Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

30.7K 1K 81

The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

6 - Quite a Common Fairy

519 23 3
By bethanyjanebooks


At Pan's camp, he, Julia and Henry were watching the Lost Boys who were talking or messing around with arrows, "Look at the fun they are having. The thing with this place, Julia, Henry, is that no one tells you no. You can do as you want," Pan said.

"Do they never hurt themselves?" Henry asked.

"All the time. Sometimes I had four boys with missing fingers. Cost of the game. They don't mind," Pan said.

"We don't belong here," Julia said.

"Actually, you both do. We've been waiting for you two for a very long time. Long before you both were even born," Pan said.

"I don't believe that," Henry said and Julia shook her head.

"You should. This place runs on imagination. On belief. But your world stopped believing. Magic is dying," The Mills twins looked at him, "And you both, need to save it," Pan said.

"In our world, you mean?"Henry asked.

"In every world. You need to bring it back. That's your destiny. To return the magic. To be the saviours," Pan said.

"Our mom and aunt, Elaine and Emma are the saviours. Not us," Henry said.

"They broke some curse, yeah," The Mills looked at him questioningly, "Oh, I know more than you think. But what if breaking the curse wasn't the thing that made that the saviours. What if Elaine having you two was. Think about it. You both descend from the greatest of light and of dark. Believing that's a coincidence that the sprout of the Dark One met your mother? You were created for a reason and I can help you find it," Pan said.

"So you're thinking we're supposed to save magic?" Julu3a asked.

"I'm not thinking. I believe. Remember, I've said I've something to show you," Pan handed them a scroll, "Here. I had this for a very long time. Long before you were even thought about. Take a look and you'll know why I'm so sure you're the hero magic has been waiting for," Pan said.

Henry took the scroll and without looking at it, he dropped it to the ground, "I don't believe you," Henry said.

"I don't either," Julia said.

Pan chuckled, "You remind me of your father," Pan said.

Enchanted Forest...

Neal, Mulan and Robin were preparing to summon Pan's shadow with the help of Roland, "I'll be right here, next to the window. Robin, behind the table. Neal, you need to be there, under the sill. You'll come up right under the shadow," Mulan said.

"That's a good plan," Robin said.

"I know," Mulan said.

Neal and Robin pushed a piece of furniture under the sill, "Hood. Man, thanks again," Neal said.

"Thank me when your family is back together," Neal shrugged, "What?" Robin said.

"I'm gonna save them. But back together, we'll see," Neal said.

"I thought you said you loved them," Robin said.

"I do. But we shall see if I can win her back," Neal said.

"Why wouldn't you?" Mulan asked.

"'Cause I screwed up the first time. Hopefully, I'll get another chance. When Elaine told me that she loved me I waited way too long before I said I felt the same. I won't make that same mistake again," Neal said.

"I'm sure she'll forgive you," Mulan said.

"I hope so. I've learned that lesson the hard way. When you love someone you don't keep it in. You say it," Neal said.

The door opened and Little John walked in with Roland, "You ready?" Little John asked as he put Roland down.

"I suppose. Come here, little man," Robin crouched down as Roland made his way over to him and Robin hugged him, "Now," Robin pulled away, "Daddy's gonna be right there," He pointed to the table, "Okay? It might be loud, but nothing's gonna hurt you. You understand?" Roland nodded, "You remember what you have to say?" Robin asked.

"Yeah. I say-," Roland began to say.

"No!" Robin said.

"No! No! Not yet!" Mulan said.

"No! Wait, wait, wait," Neal said.

"Not yet. Positions," Mulan said, Neal moved over to under the windowsill and Mulan stood next to the window.

"Okay," Robin hugged Roland and then crouched behind the table, Roland looked at him, "Okay, Roland. Sat it," Robin said.

Roland looked at the window, "I believe," Roland said.

Nothing happened, "Maybe if he says it again. Just once more," Neal said.

Robin started walking over to his son, "No, I'm sorry, mate. That's it," Robin said.

Suddenly, the windows open and the shadow entered the room, Robin rushed over to his son as the shadow grabbed Roland by his sleeve.

"No!" Roland yelled.

"Hey!" Robin yelled and wrapped his arms around his son, to pull him from the shadow's grasp.

"I got him," Mulan swung her sword towards the shadow, hurting it and it began to retreat, "Neal, go!" Mulan said.

Neal leapt out of the window and grabbed onto the shadow's ankle. Robin, Mulan and Roland stood in the castle watching Neal.


Years later, Prince Charming was walking through the Royal Castle and he walked over to a window to see Priscilla standing in the courtyard talking with Aleena and Branston before Tinkerbell walked over to them.

At the courtyard, Priscilla looked at Tinkerbell, "What's with the walking?" Priscilla asked as Aleena and Branston walked away.

"I lost my wings..." Tinkerbell said.

"Because of..." Priscilla asked as she pointed to herself.

"Not you... Don't worry about it... What are you doing in this castle?" Tinkerbell asked.

"Helping... A friend," Priscilla said.

"Him?" Tinkerbell asked.

"...And his wife," Priscilla said.

"You're torturing yourself," Tinkerbell said.

"I know... I know," Priscilla said.

"Oh sweetie," She hugged her and Priscilla returned the hug, "I'm sorry," Tinkerbell said.

"It's okay... I'm ignoring it and I'm doing okay," Priscilla said as they pulled away.

"Pri?" Prince Charming called out.

"I'll see you around Priscilla," Tinkerbell said and walked off.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt," Prince Charming said.

"It's okay, she rarely stays long," Priscilla looked at him, "Everything okay?" Priscilla asked.

"Yeah, I just wanted to check you were okay," Prince Charming said.

"One day I will be," Priscilla said and walked away.

End of Flashback


Faye and David were getting their clothes back on, "So, uh... What now?" Faye asked.

"Uh... I don't... I don't know," David said.

"Of course, you don't," Faye said as she sorted her hair out.

"Pri..." She looked at him, "I've been hurt by dreamshade, I'm not deciding anything because I can't," David said.

"Let's go to our families," Faye said.

"Pri... Come on," David said.

"Come on, what? What do you want me to say? Oh, thank you for not deciding? Thank you for having sex with me only to not stay with me?" Faye said.

"You know as much as I do, what we just did we wouldn't have unless we were made to," Faye looked at him and his eyes widened, "That... That came out wrong," David said.

"Screw you," Faye started to walk away then she turned back to him, "I had this with Graham cursed for 28 years, his forced affair at least he didn't have a choice and that thought made it a little bit easier but with you... I've been in love with you for years before the curse, I fought against it because we were both married and when Graham died I still did nothing because who would truly love me? No one," Faye said and walked ahead of him as David watched her in shock before he followed after her in silence.

Enchanted Forest

In the Dark Castle, Robin was watching his son sleep and Mulan walked up to them, "Is he alright?" Mulan asked.

"Yes. Thank you, Mulan. I owe you much. He doesn't have a scratch on him," Robin said.

"I planned it that way," Mulan said with a smile.

"So what now for you? What shall you do? If you'd care to put your considerable skills to use, there's a place for you among my Merry Men. You'd be the first woman. I hope that's no deterrent," Robin said.

"I've been in that position before," Mulan said.

"Is that a yes?" Robin asked.

"I'm honoured, but there's someone I need to talk to before it's too late," Mulan said.

"A loved one," Robin said with a smile.

"We shall see," Mulan said.


Mulan made it back to Aurora's castle, she found Aurora pouring water onto some plants, Aurora looked over when he heard Mulan's footsteps, "Mulan?" Mulan smiled, "How long have you been there? What are you doing?" Aurora asked as she walked over.

"I'm just gathering my courage," Mulan said as she walked over to Aurora.

"What's going on?" Aurora smiled, "I'm so glad you're back," Aurora said.

"Is Phillip here?" Mulan asked.

"No. Shall I go get him?" Aurora asked.

"No. That's unnecessary. It's you I want to talk to. You see, I..." Aurora smiled at her brightly, "Why do you keep smiling at me?" Mulan asked with a smile.

"I can tell you're bursting with news but so am I," Aurora said excitedly.

"You are?" Mulan asked.

"Phillip and I are expecting a baby," Aurora said happily.

Mulan smiled hesitantly, "That's excellent news," Mulan said.

Aurora hugged her, "It's like a dream coming true," She pulled away, "Now, please, please tell me your news," Aurora said.

"I'm joining Robin Hood's band," Mulan said.

Aurora looked at her shocked, "What? You're leaving us?" Aurora asked.

Mulan nodded, "Yes. I'm afraid so. Goodbye," Mulan said, she turned around and walked away sadly as Aurora watched her leave.


Tinkerbell walked out of a cave when she saw the group in front of her and they pointed their weapons at her, "Where's Regina?" Elaine asked.

"Who the hell are you?" Tinkerbell asked.

"A pissed off mother. Where is she?" Elaine asked.

Regina came running out of the cave, "I'm fine. I'm fine," Regina said.

"You mind lowering those? You may stick me, but I'll take you down with me," Tinkerbell said.

"She's okay. She's not gonna hurt us. Just stand down," Regina said.

"But is she going to help us?" Killian asked.

"Well, look who the Queen dragged in. Hello, Hook," Tinkerbell said.

"Lady Bell," Killian said as he sheathed his sword.

"She's not gonna help us," Regina said.

"Why not?" Emma asked.

"Tink," The pirate captain sighed, "After all we've been through together... Little assistance," Killian said.

"She doesn't have any magic," Regina said.

"No pixie dust?" Sebastian asked.

"Not even her wings," Regina said.

"Since when?" Katy asked.

"I guess people just stopped believing in me. And if I wanted to help you, he's too powerful," Tinkerbell said.

"But you know where Pan is," Mary Margaret said.

"Sure. But it won't do you a bit of good," Tinkerbell said.

"Let us be the judge of that. Does he trust you?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Can you get us inside his compound?" Elaine asked.

"Maybe. Why should I help you?" Tinkerbell asked.

"Because I believe in you," Mary Margaret said.

"Just get us inside and we'll take care of things from there," Elaine said.

"And what's in it for me, other than a death sentence from Pan when you're gone with your boy?" Tinkerbell asked.

"You can come with us," Faye said as she and David walked over.

"Where the heck have you two been?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Uh... Ambushed... Definitely ambushed," David said.

"In sorts... A lot of... Therapeutic activities," Faye said.

"Who'd you kill?" Regina asked.

"Sadly not Pan," Faye said.

"You broke yourself again," Tinkerbell said.

"Stop being a fairy and stay out of my charcoal heart," Faye blinked a few times and looked at her, "Oh my gosh! Tink!" Faye said and she rushed over and they hugged each chuckling.

"What did you do?" Regina asked quietly.

"Priscilla? You're damaged," Tinkerbell said quietly.

"Tell you both later," Faye said quietly as she pulled away from Tinkerbell.

"Tinkerbell. A home. That is what you want, isn't it?" Mary Margaret said.

"Okay. Listen closely. Pan trusts me. He'll let me in. And maybe, just maybe, I'll leave a way open for you. But you've only got one shot, so you better have a good plan," Tinkerbell said.

"Thank you. We will," Emma said.

"Come with us to our camp. We'll figure it out," Mary Margaret said.

At Pan's camp, Julia was resting her head in her brothers' lap as she slept, Henry picked up the scroll Pan had given to him earlier and took a closer look at it. The scroll illustrated a detailed draft of Henry and Julia. A disturbing sound could be heard in the distance, causing Henry to drop the scroll.

Elsewhere on the island Pan's shadow dropped Neal to the ground. Felix emerged from the bushes and Neal looked at him as he stood up, "Welcome home, Baelfire. Pan will be so happy to see you," Felix said.

At the heroes camp, the Swan twins, Killian, David and Mary Margaret were sat together by a fire. Killian hands Elaine a coconut he'd opened, "Oh, thanks," Elaine said.

"No problem," Killian said.

Elaine stretched, "Tired, El?" Emma asked.

"Not really," She tilted her head from side to side a little, "Just a little stiff," Elaine said.

"You need to calm down," Elaine looked at Killian suddenly, "Relax, you can't save your children if you're angry," Killian said.

"You're right," Elaine said and looked away.

In the distance, Faye, Regina and Tinkerbell sat together, "So what happened?" Regina asked.

"I think... I think David and I... Had sex," Faye whispered.

"You think? How can it be you think?" Tinkerbell asked.

"We did..." Faye said.

"Priscilla!" Regina said.

"Shhh!!" Regina and Tinkerbell quietened down, "We were... Ambushed... Sort of, Pan turned up and uh... I think he did something... Drugged us...  He gave me a flower... Which I dropped," Faye said.

"Did you... Did you both want it or did something change?" Regina asked.

"Second one," Faye said.

"You were drugged... Do you regret it?" Regina asked.

"You're asking the wrong one..." Faye said.

"Oh, Cilla..." Tinkerbell said.

"He might be the start to my happy ending Tink... But if this is the road I have to take, I'm not enjoying it," Faye said.

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