, "We are sworn... To serve the King and this realm, " Killian handed the bag to a crewman and took a torch, "They sent us to retrieve an unthinkable poison, one that killed our dear Captain," Killian ran and stood near the Pegasus sail, "Never again shall anyone sail to that cursed land," Killian set the sail on fore by the torch, "And never again shall we take such orders!" Killian said.

"Yes! Here! Here!" The crew members said

"Serving the King! Fighting his wars!" Killian said.

"No!" The crew said.

"That is the way of dishonour! And all you who disagree, flee now or walk the bloody plank! For those who stay will be free men and I will be your Captain!" Killian said.

"Aye!" The crewmen said.

"We'll sail under the crimson flag and we'll give our enemies no quarter. We'll take what we please!" Killian said.

"Yes!" Crewmen said.

"We'll live by our own rules," The crew cheered, "For that is the best form of all!" Killian said.

"Yeah!" The crew said.

"Our kingdom is corrupt and immoral. They took my brother from me and I'm gonna take everything they've got!" Killian said.

"Yes!" A crewman said.

Killian moved for the sails and crossed the ship, "Starting with this ship," The crew cheered, "Bring the paint from below!" Killian ordered.

"Sir?" A young crewman said.

"It's time we rename this vessel. We no longer sail as the Jewel of the Realm," Killian removed his coat, "We now sail as the Jolly Roger!" Killian said and threw his coat overboard.

"Yes! Yeah!" Crewmen said as they started to cheer.

"And when they come for us, I want them to know what we are! Pirates!" The crew cheered, "For at least among thieves there is honour!" Killian yelled.

"Long live Captain Jones!" The young crewman yelled and the crew cheered.

The crew started to remove their coats throwing them overboard, "Captain Jones! Captain Jones! Captain Jones! Captain Jones! Captain Jones! Captain Jones! Captain Jones! Captain Jones! Captain Jones!" The crew chanted.

Killian took out a sketch of Esme and he smiled, "I'll be home soon, love," Killian said.

Elsewhere, Esme was standing on the balcony of her room looking out to the sea, "Come home soon Killian, please," Esme said and she glanced back into her room sadly.

End of Flashback

Killian was collecting firewood and he sighed and hear someone clear their throat, he turned to see Pan, "You really should have taken my deal," Pan said as he walked over to him.

"It looks like I don't need your help with Elaine after all, mate," Killian said.

"What you actually think that kiss meant something?" Pan asked amused.

"I do. I think it means she's finally seeing me for the man I am," Killian said.

"What?" He scoffed, "That you're a one-handed Pirate with a drinking problem? I'm no grown-up, but I'm pretty sure that's less than appealing" Pan said with a smirk.

"A man of honour," Killian said as he looked at him while capping his flask.

Pan stepped up to him, "So tell me, what would a 'man of honour' such as yourself do with a big, fat secret?" Pan asked.

He sighed, "Um... Well, that depends what the secret is," Killian said.

Pan smirked, "Baelfire," Killian looked at him in disbelief, "Neal," Pan leant against a tree, "Whatever name he goes by these days. The guy Elaine truly loves. Henry's and Julia's father," Pan said.

"What of him? He's dead," Killian said.

"No, I'm afraid not," Pan smirked, "He's alive. That's not even the best part," Pan turns and started to walk away by spinning and walking backwards into the forest, "He's in Neverland," Pan said

"Is he?" Killian asked darkly.

"Oh, yes. Can you believe it? I'm sure that Elaine would love to know that her children's father is still alive and we both know what happens to Elaine when the ex and you are in her life at the same time. But I'd hate to get in the way of a..." He smirked, "Budding romance. So, I'll leave it up to you to tell them or not," Pan turned and started to walk away, "Let's see what kind of man you really are," Pan said with a chuckle and walked on before disappeared as Killian looked lost for what he should do.

Felix and four Lost Boys were carrying Neal's cage through the forest and Pan walked over to them, "How's our guest?" Pan asked Felix.

"We drugged him. He'll be asleep for a while. Where do you want him?" Felix asked.

"Hang him up. Over there. Next to the other one," Pan looked to the side, "Someone new is here," Pan said.

"Neverland?" Felix asked.

"Deal with Neal, I'm gonna check this out," Pan said and walked away as Neal's cage was slowly being lifted into the air next to a cage that was silently shaking.

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