Behind Eyes of Red

By Deags58

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This is our first fanfic so please keep that in mind, our story revolves around Katsuki Bakugo, we're going f... More

Chapter 1: New Quirk
Chapter 2: Aspirations
Chapter 3: Never meet your heros
Chapter 4: New Friends
Chapter 5: Knotfest
CHAPTER 6: Sparks Fly
Chapter 7: Godzilla
Chapter 8: Burnin Love
Chapter 9: Unconventional Recovery
Chapter 10: Heavy Burdens
Chapter 11: Memory Lane
Chapter 12: Breaking Point
Chapter 13: Bittersweet Revenge
Important Announcement
Chapter 14: A New Beginning???
Chapter 15: Old Wounds
Chapter 16: Blast from the past
Chapter 17: The Return
Chapter 18: (Unofficial) Business
Chapter 19: Business gets Personal
Chapter 20: I'm No Hero
Chapter 21: Actions bare Consequences
Chapter 22: Seeing a ghost, in the flesh
Chapter 23: Track'em Find'em Kill'em
Chapter 24: The Phoenix
Chapter 25: The Unsung Hero

Chapter 6 Part 2: Ignition

132 11 12
By Deags58


As the giant robot engulfed in emerald flames slowly started to be reduced to a puddle, the pro heroes that were once observing were now combining their efforts to put out the unusual flames, they were so difficult that if the time wasn't up, they would have had to end the exam early.
The boys had met up when it was announced over, discussing how many robots they had each taken down, Katsuki with an impressive 58 robots total, but he lost track of how many points it was, and sadly, Izuku had just the one, which was worth a whopping total of Zero points. The points weren't impressive for Izuku, but the way he turned that robot into a puddle sure was. He still had no idea how he had done it or what that blue gel like stuff was, but he was thankful it was there, he still wondered about the girl with the rolled ankle, but he didn't see her after that so he had to let that go, he was glad to know he had somehow saved her from the gigantic machine.

Kachaan: What happened back there Deku? I turned around and just saw huge green flames, I assume that was you
Deku: Yeah that was me, sort of
Kachaan: What do you mean sort of?
Deku: Well I used my quirk to start that fire, accidentally but it happened
Kachaan: You mean your shiny nails do more than make sparks?
Deku: No no, they did make sparks, but there was this weird stuff coming out of the robot, it caught fire when I tried to grab on, I think it might have been machine oil or something, it was pretty viscous for oil though
Kachaan: Viscous?
Deku: Like thick, gooey, and it was blue
Kachaan: So like blue jelly?
Deku: Yeah I guess you can say that
Kachaan: Weird...

Hearing that description made Katsuki think back to the night of the concert, when he had something just like that on him, it even caught fire, the one thing both incidents had in common was Izuku's presence, could that mean something? Could they somehow be linked? He had to find out. The boys decided to call it a day and go home, the questions were burning in the back of Katsuki's mind so he waited until they were home before asking.

(Now in their bedroom)

Kachaan: Deku
Deku: Yeah?
Kachaan: You said that jelly stuff was blue right?
Deku: That's right, why?
Kachaan: It got me thinking about something
Deku: what's that?
Kachaan: Do you remember the incident at the concert?
Deku: The fight or the fire?
Kachaan: The fire
Deku: Yeah, what about it
Kachaan: Well just before that fire happened, I had some blue stuff on my arm, I don't know if it's a coincidence or not but it was the same spot on my arm you grabbed me from to get me off that guy
Deku: I don't remember putting my hand on anything that might have been stuck to me
Kachaan: That's the thing that has me thinking, after what happened today, I started to wonder if it actually came from you
Deku: From me? What do you mean?
Kachaan: Think about it, your hands made contact with both me and that robot and fire was involved both times
Deku: You don't think...
Kachaan: I think you have more than one part to your quirk, if that stuff did come from you, then it can explain why your nails can create sparks, ignition
Deku: But how? It came from the robot
Kachaan: How are you so sure about that? You saw the size of that thing, I doubt anyone could make a dent in it, let alone cause it to leak fluid, and another thing, you don't have a single burn on your skin, that thing was a puddle afterwards
Deku: ....
Kachaan: The way that stuff burned reminded me of something militaries used to use
Deku: What was it?
Kachaan: It was called Napalm, that stuff burned hot and slow and was a pain to put out, those flames you created, burned just like Napalm.
Deku: If what you theorize is true, how would I have been able to use it? It just appeared out of nowhere
Kachaan: That much I don't know, but maybe we can figure it out
Deku: How so?
Kachaan: Back tracking
Deku: Alright
Kachaan: What do you remember about the two incidents that stood out to you?
Deku: Hmmm....
Kachaan: Think Deku, how did you feel before these things happened?
Deku: I remember feeling worried, scared, a little angry I guess
Kachaan: Scared? Scared of what?
Deku: I guess that someone would get hurt
Kachaan: Hmmm... if you were scared, what made you get involved with that robot?
Deku: Well, there was a girl there, she was hurt and it was coming after her, I didn't think about it, I just moved
Kachaan: So when you stopped me from kicking that guy's ass at the concert, you just moved too?
Deku: I mean the whole atmosphere was pretty stimulating so I guess I felt energetic, and when I saw trouble brewing I thought like a hero would and rushed over
Kachaan: So you acted instinctively?
Deku: I guess so
Kachaan: I doubt instinct is what brought out that Napalm stuff, what else do you remember?
Deku: Maybe it was caused by panic? I was thrashing pretty hard when that robot got me
Kachaan: Wait a minute...
Deku: What is it?
Kachaan: Both times you did something irrational without thinking
Deku: What are you getting at?
Kachaan: What makes people do crazy things without thinking?
Deku: Fear?
Kachaan: Adrenaline
Deku: Adrenaline?
Kachaan: Think about it, someone like you would have their adrenaline pumping when you saw someone in danger, it's why you always jump head first into danger
Deku: Huh..... it makes too much sense to ignore
Kachaan: So if the Napalm is somehow connected to your adrenaline, it could be your actual quirk
Deku: Uh oh....
Kachaan: Don't get ahead of me, you don't know what I'm thinking
Deku: You're thinking of testing it aren't you?
Kachaan: SHUT UP!
Deku: Uh oh was correct, by the way, why do you keep referring to it as Napalm?
Kachaan: Easier and less stupid than saying "sticky blue fire jelly stuff"
Deku: ...... Ok, good point.
Kachaan: We've got some work to do and not much time to do it, so we should get on it as soon as possible
Deku: Playing with Napalm can be extremely dangerous
Kachaan: Then you better learn to control it, and fast
Deku: *nods*
Kachaan: I'll ask Ears if she knows any places we can practice, you ask ponytail
Deku: I'm on it

Katsuki and Izuku took out their phones and started conversations with each of the girls, Izuku texting Momo and explaining their plan, whereas Katsuki made a call to Jiro, Izuku found it a bit odd that he had walked away while on the phone but didn't bother questioning it, after they all came to an agreement the boys regrouped and Izuku happened to catch Katsuki at the end of his call.

Kachaan: I really hope it works, alright, see you soon *hangs up*
Deku: Sounds like Jiro is on board
Kachaan: Damn it Deku, don't sneak up on me like that!
Deku: Sorry, I thought you saw me approach
Kachaan: I had my back turned you idiot!
Deku: No need to get defensive, it's not like it's a secret that you like talking to your girl
Kachaan: Big talk for someone who hasn't admitted his feelings for his girl
Kachaan: Save it, let's get going, we can use the time we have before our results come in, let's see just how well we did
Deku: I probably won't be accepted, I didn't get any points
Kachaan: I wouldn't be so sure about that, what you did definitely got the examiners' attention, they might just let you in to study your quirk more, sounds horrible but hey at least we'll both be attending UA together
Deku: You really think I'll be accepted?
Kachaan: We're a package deal, if you don't go, then neither do I
Deku: *looks at his friend with hope in his eyes*
Kachaan: Besides, I'm not doing all this training with you for nothing
Deku: *face changes expressions* Gee thanks, you're a real pal
Kachaan: And you're a real pain.

You all may be wondering why Katsuki was acting so defensive after his phone call with Jiro, well I'm here to tell you why, Katsuki had a different plan in mind for trying to activate Izuku's quirk, he plans to tell Izuku that they are going to do more sparring but with the added danger of him using his quirk without restraint, that may not be enough so he actually collaborated with Jiro and Momo on a plan that is sure to work, but it has its risks, risks he was willing to take. The next day, they were In Momo's back yard as she had the most space where they could use quirks freely. Momo had asked her father for permission to use the training structure he had built when she discovered her quirk, she regularly uses it to simulate field training. Not long after their arrival Katsuki and Izuku were sparring, and Katsuki wasn't holding anything back. Katsuki had tried everything from beating deku to the point of nearly passing out and sending large blasts his way in order to spike his adrenaline but alas nothing was working. It was likely due to that fact that Izuku sensed no malicious intent from Katsuki's attacks, which never spiked his adrenaline, but little did Izuku know, Katsuki had a ringer up his sleeve....


Katsuki: Hey ears, I need you to ask and convince ponytail of something.
Jiro: Uh, sure, what is it?
Katsuki: Deku isn't gonna get enough adrenaline to activate his quirk by just fighting me, he knows I won't actually hurt him that bad, BUT if we put you and ponytail in "danger" maybe it'll trigger his napalm.
Jiro:..... Hmm you really think that'll work?
Katsuki: It has to, it also has to look real, think you can manage that?
Jiro: If I tell Momo it's to help Izuku, she'll likely be on board, I'll get right on it
Katsuki: Great, thanks ears
Jiro: No problem Pookie *giggles*
Katsuki: Don't ever let Deku hear you say that, it won't end well
Jiro: Oh relax, it'll be our little secret, Pookie
Katsuki: ...... Tch
Katsuki: I really hope it works, alright, see you soon *hangs up*

(Present time)

Izuku is struggling to dodge and evade Katsuki's onslaught of explosions, then suddenly there was silence, Izuku looked around to see that Katsuki was nowhere in sight, this built the tension in Izuku since up until this point, Katsuki's attacks were unrelenting. Izuku guarded up and waited in anticipation for Katsuki to come bursting out of the ground or from behind a wall. Suddenly Izuku felt something on his back, it was a hand, somehow Katsuki had managed to sneak up behind him without being perceived, but it wasn't an attack, he just came to tell him it was time for a break. The boys took a seat and had some water while the girls reset the training area. Just before they headed out Katsuki and Jiro locked eyes for a moment and she gave him a confirming nod as they headed off to the training area. Jiro and Momo headed into the training structure, towards one of the back rooms where they found a hatch that led to an underground bunker. Nothing too fancy but the bunker did have an escape tunnel to the other side of the property. While the girls were in there, Katsuki spontaneously started a sparring match. Charging Izuku and both were exchanging blows, Katsuki decided to turn up the heat... literally. He let off a large blast that shook the not quite so stable structure that began to sway with the girls still (presumably) inside

Deku: Kachaan! Careful the girls are still inside! You could-

(Another large blast)

Kachaan: It's gonna take more than dodging to escape Deku!
Deku: I'm serious! The girls are still in there! They can get hurt!!
Kachaan: Quit lying! I don't see them anywhere! *Sets off three more blasts*
Deku: Knock it off!!!

After arguing, while still fighting, the structure started to crumble and collapse. That got Izuku's attention, and in the moment of panic, his adrenaline was now pumping, he made a mad dash towards the building, a Blue, gel like substance started to secrete from his arms like sweat, as in from shoulder to fingertips, being resourceful, he flung the so called "napalm" off his arms and onto the ground ahead of him and slid through the building looking for his "girlfriend" as well as her best friend, he heard their voices in the distance, he made his way towards them but was stopped by a wall of debris, he figured now was the best time to utilize the full ability of his quirk, he scraped the napalm from his left arm and smeared it on the wall in front of him, he took a few steps back and flicked his nails to create a spark and ignite the napalm.
Next thing Izuku knew the wall ignited in green flames and being that the structure was poorly made it only made things worse. The flames began to melt the debris, which only made it more susceptible to collapsing. Eventually Izuku came across the secret hatch that the girls had used, but before he had the chance to open it, his vision had started to go black due to all the smoke inhalation. The last thing he heard before passing out was a screaming Katsuki, and when he came to, he saw Momo putting an ice pack on his head, Jiro getting water and Katsuki looking sad with a face full of regret. (Think Thor from Avengers Endgame)

Izuku: Wh-what happened?
Momo: You're awake! Thank goodness
Jiro: Oh man what a relief
Katsuki: *looks at him with a concerned face but says nothing*
Momo: I'm so sorry about what happened, I didn't think this would happen
Izuku: Huh?
Jiro: She didn't want to, it was my fault, I convinced her to do it
Izuku: What do you me-
Katsuki: *stands up quickly* That's enough you two, it was my idea in the first place, don't you dare take the blame for what happened to him. You hear me?
Momo/Jiro/Izuku: *all look at him with concern*
Katsuki: Deku.... I'm... I'm sorry, I asked them to put themselves in fake danger to help activate your quirk, I didn't take into account the danger you'd be in.
Momo: Don't be so hard on yourself Katsuki, we chose to go along with the idea to help Izuku.
Jiro: Yaomomo is right, we wanted to help him, but we probably took the wrong route in doing so, we made a mistake, thankfully Izuku is ok.
Izuku: *sits up* I appreciate the lengths you'd all go to in order to help me, but let's try to keep the danger to a minimum please
Momo: (with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face) *hugs him* I promise I won't do that again
Katsuki: Me too
Jiro: Ditto
Izuku: One good thing came from this
Katsuki/Jiro/Momo: Huh??
Izuku: You were right, my napalm is triggered by my adrenaline, my heart was racing when I thought the girls were in danger, and from there I acted on instinct.
Momo: So if your adrenaline is a key factor in this, I may have an idea on how to utilize it without having to put anyone in danger.
Jiro: What do you have in mind?
Momo: *tapping away on her phone* we are all going to participate in breathing exercises, if Izuku can control his heart rate, he can possibly control his adrenaline
Katsuki: So why are we all doing it?
Momo: Because we all put him in danger
Katsuki: Fair point ponytail, I'm in
Jiro: Me too, also, this could help you too
Katsuki: How do you figure?
Jiro: You could produce more sweat if your adrenaline is pumping
Katsuki: Good point, never considered that
Izuku: Hey Momo, what were you doing on your phone?
Momo: Oh! I was actually ordering us all heart monitors, we can wear them on our wrists as we do the exercises
Jiro: Won't that take a wh-
*Knock knock knock*
Alfred: Lady Momo, your package has arrived
Momo: Thank you Alfred
Alfred: My pleasure, if you'll excuse me.
Jiro: That..
Katsuki: Was..
Izuku: Fast..
Momo: You've never used same day delivery?

For the next two weeks they all gathered and performed their breathing exercises and eventually reached the goal they set, they could actually trigger their adrenaline on command and also calm themselves almost instantly. With their goal accomplished they all excitedly met at Momo's house to open their letters from UA, inside were the results of the entrance exam. Today was the day they found out whether or not they will all be attending their dream school.

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