Supernatural Imagines

By SuperWinchester1967

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The title says it all ❤️ Includes Sam Winchester Dean Winchester Castiel Jack Kline Lucifer Gabriel More

Sam Winchester//Wendigo
Dean Winchester//Back from the dead
Castiel//End Days
Jack Kline//New Feelings
Lucifer//I love you
Gabriel//More than friends
Dean Winchester//Always you
Sam Winchester//Drunk
Sam & Dean Winchester//Dress up
Dean & Cas // Choose
Dean & Cas // Choose pt. 2
Sam Winchester//Feeling down
Castiel // Over and Forgotten
Dean Winchester // Gone
Jack Kline // Keep Going
Sam Winchester // Rainy nights
Castiel // Betrayal
Dean Winchester // Ghost
Jack Kline // Human
Sam Winchester // Close Call
Castiel // Research
Dean Winchester // Demons
Sam Winchester // Never Alone
Castiel // Saving Grace
Jack Kline // My Hero
Dean Winchester// How to love
Sam Winchester // I want you back
Castiel // Angel Business
Dean Winchester // Nail in the coffin
Jack Kline // New Driver
Sam Winchester // Hunting
Castiel // A Bad Hunt
Dean Winchester // Late Night
Jack Kline // Lover

Jack Kline // Forever

115 0 0
By SuperWinchester1967

Tears were streaming down my cheeks watching the love of my life die in my arms. His darkened eyes were focused on me and the pain on my face. This doesn't feel real, Jack dying right in front of me as his killer watches with no emotion on his face. Dean gives me a guilty look as Chuck smiles. The world around me stopped spinning as pain fills my body.

He got what he wanted, Chuck killed my boyfriend all because Dean wouldn't do it. Jack has his hand held loosely in mine. He's growing weaker the closer he becomes to death. I cup his cheek and rub small circles with my thumb.


My head rests on his shoulder as we sit on the hood of my car watching the stars. Jack has his arm around me, holding me close to his side. The stars are making sure to shine extra bright tonight. "That one," he says pointing to a star in the sky. I look up at the one he's pointing at. "That's our star because it shines the brightest and most you." He grins.

I smile as I lean closer into him. He holds me tightly as if he's afraid of losing me. "I love you," I whisper. He doesn't say anything for a moment but I can feel the smile on his face.

"I love you too, y/n." He replies. "Forever."

"Forever." I say.

*End of flashback

"How could you do this?" Castiel says angrily as I'm not able to focus on anything other than my dying boyfriend.

"Me? You should be mad at him," Chuck glares as he points at Dean. "If you would have killed him like I asked then-" he starts but Dean cuts him off.

"Enough! We're sick of your bullshit lies! You're going to fix're going to save him or," Dean had started but Chuck got in his face and smirked.

"Or what Dean?"

"Or I'll kill you. You hear me you son of a bitch?" He glares at Chuck. I feel a hand on my cheek and look down to see Jack giving me the bravest smile he could muster up. My heart broke inside my chest seeing him like this.

"I love you y/n...forever." He whispers to me.

"No, don't say that. This isn't goodbye." I cry out. He wipes the tears from my cheeks before coughing up blood. "This isn't real" "this isn't real" is the sentence I kept repeating over and over again in my head, hoping that I'd just open my eyes and realize this was just some nightmare.


"You're beautiful," Jack says randomly causing me to look up from the book I'm reading. A blush forms on my cheeks as I give him a smile. Ever since we started dating he has been saying things like this out of no where. He really knows how to make me feel special.

"Thanks Jack. You're too sweet to me." I smirk.

"That's because I got lucky enough to date the most perfect girl in the world. I mean Sam and Dean tried to give me advice on dating but honestly I don't think they knew what they were talking about." He said. I chuckle and shake my head.

"That's because they don't have the best track record when it comes to girls or relationships in general." I say. Jack smiles and leans closer to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me.

"Your perfect too Jack." I tell him. He smiled before kissing my forehead.

*End of flashback

"Say it back," he coughed as his eyes slowly started to close.

"Jack..." I cried. "I love you too, forever." I cry out before his eyes closed completely. I let out a sob when suddenly nothing but anger overcome me. I stand up and walk over to Chuck and punch him as hard as I could in the face. He stumbles back then glares at me.

"I will not hesitate to kill you." He starts to come at me when Dean stepped in front of me.

"You won't touch her." He glared.

"You're a monster." Sam let out as he gave Chuck a nasty look. We were all glaring at the coward who calls himself God. He rolls his eyes at us and takes a step back.

"I don't need this." He says then in the blink of an eye disappears. Once he left I completely broke down into tears and let myself feel every bit of sadness. Sam pulled me into a hug and I held onto him tightly. It all hurts so bad I can't breathe.

"I'm so sorry," Cas whispers as he rests his hand on my shoulder. I just cry and try wiping my eyes. I'm determined to get my boyfriend back, one way or another. Hopefully with the help of my friends.

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