Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

27.7K 1K 80

The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

3 - Lost Girls

613 22 5
By bethanyjanebooks

Mr Gold was standing in the jungle, he made a fireball in his hand and tossed it onto wooden logs he had piled up and made a fire. He walked around the fire to see his shadow on the large rock in front of him. He immobilised his shadow and used his dagger to cut his shadow from himself. The shadow broke free of the immobilization spell and flew up a little.

Mr Gold held up his dagger to his shadow, "You know what to do. Hide it where no one can find it, not even me," Mr Gold said and the shadow took the dagger and flew off.

Elsewhere in the jungle, Faye was walking around looking for anything she could that would lead her to understand Pan's plan.

Elsewhere in the jungle, David was cutting down branches as the other's followed behind him, "The ridge is just a few hundred paces up ahead," Killian said.

"You really think we're gonna be able to see Pan's hideout?" Elaine asked.

"From there, we should be able to see everything, including where he's keeping your children," Killian said.

"You know, I could have just poofed us up here in an instant," Regina said.

"Where? Have you any idea what's up here and anywhere? There are dangers all about. Only I can guide us past them," Killian said.

"He's right. Hook's lived here before. If he says hiking up is the best way, then we listen," Elaine said.

"You sure?" Emma and Katy asked.

"He wants to help, I say let him and if he turns on us, it'll be his own fault," Elaine said.

"So much faith in me," Killian said.

"Here. You two need to stay hydrated," Mary Margaret said as she handed her daughters some water.

"Thanks, Mary Margaret," Emma said and she drank the water before handing it to Elaine who drank some.

"You know, Mary Margaret is a bit formal. You both could call me mom if you want. You've done it before," Mary Margaret said.

"I haven't," Elaine said.

"Oh, uh, that was, uh, back when we..." Emma said.

"We were about it die," She nodded, "Oh, no, I get it," Mary Margaret said.

"I don't expect Henry and Julia to call me mom just yet, if not ever... It's not something that's easy to say... Especially after being without parents for so long," Elaine said.

"I get it," Mary Margaret said.

Daniella looked at Katy, "Do I have to call you mom?" Daniella asked.

"Only if and when you want to... You have but it's up to you," Katy said and they held hands.

David was cutting at the branches when he was about to cut a branch with thorns on it but Killian stopped him, "No. No!" Killian said.

"I can handle a couple of thorns," David said.

"That's dreamshade. It's not the thorns you have to worry about. It's the poison they inject you with. This plant is the source of the toxins I used on The Dark One," Killian said.

"The poison that almost killed Gold?" Elaine asked

"Indeed. I used a concentrated dose. In its natural form, death would be much slower and far more painful. I suggest we go this way," Killian said as he pointed to the left.

"We'll go this way," David said as he walked to the right and everyone followed him.

"Your father's a distrustful fellow," Killian said to the Swan twins who were in front of him.

"He's just not used to working with the bad guys," Elaine said.

"I can assure you both, on this island, I am not the bad guy," Killian said.

"I can tell," Elaine said.

"Yeah, well, Pan's not supposed to be one either," Emma said.

"Oh, yeah, that's right," Elaine said.

"What possibly gave you both that idea?" Killian asked.

"Every story we ever heard as a child," Emma said.

"Well, they got it all wrong. Pan is the most treacherous villain I've ever faced," Emma walked ahead and the captain grabbed Elaine's wrist, she turned to him, "Tell me something, love. In these stories what was I like? Other than a villain. Handsome, I gather," Killian said with a smile.

"If waxed moustaches and perms are your thing," Elaine said and they continued walking.

"I take it by your tone, perms are bad?" Killian said.

"Not if they're your thing," Elaine said.

"Take it they're not yours," Killian said.

Elaine looked at him, "Be glad they're not," Elaine said and Killian smiled at her.

David standing on top of a hill, "Up here! We made it," David called out.

They all walked up to the hill and saw a huge jungle, "Pan's laid should be just right..." Killian said.

"Where? All I see is a jungle," Sebastian said.

"Aye. The Dark Jungle," He took out his telescope to survey the land, "It's, uh, grown so much since I last stepped foot in Neverland," Killian said.

Regina sighed, "So this nature hike was for nothing," Regina said.

"Hook may have led us astray, but at least we're in a good position to start combing the jungle," David said.

"Not exactly. The Dark Jungle's the last place you wanna set food. We'll have to go around it. In order to do that, we're gonna need our strength. I suggest we make camp," Killian said.

"You wanna sleep while my children are out there suffering?" Regina said.

"If we want to live long enough to save the children... Yes," Killian said.

David exhaled deeply as he put his sword away and walked back with some of the group to make camp. Katy, Emma and Mary Margaret looked at Elaine who was looking out at the jungle, "You okay?" Emma asked.

"Regina's right. Henry and Julia are out there somewhere," Elaine said.

"And Hook is right. We have to survive if we're going to get them," Mary Margaret said.

"I know. I just hope we're not too late," Elaine said as she looked at them.

"After everything your father and I have been through, there's one thing we've learned. It's never too late," Mary Margaret said.

"Says the woman who's blaming someone else for your failing marriage and why your daughter's don't call you mother," Katy said.

Mary Margaret looked back to see David and Shadow Faye talking as they were making a camp then she looked at Katy, "Why do you do that?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Because I hate you, Snow... Be careful," Katy looked at Elaine, "El... I understand your worry, trust me. But getting yourself killed won't accomplish anything. You need to rest, we all need to rest. Me and Daniella can feel Henry and Julia, they're scared but they're hopeful, they know we're coming for them," Katy said.

"Can you get their location?" Emma asked.

"We're in Neverland, Emma... It's difficult here, it's hard to explain, but it's not normal here," Katy said.

"Okay..." The Swan twins said.

"Elaine," She looked over to Killian, "You ladies coming over?" Killian asked.

"Yeah, sorry," Elaine said and she walked over to him.

"Do you think she realises?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Probably, but she's denying it," Katy said and Emma nodded as they followed her.


Prince Charming was riding through the forest on a steed he came up to Snow White who was under a sleeping curse, inside the glass coffin with the Seven Dwarves surrounding her, "No. No!" Prince Charming ran over, "Open it," Prince Charming said.

The dwarves removed the coffin lid, Prince Charming kissed Snow White and a burst of magic erupted from their kiss and spread across the land.

Elsewhere at the Dark Palace, A guard rushed through the palace, carrying the Magic Mirror, "Careful! If you drop me I'll make sure you have fourteen years of bad luck!" The guard made it to the courtyard where the Evil Queen was stood by her apple tree, "Your Majesty?" Magic Mirror said.

"I told you never to disturb me out here," The Evil Queen said.

"Trust me. I haven't disturbed you yet," The Evil Queen turned to the Magic Mirror, "Just wait until you see this," Magic Mirror said and an imagine showed Snow White and Prince Charming walking along the beach together.

"He woke her?" The Evil Queen questioned.

"Indeed. True Love's kiss apparently can break any curse," Magic Mirror said and the Evil Queen glared as she watched Prince Charming moving down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" Prince Charming asked in the mirror.

"What do you think?" Snow White said with a smile.

"That will be one hell of a wedding. There won't be a dry eye in the entire realm," Magic Mirror said.

"Quiet!" The Evil Queen ordered.

"Let's take back the kingdom," Snow White said.

"We'll see about that," The Evil Queen said.

Snow White was standing on a cart, Prince Charming and The Seven Dwarves beside the cart as they attempted to rally a group of commoners with a speech, "The Evil Queen murdered our father and put me under a Sleeping Curse, but I am not the only one she has made to suffer," Snow White said.

"Yeah," The crowd said.

"She's terrorized us for far too long," Snow White said.

"Yeah!" The crowd said.

"This land and kingdom don't belong to her. It belongs to us!" Snow White said.

"Yeah!" The crowd said.

"So who is ready to stand beside me and fight for what's rightfully ours?!" Snow White asked but no one responded.

The Evil Queen materialised behind the crowd, "Quite the courageous army you're building," The Evil Queen said.

The townspeople fleed in fright while Snow White and her entourage do not move, "They may be afraid of you, but we are not," Snow White said.

"Why? Because you and the shepherd broke my sleeping curse?" The Evil Queen said then Snow White and Prince Charming drew their swords at her and The Evil Queen magically bound Prince Charming with a rope.

"Lucky for you, I didn't come here to fight. I came to offer you a deal. Consider it an engagement present," The Evil Queen said as she looked at Snow White.

"Snow, don't listen to a single word!" Prince Charming said.

"Are you really gonna marry that?" The Evil Queen asked.

"What do you want?" Snow White asked.

"I want you to give up your claim to the throne. If you declare me the rightful ruler of this land, I'll let you, the dwarves, and your so-called prince escape back to the sheep farm he once called home," The Evil Queen said.

"Exile?" Snow White questioned.

"Well, I've tried to kill you. I've tried to curse you, and none of its worked. But then I realised I was going about it all wrong. You need to be alive. You need to be awake. So you can spend all your days knowing that I have taken everything that was supposed to be yours. Now get down on your knees and swear on your father's grave that this kingdom and land belongs to me," The Evil Queen said.

"And if I don't?" Snow White asked.

"Well, then someone will pay the price," The Evil Queen said and used her magic to lift up one of the female villagers; choking her.

"Stop!" Snow White yelled.

Snow White held a sword in hand, she charged at the Evil Queen, who disappeared in a cloud of smoke at the last moment, dropping the village girl. Prince Charming broke out of his binds, aiding the villager.

"Is she okay?" Snow White asked.

"Yeah," Prince Charming said.

"Next time she won't be," The Evil Queen looked at Snow White, "You have until sundown tomorrow to give up the throne. And for every day that you defy me, I will kill one of your loyal subjects. Stop denying who you are, Snow White. You may have been a princess, but you will never be a queen," The Evil Queen said.

End of Flashback

During the night, the group had made a campsite and were all asleep, Elaine, Emma and Katy were woken up as they heard the sound of children crying in the distance, "You two hear that?" Elaine whispered.

"Yeah," Emma whispered as they stood up grabbing their swords.

Elaine turned to the others who were still asleep, "Guys, wake up!" Elaine whispered

The crying came from the jungle and the Swan trio walked together to find out where it's coming from, "You three hear that, too?" The Swan trio gasped and turned to see Pan standing behind them, "You're Katelyn, Emma and Elaine, right?" The Swan trio glanced at each other before looking back at him, "I wonder why they can't hear the crying," Pan said.

"Who are you?" Emma asked as the Swan twins pointed their swords at him.

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan," Pan said.

Elaine lunged at him and pinned him against a tree, "Where's Henry and Julia?" Elaine asked as she held her sword to his neck.

"You've got fire. I like fire," Pan said.

"Where're my kids?" Elaine asked.

"Henry and Julia are still alive if that's what you're worried about," Pan said.

"Why the hell did you take them?" Elaine asked.

"They're very special children, Elaine," Pan said.

"We know. That doesn't answer my question. What do you want with them?" Elaine asked.

"I came here to see who I was up against 'The Saviours' and 'The White Queen'," He sighed as he looked between them, "Gotta say, I'm not disappointed," Pan said.

"What do you say now? You're gonna tell me how I'm never gonna see Henry and Julia again?" Elaine said.

"No. I'm going to help you three find them. I'll give you lasses a map," Pan said.

Elaine let him go and stepped back, "A map?" Elaine said.

Pan exhaled and took out a piece of paper, "A map that will lead you straight to your children," Pan said.

"If this is some kind of trap..." Katy said.

Pan chuckled, "I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises. The path to finding Henry and Julia is on this parchment," Pan said as he held it out to Elaine who didn't take it.

"Why are you giving it to me?" Elaine asked.

"See, it's not about finding Henry and Julia. It's about how you find them. And, Katelyn, Elaine, Emma, you're the only ones who can," Pan said.

A creature howled in the distance as Elaine took the parchment from him and the Swan trio looked at it, "It's blank," Katy said.

"You'll only be able to read that map when you three stop denying who you really are," Pan said.

The Swan trio looked at each other and looked back at him but he was gone, "I don't like him," Katy said.

"I don't think he's meant to be liked..." Emma said.

Elsewhere, Faye was walking through the jungle, "Priscilla," Faye turned around to see Pan, "What are you doing lassie?" Pan said and Faye looked at him.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Faye said.

"No, not really. I'm Joseph," Pan said.

"Good for you, goodbye," Faye started to walk away and Pan appeared in front of her, "What now?" Faye asked.

"You're on my island, I can make your stay here miserable or exactly as you want," Pan said.

"I don't want to stay here, I want off this damn rock," Faye said.

"And leave your prince?" Faye narrowed her eyes, "Your family and friends are here to try and save your niece and nephew," Faye lunged forward and grabbed him by his neck, "There we go that's the daughter I remember," Pan said.

"If you harm any of them I will kill you," Faye warned.

"Love to see you try," Pan said.

"Trust me, I will try and I'll succeed and when you die, I won't cry this time I'll celebrate and dance on your dead body," Faye threw him to the ground, "Word of warning, you were there for a few years before my papa raised me and stuck with me for hundreds of you. You don't know me anymore, so when I say run for your life, you better run because I'm gonna catch and it won't be pretty," Faye said and walked off.

Back at the campsite the Swan trio had woken everyone up and told them about the map and Pan, "He so liked his games," Killian said.

"What game? There's nothing there," Shadow Faye said.

"If he said there's a map on this parchment, then there is," Killian said.

"Great. So if we just stop denying who we really are, whatever that means, then we'll be able to read this thing," Elaine said as she looked at the blank map.

"But how do we know Pan won't use it to lead us straight into a trap?" Evangeline said.

"Because he doesn't need to. This whole island's his bloody trap," Killian said.

"There's no sign of him anywhere," David said as he and Mary Margaret walked out of the jungle.

"Any luck with the map?" Mary Margaret asked the Swan trio.

"Don't hold your breath," Regina said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Elaine asked.

"Don't you three see what he's doing? Every second we spend talking about this is another second we're not looking for my children," Regina said.

"Our children," Elaine said.

"Right," Regina said.

"You got a better idea?" Emma asked

"Magic. If there's a lock on there, I'll find a way around it," Regina said.

"Pan said it had to be us," Elaine said.

"I'd listen to Elaine, love. Breaking Pan's rules would be unwise," Killian said.

"Sadly, I agree with the pirate," David said.

"I'm winning you over. I can feel it," Killian said.

"How many have you won over?" Sebastian asked.

"None of them, but it never stops me trying," Killian said.

"Good luck," Sebastian said.

"And your magic doesn't exactly have a gently touch, Regina," Mary Margaret said.

"Use it on the map, it might blow up in all our faces," David said.

"Well, that's a risk I'm willing to take," Regina said and walked towards the Swan.

"Well, we're not. If we're the ones who are supposed to figure this thing out, we gotta do what Pan said," Elaine said.

"Great," Regina said sarcastically.

"Mom, just let us deal with it, okay? We don't know this land or anything about this place, just let us deal with it," Katy said.

"They'll get there," Mary Margaret turned to the Swan trio, "Hey. Don't give up. He's playing a game. You all can win," Mary Margaret said.

"If you keep distracting us, we won't," Katy said.

"I'm gonna get us some more firewood," Shadow Faye said and walked away from the camp.


Snow White, Prince Charming and the Seven Dwarves were sat at a table discussing their options, "We can't win. We have to leave the kingdom," Snow White said.

"How can you even consider giving in to that witch? When you're gone, do you think she's suddenly gonna stop menacing this land? And who will protect the people then?" Prince Charming asked.

"Did I protect them today? I couldn't even help that poor girl. And don't kid yourself. She isn't gonna stop with the peasants. She's going to come after the people who are closest to me," Snow White said.

"We will stand by your side no matter what," Grumpy said.

"Even if it means our death," Happy said.

"Which it probably will," Sleepy said and everyone looked at him in bewilderment.

"You can't let her get into your head," Prince Charming said.

"She has a point. I'm no queen. I'm no leader. I'm just a girl who lost her parents, ran away into the woods, and became a bandit," Snow White said.

"You're Snow White," Prince Charming said.

"Yes. And the truth is, I don't even know who that is. But I know what I don't wanna be, and that's alone," Snow White said.

"That's never gonna happen," Prince Charming said.

"You're right. If we take her offer, we can all live together in exile, but at least we'll be alive. We should leave tomorrow," Snow White said and walked away.

"Snow!" Prince Charming said.

"Let her go," Grumpy said.

"This is her kingdom, her land. We can't just let her walk away from it," Prince Charming said.

"Why do you suddenly care so much about saving Snow's kingdom?" Grumpy asked.

"What do you mean?" Prince Charming asked.

"Well, if you have true love, what difference does it make whether you live in a castle or on a farm?" Grumpy questioned.

"Wait. You think I'm in this for Snow's gold?" Prince Charming asked.

"You said it, not me," Grumpy said.

"Okay. Okay, I get it. I'm new. But trust me. I want what's best for Snow," Prince Charming said.

"Look, handsome, she may love you, but that chiselled chin ain't foolin' us. We got our eyes on you," Grumpy said.

"Are you dwarves with me or against me?" Prince Charming asked.

"I think Grumpy was pretty clear," Sneezy said.

"Sorry brother. Snow has already made up her mind, so if you're looking to change it, you gotta do it without our help," Grumpy said.

"Then I'll find another way," Prince Charming said.


At the Dark Castle, Rumpelstiltskin was spinning wool into gold as Priscilla walked over to him, "Papa," Priscilla said.

"Yes, Priscilla?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"We have a guest," Priscilla said.

Prince Charming walked in and Rumpelstiltskin stopped spinning the wool, "You again?" He turned to Prince Charming, "Didn't I just help you wake your princess?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"Now I need your help once more. Long ago you made Snow remember who she was when a spell blinded her. I need you to do it again," Prince Charming said.

End of Flashback

Mr Gold was looking at the straw doll when he heard rustling behind him, he stood up, putting the doll down and looked over to investigate, "Who's there? Show yourself," He said.

A cloaked figure came out of hiding, grabbed the doll and ran away, "That doesn't belong to you, dearie," Mr Gold chased after them, it didn't take long before he caught them and removed their hood, to his surprise, it was Callie, "Callie?" Mr Gold said.


Mr Gold and Callie were sat on a log talking together in the jungle, "Callie. I don't understand. How did you get here?" Mr Gold asked.

"I thought you didn't dress like that anymore. I thought that was your past," Callie said.

"Well, this is now my future. Becoming this again, The Dark One, that's the only way I'll save my grandchildren and daughter," Mr Gold said.

"But you haven't completely become him, have you? There's still hope," Callie said and she leaned in to kiss him but he pulled away.

"You're not really here, are you?" Mr Gold asked.

"No, of course not. I'm still in Storybrooke, right where you left me with my siblings," Callie said.

"Are you okay? Did the protection spell work?" Mr Gold asked.

"It...It did. We're all fine. Storybrooke's safe. We all are," Callie said.

"How do I know there aren't just lies meant to lead me astray? How do I know Pan didn't up a vision of you?" Mr Gold asked.

"He didn't. You did," Callie said.

"What?" Mr Gold asked.

"The question is why," Callie said.

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