Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers

662 20 1
By bethanyjanebooks

Enchanted Forest...

Inside the palace, Aurora was asleep on the bed with Prince Phillip standing beside her, watching over her as Neal and Mulan were watching from a distance, "Feeling better?" Mulan asked.

"Yeah," Neal answered.

"How did you get here?" Mulan asked.

"I fell through a portal. I thought... I thought I was gonna die, and... And I thought about this place. I thought about growing up here. That's how portals work. They take you to wherever you think of," Neal said.

"Well, what's it like? The other world," Mulan said.

"Uh, well, for starters, they think this place is just a fairytale. Like... Like a legend. Like we're all just characters in a story," Neal said.

"I'm in a story?" Mulan asked.

"Yeah, they made a movie about you. It was actually pretty good," Neal said.

"What's a movie?" Mulan asked in confusion.

"Uh..." Neal said.

Aurora woke up and Prince Phillip helped her to the ground, "It's worst than I feared," Mulan and Neal approached her, "I couldn't make contact. I wish I could be more help. I...I fear no one can," Aurora said.

"My father can. He always had a plan. Uh, he would've left something behind if he or my sisters ever found themselves back here. Something that can be used to contact Elaine, to get to her. I know it. I just need to get to his castle," Neal said.

"Who's your father and sisters?" Prince Phillip asked.

"Rumpelstiltskin, Priscilla and Katy, but my sister I think you know her as Princess Katelyn," Neal said.


In the forest, Faye was leaning against a tree and she waved her hand changing her outfit and she disappeared in grey smoke, Felix ran over to the clearing as she disappeared, "Dammit," Felix said and he turned and joined the other Lost Boys with searching for Henry, Julia and the boy.

Elsewhere on the island, Mr Gold came across Greg and Tamara. Tamara was crawling across the ground, struggling to breathe, with an arrow in her back, "So, where are they? Henry and Julia," Tamara gasped for air as she looked at him, "There, there. I can help you speak," Mr Gold said and he waved his hand, making the arrow disappear.

Tamara breathed heavily, "Thank you," She said.

"Where's Henry and Julia? They killed him them?" Mr Gold asked.

"I don't think so. I told them to run and they did," Tamara said.

"Where?" Mr Gold asked.

"The jungle. Pan wants them. He's behind all of this. Look, Mr Gold, I didn't know who I was working for. I'm sorry about Neal. I'm so sorry," Tamara said.

Mr Gold knelt down, "I know. You were merely a pawn," He said.

"Can... Can you forgive me?" Tamara asked.

"No," Mr Gold said and he ripped out Tamara's heart then crushed it, watching her die.

On the Jolly Roger, the mermaid was flopping around as they looked at her and Killian and Shadow Faye looked over from the helm, "Get that thing off my ship!" Killian yelled.

"No. Now we have a hostage," Regina said.

"I hate to say it, but I'm with Hook. Those things tried to kill us," David said.

"And perhaps we should find out why," Regina said.

"How? By torturing her?" Katy asked.

"Well, if need be. Sure," Regina said.

"You're doing it then, not me," Katy said.

"Katelyn!" Mary Margaret said.

"Shut it, Snow!" Katy and Regina said.

The mermaid picked up a seashell and blew into it as she faced the sky, they all covered their ears.

"What the hell was that?" Emma asked.

"A warning," There was a loud clap of thunder, "Let me go... or die," The mermaid said.

Enchanted Forest...

Neal and Mulan were walking together across a desert, on their way to the Dark Castle, "Can I ask you a question?" Mulan asked.

"Yeah, I don't know how to explain what a movie is," Neal said.

"You say you're fighting for Elaine, but she never mentioned you when she was here. Why is that?" Mulan said.

"Because I broke her heart. I let her go so she could break the curse and fulfil her destiny. And when it was broken I could've gone after her. I could've told her I loved her. But... I was afraid she would never forgive me, so I wound up taking the easy way out, which is not trying," Neal said.

"Your belief in love wasn't strong enough to overcome your fear of rejection," Mulan said.

"Yeah. Greatest regret of my life, not one I wish upon anyone," Neal said.


Julia, Henry and the boy were running through the woods as the Lost Boys continued to chase after them. Henry tripped up and fell over but he quickly got up with the help of Julia, the boy looked at Julia, "You're the second girl here... Why does he want you?" The boy asked.

Julia shrugged and looked to the side, "They're close. I can see them," Julia said.

"We're almost to the caves. Come on. Follow me," The boy said.

An arrow was fired at the tree next to them and the three of them took a step back, "They cut us off. They know about the caves, so we have to go this way," Henry said and they headed in the other direction.

On the Jolly Roger, Sebastian snatched the seashell from the mermaid, "What is this? What did you do?!" David asked.

"Let me go," The mermaid said sweetly as she looked at him.

"Not until you tell us or we make you tell us," Regina said.

"Threatening her isn't the way to motivate her," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, I'm all out of fish food," Regina said.

"Doesn't matter if you get her to talk. You can't trust her. Mermaids are liars," Killian said.

"Of course they are," Emma said.

"Maybe they're just scared of Pan. If we let her go, maybe they'll be on our side," Mary Margaret said.

"Or maybe she and her friends will come right back to kill us," Regina said.

"Oh, I don't need my friends to kill you. You'll kill yourselves. Now let me go," The mermaid said.

A storm began to pick up, lightning and thunderstruck, "What the hell?!" Katy questioned.

"It's a storm. She called it. Don't let her go. She'll swim off and leave us all to die. At least with her, we've leverage," Killian said.

"You changed your mind quickly!" Katy said.

David grabbed a sword and held it to the mermaid's neck, "Stop the storm, then we let you go," David said but the mermaid didn't answer, in anger David went behind the mermaid and held the sword against her neck.

"That's more like it, Charming. Filet the bitch," Regina said with a smirk.

David looked at Shadow Faye who was looking at him blankly, "No," He took the sword away from the mermaid's neck, "We are not barbarians," David said.

"What we're going to be, is dead," Evangeline said.

"Hold on. I'm gonna turn around," The captain turned the ship around, "I've outrun many a storm," Killian said.

"Make it stop or die," Regina said.

"We are not killers!" Mary Margaret said.

"Yes, you are. And you brought this death upon yourselves," The mermaid said.

"This is why we should free her!" Mary Margaret said.

"That feel-good nonsense, Snow, might play in the Enchanted Forest, but this... This is Neverland," Katy said.

The ship lost balance and everyone stumbled a little, "Keep your drip, pirate!" David said as Shadow Faye walked over to them.

"It wasn't me, mate! It was the ship! We're taking on water!" Killian said.

"Now may I resume killing her!?" Regina said.

"No!" David and Mary Margaret said.

"You kill her and her kind will have a personal vendetta on us," Mary Margaret said.

"The queen is right. They've already tried killing us," Shadow Faye said.

"Pri..." David said and Shadow Faye kept the blank look on her face.

"Stop! That's enough!" Emma yelled.

"We need to think this through!" Elaine yelled.

"I already have!" Regina said and waved her hand, her hand glowed purple as she turned the mermaid into wood.

"I would've gone with stone," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian!" Mary Margaret said.

"Anyone else's ears ringing when she yells?" Evangeline asked.

"Yes," Katy and Regina said.

"There. That should stop the storm," Regina said.

"Regina! What did you do?" Elaine questioned.

There was a loud rumbling above them and they all looked to see a huge wave coming towards them, "No," Regina said.

"What have you done?!" Elaine yelled.

"Elaine!" Killian yelled.

The ship ascended the wave and everyone grabbed a rope, water splashed down on the shop, soaking it and everyone on it.

Enchanted Forest...

At the Dark Castle, Neal and Mulan entered and looked around, seeming abandoned, "It appears abandoned," Mulan said as they walked into the main room.

Neal noticed a cup on the table and checked it out, "No. Someone's here," Suddenly, an arrow flew past Neal, "Whoa!" Neal said.

Mulan unsheathed her sword as they turned to see a man in a hood, "The first was a warning, milady. Chivalry and all that," The man said.

"Who are you?" Mulan asked.

The man removed his hood and aimed another arrow at them, "The name's Robin," He said.

"No way. Robin Hood," Neal said.

"I'd bow but this quiver's rather tight. Now, what are you doing trespassing in my castle?" Robin asked.

"This castle belongs to The Dark One. It is you who trespasses," Mulan said.

"He hasn't been seen since the Queen's curse. If he and his daughter ever show up, I'll be happy to vacate," Robin Hood said.

"No, no need. In fact, you can have it. I just need to look around for a bit," Neal said.

"And who would you be to grant such title?" Robin Hood asked.

"In this land, I'm known as Baelfire. I'm his son," Neal said.

Robin Hood lowered the bow, "My apologies. Go ahead," He said.

"You don't want to see I.D.?" Neal asked.

"Who would claim to be that who wasn't?" Robin Hood questioned.

"Yeah, good point," Neal said.

"Your father and sister would not stand for imposters. Your father had quite a temper and so did your adopted sister, but Princess Katelyn... Can never picture her shouting at someone," Robin Hood said.

"Haven't seen her upset with me. You knew them?" Neal asked.

"We crossed paths once, yes, is your adopted sister well?" Robin Hood said.

"Oh, uh, well, she was sick a few days ago, but a lot better," Neal said.

"Ah, that's still happening... I'm sorry to hear her health hasn't been the best," Robin Hood said.

"Though, most crossings with my father and my adopted sister, that I heard, never ended well," Neal said.

"Your sister was ill and I harmed her slightly. It was touch and go, your father spared my life. I owe him a debt," Robin Hood said.

"I'm happy to collect. I'm looking for something he left here. Magical item," Neal said.

"Well, I'm very sorry to disappoint, but I arrived shortly after the curse, the place was cleaned out. Nothing of any value remains," Robin Hood said.

"No. Thieves and looters would only take what they could see," Neal said as he walked around, he saw the old cane on the floor then picked it up.

"What's magical of a knotted old cane? Probably belonged to one of the looters," Mulan said.

"No, it belonged to him. See these markings? He was keeping track of me growing," Neal looked at the other side and saw more markings with the initial K above it, "And Katelyn's growth too..." Neal said as he pointed to the marks on the cane then he swirled the can like a staff and a painting in the corner of the room disappeared, revealing a large cupboard.

"I've handled that walking stick a dozen times. It never released a cloaking spell before," Robin Hood said.

"My father enchanted objects so that what might be a useless piece of wood in the hands of a looter would become magical in his," Neal said.

"Or in the hands of his children," Mulan said.

"Priscilla was never blood, this wouldn't have worked unless they found a way to share blood but Katelyn... Deep down, this proved he never wanted to harm her the way he originally wanted to," Neal looked at Mulan, "It's called blood magic. Might not always seem like it, but the family was important to dear old dad, whether he wanted it or not," Neal said.

"So... What's in there?" Robin Hood said.

"Let's find out," Neal said.


On the island, Faye was walking through the forest, she turned to see Felix behind her and stopped walking "You're healing faster than he wanted," Felix said.

"Sorry to break it to him, but I never like it when people have their own opinions of what I should do and the speed," Faye said.

"That much is true, however he does run the island and controls everything, you won't find what you're looking for without him," Felix said.

"Who said I'm looking for anything? Who said I'm not just out for exercise?" Faye asked.

"Why aren't you that sweet little girl he once knew?" Felix asked.

"Who the hell is he to me? I have never met Pan! His shadow kidnapped me while I was resting and apparently I knew him as a child, when and how?" Faye asked.

"He would want you to eat..." Felix gestured to the eggs frying on the makeshift stove, "Egg baskets. Said you prefer them with the yolk runny," Felix hold out a tatted stuffed bear, "While you held onto this," Felix said

"The only people who knew that..." Faye said.

"Rumpelstiltskin, Baelfire and Joseph..." Faye's eyes widened, "Now... Are you going to do what your dad wants?" Felix said.

Faye chuckled, "I don't do what my papa wants or what my mom and father wants... What makes you think he's any different?" Faye asked and laughed.

"Priscilla, you don't want to anger him," Felix said.

"Oh, no. What's he gonna come? He gonna hurt me? Too bad, I've been hurt way worse than what he will do to me. Now. Why don't you be a good little boy leave me alone or I promise Pan won't even compare to what I could do to you... By the way... You burnt the eggs, as you said I prefer the yolk runny and not a charcoal egg basket," Faye said and walked off.

On the Jolly Roger, Killian and the Swan twins were struggling at the helm to control the ship, because of the storm that the mermaid caused, "I thought you said could outrun a storm!" Elaine said.

"This isn't a storm. It's a bloody damnation!" Killian said.

Aimee rushed onto the deck, "What the hell is going on?! The ship is leaking!" Aimee asked as Daniella and Elsie walked out.

"Faith," Aimee looked over to her mother, "Stay below deck, the mermaid caused a storm and Hook can't outrun it," Roxanne said.

Aimee looked at Killian, "Do you some assistance or are you trying to impress the Princess beside you?" Aimee asked with a smirk.

"If you can help, help. Don't ask questions!" Killian said.

Aimee ran to the plank, she got onto it and ran along the plank before diving in, "Is she insane?!" Elaine said.

"Aleena!" Aimee called out.

Elsie looked at Daniella, "Stay with Branston, okay?" Elsie said and Daniella nodded going over to Kerr who placed his arms around her as Elsie ran to the edge and leapt into the water.

Elsie and Aimee looked at each other and took a deep breath before going under the water and swimming around the Jolly Roger to find the leak.

"I will never understand that family..." Killian said.

"Ah, there are many things I don't understand and I'm not allowed to understand," Elaine said.

"Is that directed at me?" Killian asked.

"...Maybe," Elaine said.

Mary Margaret and Regina were by the wooden mermaid, "Why would you do this!?" Mary Margaret asked.

"You're going to blame me?!" Regina said.

"You turned the mermaid into wood!" Mary Margaret said.

"She did something about it, which is more than you can say!" Katy said.

"Undo your spell! Bring back the mermaid!" Mary Margaret said.

"And what, you'll win her over with your rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers?!" Regina questioned.

"Considering that your plan failed, at least we could try!" Mary Margaret said.

"You're such a naive princess!" Katy said.

"And you are such a..." Mary Margaret said in anger then she punched Katy.

"That your best?" Katy asked.

"Not even close. I'm so tired of you two ruining my life," Mary Margaret said.

"How the hell did I ruin your life?! I haven't done anything to you!" Katy yelled.

"You took my daughter's from me!" Mary Margaret yelled.

"I'm going to so love this," Katy said and smirked and punched her.

"I ruined your life!?" Regina questioned before the three of them started to fight.

"Katy! Stop!" Shadow Faye yelled and rushed over but Roxanne stopped her.

"Don't, you'll only get caught in the crossfire," Roxanne said.

"I don't care!" Shadow Faye said and rushed over to Katy pulling her away.

"I hate you, Snow!" Katy yelled.

"You know what I hate more? Her," Mary Margaret pointed at Shadow Faye, "You're ruining my marriage. I wish you did actually die," Mary Margaret said and Katy and Regina looked at Shadow Faye.

"Do you? Well sorry, dear, that ain't happening," Shadow Faye said.

"You're stealing my husband!" Mary Margaret yelled and punched Shadow Faye.

"Hey!" David yelled and started to head over to them.

Killian stopped him, "Hey! Let the slags go. I need you at the mast!" Killian said.

"He just called Faye a slag..." Emma said.

"Aren't you two best friends?" Elaine asked.

"Depending on the day," Killian said.

"Don't call Pri a slag!" David yelled and punched him before the two of them broke out into a fight.

"Stop it!" Emma yelled as lightning and thunderstruck as the fights continued.

"It's not the mermaid. It's us. If you don't stop fighting, we're all gonna die. Don't you see, we're causing the storm!" Elaine yelled as lightning and thundering continued due to the fights.

Elaine ran over to the side and climbed onto the side, "Elaine?!" Sebastian yelled as he, Roxanne and Evangeline ran over to her.

"Hey! Stop! You need to listen to us!" Elaine yelled but the fights continued, she turned around and dived into the water.

"Elaine!" David and Killian yelled.

"Elaine!" Mary Margaret yelled as they all ran over to the side.

"El!" Emma and Katy yelled.

A pulley fell into the water and hit Elaine in the back of her head, knocking her unconscious.

On the island inside the jungle, Henry, Julia and the boy were still running from the other Lost Boys but they reached a cliff, "Watch out!" They saw that there was no way for them to go and they heard the other boys drawing closer to them, "What do we do? Is there any other way to the Echo Caves?" Henry said.

"No. We're done for... I'll give 'em the Pixie Dust. Maybe they'll let us live," The boy said.

"You wanna give up?" Julia asked.

"We don't have a choice. They got us. This is the end," The boy said.

"No. It's our way out," Henry said as he and Julia took the Pixie Dust from him and took a few steps back and pulled the boy with him.

"What are you doing?" The boy asked.

"Getting a running start," Henry said.

"For what?" He asked.

"Everyone knows Pixie Dust is for flying," Henry said.

"Don't you remember? The dust doesn't work," The boy said.

"That's because you have to believe," Julia said.

"I definitely do not believe!" The boy said.

"That's okay because we do," Henry said, he opened the bottle of Pixie Dust and then ran towards the edge of the cliff, pulling the other boy with him and he used the Pixie Dust to help them fly off the cliff just before the Lost Boys arrived.

Meanwhile, Faye was walking around the island and she sighed tilting her head back and seeing the three children flying but she couldn't see their faces, "Only in Neverland," Faye commented and she looked forward before she continued walking.

On the Jolly Roger, everyone on the ship was looking over the edge to try and find Elaine, "Elaine!/El!" Mary Margaret, Katy and Emma yelled.

"Idiot," Regina said.

"Regina! Get her up here!" Mary Margaret said.

Regina looked at the water, "I can't. Not in this storm. I can't even see her. I'll just bring up water and half her leg," Regina said.

"Katy?" Mary Margaret said.

"Same answer," Katy said.

"You're just gonna leave her?! What kind of person are you?!" Mary Margaret said as Katy looked at her.

"Enough!" Sebastian said.

David went to jump in but Killian stopped him, "Wait!" Killian said.

"She'll drown!" David said.

"And so will you! Let me help," The captain grabbed a rope and handed it to Regina, Katy and Emma, "Here, tie him," Killian said.

Regina Katy and Emma tied the rope around David's waist and the three women and the captain held onto it as David jumped into the water. David swam down to Elaine, he grabbed her by the waist and swam up to the surface.

"He has her! Pull!" Killian yelled and the found of them began pulling the two out of the water.

"El!" Emma and Katy said in worry seeing their sister unconscious.

"I've got it!" Killian said as he wheeled up a rigging to the ship.

Emma took Elaine and laid her down, "El?" Emma said.

"Elaine?" David said and touched her cheek.

"No," Mary Margaret whispered.

"Let me," Killian walked over and Katy moved out of the way, he knelt down and brought out a small potion vile, "Hold her head up a little," Emma did as she was told and Killian poured the potion into Elaine's mouth, "Come on..." Killian said and Elaine started coughing up water. Emma, Katy and Killian sighed in relief and turned Elaine onto her side rubbing her back as Killian got up and moved away from herm

"That's it," Emma said.

Elaine turned back onto her back and looked at the sky to see the storm lifting, "I told you," Elaine said.

"Yeah well maybe tell us in another way," Katy said.

"Tried," Elaine said.

"Oh..." Katy looked at Killian, "What was that?" Katy asked.

"A potion from Eleanor... She made it to try and heal herself, but it wasn't made for her illness... It was made to save her if she didn't have a fatal wound and no illness," Killian said.

Elaine looked at him, "Thank you," Elaine said.

"Anytime, love," Killian said.

Somewhere in the jungle, Mr Gold sat on a rock and heard someone approaching him, "Come out and say hello, dearie," Mr Gold said.

Felix stepped out from the bushed, "Hello, Rumpelstiltskin," He said and Mr Gold waved his hands a little mockingly.

"Pan welcomes you to the island. He wanted me to tell you he is excited to see you again," Felix said.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sure he is," Mr Gold said.

"He wanted me to let you know you're welcome in Neverland, for as long as you wish to stay... With one caveat," Felix said.

"There's always something with him," Mr Gold said.

"If you're here for the boy, girl and the woman... Well, that makes you Pan's enemy," Felix said.

"What woman?" Felix smirked, "Priscilla... He wants Priscilla," Mr Gold said.

"You raised her and yet you didn't realise the imposter in your house," Mr Gold glared at him, "If you try and take her and the boy, you will be Pan's enemy," Felix said.

"Then nothing's changed," Mr Gold said angrily.

"If you go against, you will not survive," Felix said.

Mr Gold chuckled, "Well, the question isn't, will I survive? Because we both know I won't. No, no. The real questioned is..." He grabbed Felix, "How many of you I take with me," Mr Gold said.

"So is that your answer?" Felix asked.

"That's my answer," Mr Gold said as he released him.

"Well then, I suppose that means I'll see you again, in less friendly circumstances," Felix said.

"Count on it," Mr Gold said.

Felix dropped a straw doll in front of Mr Gold and he picked it up, looking at it sadly, "Isn't it funny. The things we haven't thought about in years still have the ability to make us cry? However, your adopted daughter seems a lot stronger than you in that regard " Felix chuckled as Mr Gold cried softly looking at the draw doll, "See you around, Dark One, oh and if you see Priscilla, tell her Pan wants to see her," Felix said and walked away. Mr Gold sobbed as he knelt on the floor hugging the straw doll.

Enchanted Forest...

In the Dark Castle, Neal opened the cupboard and looked at the objects, his eyes landed on a crystal ball as Robin and Mulan watched him, "I spent my entire life running from magic. Now it's the only thing that can help me," He reached towards a crystal ball and touched it but nothing happened, "It's not working. Why isn't it working?" Neal said.

"Don't think of a place. Think of her. Of Elaine. And more than that how you feel about her," Mulan said.

Neal looked into the crystal ball and he saw Elaine walking along the shores of Neverland with Emma and Katy behind her, their family, the Nightingales and Killian.

Neal gasped, "No. It can't be," Neal said.

"What's wrong? Isn't she there?" Robin Hood asked.

"Yes, but that's not Storybrooke. Elaine's in Neverland," Neal said.


The group of heroes were walking onto the beach of Neverland, "We don't have to do it this way. I can fix the Jolly Roger. Mine and Katy's magic is powerful enough. We can execute the pirate's plan," Regina said.

"Sorry our magic didn't work underwater, Hook," Elsie said.

"Don't worry about it, love. The girl has been through worse," Killian said.

"Sneak attack?" Emma turned to Regain as they all stopped walking, "Let's not be naive. Save your magic. We'll need it later because Pan already knows we're here. It's time we stop running," Emma said.

"Gold was right. This land runs on belief. All of us have been too busy being at each other's throats to be believers... I was as wrong as anyone else. It's time for all of us to believe not in magic, but in each other," Elaine said.

"You wanna be friends? After everything that's happened between all of us?" Regina asked.

"We don't want or expect that. We know there's a lot of history here and a lot of hate," Elaine said.

"Actually, I quite fancy you from time to time, when you're not yelling at me," Killian said with a smirk.

"Why do I get the feeling all of them yelled at you and that's why you liked them?" Emma asked.

"Oh, trust me, lass, it's never this type of yelling I loved," Killian said.

David lunged forward but Sebastian held him back, "This is a battle you won't win David... Can't fight fate," Sebastian said.

"I'm trying," Elaine said.

"What? Trying?" Killian asked with a smirk.

"Succeeding... I said succeeding," Elaine said.

"No you didn't," Killian said.

"Hush!" Elaine exhaled deeply, "We don't need to be friends. What we need to know is the only way to get Henry and Elaine back is cooperation," Elaine said.

"With her?" David pointed to Regina, "With him?" David pointed to Killian, "No, girls, we have to do this the right way," David said.

"No, we don't. We just need to succeed. And the way we do that is by just being who we are a hero, a villain, a pirate... It doesn't matter which we are, because we're gonna need all those skills, whether we can stomach them or not," Elaine said.

"And what're your skills, 'saviours'?" Regina said.

"I'm an aunt," Emma said.

"And I'm a mother and now we're also your leaders. So either help me get our children back Regina or get out of the way," Elaine said.

Elaine walked away, pulled out the sword the captain gave her then Emma followed after her with their parents, Katy and the Nightingale's walked after them then Killian looked at Regina he smirked and shrugged as he followed them then Regina followed.

In the air, Henry, Julia and the boy were flying in the sky, Henry held onto the boy. As the Pixie Dust was about to run out, the boy pointed to the ground and they all flew down then fell on the ground, getting up, "See? If you believe, anything is possible," Julia said.

"You couldn't be more right, Julia... Henry," The boy said as he turned to them.

"How... How'd you know our names? We never told you," Henry said in shock.

"Let's make it a game, a puzzle to solve," The boy said.

"You lied to us. You are a lost boy. You work for Pan," Henry said.

"Not exactly... I am Peter Pan," Pan said with a smirk.

Henry and Julia backed away from him, "But you told Greg and Tamara that magic was bad, that you'd help them destroy it. Why?" Julia asked.

"Because I needed their help. And it is so much easier to get people to hate something than to believe," Pan said.

"Why did you bring us here?" Henry asked.

"For quite some time, I've sought something extremely important, something more elusive than the greater of all mysteries," Pan said.

"What?" The Mills twins asked.

"The heart of the truest believer and fairest. And when you took that Pixie Dust, Henry, and jumped off that cliff and you trusted your brother, Julia," He knocked on the hollow tree then pointed at him, "You proved yourselves. You are the lucky owners of those very special hearts. And now? You two and them are mine," He pulled out a blade, "Come on, boys!" The Lost Boys started to come out of their hiding places from the surrounding trees and circled them, "Let's play!" Pan said.

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