Detective Freak

By Suri-Sabri

128K 4.1K 1.1K

Ariana Holmes's life was mainly consisted of helping ghosts figure out how they died, following her uncle to... More

Ch.1: A Letter From London
Ch.2: Hello, Freaks.
Ch.3: A Murder In London {Part One}
Ch.4: A Murder in London {Part Two}
Ch.5: First Day
Ch. 6: Sweet Death {Part One}
Ch.7: Sweet Death {Part Two}
Ch.8: Love Lessons With Joey
Ch.9: A New Freak
Ch.10: Holmes Meets Poirot
Ch.11: Flowers, Bears, and Hunters {Part One}
Ch.12: Flowers, Bears, and Hunters {Part Two}
Ch.13: The White Ravens
Ch. 14: The Unfolding
Ch.15: Strange Feelings
Ch.17: What Are Friends for? {Part One}
Ch.18: What Are Friends For? {Part Two}
Ch.19: Heartbreak
Ch.20: A Shoulder To Cry On
Ch.21: A Date With Poirot
Ch.22: Words I Couldn't Say
Ch.23: The Ugly Truth.
Ch.24: A Date To Remember
Ch.25: Curiosity Killed The Detective
Ch.26: The Black Crows
Ch.27: Friend Is A Foe.
Ch.28: The Leaders
Ch.29: The Will To Go On
Ch. 30: Burned Memories
Ch.31: Captured
Ch.32: Last Stand {Part One}
Ch.33: Last Stand {Part Two}
Ch.34: Last Stand {Part Three}
Ch.35: A Step Into The Future {End}

Ch.16: The Truth Behind His Eyes

3.5K 116 18
By Suri-Sabri

"Ms. Holmes!" My eyes snapped wide open, and I jumped in my seat, making my English book drop to the ground. I rubbed my sleepy eyes as I looked up to see Monkey Head looking at me with a fire burning in his eyes, his face carved in a scowl.

He had his hands placed on his hips as he tapped his foot on the ground. I heard the whole class burst into laughter as my face blew up in embarrassment. I must have fallen asleep during class.

"Do you find my class boring, young lady?" he bellowed.

My face became even redder than it was as I looked down. "No, sir, I'm sorry."

Actually, his class was boring, but I couldn't possibly say that because I didn't want to get into more trouble.

"One more time, and I will have to send you to Mr. Black's office." He waved a threatening finger at me.

"I promise I won't do it again."

And with that, he gave me a glare before going back to teaching.

I sighed and picked up my pen to write the notes on the board. It's been a whole week since we got back from our trip. The entire class asked me about how I hurt my leg, and I just told them that I tripped down and fell on my knees.

But sometimes, I still have nightmares about the hunter. They were all the same. I was lying on the grass, my leg and arm bleeding, and I couldn't move. The hunter aimed his riffle on Max's head, and I tried to scream at him to run, but no matter how loud I was, no one could hear me. And in the end, Max ended up getting shot, and that's when I woke up sweating and breathing heavily. It's probably why I slept in class.

And as for Max and me, he stopped being rude. We would talk a lot more and even watch animated movies together. The bottom line, he completely changed his attitude towards me.

Time went by, and English class was over. I picked up my book and continued reading, waiting for the Math teacher to arrive.

"You're still reading that shit?" I heard Jacob say, and I looked up to see him standing in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest.

I smirked as I ignored him and went back to my book. "Of course I am. After all, he's the better detective."

Joey groaned from behind me. "Not again!"

Even though Jacob and I got along sometimes, we still fought over whose better. It's just because he's too stubborn to admit that Sherlock was in a completely different league than Poirot.

He clicked his tongue, a smug expression on his face. "You see, that's where you're wrong. Clearly, Poirot is superior because Shitlock cannot even catch Arsene Lupin."

Oh, no, he didn't! He didn't just call my Sherlock a shit. I put my book on my desk and stood up, hands flat on the wooden surface as my eyes set on his.

"At least, they have a museum only for Sherlock, right here in your own country. Which means that even Great England thinks that Sherlock is better," I said.

He frowned. "Shitlock is nothing compared to Poirot."

I chuckled while shaking my head. "Even Ms. Marple is better than him. I think Agatha Christie made a mistake creating Poirot. She should have come up with a far more interesting character."

He was about to protest when Joey cut him off. "Oh, for the love of God! They both suck."

"What did you say!?" We both whipped our heads at him, and he just shrugged and sat back in his seat. We were about to continue with our argument when the teacher came, and we had to glare at each other before retreating.

Mr. Andrew started calling our names to see who was absent and who wasn't. On the other hand, I was still having an argument in my head. I can't believe Jacob actually thinks that Poirot is the better detective! I mean, it's clearly Sherlock who's more popular and loved.

"Christian Jenson," the teacher called, and Christian raised his hand while his eyes were still on the math book.

Come to think of it; he's always been like this. His nose was always buried in a book. I never see him talk to people other than our group. I guess he's not the type to be social.

"Ms. Holmes, will you please stop staring at Mr. Jenson and raise your hand when I call your name?" I heard Mr. Andrew say, and I quickly whipped my head from Christian to him, with my face red as a clown's nose. He had a smug smirk on his face, and the whole class looked at me. I buried my face in my book, trying to hide the embarrassment.

But clearly, it didn't help. It only made it worse.

Ugh! What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I keep staring at him like that? I could feel his eyes on me when Mr. Andrew said those things. Mr. Andrew was our youngest teacher, only twenty-five years old, and he acted so much like a teenager.

"Anna Evergreen," he called, but no one raised her hand. He called again, only for silence as a reply.

A red-haired girl stood up from her seat with a nervous look on her face. It seemed like she was worried. "Um, sir, Anna has been absent for two days," she informed

He raised both eyebrows. "Again? Does anybody know why?"

The girl shook her head and glanced at her group of friends, who did the same. None of the other students spoke as well.

"We don't know, I'm her roommate, and I haven't seen her for two days," she stated.

Mr. Andrew nodded and told her he would file a missing report to the school administration. She smiled faintly and sat back.

I don't know why, but I felt like something was wrong. Anna disappearing sounded strange, people don't just vanish like that for no reason, and she's been gone for two days. Even her own roommate doesn't know where she is.

Does this have to do with whatever Mr. Black had planned for the school? I'll have to talk to Jacob about it.


Honestly, this girl sometimes drives me crazy. I mean, who thinks that Shitlock is better than Poirot? Poirot is the more extraordinary detective, and I know it. Who cares what she thinks?

Yeah, sometimes she gets under my skin, but I just can't help staring at her. She was really hot, even though she didn't seem to put too much effort into that. And her face...Jesus! That face could make any guy pine after her.

Everything about her was beautiful, and not just from the outside. I still couldn't believe what she did for that kid Max. She took two bullets just to keep him safe. Who would do that? I had a feeling she would make a great agent.

"Ms. Holmes, will you please stop staring at Mr. Jenson and raise your hand when I call your name?" I heard Mr. Andrew say.

I saw her snap her head towards him, and her cheeks became redder than they already were. The whole class looked at her, and she tried to hide her flushed face in her book.

That's another thing about her. I always see her staring at that guy Christian. I knew he was also like her and my brother, but why did she keep doing that? Does she like him?

He's handsome, alright, and I would certainly catch some girls and boys eyeing him up like they wanted to jump him. Did she feel the same? What's so special about him anyway?

I shook those thoughts off my mind and just focused on the lesson. Time went by, and it was time for lunch, so I got up and walked outside the classroom.

A hand gently grabbed my arm, and I turned my head to see Ariana. She glanced sideways and quickly brought me to a corner. I resisted a smirk because usually, when girls did that to me, they wanted to make out, and I'm sure I would get kicked in the shins if I told her.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Don't you think it's strange?" she questioned, and I lifted an eyebrow in confusion.

"What is?"

She edged closer so no one would hear, and I could smell her sweet jasmine scent. "Samuel said that Mr. Black is working on something, and he's using the kids at school for it. I don't know why, but I think Anna's disappearance has something to do with it."

"Are you saying that Black kidnapped her?" I implored, lowering my voice.

She huffed. "No. Yes. Ugh! I don't know-maybe, but I have this feeling that he might have."

I took a moment to process the thought, then placed my hands on her shoulders. "Listen, Anna is a normal girl, and Black used that once. Samuel showed you. I'm going to tell him about this. It must be the same thing Black was working on twenty years ago."

"Thank you, Jacob." She squeezed my arm, and a part of me wanted that hand touching me longer.

But she retreated back to her friends. I don't know what's happening to me, but whatever it was, I do not hate it, and this girl is the one causing it.


"What were you two talking about?" Joey asked Ariana as she walked from Jacob to us. We were standing there, waiting for her to finish talking with him. I had no idea what they were conversing about, but she suddenly grabbed him and led him to a corner, and she didn't seem like she wanted anyone to join them.

"Joey, it's not your business," Rayne warned, but Joey ignored her.

"She's right. Not your business," Ariana agreed, giving him a smug smile.

What does she mean 'not your business?' It's not like they were talking secrets, were they?

"Are you two going out?" he inquired as we headed to the cafeteria.

She immediately blushed and shook her head, which earned her a raised eyebrow from Joey. My fist clenched tightly for some reason at her reaction. Was she really going out with him? And most of all, why did I care?

"No, of course not, Joey. Don't be ridiculous."

"Oh, really?" Joey smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yep!" Her face was still red, and I noticed she chewed on her bottom lip.

"Ah, come on, Aria!" Joey smacked her arm playfully. "You deserve to have some fun. It's okay to admit it."

She blushed even harder, and my chest constricted. Why does she keep on blushing!?

"I'm not going out with him!" She said in frustration, but that only made Joey's smirk grow wider.

"Let me guess. You're going on a date after school today. Is that why you were talking in private?" He winked.

"Joey, leave her alone." Jeremy rolled his eyes at him.

"No, I'm not!" she snapped.

I know that joey was just being his usual teasing self, but I really wanted to punch him in the face right now. He squealed, completely dismissing her denial. "I wonder if you're going to do it?"

She appeared as if her head was about to explode. Rayne and Jeremy just rolled their eyes and shook their heads, and I desperately tried to contain my seething temper at the idea of her and Jacob.

What the hell is wrong with me!?

Get a grip, Christian!

Ariana's face wasn't just red from embarrassment. "Jesus Christ, Joey! Would you shut up!? No, I'm not going out with him, and I'm not going to sleep with him! I haven't even had my first kiss! If you keep on doing that, I'm not going to take you to town anymore! And you're not going to be able to eat Ellen's sweets or watch Christian work!"

Her words were met by silence as both Rayne and Jeremy turned to her with a confused look. Joey had his eyes wide open, and so did she after she realized what she had said. I don't know how tightly my fist could clench because everything in me threatened to burst.

"Wait, what did you say?" Jeremy asked her.

"Who's Ellen?" Rayne added.

She swallowed roughly and glanced at Joey. "Um, I-I..." she stuttered, not knowing what to say as her eyes were on the ground. She glanced at me through her hair strands, and she flinched when she saw my expression.

I could feel the anger rise through my chest. And I knew damn well that I couldn't do anything at the moment, so I turned around and walked away.

I can't believe that idiot said it! After I specifically told her to keep her mouth shut. I was mad enough when she brought Joey, but I decided to forgive her on the condition that she would bring only him. But now, she tells Rayne and Jeremy!

That idiot will pay.



How can my tongue slip like that? I can't believe I actually told Jeremy and Rayne about Christian working. After I promised him I won't! He was so furious at me for bringing Joey, but eventually, he told me he was allowed to come. But now, I'm sure that he will never forgive me.

I half-walked, half-ran to the classroom. I didn't know what to say when Jeremy asked me, so I did the only thing I could do. I fled.

I opened the door to the classroom, and to my surprise, I saw Lena sitting on her desk, eating a sandwich as she scrolled through her phone.

"Hey, Lena," I greeted, walking to her desk.

"Hello," she replied curtly.

She was her usual self, and I couldn't help but feel curious. She doesn't talk much and only listens. Come to think of it; she never sits with us at lunch. It's not like she hangs out with other students. No, she's always at her desk, by herself.

"Why don't you go to the cafeteria?"

She looked up and shook her head. "I don't want to."


She sighed and took a bite out of her sandwich. "I have no one to sit with."

I stared at her for a bit. She seemed like she wasn't affected by her isolated situation like she had come to accept it. She refused to look at me. "Don't be silly. Of course, you have someone. Aren't we friends?"

"No." I was a little taken back as she stood up from her seat and walked towards the door. "I have no friends."

And with that, she slammed the door behind her. Okay, that was weird. I have never seen Lena do something like that. She was always quiet, but now she seemed offended at the possibility of having friends. I thought she got along with us. Perhaps I was mistaken?

I shook my head and went to my desk, grabbed my Sherlock book, and walked out of the classroom. I didn't want to face Christian right now. I will apologize to him when he gets back from his shift today. And right now, I just needed to not think and read my book in peace.

I was just walking when a hand suddenly grabbed my arm, and I felt those tingles through my body. I didn't have the time to turn around because I heard a door opening, and the hand quickly pulled me into the janitor closet.

I felt my book drop on the ground at the sound of a door being slammed shut -and metal clanking. Before I knew it, I was yanked to a wall.

I was staring into a pair of green eyes that looked like they were on fire. They held so much anger towards me. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" Christian banged his fist on the wall near my head. I barely could stand because my legs were trembling at the fury he directed at me.

"Didn't I tell you to keep your mouth shut?"

I had to admit it. I was a bit scared. But most of all, my heart was in pain. He was mad at me and seemed like he hated me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Tears started forming, and it was becoming difficult to breathe.

He had absolutely every right to be mad at me. Why wouldn't he? I mean, after all, I told everyone the one thing he told me not to tell. If I were him, I would be furious too. But still, I wish he wouldn't treat me like that. God, I'm so stupid.

I wiped my tears with my arm, not wanting to let him see me like that. I saw something soft flash in his eyes, but he quickly masked it. He then let go of my arm and backed away. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" I heard him mutter as he ran a hand through his hair.

He sighed in frustration and skipped towards the door. His hand went to the doorknob, but it was met with nothing. The space where the knob should be was empty. "What the hell?" He tried to push his weight on the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Christian, look!" I pointed to the handle that was on the ground. I think it was the sound of metal clanking that I heard earlier.

He looked down, and his eyes widened. "Shit!"

He attempted to kick open the door, but it stood still. He growled and slammed a hand on it. "It's no use. It can only be opened from the outside now."

"Shit! Do you have your phone?" I asked him, panic rising in my chest.

"No," he scowled. "It's in the class."

"Mine too."

"We're both stuck in here!" He gritted his teeth, giving the door one last kick before heaving a breath out and sitting down on the ground with his back leaning on the wood. "I guess we have to wait for someone."

Hold on! I can barely breathe when I sit next to him in class, now I'm stuck with him in a small room, all alone! I could already feel my heartbeat quicken. I sighed, knowing I couldn't do much right now.

He closed his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm going to sleep, so stay away from me."

Though he couldn't see me, I only gave him a nod and picked up my book from the ground. Then I gathered my skirt and sat right on the cold hard floor, facing him.

I just hope to God that someone will find us. Quickly.


We had no idea where those two went. We haven't seen them since lunch, and it's been two periods since they were gone. The teacher asked us where they were, but we all confessed that we didn't know. I still blame myself for what Aria said. If it weren't for my annoying self, she wouldn't slip up, and Ray and Jeremy wouldn't have known about Christian's job.

It was my fault that I put her in this situation. I need to find her and apologize to her and to Christian.

I felt something hit my head and then drop on my desk. It's then I noticed that it was a piece of paper. I picked it up and glanced around me to see who it was. My eyes landed on Jeremy, and I saw him nod at me. I turned my head from him to the paper in my hand, unwrapping it.

We have to search for Christian and Ariana after school. Me, Rayne, Max, and you. Okay?′

I nodded at Jeremy after I finished reading the paper. He was right. It's weird for Ariana and Christian to disappear. Where on earth could these two be right now?


The sound of a stifled scream made my head snap from the book to Christian. I quickly stood up, coldness seeping through me. He had his eyes tightly shut, clenching his chest, moaning and grunting as sweat coated his forehead. His back was arching off the door, and his body tossed around.

I knelt beside him, steeling my nerves. "Christian, wake up!"

"Connor, I'm sorry," he mumbled, his breath hitching as his chest rose up and down. Who's Connor?

"Christian, please wake up!" I raised my voice, but it was no use. His eyes were still shut, and he was sweating and whispering that name repeatedly.

"Christian, for God's sake, wake up!" This time, I lightly slapped his cheeks, and thank goodness that he snapped his eyes wide open. He straightened up, covering his face with his hand. He inhaled and exhaled sharply, breathing becoming steady.

I sighed in relief and lightly stroked his arm. Although this time, he didn't jerk away from my touch.

"Christian, are you okay?" I softly asked him. He moved his hands from his face and ran his fingers through his hair while nodding. After making sure he was fine, I was about to get up when suddenly he grabbed my hand. Tingles went through my body the minute he touched it.


I had to say that I was surprised. I thought he wanted me away from him. But his eyes were pouring into mine as he held my hand firmly. I blushed while nodding and sat next to him, bringing my knees to my chest.

"Can I ask you something?" he said. I nodded at him, a bit confused. "Why did you take those bullets for Max?"

I just shrugged. "I couldn't let Max get hurt. I couldn't just stand there while doing nothing. But mostly, I have always wanted to be a detective, and being a detective means that it's my job to protect people. I couldn't let anybody get hurt."

He just stared at me for a moment, making my cheeks heat. At my reaction, he took his gaze off me and looked at the ground.

"Can I ask you a question?" It was my turn, and I hoped he would agree. Luckily, he nodded. I wasn't sure if I should ask, but I decided to conjure up the courage. "Who's Connor?"

He tensed, ripping his eyes from me. I guess that he didn't want to answer. Maybe I was being too curious? I was about to tell him never mind when he surprised me by responding.

"He's my little brother," he said.

His moss-green eyes held so much emptiness and pain. "You have a brother?"

"He sometimes reminds me of you. He always wanted to be a detective, and he idolized Sherlock Holmes so much. He wanted to be just like him. Sometimes, he used to tell me that I could be Watson since I have always wanted to be a doctor."

There was a hint of a smile on his lips as if recalling his time with his brother. It was the first time I have ever seen him smile, and he looked so damn handsome while doing it.

He must love his brother a lot since he talked about him like he was an angel or something. His brother wanted to be a detective too, and on top of it all, he also admired Sherlock Holmes. I don't know why, but suddenly I wanted to meet him.

"Where's he now?" I asked with a smile.

His own dropped, and his lips went to a straight line. He got off the ground, his back facing me as he stepped ahead. "He's dead."

I wasn't able to see his expression, but his tone was so cold. I just sat there, staring at his back as the room fell silent. "I'm sorry." That was all I could say. He talked about his brother like he was still alive, but I had no idea that he wasn't.

"He was only eight years old when he died. My parents would abuse me when I was just a child, and I did whatever I could to protect him from them. It was alright to take all the hits, as long as he was safe."

Shock registered in me, but I couldn't offer any words. None seemed able to come out. Christian always appeared so distant, and maybe that was the reason. But I just can't imagine how horrible his parents were. Abusing a child is wrong, and what Christian did for his brother was something not anyone would do.

"One day, I was just starting to discover my abilities. I was too busy with that to notice that my parents beat my brother. That day, I got so mad that I lost control of myself and my ability. And in the end I..."

He trailed off, and my heart screamed at the tightness in his voice. "I had killed my own parents, along with my brother."

I felt my body still. Christian killed his family --without meaning to. I didn't realize that tears streamed down my face, not as I attempted to process all of this.

"I have managed to tame my anger for seven years. In that time, Mr. Black found me. He told me that he would help me and take care of me, so I went with him. But I still remember that day, my parents and brother lying on the floor, lifeless. All because of my powers."

Now I know why Christian looked so emotionless when he saw Ian's dead body back at the shop. It's because he hated seeing them, and that probably triggered the nightmares he was having. I tried to compose myself, heaving in a cold breath. When I got off the ground, I inched closer to him and felt my fingers shaking. Not from fear, but at what I was about to do.

I slid my arms around his waist and pressed my face on his warm back, holding on to him as if he would vanish at any moment. The minute I touched him, tingles went through my body. I felt his back tense from the shock, but then he relaxed under my embrace.

"Is this okay?" I asked him. I didn't want him to push me away, but I wanted to know if being this close to him was alright, if he was comfortable with it.


And with his answer, I kept holding him.

We stayed like this for a while until I pulled away. He turned around, facing me as we stared into each other's eyes. I wanted to tell him how I felt and say that I liked him -perhaps a little bit more than that.

I could feel my face turn redder than it already was as I opened my mouth to speak. I have never told a guy something like this, but it feels so right now. But I wonder how he would react?

"Christian,," I haven't been able to find the right words to say. This is all new to me, I felt so nervous, and I couldn't breathe. I swallowed and just decided to say it straight away. "Christian, I li-"

Suddenly, the closet door burst right open, and I wasn't able to finish my sentence. Joey, Rayne, Jeremy, and Max stood there with relieved expressions on their faces.

"Thank God! We found you guys." Joey breathed out.

I wanted the ground to open up and devour my idiot ass while Christian stepped out the door.

"Where were you, Ariana? I was so worried," Joey asked me as we walked through the school halls with the others.

"It's a long story, Joey."

"Listen, Aria. I'm so sorry. If it weren't for me, the others wouldn't have known. I'll apologize to Christian too."

"It's okay, Joey. It's not your fault." He smiled at me, and I returned it.

A hand grabbed my arm, and I shifted my head to see it was Christian. He brought me closer to him as the others kept walking. "Listen, I don't know why I told you all of this. Maybe the nightmares caused me to want to tell someone. But I swear to God, if you tell anyone about this, I'll-"

"I won't tell anyone," I cut him off before he was able to finish his threat. "I promise."

He blinked a couple of times before he seemed finally convinced. "What was the thing you were about to tell me before the others came?"

I blushed and looked away. "I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry about your family."

"Never mind that. What about your family? Do you have any brothers or sisters?" He asked me, and something in me was a bit delighted that he did.

I shook my head. "I'm an only child, and my parents died in a car crash when I was four. So, I never really knew them."

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"Nevermind." I smiled up at him.

He just stared at me, keeping his face unreadable. What Christian told me today was something no one could say to a stranger. But somehow, I'm glad that he decided to share it with me, even though his pain is something I could never imagine.

When I hugged him, I never thought I could be this close to him. I felt those tingles again, and I wondered if he ever did. I wanted to be there for him. I know that he wasn't the kind to show his emotions, but I wanted to see them, see him smile more often, and hear him laugh.

And I knew this wasn't just a stupid crush, and I wasn't sure whether that assured or unsettled me.

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