Drama Of A Teen (completed, u...

By yourgirl_draya

8.6K 863 5K

This story is about the drama of what a teen girl named Adrienne Scott goes through. She has issues with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Lost but Not Forgotten
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Authors Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 38

141 12 52
By yourgirl_draya

We are 3.31k reads!!! Thank You Thank You Thank You! I love you guys!


A couple of nights have passed since Diane told Adrienne about what happened between her and Joe. In those nights Adrienne hasn't slept much for fear of closing her eyes and reimagining the nightmare. She had made up her mind that now wasn't a good time to say anything about what happened to her. She didn't care to say much of anything if it meant her mother would be okay.

Jason and Diane were just coming from the hospital. Diane was finally released after being in the hospital for 3 days. Doctors wanted to make sure she was stable before allowing her to leave, resulting in her being released so late in the night. They almost made her wait till morning but sweet Nurse Angela put in a word for her.

" It's so good to be home." Diane said softly as she took in the familiarity and the comfort of her home.

" I'm happy you're home too, baby." As he quietly walked further in the house with her things in his hands.

The kids were in their respective rooms sleeping peacefully leaving the house as quiet as a mouse. The couple made it into their way up the stairs. It took them ages to get there because Jason wanted her to take things slow as if she couldn't walk normally.

Jason went into their room to put their things away while Diane went to go check on their babies. She checked on Charity and the twins first before going into Adrienne's room. Adrienne was up at her desk with her text books open. Her head was in her hands as she tried to stay up. Baby Jace was in her bed sound asleep. Diane walked over to Adrienne and combed through Adrienne's hair with her hands.  Adrienne's eyes sholted open as she stretched and yawned while looking at her mother.

" It's almost midnight," Diane said while closing the textbook that was open in front of Adrienne.

"I have a test in the morning." Adrienne tried to make an excuse as to why she was studying so late. She looked over at baby Jace and gestured towards his sleeping frame. " He was fussy so I gave him little milk to calm him down. Mama Rose said she will be back in the morning."

Diane picked up Jace in her arms making Adrienne's eyes practically bulge out her sockets as she scolded her mother " Ma I got him. I'll put him to bed. You shouldn't be carrying anything heavy."

Adrienne rushed over to help her just for Jason coming in to beat her to it. " Tell her again Adri" Jason cosided grabbing Jace from her.

Adrienne has since apologized to Jason for how she acted before and Jason apologized as well for being out of place. Even though he was seen as a father to the younger ones he does not have a relationship with Adrienne in that way. He should have had Diane address it even though his points were valid. However the two have agreed to start fresh by making clear that Jason was there for Adrienne if she ever needs him and Adrienne promised to be more respectful.

"Y'all acting like im handicapped, I am fine." Diane giggled at the two but digressed as she put on her serious momma face." Adrienne, go to sleep, baby. You Yawning every 2 seconds it seems like. You won't be any good for this test if you're tired."

Adrienne didn't argue as she got in bed for the sake of her mother being in the room. She planned on getting up as soon as she left to busy herself with something else. There was no point in studying anyway, it wasn't like she can focus in school...when she's there. Everyone seemed to be a suspect making her incredibly paranoid. When Derek said she wouldn't be seeing him, he meant it. Adrienne hadn't seen or heard from him since furthering her paranoia.

Diane kissed Adrienne on her forehead and wished her a goodnight. Instantly, Adrienne grew extremely comfortable at the touch as the bed hugged her tight. Sleep came to her with ease as her breathing evened out and her anxiety mellowed.

The wish for a goodnight came and went as Diane's motherly presence left the room with her. It was as if her mother's love fought off her demons long enough for 5 seconds of peaceful sleep before the wrath of night terrors swarmed around.


" Girl what are you doing?" Jason laughed as he tried to get comfortable in bed with Diane. Every time he moved, she moved closer to him.

" I've missed you" Diane said cooly as she snuggled up against his neck and began to place kisses there. She tried to pull Jason closer but he was not having it.

" Aht aht I know what you trying to do. You just got out the hospital babe."Jason said he turned on his side to face her. Him turning only gave her more leverage to pull him closer.

" So maybe some good lovin will make me feel better." She said seductively. " Besides, the doctor said to exercise and this is the perfect time to exercise."

Jason chuckled again as he engulfed Diane into his large arms and pulled the cover over them. At first Diane was excited thinking she was going to get what she wanted but she felt Jason settle into the bed as he cuddled her.

" Baby can I get some type of play? Let's do it lazy style or something?" Diane whined.

Jason shook his head no as he relaxed into the comfort of the pillows.

" oh Come on. Not even the tip. It's been like three weeks because you decided to be a whole secret agent or some shit. I was just getting used to getting it on the regular. Then you just had to look all fine in the hospital. Now you are in this bed holding me with yo chest all out and you have the nerve to wear these loose goose boxers and you expect me not to feen for it. I deserve something." She ranted all dramatically.

Jason wasn't fazed by it while he admired her beauty as she ranted. Oh how he missed his beautiful dancer. He thanked God that she found it in her heart to forgive him. Even though things aren't perfect , everything was well in his life with her in it.

" I love you." Jason said to her. Now he was the one pulling her close. Diane's legs immediately intertwined with his as they laid chest to chest " I really really love you." He spoke again as he looked into her eyes.

" I love you too. More than you know ." Diane spoke softly, the playful snappy Diane went away as Diane admired Jason. These past few weeks had been so draining without him. Although her body missed him, she didn't just miss the sex, she missed feeling of his love for her. His love made her feel secure, protected, and strong when she felt weak. His love made it easy for her to go about her day. His love made her want to do better for herself and to love herself first.

Jason kissed her so tenderly on her lips. His hands roamed down to her bottom giving it a light squeeze causing Diane's lips to open as she gasped into the kiss. The kiss deepened as they were in sync. Jason gently placed Diane on her back as he got on top of her. A light moan came from her lips as she felt Jason grinded against her center.

" We're going to take this slow, okay? you tell me if you feel weird or something." Jason said as he stopped his movements to look at her. Diane nodded her response already on cloud 9 from there kissing alone. Satisfied with her answer, Jason reached over to the side table for a condom. Diane knew he wouldn't find any, granted it had been a few weeks plus before everything went down they planned to use birth control.

" I trust you." Diane said, stopping his movements bringing his attention back to her. They can think later right now all she wanted was her husband to be.

Slow... they went as they're love collided like they never had before. It's true sex is way better when you're in love. To be in love means to be one and right then their hearts fit like a puzzle.

Jason had to be a dancer too since every movement he made was so sensual, so passionate... so effortless.

Slow and steady pace. Yet their rhythm matched the beat of their hearts. They moved together as they held each other close. Diane tried her hardest to muffle her moans against Jason's shoulder but the sound was a part of their melody as well Jason's soft groans against her neck.


Sweet Love filled the air, as tears began to build in Diane's eyes.

Jason's movements slowed down even more, feeling the wetness from her tears fall on to him. He titled his head up to make sure his wife to be, was okay.

" Don't stop" Diane moaned as her teary eyes remained closed. Jason kissed her tears away as he went back to his original rhythm.

Their synchronized dance came with a huge climax as they both whispered I love you. Even though the dance ended with an applause the two stayed stuck like glue. They were both too tired for an encore but glad that their dance partner is also their life partner.


The two have already cleaned themselves up and were cuddled up ready for sleep to overtake them but the two remained awake enjoying each other's presence.

" I don't mean to burst this perfect moment of silence, but when are you going to buckle down and be my wife forreal woman"

Diane giggled " You are really bad with timing"

" I promise I'm working on it." Jason laughed along with her.

" Soon. We can go to the courthouse tomorrow for all I care but we promised babyygirl she can make my dress." Diane answered, referring to Charity's excitement about styling her.

" Shidd Let's see how much she got done" Jason playfully tried to get out of bed but Diane pulled him back down.

" You're so silly"

As their laughing died down a bit, Diane heard something. She quieted down and urged Jason to do the same. Baby Jace was sleeping in his crib in the boys room. He rarely ever wakes up in the middle of the night but since Adrienne said he was fussy earlier, she was alert.

Diane heard it again but now she can hear clearly the noise sounded like a soft whimper.

" Is it just me or do I hear crying?" Diane asked as she sat up in bed trying to listen.

" I don't hear anything but you have super mom ears. It's probably Michael mumbling in his sleep." Jason said as he sat up too.

Diane pulled the covers off of her as she got out of bed. " That doesn't sound like Michael's mumbling . I hear crying." She glanced at the clock, seeing that it was 2:30 in the morning.

Jason followed her lead amazed how she can decipher the light noise especially since he didn't hear anything. Even though the two had already cleaned themselves up, the two quickly brushed their teeth and washed their hands just in case they had to be in anyone's face. While the two were putting on the robes, the soft crying became louder.

" I definitely hear that" Jason whispered as they rushed out of their bedroom and down the hall. The noise led them to Adrienne's room. As soon as they opened the door they saw Adrienne tossing and turning in her sleep as she cried.

" Adrienne baby wake up." Diane tried to shake Adrienne awake. Diane sighed and sat on the bed already knowing how long it was going to take to get her to fully wake up. When Adrienne was younger  Diane would literally have to hold her tight and shake her awake. Six year old Adrienne was long gone but she's still her baby.

" Come on sweetheart wake up" Jason got on his knees on the opposite side of the bed and helped Diane in waking her up.

Eventually Adrienne jolted awake still reeling from the nightmare she was having. " Shh you're safe. It's just momma and Jason"

Diane helped move Adrienne's hair out of her face so she could see. " I'm sorry." Adrienne cried thinking she woke them up.

" Shh it's okay. Just take a breath."

Adrienne took her mother's advice and took a deep breath but it didn't seem to work since she was still frazzled.

" Uh umm, come on baby. Breathe in, breathe out." The three of them breathed together as they supported each other in this episode. Jason has never seen Adrienne in this state before or so he thought. He thought back to when Adrienne was demanding to know where Diane was and how out of it she was. At first he thought it was because she was high but the way she was acting now concerned him.

" Let me get you some water." Jason said as he got up and left the door. The mention of water made Adrienne freeze up as realization hit her. She didn't dare move from her spot in hopes that they didn't know. She had wet herself in her sleep.

" Here, take this sweatshirt off. It's too hot in here for all this."  Diane lifted the sweatshirt above Adrienne's head, Adrienne didn't fight it since she knew she had a shirt underneath.

Before Adrienne could figure out what to do next, Jason came back in with her water. " Here you go sweetheart. You got it from here baby?"

" Mhmm thank you baby." Jason subconsciously kissed Adrienne on the top of her head then kissed Diane on the lips as he said goodnight.

Once Jason was gone completely, Diane looked at Adrienne with that all knowing look. " Hop in the shower. I got the sheets  ." Diane said she got up and turned on the ceiling lights

Adrienne eyes grew large as she snapped her head up to look at her mother. " Momma" Adrienne whined trying to find the words in her embarrassment. It was bad enough she ruined their evening with this nightmare crap and now she sat there in her own mess.

" There ain't nothing for you to be embarrassed about. Absolutely nothing. I don't care how old you are. A bad night is just a bad night. Everyone has them. Now go shower."

Adrienne went and did what she was told but even in the shower her embarrassment and her agony deepened. How on earth was she going to keep this pain to herself if her body kept going against her? The anxiety and paranoia only grew as she tried to figure out how in the world Diane got through her pain on her own. She can only wish for that type of strength.

After she finished her shower, she got dressed in long pajama pants and one of Derek's t-shirts  that she took from him. When she left the bathroom, Diane was coming up the stairs with fresh sheets tucked under her arms and a cup of tea in the other hand.

" I got the rest." Adrienne spoke softly as she took the sheets out of Diane's hands. Adrienne wanted so desperately to be left alone so she could wallow in her weakness.

" You sure? I don't mind staying in here until you fall asleep again. I made you some tea to calm your nerves "

" Thank You but I'm sure."

Diane sighed as she placed the tea down on Adrienne's side table. Diane knew that it would be hard for Adrienne to adjust to hearing her truth. Whether Adrienne liked to admit it or not she is very sensitive.   As a child she would have nightmares all the time, ranging from her running away from monsters, spiders, guns to being yelled at for not being good enough for her father. However the one consistent dream that Adrienne had was finding her mother dead in her own blood. That type of imagination at 6 years old was astonishing. Grant it, Adrienne's younger years were not a walk in the park. They had lived in the heart of crime at the projects they were at. As soon as they moved into this house far from that type of environment, the bedwetting stopped and so did the long nights

" I love you. I hope you know that."

" I love you too momma."


That's it for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed. Happy Holidays

If you guys read my announcements, yall already know what's going on with my knee pain. I'm also in the process of moving closer to campus so there's alot going on. Thank you guys for your support!

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