Honkai impact, agent stories

By Dashas37

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Many short stories about the valkyries and the agents. Fighting the things that need to be fought, beginning... More

Story One: Rita: Part One
Story One: Rita: Part Two
story one: Rita: Part 3
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part One
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part Two
Story two: Fu Hua: Part Three
Story Three: Theresa: Part One
Story Three: Theresa: Part Two
Story Three: Theresa: Part Three
Story Four: Sirin: Part One
Story four: Sirin: Part Two
His world
Story 5: Mei: Part One
Story Five: Mei: Part Two
Story Five: Mei: Part Three
Story Six: Kiana: Part one
Story Six: Kiana: Part 2
Story Six: Kiana: Part Three
The future of this book
Story Seven: Seele: Part One.
Story Seven: Seele: Part Two
Story Seven: Seele: part Three
Story Eight: Arc City: Part one
Story Eight: Arc city: part Two
Story Eight: Arc City: Part 3
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part One.
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part 2
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part Three
Story ten: Dundral: Part One
Story Ten: Dundral: Part Two
Story 10: Dundral: part Three
Story Eleven: Yae Sakura: Part One
Story Eleven: Yae sakura: Part Two
Story 11: Yae sakura: Part Three.
Story 12: Female captain: Part One
Story 12: Female Captain: Part two
Story Twelve: Female Captain: Part 3
What's next?
The new agent
The new agent: Part Two
The new agent: Part Three
Soukai city
Zhuge Kongming
Zhuge kongming part 2
Return trip
next assignment
The post
Returning once again
an unfortunate event.
Theresa Apocalypse
change of plans
The two captains.
The fallen rose
The fallen rose: Part two
A powerful foe
An unfortunate situation
in the scenario
Awake, but not ready.
An Attack
The final battle (sorta...)
A day with the captains
Something special
Back on the hyperion.
sarah's first assignment
The Olenyeva's
The other crew
The Void queen
Continuing the training
Assignment and camping
Final preperations
Night of the final battle.
One final effort
Zach's dream world
Bad news
Well enough alone
Spending some time together
Prep of the next mission
The night assignment
New faces
Other world problems
A mix of confusion and despair
The Sea
Return home

Sarah's childhood

13 0 0
By Dashas37

Sarah was playing in her room by herself, her mother was downstairs speaking to a few of her friends, her father was just about done with work and she knew he would be home soon. After a few hours her mother came into the room and said "lets go, daddy is waiting for us." Sarah nodded as she took her hold of her mothers hand.

It had been a few years, sarah was now at school, soon she would learn of her father's arrest, but would never know why he was ever arrested. As she walked to her class while talking to her friends, one of them said "hey sarah, what are you doing later, my mom was wondering if you were busy?" Sarah shrugged "you know my mother doesn't like having people around, or me being away from home for a long time for that matter, maybe I could get her to warm up to the idea."

As sarah got to class she sat at her seat and waited for her class to start, her classmates poured in and she waited for class to start, unlike most of the students, sarah actually like being at school. It was mainly due to her being away from her mother. She wasn't abusive, just a bit on the insane side, she required her to do a lot of things to herself to stay in her mother's words "perfect." although, she does change herself up before getting to class and return to the way she did after school is out.

Sarah was called down to the main office to be picked up for some reason, she changed herself back to what she her mother made her wear before heading to the office. as her mother picked her up she made absolutely sure that everything was right back to how it was. As her mother picked her up and took her away from school her mother said "Your father has gotten himself into trouble, which means he will be going away for a while, in turn you will not be seeing him." Sarah looked down, she loved her father more than anyone, he didn't force her to do anything she didn't want. Now that he was going to be arrested, her mother would have total control of her life.

Sarah was now a loner, someone who didn't like being around other people, she had a few friends, but she usually wanted to be alone. As she got into class and sat down her classmates became worried about her. During the lecture she caught the attention of one of her friends said "Hey sarah, what has happened to you, you were no longer the happy girl we knew?" Sarah didn't respond only giving a small note to her friend. She looked at it and went back to focusing.

After class sarah gave a sigh, was she really going to do this today, was she really going to go on an adventure by herself, was she really for the the first time ever going to defy her mother's orders.

As school ended she ran in the opposite direction from where her home is, there was a hill with a track that lead to the top, Sarah was going to go up to the top. She ran past the houses near the hill and kept running up, she was happy for the time being.

Upon reaching the top and seeing the city from afar. It was windy, judging by how her uniform was being blown to her right. She then opened her bag and pulled out a can of soda, she opened it and downed some of it's contents before reaching into her bag for something else, it was a slice, as she ate it she heard some rustling come from behind, she turned and saw the figure emerge, only to be a male, who went to her school. From what she could tell it was one of the more misunderstood males, unlike most people she paid more attention to the to people she was friends with. Sarah then quickly finished her drink and slice before looking back to the city.

The Student that sarah saw sat on the same bench and lit a cigarette, Sarah kept looking out to the city. The student then said "Beautiful aint it?" Sarah gave a nod "yeah, it does look nice." The student then said "I've never heard you speak before, people told me that you only talked to close friends?" Sarah nodded "yeah, It's mostly people that I trust not to talk to me outside of school for safety reasons." The student tapped his cigarette and chuckled "who the hell hates you that much?" Sarah gave a sigh "my mother, she's been really trying to make me an 'ideal' woman in her vision, and with my father in prison, she now has free reign to do it." The student tapped his cigarette again and said "I'm sorry to hear that, next week do you want to talk here again?" Sarah nodded "I'd like that, thank you."

Sarah rushed home before her mother came back from work, she had to get changed into her outfit her mother prepares for her and make sure she is absolutely the way she was before she got to school... 

Alex said to said "how old were you at this point?" Sarah gave a chuckle "right, The first part I was a little over 8, the second part I was about to turn 14 and this coming part I'm 17. Soon I'll get to when I saw my father. Now let me finish."

She brushed her teeth and sat on the chair in the dining room, waiting patiently for her mother, this was the rule in her house, she had to wait for her to get home, while she waited she played with her hair which was the one thing her mother didn't really care about her doing anything with it.

As Sarah's mother got home she said "ok, ready, she's home and  I hope didn't miss anything." Sarah waited her eyes tracking where her mother would be right at that moment, soon after the door opened and her mother walked in, she said "sarah, good, you're sitting down like I said. wait right there and I'll get dinner ready."

Sarah was back on top of the hill looking back down onto the city when the student sat next to her again and lit another cigarette. He then gave a sigh and said "so what was your week like?" Sarah looked to the student and said "eh, it was fine, I'm still just a loner but talking with you has felt nice." Her crimson red hair flowed in the wind with her uniform and the student said "who'd you inherit the red hair from?" Sarah looked around and gave her response as "my father, my mother has brown hair." The student stayed quiet for a few seconds before saying "it looks beautiful." Returning to his cigarette. Sarah then said "what is your name?" The student took his cigarette out of his mouth again and said "My name, oh right, it harold. I come from a rich family but I chose to be like this because I don't like letting people know I have money." Sarah smiled "wow, I wish I thought of that, but by now it's too late." Harold then finished his cigarette and said "Why don't you come with me, we could stay together, my mother is a welcoming person, I'm sure you'll like it?" Sarah looked around "I need time to think, maybe if we meet up at school next week we can talk about it." Just then Sarah's alarm went off and she said "Sorry I have to go, meet me by the library at lunch on monday."

Monday rolled around and sarah went to school like usual and at lunch she met up with harold who was waiting. He immedatly noticed that sarah's tie was looser than the last two times he saw her and her uniform had a few wrinkles in it. He then said "Hey ready to talk about the thing?" Sarah nodded "yeah, I'll do it, but we'll have to do at the end of the week, my mother is picking me up today. She'll find me real quick if I tried to leave, so we'll wait till friday."

Sarah was sitting in her mothers car with her legs parallel to each other while her hands were on her lap and she was looking straight forward per her mother's instructions her mother inspected her and said "good, looking perfect as usual." Sarah wanted to groan, she knew she wasn't perfect, she just wanted to be a normal girl, maybe by friday she would be one.

The days passed and sarah arrived at school and waited for harold he was smoking near the back and said "right, so my mother is going to get us out of here, just be ready to go after school ends, meet me behind the school."

the day ended and sarah walked to meet up with harold and his mother She made sure to keep her uniform tidy for meeting his mother aside from that she was ready. As she walked up to him he said "she'll be here any minute." Sarah gave a nod "right, thanks for this, it's not every day that someone helps me out." Harold kept a monotone expression and said "it's fine, my mother always wanted to do something like this, so you're doing her more of a favor than you think." Sarah looked around "oh, that is nice, I hope I make a good first impression." Harold then drew a cigarette out and said "eh you'll be fine, she'll just be happy to meet you."

After a bit Harold finished his cigarette and stomped on it "Mother knows I smoke, but I try not to do it in front of her." Sarah nodded "right, I get it, I wish my mother could have been like that, me be able to do things when she isn't around while knowing." Harold gave a short smile "well now you can"

Harold's mother drove up and she said in the most excited tone "Oh is this her?" She got out and sarah stood up straight. "Hello " She said before getting hugged, which shocked her. Harold then said "calm down mother. You don't want to scare her." the mother stood back and said "Oh right. Nice to finally meet you miss Sarah, you're much different looking than the picture harold gave me."

It had been a year since meeting the lovely woman and sarah was much more acquainted with harold and his parents. However she wanted to go see someone, her father, she knew the prison he was at, and she could avoid her mother quite easily in public.

Sarah left Harold's place and walked to the prison, she was nervous, anxious, worried "Dad, I'm here to see you." She thought "I'm going to tell you what I've done since you got arrested." As she got to the prison, went to the visiting center, she was patted down and was sent to visit her father. As he saw her she swore that all of the color in her face drained almost immedatly and he said "S-sarah, w-why are you here." Sarah tilted her head "to see you dad, what's wrong?" He then said "Sarah, your mother, she knows." Her eyes widened before the sound of an explosion occurred, then another, and another before one exploded quite close to the center, killing a few of the guards and injuring Sarah. Her father, now free of the prison said "we have to go, grab your stuff and we'll head to soukai, it'll be safe there."

Sarah looked at Alex and said "I'm going to skip to when I awoke at St freya, cause you know the rest of what happened before then" Alex gave a nod "right, I see, go on."

Sarah awoke in an unkown bed. She sat up and could hear murmurs come from outside of the room, as she looked around she saw a picture, there was a white haired girl and a white haired guy, judging from the age difference in the photo sarah assumed they were father daughter. After a bit of waiting Sarah heard the door open and she saw two people stand there, one was a male, black hair, it was Zach. The other was major himeko. "Hey, you're awake, good. How are you feeling." Sarah nodded "alright, but I gotta ask who are you?" Zach gave a smile "I am Zach, captain of the hyperion. This is major Himeko muratua. We are schicksal officers." Sarah tilted her head "schicksal?" Himeko looked at Sarah and said "It's an organization that fights a force in this world, you may have heard of it before, it's called honkai?" Sarah then said "never heard of honkai before." Zach nodded "right, not many civilians know about it. But enough about honkai, do you know why you're here?" Sarah sighed "was I hurt?" Zach nodded "yeah, but luckily you were saved by one of our valkyries. Where do you live, I can take yo back there." Sarah looked away "I-I'm homeless. I've been doing my best to survive out there bu-" Zach then said "you can stay at my place, hell I could probably get you a job here, if you're interested?" Sarah looked around "Ok." Himeko then said "well, i do have a interesting job, provided you are over 18 of course." Sarah gave a nod "I am, what is it?" Himeko then said "well, I was thinking that maybe you and Zach could be co captains?" Zach then said "That seems like a good Idea, how does that sound miss sarah?" Sarah gave a nod "sounds nice, We can talk more about it later then?"

"And that's what had happened up to that point." Sarah said, Alex nodded "Neat, but I do have A question?" Sarah then said "ok, what's going on?" Alex then said "do you miss harold?" Sarah gave a short smile "A little bit, why?" Alex then said "do you think you'll ever see him again?" Sarah gave another nod "Yeah, I was planning on talking to him when we go down next month."

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