Saved (A Harry Styles Fanfict...

Bởi grxngehxrry

89K 1.9K 285

"Harry", I say in the darkness. "Hmm?", he responds. "Earlier when you asked me why I was still here after al... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31 (The End)

Chapter 30

1.9K 41 5
Bởi grxngehxrry

"You didn't have to be so rude", Harry finally says after ten minutes of silence. I have the urge to slap him. Instead I glare at him.

His jaw tenses but his eyes stay on the road. I look back at Gemma, who sits silently behind us. She shrugs her shoulders.

"Leah you could say something", Harry says through his teeth. I whip my head around to face him again. "Harry..", I warn. "What? Leah what?", he furrows his eyebrows. I'm slightly taken back by his tone. I swallow hard. "You have no right to be mad at me. But let me tell you something. I have EVERY right to be angry with you. God, Harry I want to smack you right now!", I hit my hands on the dashboard. I widen my eyes at my sudden outburst. "Who cares that I didn't say that we were dating? I was trying to make it less awkward!", he glares at the road like he could murder it. If that was possible anyway. "You were the one who was so rude that she left crying! What the hell got into you. And now you want to try to blame me for fighting with you?! You're overreacting Leah", Harry adds.

I sit silent for a moment. In the rearview mirror I can see Gemma's mouth slightly agape. I bite my lip roughly. Okay so maybe I shouldn't have been to rude to the girl. It was like my mouth acted before my brain. In normal circumstances I would never tell someone they weren't wanted or to "get the hell away please". I feel my cheeks heat at the memory.

"Harry I was so jealous. God dammit Harry. I was stunned that you introduced me as you're "friend". I shouldn't have said what I said. You're right but you know I do care. It hurts that you didn't say we were dating", I look at him but he keeps his eyes glued to the road. "Were?", he raises his eyebrows. "Harry stop trying to change the subject. You know what I meant", I roll my eyes. He shakes his head. I take a deep breath. "Leah I told you I just didn't want to make it weird. But you blew everything out of proportion", he sighs.

I exhale in defeat. He's got me. I definitely won't win this fight. "I'm sorry", I frown. He finally glances at me and places a tentative hand on my thigh. "I just... I thought you were ashamed of me", I whisper. His eyes soften and he licks his full lips. "Baby, I could never be ashamed of you. You mean the world to me. I didn't do it to upset you", he has to look at the road again. My stomach drops. I'm such a horrible person.

"Do you still want me to take you home or do you want to come to Gemma's like we planned?", he says softly. "I'll go to Gemma's", I say. He takes a left turn instead of a right.

"Harry..I..", I start. "Leah it's okay. I get it. You were jealous", he shakes his head. "You don't need to be. There's no one but you. Only you", he glances at me again. My heartbeat quickens. "I'm awful. I'm so sorry", I frown. "You're not awful. It's okay Leah, really", he rubs my thigh soothingly.

I've kind of forgotten about Gemma back there. I turn around in my chair. She looks stunned at what just went down. "Sorry Gemma", I say. "Yeah sorry you had to hear all that Gem", Harry agrees. "S'okay", she pulls a fake smile. This is supposed to be about her, not us.

When Harry pulls into her parking lot there is still an awkward silence throughout the car. No one dared to mess with the radio. We all get out quietly. Harry helps Gemma with her suitcase while she fumbles through her purse for the key. I offer to help Harry but he shakes his head. "I'm fine", he says.

We make it up the steps when Gemma finally digs her key out. "I was starting to worry", she says with a flushed face. She unlocks the door quickly. We are welcomed with what I can clearly recognize. Anne's scent, her sweet perfume. Harry and Gemma stop short in their tracks. I watch Gemma swallow slowly. "Home sweet home", she says under her breath.

Harry puts her suitcase in her bedroom. "Thanks", she mumbles when he returns.

"Are you guys still up for hanging out or..", Harry says suddenly. "No, I mean yeah I'm up for it", I nod at Harry. I don't want things to be weird between us. "I am", Gemma nods as she yawns. Watching her yawn makes me yawn. Then Harry yawns. All three of us fall into a mess of giggles. "Maybe after a nap? Jet leg is a bitch", Harry says. "Yes let's do that", Gemma smiles groggily.

Harry and I watch Gemma walk into her bedroom and gently close the door behind her. "My mum' s old room or the lounge?", Harry looks back at me. I think for a moment. "Whatever you're comfortable with", I look up at him. "I think the lounge maybe. We can both fit", he licks his lips.

I take a seat in the sofa after rounding up some blankets. I slide my boots off and watch Harry do the same. He plops down beside me. I feel him watching me. "I'm sorry Harry", I say to my lap. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Leah, baby I forgive you, alright?", he gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek. I nod slowly, the pressure in my chest easing slightly.

"Have a nap with me then?", he says after a moment of silence. I lean into his chest so he'll fall back onto the sofa. Once we are lying down I nod onto his chest. I look up to see him give a small smile. He pushes the hair off of my forehead. "I love you, you know?", he whispers almost inaudibly. I smirk to myself. "I love you too Harry", I lean up to kiss his jaw. I then nestle my head comfortably under his chin.

After a few seconds I can already hear his soft breathing, a snore escaping every so often. "Don't ever want to lose you", I say quietly before drifting off myself.


I wake to a loud thud, then a high pitched laugh. I'm now lying face down on the sofa, drool pooling around my cheek. I grimace as I wipe it away.

"Harry?", I call, sitting up slightly. No response. "Har...", I start. Another thud interrupts me. I furrow my eyebrows, sitting up a bit more. Where the hell is he?

With a yawn, I stretch my arms over my head, receiving a *pop* from my shoulders. I then pad across the living room towards the source of the loud noise. I start down the hallway when another thud emerges, more giggles. By now I can tell it's coming from Gemma's room.

I crack the door slightly, peeking my head in. Harry and Gemma are standing at the edge of her bed. Gemma's got darts in her hand. Harry holds a beer.

"Hey", I say quietly. They both turn to me in unison. Harry places down the bottle and walks over to me. "Hey sleepy head", he smirks. I step into her room just as Harry places a kiss atop my head. "I guess I slept through the hangout fest?", I breathe a laugh. "Nah I was just watching how shitty Gemma is at throwing darts", he laughs. Gemma squints as she pretends to throw one at him. "You'd miss anyway", Harry sticks out his tongue.

Yes, this is my Harry, playful and quirky. It seems like we are back to normal. No tension is evident in the room.

Harry grabs my forearm and leads me towards Gemma's bed. He pats the mattress. "Take a seat", he smirks. I listen, and shake my head with a laugh. "You're in a chipper mood", I cross my legs. "Is that a bad thing?", he asks with wondering eyes. "Of course not. It's a great thing", I giggle. "Well good", he then turns to Gemma. "Lemme have a go", he reaches for the darts. He turns back to me once she's handed them to him. "I'll show her how to really do it", he says in the cockiest way possible.

While rolling her eyes, Gemma takes a seat next to me. "Go on then Mr. Know-it-all", Gemma retorts. "Where'd you find this old dart board anyway?", I ask Gemma, once Harry throws the first dart, which is slightly to the left of bullseye. "Found it when I was packing up some stuff back in London. Figured I could use something to keep up with the boredom", she shrugs her shoulders. I nod in understanding.

As we watch Harry do surprisingly good, I hear my phone ring from the other room. "Shit", I say aloud, scrambling to my feet. My dad. Shit my dad. "Wha..", I faintly hear Harry say.

I run into the living room and scoop up my phone from the floor. I hit "accept". "Hello", I sound out of breath. "Leah you said you'd call hours ago. Why are you out of breath?", he reprimands. "I fell asleep. I'm sorry", I huff. "I just ran to my phone. That's why I'm out of breath", I say. "I thought you said you were sleeping", he tries. "I was, but I just woke up. When I heard the phone ring, I remembered, and knew it had to be you", I say. There's a long pause. I hear Harry walk in behind me.

"Just come home", he says softly. "I will. I'll be there in a few minutes. I love you", I breathe. "I love you too honey", he ends the call. I exhale while holding my phone against my chest. "Everything okay?", Harry says from behind me. I turn to him and wrap my arms around his middle. "Can you take me home?", I question. He kisses my head. "Yeah, yeah of course", he sighs.

I wave goodbye to Gemma as we walk out the front door. "See you soon", I say right before Harry shuts the door.

"Sorry to just leave like this", I say as Harry unlocks the car. "Leah don't worry about it. You haven't seen your dad in awhile", he says sweetly. I nod before getting into the car.

The short ride to my house is quiet; only the radio is heard softly in the background. It's a comfortable silence though; I have to say. Harry speaks up when he pulls into my driveway. "Leah I don't think I ever said thank you", he puts the car in park and shifts to look at me. "For what?", I question. I unbuckle my seat belt. "For everything you know. I never thanked you for coming all the way to London for Gemma and I", he furrows his eyebrows.

Sweetheart is what I automatically think.

"Harry..", I start. I decide on just reaching across the seat to hug him. I nestle my head on his shoulder. "I love you", he says sincerely. I kiss his neck gently. "I love you too and thank you for saying that, but H, I wanted to do that. It's not like you begged me to come. I missed you so much. I wanted to be there for you two", I say into his neck. He smells so good. "God, how did I end up with someone like you? You're too good for me Leah", he almost whispers. I pull away to look at his face. "Don't say that. I'm not too good for you. We're perfect. Neither of us is too good for the other", I pull a small smile. He pecks me on the lips. "You're so cute Lee", he chuckles softly. I bite my lip bashfully. "No, you are so cute Harold", I laugh. His mouth falls open. "Harold? Really?", he laughs. "Yep", I giggle, letting my head fall back into his shoulder.

"Are you going to stay with Gemma or go back to your apartment with Niall?", I ask curiously. I hope bringing up Niall doesn't anger Harry after what happened a couple weeks ago. It seems so much longer ago. "Don't know yet. Ni has probably enjoyed having the flat to himself", he breathes a laugh. Okay good, he doesn't seem upset. "What about you?", he questions. "What about me?", I ask, while tracing circles on the roof of the car. "Where are you going to live after high school. I mean you're graduating in a couple weeks", he says. "Haven't really thought about it", I say honestly. "You gonna stay in Seattle?", he asks. I furrow my eyebrows and sit up. "Harry I'm not leaving you. Yes I'm staying here", I place a hand on his jaw. "I was accepted into the University of Washington and Seattle University", I raise my eyebrows. Harry's mouth falls open for the second time. "What? Why didn't you tell me?", he sits up slightly. "That's great!", he smiles. "Kinda nervous though", I sigh. "Oh don't be. College is fun. I'm not saying come to the University of Washington with me, but come to the University of Washington with me", he bites his lip cheekily. I laugh, "Don't worry that's where I was planning to go. Don't know what I want to major in yet, but I know it's a great school".

Just then Harry turns his attention to my house. I follow his gaze. My dad stands on the front porch, arms crossed. "You better get going", he sighs. "I'll see you soon. Just call me. We can do something this weekend", he smiles. I give him a chaste kiss. "See you Harold", I laugh and open the car door. "Don't you need help with your bags?", he asks. "I got it. Thanks though", I smile. He pops the trunk as I close the door.

I pull my bags out of the trunk and slam it behind me. I walk up to his window and motion for him to roll it down. "Just let me know if you or Gemma need anything", I smile. "Leah you need to go back to school if you ever want to graduate", he laughs. "Same with you Harry", I giggle. He glares at me and laughs. "One for the road?", he puckers his lips. "See, you're too cute H", I smile and lean over to peck his lips.

After waving to Harry for the millionth time, I meet my dad on the porch. I put down my bags so I can hug him. "I missed you so much", I say into his neck. He pats my back gently. " You happy to be home?", he asks. I pull away slowly. "Of course", I smile. "Help me in with my stuff?", I question. "Oh yeah. Yeah sorry", he grabs my suitcase. "Ellie's here. She said she had to be here for your homecoming", he shrugs.

Once inside Ellie meets me with open arms. "Leah!", she squeals. "I missed you so much", she sways me back in forth. "Aw El I missed you too", I smile. "I don't wanna be in your hair. I'm going to let you be with your dad. Just wanted to see how you were", she smiles. "I'm good. I'm so good", I nod. "Aw I'm so glad you're happy. Harry's okay?", she questions. "Yeah he's alright. He's coping pretty well", I smile sadly.

When Ellie leaves 30 minutes later I finally have time to speak with my dad. We sit down on the sofa and put an episode of "Criminal Minds", on.

"I figured we could just cook up something here instead of going out for dinner. You've been away from home long enough", he frowns. It was less than a week. "No, I mean yeah, that's perfect", I nod.

"So how was the trip?", he questions. "It was good. It was rough seeing Gemma and Harry like that", I shrug my shoulders. "You love him?", he asks next. It takes me by surprise. I raise my eyebrows and look over at him. "Yes dad, I do", I bite my cheek. "He's respectful and sincere to you?", he squints. "Absolutely", I nod. "Okay then. Have you two um.. You're being safe?", he stops. My cheeks heat immediately. Okay what the fuck. "God dad, yes we're being safe", I cover my face with my hands. "Sorry sorry I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable. I just want to make sure you're being careful", he says. "Too late for not making me uncomfortable", I groan. "Sorry", he mumbles.

He clears his throat. "So how was London? It's pretty isn't it?", he changes the subject. I try to even my breathing after being humiliated. "Uh yeah, yeah it's beautiful", I lick my lips. "What about the whole plane thing?", he questions. "Oh it was alright. There was a nice guy who helped me through it when leaving Seattle", I smile at the memory. I wonder where Scott is now. Maybe he's still in London, or somewhere else in the world. Who knows? "Well that good", he nods.

We keep casual conversation for awhile. Luckily no more of me and Harry's sex life is brought up. Ew. We even have a normal dinner. He made spaghetti, my favorite. It's when I'm helping him was dishes that my phone rings.

"Be right back", I say, drying my hands on a towel. He nods, continuing to load dishes into the dishwasher.

Hmm, its Gemma. I hit the "accept", button. "Hel..", I start. Gemma cuts me off immediately. "Leah?", she sounds panicked. Fuck. Oh fuck. I can feel my body go slack with fear. "Yeah, yeah I'm here", I say. "It's Harry. He needs to go to the hospital", she says. I can hear Harry in the background cursing. He yells that he doesn't need to go. "Gemma what the hell? What happened?", I say in a panic. At least I know he's not hurt enough to not be cursing.

My dad walks into the room with concern plastered on his face. "Harry.. he", she cut off my more cursing. "He stabbed a dart through his hand", she says almost in a laugh. Relief washes over me. Then, "how the hell did that happen", I almost laugh. I give my dad a thumbs up telling him everything is okay. Well at least it seems that way.

"He was being stupid. I just wanted to let you know. I'm taking him to get it removed if you want to meet me there", she speaks quickly. "He's okay though?", I ask still concerned. "He will be. He's throwing a hissy fit right now. Can't blame him though, looks like it hurts like a bitch. All the way through his god damn hand", she says.

"Yeah I'll be there", I sigh. "Just let me know where you guys will be", I add. "Yeah of course. See you in a bit", she ends the call. I take a breath. God, she about gave me a heart attack starting the call off like that.

"What happened?", my dad asks. "It Harry. He.. he's got a dart stuck in his hand and has to go to the hospital", I sigh. "How did he..", he starts. "No clue", I laugh. "I'm going to go down to the hospital just to check on him. I promise I'll be back in like two hours tops", I say. I feel bad for leaving him again. "Just don't get back here too late. You have to go to school tomorrow Lee", he says. "I won't. I grab my keys and purse. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Be back in a bit", I smile, before walking towards my car.

15 minutes later I'm pulling into a parking spot in front of the emergency room. This is the last place I want to be with Harry after what happened last time we were here. Gemma texted me that I'd see them as soon as I walked in.

I pull my purse over my shoulder and jog to the entrance, trying to avoid the sprinkle of rain falling. I walk through the sliding doors. I look around for a moment before I see them. They are in the first curtained room. I begin to walk to them but I'm quickly stopped. "Um excuse me, can I help you?", the woman at the front desk asks. "Oh um that's my boyfriend I was just going to him", I point. "Oh dart boy?", she laughs. "Go ahead". I furrow my eyebrows at her but continue to Harry and Gemma.

Harry notices me first. "Fuck", he curses. Gemma turns to me. "Hey Leah", she gives me a small smile. I nod at her. "Hey dart boy", I pull a smile. He frowns and looks embarrassed almost. "Oh I'm kidding. But the lady at the front desk did call you that", I grimace. He rolls his eyes, "wonderful". I look down at his hand. Gemma wasn't lying when she said all the way through. The dart is between his thumb and pointer finger. "Harry when I said I see you soon I didn't mean tonight to watch doctors pull a dart out of your hand", I walk closer to him and brush the hair out of his eyes. "That's just mean", he laughs.

We are then interrupted when the nurse walks in. "I'm removing a dart from your hand Mr. Styles?", she questions as she reads her charts. "You are", Harry glares at her. She pulls on a pair of surgical gloves. Harry shifts on the bed. Gemma and I move to the end of the bed so we are out of her way. She walks over to Harry and glances at his hand, which is already propped up over a small tray/table thing. "Ouch", she grimaces. Harry makes a face. "Would you mind sharing how this happened?", she questions. She picks up his hand gently to examine it. Harry winces and she places it back down.

"I was messing with a dart board up close and let's just say my aim was way off", he shrugs. Idiot. The nurse smiles as if she's trying not to laugh.

She tries to keep Harry's attention off of his hand by making small talk. I watch her numb the area. Then she finally starts to pull it out and I have to look away. Harry yelps in pain. I'm at his side in a second. Turned away, but holding his other hand. He grips my hand so tight that I think he cuts off circulation. Poor thing.

"You're lucky this thing only went through the meaty part of your hand and didn't hit a vein or a bone", she gives one last pull. I look to see blood ooze out of the small hole in his hand. "Fuck", he yells. "Shhh shh", I try to calm him. "All done now", I say. The nurse nods in agreement. "Just need to bandage you up now", she reaches for a role of gauze.

Once she controls the bleeding and bandages him up she sends us on our way. "Make sure to change the bandage every two days", she hands Gemma a box of supplies. "It shouldn't take too long to heal. The only advice I have to give you Mr. Styles is to stay away from dart boards for awhile", she smirks. "I will", Harry laughs. "Thanks for helping me out here", he holds up his bandaged hand. "It's my job", she smiles.

The three of us walk out of the emergency room then. Me, my boyfriend's wonderful sister, and my stupid, incredible boyfriend who just had a dart taken out of his hand.


Hope everyone enjoyed. It's almost over guyssss. :) don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts xx

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