In Between The Lines| BOOK #2...

By thinkingofthoughts

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COMPLETED Penn State University. Home to the craziest sorority girls, most obnoxious football players, and a... More

Welcome! Characters + Info + More
bonus chapter one
Somewhere In The Middle Introduction


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By thinkingofthoughts

Blake Day

My heart was pounding and the blood was racing through my veins.

Holy shit I actually just did that.

I did it—what I had been bottling up and hiding for months now was out there. Holy shit.

I knew my dad was corrupt— I knew politics were corrupt. I knew everything that was going on wasn't right. But the fact that it was so obvious and in front of me, I wanted to act on it. I had to be selfish for once and seeing him fall wasn't only a win for me, I was hoping it was something that would make Sloane see the real me for once.

For years of my life, I spent time hating myself trying to make my father proud of me when I wished deep down that I had come to know sooner that if I sought someone's attention like that I would never feel satisfied with myself.

I was proud of myself.

His empire was crumbling down around him.

A french manicured hand wrapped around my bicep. "Blake Daniel Day you better tell me what is going on right this instant." My mother's voice was in clear-cut English without a hint of French. Shit.

She was the only person I owed an explanation to.

Turning to face her, her face wore a look of uncertainty. I do not blame her one bit, I just threw her husband and all who were associated in this election under the bus. Including her.

"Mama, he wasn't doing right by the people. I needed to do right by the people." I enclosed her hand with mine as she gave me a look of anger.

"You never fight fire with fire, Blake." She lectured.

I nodded.

I knew that, I knew that two wrongs don't make a right. But I also knew that everything that I had done in my past was wrong.

Except her.

She was so wrong that it turned right.

"I'm still very upset with you," She whispered as I nodded. Both of our blue eyes gazed into each other. "I'm upset with myself too," I paused.

"But she is slowly forgiving me and I'm hoping that this helped the process." I finished. Raising her eyebrow, she nodded taking in what I'm saying. "I fucked everything up for dad. I fucked up everything and in turn, she paid for it. It was wrong and she doesn't deserve that." I whispered.

Looking around the backstage area, my father was still under the lights taking the heat from the public and reporters. He couldn't cover up his traces in the lines for that long.

"J'aime cette fille plus que je n'ai jamais aimé quelqu'un d'autre, maman. Je ferai tout pour qu'elle soit heureuse même si ce serait pour que mon père tombe. Il ne nous a jamais mérité de toute façon." I looked her in the eyes as she slowly nodded, blinking away her tears.

(I love this girl more than I have ever loved anyone else, mom. I will do anything to make her happy even if it meant for dad to fall. He never deserved us anyways.)

That's all I had been doing—causing tears to those who didn't deserve it.

Looking back at the stage, I felt the fury growing inside of me. He should be the one crying, not any of us. He ruined his family for politics. I was never going to be like him.

But I was different in this situation.

I was in between right and wrong on this very fine line.

I knew why my father did this but I knew it was wrong.

My mother grabbed my arm, dragging me away. It was comedic to see a modelesque woman dragging her six foot seven son behind her. But nobody got in the way of Eleanor Day.

She might've been forced into the top of a tower to give birth to me. She might've had to throw her entire life away for him. But it doesn't mean that she couldn't hate him. For all, he had done to her, to me, to us.

He split our family apart.

But he couldn't see that.

This is where the wrong out of the right comes into play. He couldn't see his faults. He couldn't even see his faults so when he saw that he was losing, cash is king baby.

A big fat one hundred million in the state audits accounts.

Cash is king but I was the entire royal family in this moment.

Shutting the door behind us my mother paced in front of me trying to come up with words. "Mom, it's okay. I will take care of everything." I assured her as she aggressively chewed on her lip.

"No this can't be happening oh my god," My mother choked out. I furrowed my eyebrows taking a step forward, she collapsed in a sitting chair next to the coffee table that held a custom china set of teaware.

But then she smiled.

"Are you okay mom?" I asked as she smiled even bigger.

Sniffling she began to choke up, she suddenly rushed out of the chair giving me a huge hug. There was nothing like a mother's love when it was the only thing that had to go for you at the moment.

But nothing could've prepared me for the words she was going to say next.

"I filed for divorce last week," She whispered into my chest crying.

She was trying to fight off the smile but I wanted her to smile at this moment. Losing the person you loved was hard, but he never loved her like that anyways. If he did he would've put her first. If he did he would love her before he loved the power. If he did he would've been there for her.

But he never was like that towards her.

And I refused to be stuck in a position where I am ever like that to Sloane.

She brought back the life inside of me.

She made the love come out.

Mom pulled away reaching up and grabbing my cheeks with her hands she squished my face together. "My brave baby boy—my brave boy. God, I am so proud of you for not letting him overcome you." She cried with joy.

I smiled at her, "Someone as valuable as I am doesn't let oneself decrease in value for someone cheap."

She pouted before hugging me again, squeezing the life out of me.

"You're back, it's really you."

I was never gone, mom.

But that's what happens when you have depression and anxiety. That's what happens with mental illness. It swallows you whole. It makes you feel like there is no escape. It eats you alive while you're begging to starve.

I was crying for help and she saved me.

Fuck, I loved Sloane Beck.

"You better marry your rapunzel," Mom whispered as I nodded smiling.

My rapunzel.

Not a brats doll.

Not a barbie doll.

But a princess.

A queen.

Someone who fights for the greater good. Someone who brought the light back inside of me. She took care of me even as a villain.

"If I called her that she would probably backhand me," I chuckled to mom as she laughed nodding. "God—I just can't wait to see her again." Mom had tears in her eye.

I don't think she had stopped hugging me yet.

I couldn't wait to see her either.

I would get on a plane in an hour and go back home. From there I would go and find my rapunzel and I would confess my love for her, even as the villain who claimed his redemption.

We weren't enemies.

We weren't lovers.

We weren't friends.

We weren't foes.

We were somewhere in between the lines of each other.

And that was enough for me to have hope.

And hope could be a dangerous thing but nothing was coming between her and me because I was hers and she was mine.

"And hold on, before I forget a vilomah? Are we talking about Julianna?" I sucked in a deep breath as mothers question hit me like a ton of bricks. Feeling the pain hit me all at once. I didn't mean to let that slip but it had to.

I had to come to terms with the fact that I had lost as much as I had gained.

I was proud of myself.

Nodding, I cleared my throat, "Sloane miscarried at the end of the summer season." Mother gasped as she wrapped her arms around my body once again. She was there for me more than my father ever had been.

Cash was king—why would he want to be a father for free when he could run a business for a few hundred million—billion.

"We're okay but I think we might actively try to have another," My mother's eyebrows raised. "You're conceiving? In university? Blake—you are almost done with college. This is your last semester. I think you both should wait. Plus, she has three more semesters than you do." I nodded understanding what she was saying. And to be fair it wasn't a bad point.

But there was something that mom didn't know that I knew.

"Mom, I'm leaving." I slowly broke the news to her.

She turned her head giving me a funny look. "To where?" She asked as I gave her a slight nod.

"France," Her eyes widened as I cleared my throat.

"Paris to be more specific. I got an internship with the president," I ran my tongue over my front teeth as the dots began to click in her head.

"You're leaving?" She asked trying to confirm what she thought was impossible, what I thought was impossible. Before, I was only going to escape. But now, I was left to provide a better life for my future.



"Yes, I'm going to intern, make allies, and then run in the next presidential election in France," I confirmed for her.

Her mouth dropped open in shock, "Does Matti know this?" I shook my head.

"Sloane?" She asked as I shrugged, tracing my finger to one of the patterns that were on a fabric-printed chair. "She knows my ambitions but she doesn't know of my timelines." My voice was soft.

Mom placed her head in her hands, sighing. "What a shame it is then that I didn't sign a prenup," My tongue clicked as mom started to laugh after speaking.

I was shocked.

"What?" I asked.

From the moment I was born prenup, prenup, prenup. Anything and all things were prenuptial. I was never to do anything without a nondisclosure agreement. I was never to fall in love or marry without a prenup.

But—dad didn't make mom sign one?

"I refused," She spoke, shrugging. "Who was he to force me when I already had you, Blake." She smiled at me. "I could've taken all of his fortunes right there. You were everything to him but for all of the wrong reasons and now—I'm glad you've found the right reasons to leave." I grinned at her.

"You too mom," I spoke.

The door opened and he flew in like a bat out of hell.

"What the actual living fuck do you think you are doing, Blake Daniel Day? What are you doing to me, to us—your family!" My dad's voice was loud but before I could speak, someone else spoke for me.

"Enough! I have been silent for years! I am sick and tired of you Robert! You are not the man I fell in love with, you are not the man I married. You are a power-hungry, dictator—fucking douche bag. Oh my word, I can't believe you used our son as a pawn in your game! You disgust me! You were served the divorce papers last week. Take those papers, and shove them up your ass, or even better, use them to wipe your ass in federal prison. You won't be having those in the White House that's for sure!" My mouth dropped open at my mother's foul mouth.

She was never like that. It was rare that she ever exploded.

My dad slowly blinked at her before facing me.

"You have no clue what you're doing and you will regret this." His words cut like knives but mine were sharper.

Letting out a chuckle and a sinister grin. "I fucking feel bad for you dad because you have no idea what you are doing! You just ruined everything for yourself all because you were too selfish. There is a fine line between right and wrong and you are so far wrong—you are way over the line—miles over the line."

His face fell.

"I refuse to allow Sloane near that or our children, I refuse to watch you dictate a country because you are fucking obsessed with power! You have lost your wife and your son, not to mention seventy-five percent of your wealth in one week." I laughed in his face.

Mom sighed, sliding her sunglasses over her eyes and walking outside of the room. I gave the agents who were outside of the door a thumbs up. A prior deal was made, dad was going in for questioning. He would be put on trial.

"You think you've outdone yourself, you think you're so much better than me? Do you think that you're never going to end up like me? Newsflash, Blake. You're going to end up like me and your son is going to end up like you."

I raised an eyebrow, smirking at him.

"Guess you'll have to watch us turn out like you while you're rotting all alone in a prison cell, dad." I winked at him before heading towards the door.

Opening the wooden door, I nodded towards the boys in uniform who stood outside. "Gentlemen," I motioned for them to go inside and take him away.

Sloane and I were alike in more ways than none.

We had both been looked over by a loved one.

We weren't good enough.

We didn't fit the role.

But it was okay because in the end, we had eachother.

And that was enough for me because in the end, she made my heart full.

My blondie.

My baby.

My lovebug.

My barbie.

My Rapunzel.

My girl.


The only girl who had ever made me weak enough to cut me straight to the bone.

Paris was far away.

But Sloane Beck would always be my home.

Sloane Beck

"Did he just—did we just see that—are we all watching the same thing right now?" Finn's voice was panicked as I nodded. I was mute, frozen, I couldn't do anything except nod. Stella and Chandler were silent for once as well.

Everything froze and time stopped.

The king was dethroned by his son.

"No he did not just do that—what?" Natalie whispered.

I continued to nod.

"Sloane, did you know about this?" Naomi asked as I shook my head.

"Of course she didn't know about this! This is way too good for her to not tell us! Holy shit! I need popcorn—this is way more entertaining than the animal planet!" Finn exclaims as she rushed out of the living room.

I stayed frozen on my two feet.

He was so bad that he turned good—for me.

My face crumpled up as I tried to take in a deep breath. I was hyperventilating. Someone was hugging me as I cried, I had a feeling it was NJ but I couldn't focus on who was hugging me. All I could think about was Blake and how I needed to see him.

Right now.

"Oh my god," I cried.

I coughed out a breath as my back was being rubbed.

Oh my god.

He wasn't one of the bad guys anymore.

He was free.

We were free.

"He said vilomah? Sloane," It was Naomi who was hugging me. I nodded, crying into her shoulder. I was telling the truth—it was true. I didn't even care that he blurted it out to millions of people. He was embracing himself, his true self, and to me, that is all I could've ever asked for.

"I am so sorry," Naomi cried.

I was better.

I was better than fine.

I was better than just doing okay.

I was better in every single aspect.


Because my home with two legs, dark hair, blue eyes, tattooed hands, and a heartbeat taught me that to be happy you have to fall to your defeat. You must come to terms with the fact that yeah, life sucks.

But it gets better.

Everyone can go through the same things but reaching out, talking to my friends, becoming clean and open made me better. If I was closed off nothing good would come out of it. Everything that was held a secret is not good for you.

Secrets hold you back.

Secrets make you weak.

I was in love with Blake Day and that was my biggest defeat.

So that leads us to now.

Waiting by the phone, which he has yet to answer.

Waiting by my door which he has yet to knock on.

Life was one big huge waiting game.

"C'mon Blake," I refreshed our message conversations, I double-checked to make sure that my phone wasn't on mute. I was trying to come up with every excuse as to why he hadn't contacted me yet.


And more waiting.

It was nearly nine at night.

I was waiting.

Time was passing.

Everyone had left to go hang out but I was here.

I was waiting on him.

And that's when I finally heard the knock on my door.

I sighed a breath of relief, throwing it open before launching myself at the vanilla, mint, and cashmere scented boyfriend of mine.


We were back together?

"I fucking love you so much," I cried.

He just rubbed my back as I squeezed him, refusing to let go.

"And it's going to fucking suck when you leave but I can't go with you," I pulled my face away from his chest, tears leaving my eyes as he nodded.

He pressed his forehead against mine, chuckling before setting me on the ground.

I wiped my tears as he nodded. "Well," He pulled something out of his pocket.

Opening my hand, he closed it around cold metal. I furrowed my eyebrows and blinked a few times to clear tears from them. I looked back up at him confused.

"You're gonna need keys to our house for when you come to visit, blondie."

A small gasp left my lips as I inspected the silver keys that lay in my palm before looking back up at him. I smiled before grabbing his suit jacket pulling him down to kiss me as I let out small laughs.

"You bought us a house?" I asked in shock as he nodded.

"Look at the keychain," He whispered.

Pulling back from him, my smile grew as I saw the familiar promise ring.

"I took this while you were sleeping, sorry." He apologized as I nodded. He took the keychain from my hands before sliding the promise ring out. Placing the home keys bag into his pocket. He grabbed my hand in his, massing my knuckles with his thumb.

I sniffled, choked up from tears again.

"A promise that I will never hurt you. A promise that I will forever cherish you. A promise that I will learn Russian. A promise that I will teach you french. A promise that I will always love you. A promise that we will say I do. A promise that I will make up for what we have lost. A promise that I will give you as many children as you want to." I cracked up at his corniness as he gave me a boyish smile.

"I love you. This is a new beginning if you'd let me," I smiled.


"A new beginning," I smiled at him.

A new beginning that wouldn't be in between the lines.

A new beginning that would be he and I, me and him, on the good side.

We weren't enemies.

We were friends.

Because that is how a true tragic fairytale is supposed to end.

You're not alone in your battles- please seek help. My messages are always open.

Information about eating disorders.

If you need to seek help, please do. You're not alone!

National Eating Disorder's Association Helpline: 1-800-931-2237

Crisis Textline:
Text CONNECT to 741741

Depression and anxiety are serious issues that should be addressed. We need to end the stigma around them, I love you all. Don't feel ashamed ever to be depressed or have anxiety.

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is: 1-800-273-8255

If you are having thoughts about harming yourself please talk to someone- my messages are always open and my comments are always open as well.

The stigma around mental health must end!

Hey Besties!

One chapter and an epilogue left!
Can you believe that?
I can't.

And it's all happening today! 11/7!

See you in the next chapter! I thank you all for everything! I love you guys.

Vote and comment!

Connect with me!
Instagram: thinkingofthoughtswrites
Tiktok: thinkingofthoughtswrites
Twitter: naomijadeblack

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