More Than Friends

By jthawtiter

150K 4.9K 1.4K

Everybody life is good, living great, and enjoying their purpose for being on earth. Family means everything... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63 Pt. 1
Chapter 63 Pt. 2
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

Chapter 67

1K 49 31
By jthawtiter

*So I wanted to get some feedback on my works (including Broken, which you guys so go read because I think you'll like it!). Basically I just want to know what to you guys think is going to happen next? What do you think should happen in your opinion? Send me your
thoughts on here or my Instagram. My original insta is @_prIncessjaz_. You can DM me & if you follow me I'll follow you back.*

*seven weeks later*

Payton was out grabbing Paris kids some toys since their birthdays was coming up over the weekend. She hadn't been to any of the kids birthday parties, not even Asia's 1st birthday. This would be her first time and she wanted to make sure they enjoyed it.

"Payton" she heard from behind her as she shopped in toys r us.

"Coach Bricks" she remembered him as she turned around.

"You can call me Andre" he said holding his hand out and she held her fist up.

"I don't shake people hands" she told him and he chuckled before bumping her fist.

"It's been a minute" he told her and she nodded.

"Christmas right" Payton said remembering the last time she saw him.

"Yea, that game was crazy. Why you not in the league" he asked her trying to make conversation.

"Injury, plus I had started med school so I didn't have time to go back and play" she told him and he nodded with a slight smile.

"You know you are a beautiful woman" he told her honestly and she blushed a bit.

"Thank you... your not so bad yourself" she complimented him back and before he could speak he was interrupted.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy... Elsa is over there" the little girl said tugging his leg.

"Alright Emani, we going over there let me finish talking" he told her and she looked up,

"She's pretty daddy" she said smiling at Payton.

"Well thanks pretty girl your pretty yourself" Payton told her with a smile.

"Sorry about that, listen maybe we can exchange numbers and met up" he asked and Payton couldn't deny him infront of his child.

"Here I'll give you my number, call me when you want to hang out" she told him and he gave her the phone.

She put her number in and saved it. She handed it back to them and they gave each other another fist bump before he walked off. Payton went back to shopping only to be interrupted again.

"Hello" she answered her phone as Marcus called her.

"Payton hey... listen so I know we got the money for your last court order but this morning I got an email saying that you were being sued" Marcus told her and she looked around confused.

"Marcus I'm busy right now, I'll be over at your office in about forty-five minutes" she told him and he agreed before hanging up.

"Who the fuck is suing me now" she asked herself as she slid her phone in her back pocket.

She headed to the front to checkout, she swiped her card and left out the store. She packed the toys in her car and got in. She headed to Marcus office. Once she got there, she got out and took the elevator to his floor.

"Wassup Marcus so who suing me" Payton asked as she gave him a fist bump.

"Your sister" he told her getting straight to it.

"Who" she asked as she sat down confused.

"Lauren, she's suing for violating a contractual agreement" He told her and Payton raised her eyebrows.

"What do you mean exactly cause I went through the courts to get out of partnership and I got approved" Payton told him and he shrugged going onto his computer.

"I don't know what she was doing Payton but I did some research of my own and I come to find out Lauren has still been taking money from the joint account that you kicked her off of" Marcus told Payton.

"And how much money you talking" Payton asked sitting up.

"Almost a hundred thousand dollars, she used it to purchase a building in New York" He told her and she was stunned.

"And that was out of my money" Payton asked him and he nodded.

"Oh wow, she got me good. I didn't even know I had that much in there" Payton said surprisingly.

"Payton do you not check your bank accounts" Marcus asked and she shook her head no.

"Marcus you know how I am, I have two accounts. My main and my business, I have a assistant over my restaurant so I don't have to worry about anything else" she told him and he turned his computer screen.

"So this right here is the evidence I have from the fourth that you did indeed get the court's signature for discharge and evidence that she took the money from you so what I can do is reverse this case making it where you sue her back" Marcus told her and she debated on it.

"Sue her for ever dime she got" Payton told him and he did as told.

"Hey babe what you doing" Amarin asked as she walked around sitting on the couch.

"Nothing watching plays wassup with you" he asked turning the tv down.

"The kids are almost ready for the party today, they been bathe and now their watching tv" Amarin told him since he wasn't no where near ready.

"What party" he asked and she smacked her teeth.

"Pierre are you serious" Amarin asked as she sat up and he paused the tv.

"What bae" he asked and she sigh.

"Babe today is the twins birthday did you forget" Amarin asked nudging his leg and he shook his head.

"Paris twins" he asked and she smacked her teeth.

"Come on Pierre we gotta go get ready" she stood up grabbing him pulling him off the couch.

"Bae what time it start" he asked looking at the time seeing it was almost noon.

"Five" she said as they held hands walking to the room.

"Good" he said pulling her into him as they reached their room doorway.

"Pierre come o- bae we have to get ready" Amarin said pushing him off walking into the room.

"Amarin we haven't had sex in almost a month what's going on" he asked her and she sigh.

"Pierre I do- don't know." Amarin asked sitting down about the cry, he closed the door.

"Baby it's okay" Pierre said comforting her.

"I'm sorry I haven't been doing what I'm suppose to but Pierre the miscarriage scared me, i wanna give you another kid but I don't think it's time for me to have another right now" Amarin vented and Pierre kissed her cheek.

"Amarin it's okay baby, we don't have to have another one right now. I'm grateful for the family I do have" Pierre told her and that made her feel much better.

"Are you sure" she asked and Pierre was positive.

"I promise" Pierre told her with a smile.

"I love you so much" Amarin said hugging him, Pierre tightly comforted her.

"I love you to baby." Pierre told her.

Amarin decided she would do what she was suppose to do. She gave him head until he begged her to stop and then had sex with him. Afterwards he fell asleep and she cleaned the house til it was spotless. She felt much better knowing Pierre was satisfied.

*that weekend*

"Who invited Payton" Lauren asked as she stood beside Dejah.

"I don't know why" Dejah asked turning towards Lauren.

"Because I was the one helped Paris with the invites and I didn't invite her" she sassed her.

"Lauren ever kid here is the happiest I ever seen them at a birthday party, be glad Payton is here. This is our kids first time seeing her at a birthday party and their enjoying ever bit of it, they love her Lauren" Dejah told her as she sipped her icy-martini out her cup.

"So your taking her side once again huh" Lauren asked her rolling her eyes.

"Lauren do you see where almost ever parent is at.. we are at the bar at a kids birthday party and that's only because of Payton" Dejah proved her point with pure excitement.

"Payton is fucking suing me" Lauren told Dejah and Amarin walked over breathing hard.

"Y'all them kids are active today." Amarin said pointing at the trampoline.

"What is she suing you for" Dejah asked Lauren.

"Everything I fucking got" Lauren said and Amarin was confused.

"What...what's going on" Amarin asked putting her hands on her head.

"Payton is fucking suing me for everything I got" Lauren said furiously and Amarin looked around for Payton.

"Pierre" Amarin walked over to him.

"Where's Payton" Amarin asked and he pint his hair up in a man bun.

"I think she over there somewhere playing basketball with the boys" Pierre told her and Pierre cuffed her body pulling her to him.

"What's happened?" He asked and she sigh deeply.

"Babe Lauren said Payton is suing her for everything she got, why wasn't this talked about" Amarin told him and he sigh.

"ITS TIME TO EAT YALL" Jamel said in the microphone.

"We'll figure out what's going on" he told her as he pecked her lips.

Everybody gathered to eat pizza, hot wings, cheeseburgers, French fries, chips, salad, and Gatorade. They said prayer and the kids washed their hands and got in line to eat.

"Yo Payton" Pierre approached her as she stood on her phone, out of the way.

"Yea bro" she said looking up at him as she took a sip of what was on her cup.

"You drinking" he asked with a slight of excitement.

"No it's water but I wish, these kids will wear you out man" Payton showed him the half filled cup.

"Tell me about it" Pierre chuckled at her response.

"Where Adam at" Pierre asked her.

"He's with his dad" Payton told him and he sigh.

"I heard about the break up, you know he took it pretty hard" Pierre told him and Payton nodded.

"He told me but he's better now, well from what I know" Payton said sipping more of her water as she scrolled through her emails.

"Y'all not talking" Pierre asked and Payton nodded.

"Of course but it's like the break up is for real this time, he comes and get Adam and that's it. We just co-parents at this point" she said as if she didn't care.

"Damn man" Pierre said lowkey noting that he need to talk to August.

"Crazy right" she said shaking her head with a small chuckle.

"So what's going on with you and Lauren" he asked and Payton looked from her phone to Lauren who gave her a nasty eye roll, then to Pierre.

"I'm suing her for every dime she has" Payton told him so nonchalantly.

"Why... I thought y'all was cool" Pierre said confused as to why the two were feuding.

"Yo Lauren tried to sue me for business partner violating a contractual agreement, somehow when I found out she stole almost a hundred thousand dollars from me" Payton told him what happens.

"Why y'all fighting like this" he asked and as Dejah approached them.

"Why you suing her P, y'all need to let this childish mess go" Dejah asked her and Payton laughed looking at Dejah.

"Man listen, Lauren sued me first. Why would you sue somebody if you know you're stealing from them, that was a goofy move"Payton laughed at Lauren ignorance.

"And you're laughing like it's funny" Dejah said feeling that Payton was being childish about the situation.

"It's is D, listen I'm happy with my life right now. I have nothing against Lauren, I love her. But when you do bad it's comes back on you, that's not pettiness that's life" Payton told them from her perspective.

"You could've dropped the case though" Pierre said trying to make her think about it.

"She sued me I wasn't even thinking about her, let along just randomly suing her. She could've stepped to me like the grown woman she is and told me that the business wasn't doing good and ask for help. Instead she decides to steal from me then sue me and Karma came back on her ass to fast, her problem" Payton told them in her defense.

"She's right" Pierre said to Dejah and she sigh.

"I'm going back to the bar" Dejah said agreeing with what Payton said, Lauren brought it on herself.

August was home thinking about Payton as he sat on the couch holding Adam. Adam was growing into a handsome toddler and August was happy to see it. He was there, unlike his father.

He got up and took him to lay him down. He prayed over him as he slept. He cut the light out and turned on the baby monitor. He left out the room and down the stairs. He was healing but it was hard for him without the support of Payton.

"Hello" he answered his phone after he sat watching tv.

"Uncle Yung... Lai had the baby" Yoni told him and he smiled.

"It's about time.. damn" he said standing up going to put on his shoes.

"Yay... I got a niece and a cousin" Yoni said excitedly and August chuckled.
"I'll be there in fifteen" August said hanging up.

August went upstairs and got Adam up. He groaned and August couldn't think about nobody but Payton. He acted just like Payton when it came to his sleep. He honestly missed her but was grateful to have a piece of her during the healing process.

During this process, he decided to heal for hisself. He stopped drinking and smoking. He started back working out every other day, he mediated, and even got a dog all in the last three months.

He was more into his hair company and products. He was healthy. Recently, he couldn't get Payton out his head. When she dropped Adam off yesterday she looked amazing. Better than she ever had.

She smiled with happiness. Her skin was glowing, and she was beautiful. August could tell the time they took off was paying off so he was okay with the wait. He just wanted to hug her and kiss her when he seen her get out the car, she looked happy. That's what he wanted for her.

"I know ... I know" August said comforting Adam as he began to cry while he put him in the car seat.

"Gone back to sleep babyboy, daddy ain't gone bother you no more" he told him as Adam whined slowly calming down.

"Boy you act just like your momma" August said chuckling as he fell right back into a deep sleep.

August got down the stairs and grabbed his keys and left out. He headed to the hospital after strapping Adam in. After getting directions he found Lai on the fifth floor in her delivery floor. He walked in and to his surprise Payton stood talking to Yoni.

"Wassup y'all" he greeted them with a smile making space for Adam who was asleep in his car seat.

"Hey Uncle August" Lai greeted him as she laid in the hospital bed.

He sat Adam car seat on the couch and walked over to Lai. He walked over and kissed her forehead and dapped her boyfriend up.

"Congratulations y'all two, at least you got a girl you won't get pee'd on while you're changing a diaper" August told them and Lai smiled happily.

"I can't believe I just had a baby" she said in relief.

"Me either, she was baking for a long time too" August said and Mama T walked over beside August.

"Well hey son, listen Lai we gone wait outside for you because the doctors are about to come in and check you" she told her and in walked the doctors.

"Okay" Lai said and her boyfriend decided to stay and wait with her.

Everybody left out and August got Adam's car seat since Payton had got him out of it already. He walked up the hallway and into the empty waiting area where Yoni still held her conversation with Payton.

"He look like his dad" he heard Payton say as he walked up on them.

"He has your dimples though, he getting so big" Yoni said as he slept on Payton's chest peacefully.

"What y'all talking about" he asked sitting next to Yoni.

"Your kid, he looks like you uncle August" Yoni said and he smiled.

"I mean what can I say, i am a handsome man" August said giving props to hisself.

"I'm going to the vending machine to grab a energy drink" Payton said standing up and she handed him to Yoni.

"I'll be back" Payton told them as she walked off to the end of the hall.

"Do me a favor" he said to Yoni as he looked at her.

"Watch him for me tonight" he said and she sigh.

"Fifty dollars" she said holding her hand out and August smacked his teeth.

"All them dirty diapers I changed and you charging me" he said as he went in his pocket pulling out a stack of hundreds.

"I ain't got no fifty dollar bill" he told her trying to get out paying her.

"I'll give your change" she said and August couldn't do nothing but laugh as she held her hand out.

"If Payton would've asked you to keep him you would've did for free" August said handing her the hundred.

"Because she actually do important thing when she needs someone to watch him" Yoni told him as he put his money back up.

"So what you saying by that" he asked her with a smirk.

"Nothing Uncle Yung" Yoni told him and he smacked his teeth as Payton came back up the hall.

"Want me to get him back" Payton asked Yoni as she approached them.

"No he's fine" Yoni said and Payton sat down and August mouth dropped.

"See how you do me" August said as he pulled his phone out.

"Dr.East" Dr.Parks approached her and she looked up.

"Hey Parks, how's it going" Payton said standing up fist bumping him.

"Good, you haven't been here in a while" he said and August was watching them both.

He couldn't help hisself.

"I know, I know. I had a kid so I've been busy" she pointed to Adam as Yoni held him while he slept.

"He's a cute one" Dr.Parks told her as held her and Payton smiled at him.

But the smile was rare when it came from her. August couldn't help but noticed that she was in fact happy. She was healthier. He closed his eyes silently thanking God for helping her. He had prayed for each and everyday & it paid off.

After the conversation, they hugged and Payton sat back down. She put her AirPods in as she watched Pierre game from yesterday. She didn't go because she had Adam but she continued her support for him.

"You jealous" Yoni whispered to August and he started laughed.

"I gave her a son... I won already" August told her as he got up and walked to leave the hospital.

It was almost 3 in the morning and August was leaving the studio. His album was done, just ready to be dropped. He felt like he needed to vent so he went to the river. Once he got there, he seen Payton sitting on the bench close by the water.

"What you doing here" he walked up on her and she didn't even get scared.

"I couldn't sleep" she told him as she cleared her throat.

"You okay" he asked as he sat on the bench beside her.

"I'm fine, I just come here some nights just to listen to the water and see the view" she told him as she smiled at him, he smiled back.

He was so glad to see her smile.

"I'm glad your smiling more" he told her and she looked back at the water.

"You know August, thank you for everything seriously. I appreciate you more than you know" Payton told him and he sigh in relief still looking at her.

"Payton I prayed for you to be a better version of yourself because you deserve it. I want you to be happy at least for our son" August told him and she looked at him.

"Thank you" Payton told him and they just say there in silence listening to the water.

After almost 30 minutes Payton got up to leave. August grabbed her arm standing up stopping her.

"I just wanna hug" he told her looking her in eyes and Payton smiled at him.

"Okay" she told him and they hugged for a long time.

She hugged him, and the way she hugged him she had never hugged him like that. August felt his heartbeat go fast and slow down after feeling Payton's embrace. He felt the love they had for each other. He let go and kissed her forehead and she smiled to her.

"I love you P" he told her and she kissed his cheek
"I love you too August." Payton told him and he walked her to her car.

He opened the door for her and waited til she pulled off and got out of sight. He went back to the bench and sat down. He couldn't help but break down and cry. He didn't know why he was crying but he didn't care. He needed to let out.

After a hour or so, he got up and went back home. He showered and got in the bed. He just started at the ceiling until he fell asleep. Making sure he prayed before going all the way to sleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed and I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter!! 🙂

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