Splinter's Bestie

Hydranga2 tarafından

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So you know the story of tmnt 2012 right. But what if half of the events never occurred. What if Splinter had... Daha Fazla

The Characters
The Beginning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Training Nova
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas Special
Great News
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
I was Bored and this happened...
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Very Important
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Incorrect Quotes
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Nova and the Family
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Please Read Very Important
Last Chapter

Chapter 28

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Hydranga2 tarafından

Season 2, Episode 5: Mikey gets Shellacne

"Toast is done." Donnie calls out.

Nova enters the kitchen just in time to see Donnie smack Leo with some toast causing Leo to fall to the floor.

"Might be a little overdone, Donnie." Leo told him removing the hard toast from his mouth.

Raph slams a red cup onto the table, "Orange juice coming right up." Raph throws 2 oranges up in the air before impaling them with his sais causing the orange juice to spray everywhere but inside the cup.

Some orange juices fly past the dumbstruck Donnie as he holds out a cup only for the orange juice to fly into his eyes.

"Ow! It stings, it stings!" Donnie yells running around the kitchen in panic.

Donnie runs into Leo who was at the stove causing the frying pan to fly into the air and hit Raph's shell causing him to fall to the floor.

Raph stands to his feet with fried eggs covering his eyes, "Donnie, I told you scrambled!"

The eggs slide over his plastron looking like tits.

The smoke alarm goes off.

"Oh, man. This place is a disaster." Leo said.

"You all literally share a single brain cell. Mom is going to kill you." Nova said from her spot of the table where she made herself a bowl of cereal.

"Yeah, Mikey or Mom usually make breakfast. What's the deal? Mikey! Mikey, get up!" Raph calls out ignoring Nova's comment.

Mikey groans from under his blanket. "oh, I feel awful. Maybe I shouldn't have ate that jalapeno cappuccino pizza last night." Mikey groans going past his mirror before backtracking and looking at himself in it...

"AHHHH!" Mikey screams.

The group jump in surprise.

"WHAT THE? I'M A MUTANT!!" Mikey screams in panic.

"Uh, he's just realizing that now?" Leo asks his siblings.

"Like I said, you all share a single brain cell." Nova said finishing her chocolate milk from her cereal bowl.

Mikey rushes into the room just as Nova put her bowl and spoon in the sink.

"Guys, look at me! I'm covered in turtle zits!" Mikey panicked pointing to his forehead where zits sat.

"Aw, gross." His brothers say disgusted.

"I don't get what the big deal is. I'll most likely have to deal with those when I'm a teenager." Nova said taking on the role of the brain cell.

Mikey moves closer to Raph who backs himself into the counter, "Talk about shellacne. You look like a green chimichanga." Raph mocks.

Leo walks forehead but still keeping his distance, "Eh, don't worry, Mikey. It's part of being a teenager." Leo says agreeing with Nova.

"Have you ever had 'em?" Mikey asks him hopefully.

"Heck no." Leo says sassily.

"Hold up, guys. I think this might be serious." Donnie says pulling out a scanner from his t-phone.

The boys and Nova go to the lab where Donnie scans Mikey.

"Okay, Mikey. The good news is, these so-called zits aren't going to hurt you. And more importantly, they won't interfere with you making us breakfast." Donnie explains to Mikey with a smile.

"That's a relief." Mikey sighs.

"But the bad news is they'll continue to spread all over your body." Donnie says before getting a scary look in his eyes, "Spreading, and spreading, and spreading, and spreading..." Donnie says his voice getting eerie and deeper.

Mikey gives a nervous chuckle, "And then they disappear in a couple of hours, right?" Mikey asks, hopefully.

"No. And then your entire body will mutate into one, single, huge, giant, gargantuan zit!!" Donnie says purposely trying to freak Mikey out.

Mikey's baby blue eyes go small, "NO!!!!!" He shouts in anguish.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY KITCHEN?!" Ruby's voice calls from the kitchen causing the boys to tense.

"Oof, I'll plan your funerals for you." Nova told her older brothers as she walks out to meet her mother who came home from grocery shopping.


Ruby stares down at the boy who all were on their knees mentally begging for mercy on their souls.

"MOM! I'M GOING TO TURN INTO A ZIT!" Mikey calls out in anguish hugging Ruby's leg.

"Mikey, having zits is natural." Ruby told him fearlessly petting his head.

"Me and your dad had them as teenagers. Ours came from having soda Saturday every other weekend. I have no doubt yours come from something similar." Ruby told him placing the rest of the groceries away.

Splinter walks in stares at Mikey who looks back at him confused before shrugging and helping Ruby put the groceries away.

"Ruby, I have an idea for a alternative to Soda Saturday." Splinter says hugging her from behind while the others go about their day.

"And what's that?" Ruby asks playfully putting a strawberry in his mouth.

Splinter finishes chewing on the strawberry before moving away from Ruby and showing her the old videos he had managed to salvage years ago, from the fire.

"I'm thinking nostalgia and crab legs night." Splinter said smiling at her with a sparkle in his maroon, reserved for only her.

Ruby didn't recognize the loving way he looked at her but she smiles back him nonetheless at the thought of boiled crab legs, her homemade seafood sauce and her homemade fruit punch.

"That sounds absolutely delicious." Ruby told him licking her lips at the thought of the food.

Splinter chuckles before going through the now full cabinets for some tea.


Mikey is trying to hide his face with a pizza box.

Raph takes notice of Mikey first, "Cool. Mikey brought his own pizza. His face!" Raph cackles.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. Now come on and zit down." Raph cackles again, "Zit down! I crack myself up."

"Raphael, you should know better than to make fun of one's appearance. After all, how would the humans above react to yours?" Splinter scolds as Ruby whacks Raph upside the head with her tail.

"You're right, Master Splinter. Sorry, Mikey." Raph apologizes.

Mikey lets out a sad sigh and throws the pizza box to the side, sitting on the steps.

"Just kick me out, Master Splinter, Mom. I can't be a ninja when I look like moldy pickle." Mikey says sadly.

"And why not? I do not let my appearance affect me." Splinter says proudly.

"Well, yeah, 'cause old people never care how they look or smell." Mikey retorts.

Ruby snorts as Splinter gives Mikey an offended look before he strokes his beard in thought while Ruby leans against him giggling at Mikey's comment.

"You do remember we are the same age." Splinter asks Ruby raising an amused eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I don't act like a man in my 60s when I'm in my 30s." Ruby retorts playing smacking his butt before walking away to the middle of the living room, knowing she won the argument.

Splinter let's out a tired sigh before he takes notice of the bumps on Mikey's tongue.

Mikey whistles innocently avoiding everyone's eyes.

Ruby narrows her red ones, "Mikey, I sense there is something you would like to tell us." Ruby states eyeing him down.

"What? No. Not at all. Really, I didn't do anything." Mikey says before seeing Ruby and Splinter narrow his eyes at him.

"Okay, okay! You got me. I kinda, um sprinkled a little mutagen on my skin." Mikey says sheepishly avoiding his parents' eyes.

"WHAT? Are you kidding? Why?" The turtles shout in panic while Ruby facepalms.

"One brain cell." Nova and Splinter mutter amongst themselves.

(If you're wondering why Nova is more sassy it's because I feel like dealing with the stuff the turtles face, she'd start gain more intelligence and lose some of her innocence, but she didn't change her age, but grew up mentally. Mostly thanks to Ruby, Splinter and Donnie)

"To become better. Cooler, y'know? You guys treat me like like a big goofball all the time. So I found this vial in Donnie's lab. The label says it'll make you super cool." Mikey says showing them a jar of mutagen.

"No, it says you're supposed to keep it super cooled. As in temperature! This was a reject batch of retro mutagen, Mikey. It's dangerous!" Donnie scold him snatching the jar of mutagen from his hand.

"Well, you could have made it a little more clear!" Mikey argued back.

Nova grabs the jar from Donnie's hand and turns it around, she was the one who put all the caution and danger stickers on it.

"Still not that clear." Mikey said.

Ruby sighs and grabs Mikey under her arm before leading everyone to the lab.

Donnie and Nova get a scan on Mikey.

"Oh, no." Donnie said looking at Mikey's vitals, etc.

"Please tell me that's a good 'oh, no.'" Mikey said.

"It's a terrible 'Oh, no.' According to these blood tests, the mutagen in your system is unstable. You only have three hours until-" Donnie says only for Leo to pop up behind him in panic.

"Until what? What'll happen to him?" Leo asks panicked.

"In scientific terms, go boom." Nova said covering Leo's mouth.

"I'm gonna explode?" Mikey asks eyes going wide in terror.

"Like a massive zit." Donnie confirms.

"Ew." Leo and Raph say in sync.

"No!" Mikey says before passing out.

Ruby sighs shaking her head, why does Mikey get himself into these situations.

"But now that we know what caused this, I think we can engineer an antidote from the remaining sample." Nova said typing on the laptop.

"Yes, yes, yes! I love you, man!" Mikey said hugging Donnie who immediately tries to pull Mikey off him.

"Okay, come on." Donnie scolds pushing him off.

"Then you both must start right away." Splinter told Donnie and Nova.

"We're just missing one key instrument though. A molecular centrifuge to mix the solution." Donnie told Mikey.

"No problem. Money is no object!" Mikey cheers before turning to Ruby and Leo, "Mom, Leo, can I borrow some cash?" Mikey asks sheepishly causing the two to roll their eyes.

"The only place I've ever seen a molecular centrifuge was at T.C.R.I." Nova spoke up.

"But we blew that place up when we took down the Kraang. What could be left?" Raph asks crossing his arms.


Ruby and Splinter watch their children leave the lair to go to T.C.R.I.'s wreckage.

"So yoyo, we home alone again. What'cha wanna do?" Ruby asks turning to him with a small smile.

Multiple things flash through Splinter's mind that he'd love to do to- with Ruby.

"Don't know what do you want to do, Rubes?" Splinter asks smiling at Ruby.

Ruby shrugs before grabbing his hand and dragging him to their room.

Splinter sits down on the bed next to Ruby who suddenly smirks at him deviously.

Splinter raises an eyebrow at his childhood friend.

Before he could blink, his face is met with a pillow which causes him to fall to the floor behind him. Ruby's cackles being the only thing he could hear.

Splinter sits up and gives Ruby and playful glare before hitting her with his own pillow, effectively starting a deadly pillow fight between the two.

Feathers and fluff fly in the air around them as they both laugh breathlessly, hitting each other with the pillows.

After a good few minutes both lay on their backs laughing breathlessly.

"I believe I won that fight this time, beautiful." Splinter flirts playfully as he sits up with one leg propped up.

"Sorry to disappoint you handsome, but I obviously won that, I had one hit extra on you." Ruby said playfully pinching his cheeks.

"Ah, that may be true, but you went down first, my queen." Splinter said getting close to her as if to challenge her to say otherwise.

"Alright, you got me their, my king. But I'll win next time." Ruby said giggling, she rests her head on his shoulder and he stares lovingly down at her.

The two sit in a comfortable silence as they stare at nothing in particular.

"You know, yoyo." Ruby says hugging his arm.

Splinter looks to her with a faint blush. "H-hm?"

"We should have a picnic, just you and me, on the surface. It's been a while." Ruby told him looking up at him with her wolf like red eyes.

Before Splinter could answer they heard Mikey groan and their kids talking about a plan.

"I'd like that." Splinter tells Ruby, kissing her forehead." 


"Antidote's ready, Mikey." Donnie calls out.

Ruby moves from where she laying on Splinter's back, Splinter was laying on his stomach as they watched a movie together.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!" Mikey says snatching the antidote from Donnie.

"Did you have to put the antidote on those acne pads?" Leo asks Nova as they watch Mikey struggle to rub the antidote on his body using the acne pads.

"Nope but it is hilarious." Nova said, her and Donnie snickering.

"It worked. Look at me! Yeah, boy! I'm super cute again." Mikey cheers admiring himself.

MIkey hugs Nova and Donnie, "Thanks, guys. You're the best." 

"Put me down please." Nova said.

Splinter and Ruby enter the lab, "I must commend you on your resolve, Michelangelo. You thought you needed to imporve yourself, but you had everything you already needed inside, in here." Splinter says gesturing to his heart.

"See, guys? Who was right about Baxter's secret hideout, huh? Me. Yup." Mikey brags causing Ruby and Splinter to shake their heads amused.

"Yeah enough of the bragging, freckles, because you're still in trouble with me." Ruby said dragging him out the room giving Splinter quick kiss to the cheek on her way out.

The Boys, Nova and Splinter snicker amused as Mikey called out to them for help.

Screen turns gray like comic book page.

I'm not very familiar how people act like when they're close to being a couple. SO...

If you have any ideas on cute moments between Splinter and Ruby feel free to comment, I read all the comments. Wattpad comments are the least toxic community I ever met. :)

Enjoy your day.

Okumaya devam et

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