Behind Eyes of Red

By Deags58

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This is our first fanfic so please keep that in mind, our story revolves around Katsuki Bakugo, we're going f... More

Chapter 1: New Quirk
Chapter 2: Aspirations
Chapter 3: Never meet your heros
Chapter 4: New Friends
CHAPTER 6: Sparks Fly
Chapter 6 Part 2: Ignition
Chapter 7: Godzilla
Chapter 8: Burnin Love
Chapter 9: Unconventional Recovery
Chapter 10: Heavy Burdens
Chapter 11: Memory Lane
Chapter 12: Breaking Point
Chapter 13: Bittersweet Revenge
Important Announcement
Chapter 14: A New Beginning???
Chapter 15: Old Wounds
Chapter 16: Blast from the past
Chapter 17: The Return
Chapter 18: (Unofficial) Business
Chapter 19: Business gets Personal
Chapter 20: I'm No Hero
Chapter 21: Actions bare Consequences
Chapter 22: Seeing a ghost, in the flesh
Chapter 23: Track'em Find'em Kill'em
Chapter 24: The Phoenix
Chapter 25: The Unsung Hero

Chapter 5: Knotfest

168 14 12
By Deags58


Saturday finally came around as Izuku woke up from his slumber to text Momo. The two have become extremely close but have yet to make it "official". Today was the day of knotfest, the Heavy Metal rock festival hosted and starring SlipKnot, Momo had pulled some strings and used her upper class privileges to gain access to 4 VIP tickets as well as back stage passes to the pre-show to meet with the band.

Izuku: good morning Momo 😁
Momo: hmm morning Izu
Izuku: Izu? Hmmm 🤔 kinda has a nice ring to it, I'll allow it. So how are we looking for tonight?
Momo: Everything is good to go, I was able to get 4 VIP backstage passes, but we'd have to be there by 5:30pm. The show doesn't start till 7pm but since we have special access, we get to go backstage and hang with the band.
Izuku: Woah really?? How'd you swing that?
Momo: As it turns out, my father has some connections in social events.
Izuku: Wow Momo you're just full of surprises.
Momo: Oh stop, I try my best
Izuku: I don't know anything about the music but I'm really excited to see the looks on Jiro and Kachaan's faces when we show up there tonight 😁
Momo: Maybe those two will finally get a little "closer" 😏
Izuku: You make a great wingman, wingwoman? Idk 😅 but you get my point.

Fast forward to that afternoon

Deku: Kachaan, get dressed
Kachaan: What for?
Deku: Just get dressed, here put this on *tosses him a t-shirt*
Kachaan: uuuugh you're such a pes- wait, why is this a Slipknot shirt?
Deku: No time to explain, just get dressed, we gotta go.

Katsuki reluctantly did as Izuku asked, no matter how much it pissed him off to take orders, but he didn't think too much about it, as the boys finished getting ready they headed out and took a walk, after some time they arrived at the gates of an enormous mansion that had a limo parked near the front door.

Kachaan:What the hell are we doing here Deku? And who's place is this?
Deku: *Approaches a small keypad by the gate* Hush, I have to do something *starts pressing keys while looking at his phone*
Kachaan: Tch, whatever

*A voice comes on over the intercom*
???: Hello?
Deku: Hello, My name is Izuku, I'm here to see Momo
???: One moment
Kachaan: Wait! SHE lives here???
Deku: I know right? It's amazing
Kachaan: Who would have thought ol Ponytail was loaded
Deku: Well her Dad IS the police Captain, as well as a very successful businessman
Kachaan: Huh... nice

Just then the gates started to swing open and the voice from the intercom welcomed them inside.

???: You're free to proceed to the front door
Izuku: Thank you sir

The two boys proceed to walk up the long driveway that wrapped around a marble fountain, leading to a pair of giant doors. The boys walk up the steps and reach the doors. Izuku grabs one of the golden door knockers and proceeds to knock on one of the giant doors, after a few moments and tall thin older man with a great mustache answered the door.
???: Good day master Midoriya *in and English accent*
Izuku: Alfred right? And no need to be so formal sir, you can call me Izuku
Alfred: Correct, Alfred pennyworth at your service, As you wish Master Izuku, and may I ask who this is? *referring to katsuki*
Izuku: Ah right, Alfred this is my best friend/ technically brother, Katsuki Bakugo
Alfred: Ah, well good day to you master Bakugo
Katsuki: Tch, it's just Bakugo (he said grumpily)

As if on cue, Momo and Jiro make their way down stairs.

Momo: Hello boys *scottish accent*
Jiro/katsuki: *confused*
Izuku: *scottish accent* Moose, Squirrel
Momo: *giggling*
Jiro/katsuki: *groaning* I gotta get a new friend.... *Both look at each other and share a shy smile*
Momo: Anywho well I see you're both dressed to the nines, shall we head out?
Izuku: *smirking* Mhm.
Jiro: Where exactly are we going Yaomomo?
Momo: You'll see
Katsuki: Ya know, this whole secrecy thing is gettin real old ponytail, even Deku hasn't told me anything
Momo: Well then he's a man of his word *winks at Izuku*
Izuku: *blushes*
Katsuki: *gives them both an unamused look*
Jiro: So you're in the dark about this too?
Katsuki: Looks that way Ears
Momo/Izuku: Ears??
Katsuki: Shut up! Let's go already

The four loaded into the awaiting limo, Momo and Izuku no longer shy about how much they enjoy each other's company, decided to sit next to each other, leaving the other two secret crushers to awkwardly sit across from each other on opposite sides of the limo, inadvertently forcing them to face each other, some awkward looks were exchanged which only made the other two snicker and nudge each other. The visibly frustrated Katsuki Couldn't sit still due to the awkward tension (he knows he wants to chat it up with her but he's seriously bad at showing it, not to mention he's secretly afraid of showing vulnerability) in an attempt to avoid awkward eye contact with Jiro, he starts staring out the window, then he noticed something that really stood out, a large crowd of people who were mostly dressed in black, some with bright colored hair, some with multiple face piercings, so many just covered in tattoos, it almost brought him some comfort, little did he know, they were just about arriving at their destination......

Katsuki: wonder what was up with that crowd, bunch of weirdos just lined up for nothing.
Jiro: I saw that too, they all seemed pretty excited for whatever was going on.
Momo: Oh? I didn't notice any crowd.
Katsuki: Maybe if you took a second to stop drooling over Deku, you would have noticed
Momo: *makes that typical anime girl pouty face*
Izuku: *starts choking on his drink and does a spit take*
Jiro: *actually bursted out laughing at all this*

Katsuki, feeling very satisfied at his sharp one liner had a huge grin on his face, until... until he heard Jiro's laugh for the first time, he had never heard it before, but when he did, it sounded pleasant to him, almost musical, it wasn't extremely high pitched and annoying nor was it deep and throaty like a man, but soft and well, adorable, he didn't realize himself staring at her, the huge smile on her face as she witnessed soda spraying everywhere showed pure joy, and he liked it. This all happened within a few seconds but through his eyes it lasted a good few minutes. It wasn't until she opened her eyes after laughing that he realized he was staring at her, which caused him to quickly look away from her and back to Izuku.

Katsuki: Nice one Casanova, you made a huge mess, and i'm the one who gets crap for making explosions.

That line actually made both girls laugh, they found it genuinely funny because it was true.

Izuku: You're the one who made me do that!
Katsuki: I didn't make you do anything, that was all you pal
Izuku: No way! If you hadn't-
Katsuki: Hadn't what? Spoke the truth? Even Ears over there noticed you two joined at the hip
Momo:*abruptly stopped laughing* Hey!
Jiro: *began to laugh just a bit harder*
Momo: Jiro you don't mean that do you?
Jiro: *wiping away a single tear* Wow boom boy, who would have guessed you were that good with the one liners
Momo/Izuku: BOOM BOY???
Katsuki: *chuckles*
Momo/Izuku: DID HE JUST LAUGH???
Alfred: So sorry to interrupt you all, but we have arrived.

During that whole spectacle, they all failed to notice they had pulled into a parking structure.

Momo: Excellent! Alfred, the trunk please.
Alfred: As you wish Lady Momo. *Pops the trunk*
Momo: Come on Jiro, there's something I need you to help me with
Jiro: O-ok
Momo: Be right back boys, don't go anywhere *takes Jiro by her hand as they exit the limo and retrieve something from the trunk*

From inside the limo the boys can see the girls walking to the nearby bathroom, Katsuki decides to stretch his legs and steps out of the limo, Izuku following right behind makes his way to the trunk as Katsuki looks around wondering where they are.

Katsuki: What the hell are we doing here anyway?
Izuku: *shuffling around in the trunk* Oh just be patient, I promise it'll all make sense in a sec.

After a few minutes, the sound of the trunk being shut can be heard, Katsuki turns around to see his best friend wearing what he can only describe as a "punk outfit" his once green t-shirt was now a band t-shirt similar to Katsuki's, but over that shirt was a leather jacket, his red sneakers were replaced with black suede boots and he wore a studded belt on the black jeans he had already been wearing. He also had something in his hand.

Katsuki: ...... what are you wearing?
Izuku: Just put this on, the girls should be back soon *tosses something to him*
Katsuki: *catches the object*

What Katsuki held in his hands was a black denim vest with patches sewn onto it, in the middle of the back was a large starburst shaped patch that was red, orange, yellow and white in color, it looked like how someone would illustrate an explosion, above and below were letters sewn on that spelled "Blasting Cap" on it.

Katsuki: Hmph, blasting cap? Not bad *proceeds to slip it on, noticing it's a perfect fit*
Izuku: Glad you don't hate it, I thought the name would make you sound even tougher.
Katsuki: What makes you think I need to-

Katsuki cut himself off mid sentence because he saw the girls approaching, apparently Izuku wasn't the only one who had a change in appearance, before they disappeared, the girls had simple outfits, Jiro had her black jeans and white t-shirt, Momo had blue jeans and a red turtle neck sweater, but now they had matching outfits, both sporting plaid skirts, Jiro's was orange and black, Momo's was green and black, both had black fishnets and platform boots, they both had tees that revealed their midriff, Momo's was the same shade of green as her skirt, it had black stripes that formed a square near her ribs, Jiro's was black but with Orange stripes that formed an X pattern that filled the whole front, and to pull it all together, jackets, both were black but Momo's was made from leather whereas Jiro's was made from denim, Momo remembered her best friend always preferred denim over leather.
Hearing Katsuki suddenly stop talking made Izuku turn to see what caused it.

Izuku: Wow! you two look great! You did a great job with these outfits Momo, this jacket is incredibly comfortable!
Momo: I'm so glad you like it, it looks great, *looks at Katsuki* and you don't look half bad yourself
Katsuki: Tch *turns away but side eyes because he was admiring Jiro's outfit*
Izuku: I like the way those colors work for you Jiro.
Jiro: R-really?? I normally don't wear orange, but T-thank you
Izuku: *smiles* mhm, oh! Hey Kachaan, show her the vest Momo made you!
Katsuki: Wait, you made this ponytail?
Momo: *with a big smile* Mhm, I used my quirk
Katsuki: Huh... Cool

(In Izuku's mind) Did he just pay Momo a compliment?
(In Momo's mind) Did he just pay me a compliment?
*Both look at each other as if they can hear each other's thoughts*

Katsuki: *Turns around* The design isn't too shabby, but I'm not sure if the name will catch on.
Jiro: "Blasting Cap" kinda cool honestly
Momo: Way better than boom boy!
Izuku/Momo/Jiro: *burst into laughter*
Katsuki: *annoyed expression* So what are we doing here anyway?!
Momo: Here, these will explain everything.

She proceeded to hand something out, First to Izuku, then Jiro, then finally Katsuki.
Upon taking the item from Momo, Katsuki had a shocked expression on his face, he can also hear Jiro gasp as he processed what he was holding... it was a lanyard, it had two plastic cards, one had a familiar looking S logo as well as the words "Knot fest" in red, the other was more plain looking but had the words "VIP access" on it.

Katsuki: ................... Holy fuck.
Jiro: ...............*in shock*

The two rock fans turn to see Izuku and Momo smiling at them while taking a pic to capture the moment. After the realization that this wasn't a dream and they actually were at knotfest and had VIP passes the 4 of them walked past the long line of people waiting to get in and walked up to security. After making it through security another security guard approached them and had told them to follow him. Katsuki and Jiro whispered at each other

Jiro: Where do you think he's taking us?
Katsuki: Not sure, heh, maybe we're gonna meet the band (sarcastically)
Jiro: I wouldn't say no to that

After a short walking around the main stage they then approached a black door with the all too familiar "S" logo. The guard knocked and after a couple seconds another guard opened the door and welcomed them into heaven.....

Walking through the door Jiro and Katsuki couldn't believe their eyes, on the other side of the room was the one and only band Slipknot.

Jiro: Oh.... My.... God... boomy, look it's Cory Taylor (she said squealing)
Katsuki: Again with the Boomy Ears? don't call me that he-.... Holy shit it's Shawn "clown" Crahan and Jay Weinberg....
Momo/izuku: Who?
Jiro: Cory Taylor, the lead singer and fun fact he has another band called stone sour
Katsuki: And Jay Weinberg and Shawn Crahan aka Clown!!.... Jay is the drummer and Shawn is on the percussions!!!! Don't you have any culture?

Just then the 3 band members nodded with smiles hidden under their masks at each other and walked towards Jiro and katsuki.
Cory: As impressed as I am, aren't you maggots a little young to know so much about us?
Jiro: Holy crap, Cory Taylor called us maggots
Katsuki: Keep it together Ears, we gotta make a good impression.
Jay: Hey blondie!!!
Katsuki: Eh??? Me??
Shawn: Is there another blond kid here? No? Then yes you maggot!!!
Katsuki: I like this guy already, yeah, what is it?
Momo/izuku/Jiro: WHAAAA?!?!? HE DIDNT GET MAD?
Jay: You play an instrument kid?
Katsuki: I've bashed on the drums once upon a time, but I'm nowhere near your level..
Jay: Hey kid, we all start somewhere. Here I got something for you.

Jay walks back to the table and grabs a pair of drumsticks and a sharpie. He walks back Over to katsuki and hands him the pair of drum sticks.
Katsuki:....... Holy shit, these are one of the pairs you use on stage! And you signed them too... Thanks alot Sir.
Jay: Haha no problem kid, and it's Jay, I don't like that "sir" shit, remember playing the drums is all about keeping rhythm and tempo just like life don't let your emotions control your tempo.
Katsuki: Yes si- Right, thanks Jay

Meanwhile Cory Taylor was talking to Jiro.

Cory: Hey there little lady I see you have a musical quirk judging by your audio jacks.
Jiro: *starstruck* Mhmm, my parents are amature musicians and I've been taught a variety of instruments but I haven't figured out how I can apply that to my hero work.
Cory: listen kid, music in itself if used properly is a super power, music, REAL music always has meaning and that meaning can save someone from themselves...just be true to who you are and sing your truth *hands her an autographed mic*
Jiro: Th-thank you Mr. Taylor
Cory: hahaha, it's Cory, now ARE YOU MAGGOTS READY FOR A PICTURE!?
Izuku/Momo/Jiro/Katsuki: *shocked* *thinking* wow his mood changes like Katsuki/me
The 4 of them: YEAH!!! *Raise their fists in the air*

They all gathered together for a group photo, the four teens plus the 9 Band members made quite the memorable photo. After they took the picture they realized they still had a good 45 mins with the band so they just hung out with them since apparently Momo had bought the only VIP passes for that day. And once they were done hanging out with the band it was time to go to their section to watch the show.
After waiting for 20 minutes, the light dimmed and fog started rolling in on the stage. One by one the band made their way to the stage and front and center was Cory Taylor rocking a new mask, one different from the one he wore backstage.
Cory comes out and does his intro as well as demands a moment of silence for the late drummer Joey Jordison. After that he points at Jay (drummer) and he begins to play the intro to "Wait and bleed" and Cory screams
" GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS IN THE FUCKING AIR" and bam the song starts and crowd is going crazy. Momo and Izuku are feeling the song a little but then they look over and see Katsuki and Jiro head banging and jumping around in close proximity to each other. But little do they know that poor Jiro is having trouble seeing the stage as some dude shuffles in front of her, Katsuki noticed this and taps jiros shoulder and whispered in her ear, Jiro smiles and gives him a nod, Momo and Izuku see this and all of a sudden Katsuki picks Jiro up and puts her on his shoulders, she was way too excited to notice how intimate that actually was. The show goes on and the mosh pit is going crazy, Jiro sees it and asks Katsuki to let her down, then asks the group to go over to the mosh pit. Once they get there the song psychosocial ends and slipknot start to play Katsuki's favorite song, The devil in I. During the whole song Jiro and katsuki are singing the song word for word while in the mosh pit and as for Izuku and Momo, well the mosh pit was a bit much for them so they were off to the side jumping with the music. But alas things were gonna take a turn.... For the worst. The bridge of the song started and Jiro stumbled In the pit and Katsuki was trying to help her up but some asshole wouldn't let her up and this inconsiderate act enraged Katsuki and in that moment, the lyrics "YOUR STATION IS ABANDONED,
The hot headed Katsuki loses it and shoves the dude off Jiro using his quirk, Momo and Izuku see the rather small explosion and run over. Cory Taylor sees this and puts a halt to the show. Izuku rushes over, pushing through the crowd and puts a hand on Katsuki's shoulder
Izuku: KACHAAN CALM DOWN, you could have killed that guy.
Jiro: KATSUKI! Its ok, I'm fine, really, let's just go back to enjoying the show, please?

Hearing these words, the once fuming Katsuki manages to tame the rage within and brushes Deku's hand off his shoulder, but even with his hand no longer there, he felt something odd, it's as if Izuku's hand left a sticking jelly like substance on his shoulder. When he tried to wipe it off it caught fire due to his hand still sparking a bit from rage
Bakugo: AH! What the hell?? What is this crap? Help me put it out!!!!
Izuku: Oh shit! Kachaan hold still
Jiro/momo: Fire!!!!!
As Izuku tried patting it out, he realized that his hands had a sticky and somewhat slimy substance on it and it was making the fire worse. Momo used her quirk created a small fire extinguisher and attempted to put the fire out, it was showing little progress and the extinguisher was almost out, Izuku thinking on his feet came up with an idea, he put his hands in front of the extinguisher, which coated his sticky hands in powder which he used to put out the fire, in his mind he was wondering why he didn't get burned or even feel heat from the flames, but brushed it off since that was the least of his worries. After the whole incident had occurred, the show surprisingly went on, and lasted for another few songs, after which the limo that brought them there was on its way to return them home.

The ride home was somewhat silent this was because Momo had fallen asleep on Izuku's shoulder and Izuku was dozing off with his head leaned to the side, resting on Momo's head, but couldn't completely fall asleep due to an itchy and aching feeling in his hands. Across from them and a little to the right was Katsuki and Jiro....

Jiro: Man I'm soo exhausted Slipknot mosh pits are no joke.
Katsuki: You're telling me....Hey Ears....I'm... I'm sorry for almost losing it back there. It's not something I'm really proud of *looking down* but he just wouldn't...
Jiro: Hey, it's okay I'm not mad that you defended me....*blushing* the way I saw it, you were almost like a knight in black denim armor.....
Katsuki: *hiding his smile* Yeah, well what else was I supposed to do? Anyways, what did Cory give you?
Jiro: Oh! He gave me this *shows him the autographed mic*
Katsuki: Pretty cool, but not as cool as this, check these out *shows her the drum sticks*
Jiro: Woah! and they're signed!?!? Wait, how come you never told me you knew how to play the drums?
Katsuki: I don't remember you asking
Jiro: good point, Jerk *she smirked*

And with that Jiro made the first move and laid her head on his shoulder feeling the warmth his body was radiating. Noticing this, Katsuki slowly and gradually grabbed her hand, causing Jiro to smile and blush. Finally the limo made its way to the boys house and the driver let them know that they had arrived at their houses. As they were saying goodbye Momo gave Izuku a kiss on the cheek and while they weren't quite there yet, Katsuki (the softy that he secretly is) pulled Jiro in for a tight embrace. What was only a 5 second hug felt like hours to the two teens. After they said their goodbyes Izuku and Katsuki gave a fist bump and went into their respective homes.

Over with Izuku, he was soo tired that he went up to his bathroom and took a quick shower to wash off the sweat and smell of knotfest. After his shower he put some lotion on his hands hoping to stop the itching, but it was in vain. After finally getting into bed he was quickly able to fall asleep but a good night's sleep was something Izuku wouldn't be getting. Tossing and turning he was dreaming that he was surrounded by fire but he couldn't feel the heat and yet all he could feel was excruciating pain radiating from his hands specifically his fingers. The pain was endless and the flames just kept getting bigger and bigger. When it seemed like all was lost Izuku heard a loud explosion and shot awake, seeing a bright orange glow from his window coming from across the street at Katsuki's house.

*30 minutes Ago*

Bakugo walks through the door of his home and ever so quietly makes his way up to his room so as to not wake up his mom. He makes it to his room and he thinks he's safe when as he closes the door it swings open hitting the wall.
Mitsuki: Where the hell have you been!?!? Do you know what time it is!?!
Katsuki: *sigh* I was at Knotfest with Deku, Momo and Jiro.
Mitsuki: ugh why would you waste your time there listening to meaningless screaming with that quirkless dead weight and those two distractions. Not to mention that emo chick with weird ass ears.
Katsuki: HEY she's not weird, don't talk about her like that.
Mitsuki: awww what's wrong do you have a crush on the weirdo? Hmm seems only right... a weirdo and a reject. Too bad she'll realize that you aren't worth shit and leave your sorry ass.
Katsuki: I'm warning you hag, leave her out of this! *radiating bloodlust*
Mitsuki: Or what? you won't do anything, you're nothing but a little bitch. *pushing him to the floor*

In that moment Bakugo had finally snapped, tears in his eyes he clenched his fists very tight, so tight that the sweat in his palms started to well up and drip to the floor, in the heat of the moment and pure rage he ignited it and caused a huge explosion into the floor blasting through the floor and causing himself and his wicked mother to fall to the first floor. Katsuki looks up in fear as he screams for his mother. He frantically sifts through the debris in search of her, within a few minutes he can hear sirens as he continues his searching through the house for his mother. He managed to find her, passed out in the guest room's closet and went to drag her out of the house. By the time he manages to get his mom out of the now burning house his shirt is nothing but a few strips, ripped and burned. He sits outside waiting for help holding his mother trying to wake her up while also still choking on the smoke he had inhaled. Izuku runs across the street and sees the destruction of his best friend's house, and as he gets closer he sees his friend holding his mothers lifeless body. After about 10 minutes the cops were questioning Katsuki and the firemen managed to put out the fire. There were so many questions but one thing was certain, Mitsuki Bakugo... was dead, and Katsuki Bakugo, was now an orphan, but in a more optimistic view, he was finally free from her tyrannical iron grip.

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