Supernatural Imagines

By SuperWinchester1967

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The title says it all ❤️ Includes Sam Winchester Dean Winchester Castiel Jack Kline Lucifer Gabriel More

Sam Winchester//Wendigo
Dean Winchester//Back from the dead
Castiel//End Days
Jack Kline//New Feelings
Lucifer//I love you
Gabriel//More than friends
Dean Winchester//Always you
Sam Winchester//Drunk
Sam & Dean Winchester//Dress up
Dean & Cas // Choose
Jack Kline // Forever
Sam Winchester//Feeling down
Castiel // Over and Forgotten
Dean Winchester // Gone
Jack Kline // Keep Going
Sam Winchester // Rainy nights
Castiel // Betrayal
Dean Winchester // Ghost
Jack Kline // Human
Sam Winchester // Close Call
Castiel // Research
Dean Winchester // Demons
Sam Winchester // Never Alone
Castiel // Saving Grace
Jack Kline // My Hero
Dean Winchester// How to love
Sam Winchester // I want you back
Castiel // Angel Business
Dean Winchester // Nail in the coffin
Jack Kline // New Driver
Sam Winchester // Hunting
Castiel // A Bad Hunt
Dean Winchester // Late Night
Jack Kline // Lover

Dean & Cas // Choose pt. 2

73 0 0
By SuperWinchester1967

Dean Pov

The entire upstairs is clear and I frown wondering where that scream came from. I start to head downstairs to see if y/n found anything when there's another scream. My feet ran as fast as they could down the steps and to an open basement door. When getting down there I saw Alex tied to a chair and y/n and Claire unconscious.

I also see the werewolf we've been looking for as he hovers over y/n's body. He's about to rip her heart out when I shoot him, not that it was going to do much. He winced from the pain but stared at me angrily. "Let them go asshole." I glare.

"Or what?" He smirks.

"Or I'll kill you before you can even blink." I reply. He smiles and makes his way towards me. I try and fight him off as he pins me against a wall. I struggle to get free as he practically slobbers in my face like a dog. Suddenly his head gets chopped clean off and my eyes widen before seeing y/n standing there looking at me tiredly.

"I hate werewolves." She groans before passing out. Before she could hit the ground I catch her in my arms and hold onto her tightly. Soon Sam arrives with Jody and Cas and Jack. Jody stays behind to clean up the mess while we get the girls to a hospital. Alex is fine and Claire has a slight concussion. But y/n, we're still waiting and it's killing me.

I look over at Cas and see the worried expression on his face as we wait for her. "She's strong, always has been. She will get through this and when she does she's gonna need you." I tell him. I'm not stupid, I know he's in love with her. And even though I love her more than I've ever loved anything else in the world, she deserves someone like him.

"Thank you Dean." He nods. The doctor soon comes out and gives us a reassuring smile. "Other than a concussion and bruised ribs she will be just fine." He says. We thank him as he walks away. Cas goes inside her room to see her as the rest of us wait outside her room.

"Why did you do that?" Sam asks me and I frown confused by his question. "Why didn't you make a move like you've been wanting to?"

"Because it's y/n Sammy and she's not like every other girl. She's different, special and deserves the world. That's just something I can't give her." I tell him. He sighs and pats my shoulder before going over to talk with Jack.

Y/n Pov

A smile makes its way onto my lips seeing Cas enter my hospital room. He sits down next to me and gives me a worried look. "I could heal you." He suggests.

"No I'm okay, but thanks Cas. How is Alex and Claire? Are they okay?" I ask him and he nods his head yes while telling me Claire only has a concussion. The room fills with this awkward silence and it got me thinking. I've spent all this time trying to decide between Cas and Dean when it hit me.

If I'm truly in love with someone then it shouldn't be this hard. But I know my choice now. And it's Dean. All those moments we've spent together, how my heart skips two beats every time he smiles at me. Sure I love Cas but it's never really like that with him. It broke me having to do what I'm about to do but it has to be done.

"Listen Cas I-" I start to say but he cuts me off.

"It's Dean I know." He said. I frown.

"How did you know?"

"Well it's the way you look at him as if he's the only person in the world. How every time he walks into a room your whole mood changes. But what made it more obvious is the fact that you'd go through hell and back if it means you get to spend even just one moment in time with him." He said and it was all true. Every last word.

"I'm sorry," my voice comes out weak and sad. He gives me a soft smile and places a kiss on my forehead before pulling away and standing to his feet.

"Don't ever apologize for who you love." He says then walks out of my room. A second later Dean walks in and gives me a comforting smile. He comes over to me and looks me up and down.

"Your a mess." He states making me chuckle.

"Tell me something new." I joke.

"Listen if it's Cas, if you choose him then I completely understand." He tells me. I grab his hand pull him closer to me. A frown is etched on his face as he looks at me.

"Dean, it's you, I want you." I tell him. He smiles and leans down, kissing my lips. It's a feeling I didn't know I needed but am happy to feel. When pulling away he stared at me, nothing but love filling his eyes.

"I want you too y/n." He said.

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