Love Thy Siblings +18

Par ZAuthor_54

3.8K 56 6

Rivalry breaks out between two brothers when they each get a taste of Ethan Waverley, an introvert who rarely... Plus

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Par ZAuthor_54


"Well, I don't want to eat another pizza, so let's go," I huffed out as Brave lazed around on a Saturday morning, refusing to go grocery shopping.

"Come on, Ethan, it's still early," he groaned, pulling the covers over himself.

"No," I peeled the covers off of him, ignoring his naked state. He always sleeps only in his boxers, as opposed to me, a pajama freak. I have at least five pairs. "I have to go work at 12. The shops are usually crowded on a weekend. We have to go now,"

"We'll just order online. They'll deliver the groceries for us," Brave mumbled in his sleep.

I pouted, looking at Brave with both anger and sadness. He slowly peeled his eyes opened and sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry. I'm getting up now,"

One thing about Brave and I, somehow, I always get what I want with him. He treats me like his little brother and occasionally pampers me with nice things. No matter how much we argue, he caves in eventually if I want something. It's always been like this. No questions asked.

He just has a soft spot for me, I guess. It makes me feel special.

He helps me when my anxiety attacks skyrockets and when my OCD gets too worse to handle. He grounds me and reminds me to do stuff when I forget. At the same time, he also annoys me because he's untidy and he barely cleans his side of the room. It triggers me and I always end up cleaning for him.

In the end, I honestly don't mind. I like the results of a clean room. We share groceries, which he refuses to let me pay majority of the time. I end up having all the money to myself. What I do instead, I plan a day out for us so I can spoil him as well. I mean, I know he can afford a whole grocery store, but I'd rather buy some of the stuff as well, so I don't feel like I'm using him.

"Hey, I'm sorry, okay?" He stood up and patted my shoulder. "I'm going to shower quickly and then we'll go. Wherever you want," I nodded, satisfied with his efforts. I let him grab his stuff and head to the bathroom. Once he was gone, I picked out clothes for him, knowing he'd most likely raid his closet and leave it a mess. Next, I made his bed and tidied up while waiting for him.

Less than 30 minutes, he was done and we were ready to go. I let him choose the store he wanted, seeing as he'll most likely pay. I always go to the cheapest places. The food's just the same, if not more expensive.

"Okay, here we go," he parked right in the available spot, taking off his sunglasses and leaving them in the dashboard. "Let's go,"

He ran for the trolley before I can reach it. I huffed out and said nothing. Well, sometimes I feel like he babies me too much. I know I'm soft spoken and possibly scared of literally every person passing through, despite my physique.

We passed by each isle, grabbing our usual stock. Brave would sneak in snacks every now and then. "I think we missed the chocolate isle," he said reversing.

"What?" I eyed him.

"You like chocolate, isn't it? We gotta get you some," he said leaving the trolley to find the chocolate. I wanted to roll my eyes but at the same time, I was happy that he considered my favourite. I have a huge unhealthy obsession with chocolate. Even though my mom scolds me for it, she still pack some in our monthly grocery. "Hey look, they got these little chocolate bites. You can just grab a handful to take to class, right?" He held out a huge bag of chocolate sweets alongside five slaps of chocolate.

"That's a bit too much, don't you think?" I scrunched my face, even though I salivated at the sight.

"Chocolate's never enough for you, Ethan," he gave me a look, dumping everything in the shopping cart.

"Yeah, you're right," I said with a wide smile. "Thanks Brave,"

We grabbed everything from veggie to fruits to meat to spices to pasta to snacks to all the liquid we'd need. There were different cans of sodas and juice, mostly for me, because Brave only consumes alcohol majority of the time. We got breakfast items and everything in between. By the time we were finished, the cart was full to the brim.

Brave maneuvered through the crowd to the line, so we can checkout. "Where do you want to eat?" He asked me as we waited for the lady in front of us to finish.

"Huh?" I looked up from my phone.

"We haven't had breakfast," he pointed out. It was almost 10 o'clock in the morning and my stomach growled as a reminder.

"Oh, uh, we can just get anything, I guess," I shrugged.

"Ethan, where do you want to eat?" He asked again.

"Can we get Starbucks?" I asked him hopefully. He only gave a curt nod and I figured he didn't like it. "Or we can go to a brunch restaurant," I offered as an afterthought.

"Okay," he said pushing the trolley forward. He paid for our stuff, which costs more than half of my allowance. I tried not to cringe at that.

"I'm cooking tonight. What do you want me to make?" He asked me when we walked out to his car.

"You always cook, Brave?" I gave him a side eye. "I'd like porkchop, please," I said nonetheless.

"It's the first day and you're already craving pork," he shook his head.

"Hey, pork is nice. Don't judge me," I mumbled as I helped load the bag in the car.

"Put these upright. They might spill," he said pointing at the plastic full of meat trays.

"Thanks," I fixed everything and he closed the booth.

"Come on," I followed behind, avoiding everyone's eyes as he led us to Starbucks, only to order my boba tea and nothing else. He then led me to another place where they served nice food at an expensive price. I wasn't going to complain. It was delicious. I stopped myself dancing in my chair, as usual.

"Okay, do you need to stop anywhere else?" Brave asked, eyeing his watch. "It's almost time for you to get to work,"

"Oh," I stuffed my face, having forgotten about my job.

"Hey, slow down. They won't die if you are late," I glared at him. He only chuckled. "You look like a chipmunk," he said poking my stuff cheeks. I swatted his hands away and continued stuffing my face. I wasn't going to waste all this food.

"Done," I said happily.

"You're going to have indigestion from stuffing yourself so much," he said eyeing me. He gave me a tissue. I wiped my face quickly before I attracted eyes on how nasty I tend to eat.

Brave drove back to our Res and I helped unpack the grocery, because I had a little bit of time. I packed the fridge while he packed the kitchen cabinets.

"Hey Brave," I called him, remembering something out of the ordinary. "Why didn't you go to the party last night?" The weekly frat party. Usual stuff. He always goes.

"I didn't want to," he shrugged it off. Well, that's weird.

"Okay, I'll see you later then," I said grabbing my stuff.

"Wait, let me drop you off," he said quickly.

"No it's fine. I'll just walk," I said on my way out.

"Don't be ridiculous. It's hot outside. I'll take you,"


Chris was his usual self, and the place was packed when I got in. I almost cringed at how crowded it was. The line was also long.

I grabbed the apron and quickly served the long line, Chris having to serve between the line and the tables. Most of them were getting takeaways, which is good because the place is already full. Another lady came in, and cut the line to serve some of the impatient customers. I got angry stares and they made me feel bad.

"Hello!" A small cheerful voice brought me out of my misery. I looked up to see the little girl from yesterday.

"Yolanda, hey," my smile widened just at the sight of this cute little angel. Well, and his brother, who looked like he walked fresh out of a villain movie. He had a dark navy shirt this time and a black tie. "Hello," I greeted him softly. More like shy.

The man is good looking and intimidating. Though as soon as his face stretched into the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, I instantly felt at ease. Maybe he's not so bad.

"Hi, we're back for the chocolate croissant," he said softly. "Thanks again for yesterday. She wouldn't stop talking about the cake. If you could get a slice as well," he said.

"Of course," I said pinching her cheek lightly, making her giggle.

"Looks like you found your match, my guy," Chris spoke up, wiping the glasses with a dishcloth.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I packed Yolanda's order. "Anything else?"

"Can I get a milkshake?" Yolanda turned to his brother, who was about to answer, but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

"One second, please. Talk to him," he said leaving his sister on the counter.

"Banana milkshake, please," Yolanda said.

"Coming right up," I went to make the milkshake for her, eyeing her sideways since she's unsupervised. "Here you go,"

"Seriously mom, I told you I have work to do. Why didn't you tell him in the first place? What am I supposed to do with Yoyo now?" A distressed looking Tyrese walked back, still on the phone. "You always do this. He should be just as responsible as I am," he said with an eye roll. "Fine, I'll stay with her," he said before hanging up.

"Brother ditched me again?" Yolanda asked with a knowing unbothered look.

"Sorry Yoyo. Looks like you're stuck with me again, for today," he said looking at his phone, with a frown. He called someone while looking around. "Yo Kev, cancel my meetings for today." He said. "Yeah yeah, send me the draft and I'll look into it," he said before hanging up.

"Why do you work on weekends?" Yolanda asked him while slurping on her milkshake.

"I don't have a choice," was all he said paying for her stuff. "Now I have no idea where to go," he mumbled worriedly.

"That's a lot of chocolate for a toddler, don't you think?" Chris commented, eyeing the croissant and the slice of chocolate cake as well, placed next to Yolanda.

"Do I look like a toddler to you, punk ass?" My mouth gaped at how sharp her tongue was.

"Hey, don't be rude. Apologize," Tyrese scolded her quietly.

"He shouldn't have opened up his mouth," was all she said, looking away.

"You just got served," I laughed at Chris, who grumbled under his breath, embarrassed. "Chocolate can never be enough, right Yolanda?" I inquired as I served other customers while Tyrese stepped aside.

"I know right?" She squealed. "That's what I always tell my brothers, but they never listen. You like chocolate too?"

"Of course, I breathe chocolate," I said freely. She giggled, offering a high five which I gladly accepted. "See? Nothing wrong with that," I turned to Chris. "You must like something too,"

"Yeah," he smirked at me. "You," I scrunched my face.

"That's not what I meant," I murmured.

"But it's what I mean," he shrugged.

"Stop doing that,"

"What? And risk not seeing you blush like that? Not a chance,"

"I'm not blushing," I said stubbornly.

"You are blushing, Ethan," Yolanda giggled, poking my cheek.

"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side," I whined, pouting at her. She only giggled. "And you're not gay, so stop doing that,"

"What? I could be," Chris said with a shrug.

"Tyrese is gay," my eyes widened when Yolanda delivered the news. I looked up at Tyrese to see him rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, why don't you tell the whole world while you're at it?" He said under his breath.

"What? You are gay brother. It's not a bad thing," she said casually. "It's just that the guys you date are..." she scrunched her face.

"What?" He looked at her.

"Idiots. They're mean and idiots," she said. Tyrese gasped at that. "What? It's true. You should ask Ethan out. He's cute," I almost choked on my saliva. "You're single, right?" Yolanda turned to me. I met eyes with Tyrese and quickly looked away, unable to hold his eye contact.


"He is," Chris interjected. "He's been single his whole life. Nice one, babygirl," he said.

"Hey! Stop doing that," I glared at him. He only shrugged.

"For someone who's buff looking, you sure don't know how to make a mean face," Chris said casually. "Glaring makes you cute, if anything," he winked at me.

"Shut up," I snapped. My eyes snapped up when I heard Tyrese laugh. Like an actual genuine laugh. He looks so handsome. I need to stop.

Tyrese and his sister ended up staying here. I told him about the study area inside the Cafe and the kid's section for kids. There were already three kids playing with each other. Yolanda happily joined them. I promised Tyrese I'd keep an eye on her, seeing as she'll be right in front of me.

"Thank you so much," he said genuinely. The man was lost and he looked swamped. "Could I please get coffee?" He inquired. "How much do I need to pay?"

"R150," I said.

"For both the study area and the kid's section?"

"No, the kid's section is free. It's R150 to use the study area. It's soundproof, so you don't have to worry about the noise," he nodded. "I'll bring the coffee,"


It felt nice to help someone. I liked making anyone's day. That's the one thing I love about this job. Seeing almost everyone smile at the sight of food. Pure happiness. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I'm just like that.


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