Yours, Forever & Always.

By mrtobiaz_

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Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... More

A Knock In The Night.
Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
Les I'm Miserable.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
Grumpy Beginnings
How It All Began...Kinda.
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Sweet Tom of Mine!
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Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!
You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

Runnin' High On Serotonin

191 5 96
By mrtobiaz_

Authors note: we know it's been a while since we posted and we are sincerely sorry for that. We're trying to get our schedule back on track as soon as possible!

"Tom..." Tord frowned. "Love, we have Tomi and Marie back! And they're okay! Finally, they're okay, but...are you?"

Tom sighed. "I-I...I don't...."

Tord placed a hand inside of Tom's. "Thomas?"

Tom sniffled. "N-No...did you see what she did?!"

Tord nodded. He kissed Tom's forehead. "I know, I know love..."

Tom held Tomi and Marie closer to his chest. They started sobbing and crying. Tom sighed. He rocked his children gently, and hummed to them. Tord sighed. "Here, I'll take them."

Tom shook his head. "N-No...I'm okay..."

"Tom, you are not okay. Your mother just stole our children and molested you. You are not okay..." Tord mumbled.

Tom sighed. "I-I..." he sniffled.

Edd sighed. "Tom, let Tord help you. You need it..."

Matt nodded and agreed. And Tord sighed. He took Marie and smiled at her. " sweet daughter...I'm here..."

Tom tensed up. He stared at Marie. Tord looked at him and smiled. He pulled Tom onto his lap and kissed his head. Tom sighed. "T-Tord..."


"I'm not okay..." Tom cried silently.

Tord sighed. He held Tom in his lap and rocked him gently.

Edd sighed. "Tord, once we head back to England, can you please, please make sure nothing bad happens to him?"

Matt nodded. "We don't want Tom to think that no one cares about him..."

Tord nodded. "I swear on my life, I'll protect him."

Matt smiled. "Yay! And, we've been thinking, and we think we want a baby."

"Oh!" Tord gasped. "Congratulations."

Edd chuckled and shook his head. "No, what we mean is, can you make us a kid? Like what you did with Tomi and Marie."

Tord thought for a minute. "Sure. I can do that. I will just need some of your DNA, and your hair will be just fine. Consider it a thank you for saving Tom's life. And the kids'."

Edd and Matt smiled. And they drove to the plane.

"We should throw a gender reveal party!" Matt exclaimed.

Edd gasped and turned to Tom and Tord. "Can we?"

It's been two weeks since Tom and Tord got their kids back from Tom's mother, and a week since Tom had started therapy.

Tom shrugged. "Sure. We can do the whole, wear pink if you want a girl, and wear blue if you want a boy."

"Yes, that sounds fun." Tord smiled. "But Tom and I have an appointment today. So maybe tomorrow we will have the party."

Edd smiled. "Yes! Yes! That's perfect! So, we can have it here, right? At the Red Base."

Tord sighed. "Fine. But we," he gestured to Tom and himself. "Are not cleaning up."

Edd smiled. "Perfect! But, the head of the uniform department, what's her name?"

"Ginny." Tom smiled.

Edd and Matt giddily ran off. And Tord sighed. He took a large sip of his coffee, and smiled. "This is going to be hell."

"Why? I thought you'd love this! We can also celebrate the kids being okay." Tom smiled.

Tord sighed. "I guess. I am just not a big fan of parties."

"Well, I am. So, do you want a niece, or a nephew?" Tom asked

Tord smirked. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Edd and Matt call themselves Marie and Tomi's uncles, so we'd be their kids' uncles. So, do you want a niece, or a nephew?" Tom asked.

Tord thought for a minute. "Niece."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Care to explain your thought process there?"

Tord shook his head. "What about you?"

Tom smiled. "I want a nephew!"

Tord rolled his eyes. "You just want an excuse to wear blue."

"Maybe." Tom snickered.

Tord rolled his eyes and checked his watch. "Oh! We have to go!"

Tom checked the time. "Oh dang!" They both ran to Paul and Pat, who were watching Marie and Torin. They ran to their kids and smiled. They kissed their foreheads, then ran out, waving quick good byes.

Tord smiled and hopped in his car. Tom hopped into the passenger side and smiled. They drove off. Tom looking around nervously, and Tord smiling giddily. He put a gentle hand over Tom's thigh and stroked it gently. Tom looked at Tord and smiled.

"Are you nervous?" Tord asked.

Tom nodded. "Yeah...but I'm excited!"

Tord smiled. "You know...I have been meaning to talk to you about something..."

"Sure. What's wrong?" Tom asked.

Tord blushed faintly. "W-Well... how would you feel about um...marriage?"

Tom gasped. "Well, I think we're you?"

Tord smiled. "Yes! I do! But, part of me thinks we are still a bit too young."

"No we aren't. Plus, it'll help our situation better, with the kids and all, but I-I...It can't just be about the kids..." Tom mumbled.

Tord smiled. "I know. I love you. So much. I want to be with you."

Tom smiled. "I love you too. I will forever love you Tordy." Tom reached over and kissed Tord's cheek. He smiled.

Tord smiled and parked the car. "We're here."

Tom nervously stepped out and sighed. "Okay..."

Tord smiled and walked beside Tom. "This is for us. Okay?"

Tom nodded. He grabbed Tord's hand and held on in a panic.

"Thomas?" Tord sighed. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm nervous..." Tom muttered.

Tord smiled. "I know love. I know..." Tord kissed Tom' forehead and smiled.

They walked inside of the small building and were met with a friendly looking woman. "Hello!" She called. "Are you Edgar Smith?"

Tord snickered and shook his head. "Ha! No, I'm's an alias. I'm the Red Leader. Tord Lost." The woman gasped. "Holy-oh! Um! Welcome! You're looking for a pet?"

Tord shrugged. "Why else would we be at an Animal Shelter?"

The woman giggled and smiled. "So, who's this?"

"Thomas Rose. My boyfriend. We're looking for an emotional support animal for him." Tord smiled.

Tom clung to Tord's arm and sighed uncomfortably. Tord smiled. "Love, Calm down, okay? Look around." Tom sighed and nervously walked around and looked at all of the animals. He smiled at all of the little animals.

"Tord! Look! It's a little puppy!" Tom giggled as the dog licked his finger. Tord smiled. God, he was lucky to have Tom.

The woman smiled. "We have a ton of pets in the back, Come here, I'll show you a place where you can sit, and play with some animals!"

Tord smiled and turned to Tom. "Love, does that sound good?"

Tom smiled and clung onto Tord. "Yeah. It's does..."

The woman led Tom and Tord into a comfortable room, one with couches, chairs and pillows. Tord smiled. "It's comfortable, don't you think?"

Tom nodded. And the woman walked back into the room with a handful of puppies and kittens. Tom smiled. "Aw! Tord! Look at them!"

Tord sat uncomfortably as some of the dogs climbed onto him. Tom snickered. "No dogs?"

I am not the biggest fan of dogs." Tord groaned. "They shed and they're high maintenance."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Lazy."

"I am not!"

"Hm." Tom then gasped. "Holy fucking shit!"

Tord rolled his eyes. "Language, Thomas."

Tom smiled. "Look at this puppy!"

Tord gasped and looked at the small Labrador that Tom had. Even Tord had to admit, it was adorable. Even if it only had three legs. He smiled. "Okay, that is cute."

Tom held up a small kitten, one that only had one eye. "But this kitten is cute too! Can we get both?"

Tord shook his head. "Sorry Love, but I would prefer we only get one pet..."

Tom sighed, and put the puppy down. "I just...What if no one gets him? What if they don't like him because of his missing leg?"

Tord sighed. He kissed Tom's forehead. "Don't worry Love...someone will get him..."

Tom held the small kitten and him and Tord walked up to the front desk. The woman smiled. "Awe! Good choice! I'm glad that you're giving him a good home."

Tom smiled and put the kitten on the counter. "I want to call him Chester."

Tord snickered. "Where did you come up with that?"

Tom shrugged and smiled. "Do you like it?"

Tord kissed Tom's forehead. "I love it."

The woman smiled, gave them some cat toys, food, dishes, and a bed. Tord looked through his wallet and threw some bills onto the counter. "This will cover the price, correct?"

The woman gasped. "Yes! Heck you could buy a whole other pet!"

Tom gasped, and Tord sighed. "No, please, we would be here all night, then walk out with every single one. Sad to say I am dating a major animal lover."

Tom giggled, he grabbed the treats, toys and bed and put them into a crate, along with the dishes. He smiled.

While Tom was doing that, Tord whispered softly to the woman at the front desk. He slipped her some bills from his wallet and smiled. He turned to Tom, then back to the woman. "Right, so you got all that?"

The woman smiled. Tord smiled as well and sighed. "Tom, you need to say goodbye to the puppy."

"But I already named him!"

"You what?" Tord asked with confusion.

Tom smiled. "I want to call him Chess! Chess and Chester. It's great."

Tord sighed and after almost an hour of pleading, Tom reluctantly left. They hopped into the car and smiled. Tom looked down at his new pet and smiled as Chester gently purred in Tom's lap.

Tord smiled. "Alright, where to eat..."

"Are you sure we can eat? I'm not leaving Chester inside of the car, and are your parents okay with watching the kids for this long?"

Tord smiled. "Yep. Just asked them." He showed Tom his phone, with which Tord had asked his parents to watch the kids for longer, and they happily agreed. "Chester's an emotional support cat, you're allowed to have him with you. And, we can eat outside."

Tom smiled. Tord pulled into a restaurant and smiled. Tom and Tord walked out, while Tom held Chester in his arms. A waiter frowned. "No cats please."

Tord smiled. "He's an emotional support cat. And, we can eat outside. Oh, and if it helps, I'm The Red Leader."

The waiter frowned. "You don't look like him..."

Tord rolled his eyes. "I'm going to go get my jacket, okay?"

Tom nodded and nervously sighed. Tord kissed his forehead and left.

Tord ran to the car and grabbed his jacket. He looked back at Tom and gasped. Tom was being cornered and tormented by this restaurant staff! Tord ran to Tom in a panic. "Fuck. Off."

The staff gasped. "R-Red Leader..."

Tord rolled his eyes. He turned to Tom. "Are you okay, Love?"

"Y-Yeah...Chester's okay too."

Tord smiled in relief. "Good, good..."

A woman walked out and frowned. "I'd like to apologize about my staff, you can gladly sit both in, and outside. Along with your cat."

Tom smiled. Tord chose to eat outside, and him and Tom sat down at a small outdoor booth. Tom smiled. "So...about what you said before about getting married..."

Tord swallowed. "It was a hypothetical question! It won't happen today...for example."

"Well, I don't know about you, but I really want to spend the rest of my life with you..." Tom mumbled softly.

Tord smiled. "I-...!"


Tord was interrupted by a middle aged woman, who had a small child latched onto her leg. She was visibly reaching for Chester. Tom jumped up and back away from the woman.

"Excuse me, but my son wants your cat." She snarled.

Tom shook his head nervously. And Tord butted it. "Actually, Chester is an emotional support cat. You can't have him."

The woman rolled her eyes. She reached over and grabbed Chester. Tom gasped. "NO! LET HIM GO!"

The woman pulled Chester out of Tom's arms, Chester yowled and bit and scratched her. And Tord started yelling and shouting at her. The woman grabbed Chester by his neck.

"NO!" Tord shouted. "You're choking him!"

Tom teared up in shock! He went to try to grab Chester when the woman threw him against the wall. He yowled and cried. Then he stopped. Tom ran to his side and picked him up gently. "You killed him..." He muttered.

Tord gasped. "Thomas...I am so sorry..."

"Don't wasn't your fault..." he turned to look at the woman. "It was you! I JUST GOT HIM! HE WAS A KITTEN! A BABY! AND YOU KILLED HIM!"

The woman gasped. "I didn't...It was for my son..."

"Your son?!" Tom chuckled. He turned to Tord. By now he was sobbing. "Oh, that's makes it so much better now. YOU'RE AN ANIMAL ABUSER! WHAT KIND OF EXAMPLE ARE YOU SETTING FOR YOUR SON?! YOU LITTLE-!"

"Hey, love calm down...yelling won't bring him back..." Tord spoke softly as he wrapped Tom in a tight embrace.

Tom fought to break free. He cried and sobbed. "She killed him...he was only a baby...he was my friend..."

Tord sighed. The thoughts of that poor hung child were clear in his mind. He wasn't sure if Tom was talking about him, or Chester. Either way, this bitch was going to pay for what she did. Tord kissed Tom's forehead and frowned. "It's okay love...he's in a better place now..."

The woman tried to leave, when Tord pulled a handgun out of his jacket. He frowned. "You are a tourist?"

The woman nodded violently in a panic. Tord frowned. "Leave my country. Now! YOU ARE BANISHED FROM HERE. TAKE ONE FUCKING STEP HERE AND I WILL FUCKING HUNT YOU DOWN!"

The woman gasped. The boy ran to Tom in tears. "I'm so sorry mister!"

Tom sighed. He stood frozen staring at the boy. Tom looked at him. He whispered something into the Tom's ear, and Tom nodded, then sighed. "He's on vacation...his parents got a divorce."

"His father should file for sole custody then." Tord spat.

The woman gasped, and was arrested by some police officers that a nearby onlooker had called. They also took the child and called protective services. Tord sighed and led Tom into the car. God, this day had been going so well. Until this bitch had to go and ruin it. Damn. It take a miracle to bring the hype of this day up, meaning that Tord might have to postpone his surprise.


Tom sniffled and sat down in the passenger seat. "God..."

Tord sighed. He walked up to the manager and handed her some bills from his wallet. "Keep it. Sorry for the inconvenience." He walked back to the car with his head hung low. But then he remembered. When he subtly slipped some cash to the worker at the animal shelter. When he whispered to her. What he did, would make this night so much better.

Tord smiled as he hopped into the door. "Hey, love? I have a few surprises for you, if that's okay...I know it's so soon after Chester but..."

Tom smiled a bit, "hey, no it's okay."

Tord smiled. "Right. So...we should probably return this stuff..."

Tom sighed. "Yeah..."

Tord smiled. He drove back to the animal shelter and smiled. He parked the car and sighed. "Wanna come in?"

Tom sighed. "O-Okay... "

Tord walked into the animal shelter with Tom clung onto his arm. The woman smiled. "Back so soon?"

Tord sighed. "There was an incident concerning a...what are they called?"

"A Karen?" Tom muttered softly.

Tord nodded. "Right. Yes, so she sadly...the Karen threw Chester against a wall and..." he put the cat crate filled with food, toys and supplies on the counter. "Yes, so I'm here to return these." Tord lowered his voice. "And for the pickup."

The woman smiled. "Okay, I'm sorry for your loss..."

Tom smiled sadly. "Its okay...Tord has some surprises for me, so I have that to look forward too."

She smiled. "I'll go get one of those surprises now!"

Tom looked at Tord with a surprised expression. "Now? Here?"

Tord nodded. And the woman came out with...

"The puppy!" Tom exclaimed as the woman handed him to Tom. Tom smiled. "Tord! What is this?"

Tord smiled. "He is yours! I saw how much you loved him, figured 'we can handle two pets,' and adopted him."

Tom smiled and ran into Tord's arms. "Thank you so much! I'm so fucking happy! Thank you so much Tord! God, I love you so much!"

Tord smiled and spun Tom around. "So, what's his name?"

Tom smiled. "Chess, Remember? For Chester, and for you. Because for some godawful reason, you like chess over checkers."

Tord snickered. "Checkers is chess for babies."

Tom flicked Tord in the forehead. "Okay! Whatever. Let's go!" He pet Chess' head and received some puppy kisses in the process.

Tord grabbed some dog toys, food, bed and a crate, and the trio left. The got into the car and Tom frowned. "Wait, where are we going?"

Tord smiled. "A special place."

Tom sighed, frustrated with Tord's lack of an answer, he frowned and looked out his window.

Tord smiled as he pulled into a park. (Like, a literal park. With grass and trees. And there's a secret cliff. That's where Tord's bringing Tom. There's a waterfall there too.)

Tom frowned as Tord stepped out of the car. "Tord? Babe, why are we at a park?"

Tord smiled and opened Tom's car door. Tom stepped out nervously and sighed. Tom attached a leash to Chess' collar and the two followed Tord into a meadow. Surrounded by trees and a waterfall. Tom gasped. "H-Holy shit..."

Tord smirked. "You like it I presume?"

Tom nodded. "It's fucking beautiful! With the waterfall, and the reflection of the moon! Even the snow! God, it''s perfect."

Tord smiled nervously. He sighed.

You can do this.

You've waited since high school.

There's no way he'll say no. Right?

No. Don't say that. He loves you.

"Thomas, you love me...?" Tord muttered.

Tom gasped. "What? Of course I do!" Tom walked to Tord and gently cupped his cheek. "Why would you think I didn't love you? I love you so much Tord...more than you even know..."

Tord smiled. "Well, I'm glad you say that because..." Tord pulled out a small, white, heart shaped box. And Tom gasped. "T-Tord..." he started.

Tord smiled. "Look, before you say anything, just know that, I have always loved you. Deep down, I knew. And...I just hope you feel the same. Because damn, Thomas, you drive me fucking insane. In the best way possible, of course. You make me laugh and smile, you make me feel amazing! I never realized before, that when I hated you, I imagined you like the sun. Always squinting at you, and never looking in your direction, but...when I finally did, I lavished in your warmth, and loved you. And then before I knew it, you were gone. I do not want to loose you like that again, Tom. I fucking love you. And I always will. I promise, I will never hurt you. And never betray you."

Tom gasped as tears streamed down his cheeks. "T-Tord..."

"Thomas Rose..." Tord slowly got down on one knee. "Will you do me the greatest honour, that is being your husband?"

Tom ran into Tord's arms and smiled. "Yes! Yes! I'll marry you!"

Tord passionately kissed Tom and smiled. "God! I've been waiting for this!"

Tom smiled. "Since fucking high school!"

Tord nodded. He slipped the ring onto Tom's finger. Tom smiled down at the ring. "Tord, how much did this cost?!"

Tord kissed Tom gently. "It shows how much I love you Thomas..."

Tom smiled. He picked up Chess and the husbands-to-be walked hand in hand back to their car.

"We aren't gonna tell everyone right away, right? Edd and Matt's baby shower is tomorrow, and I'd hate to steal the show from them..." Tom frowned.

Tord smiled. "Pretend to burn your finger! I will bandage it up, and we will be good!"

Tom smiled. "Good, cause I am never taking this off."

Tom and Tord shared one last kiss before driving home. And Chess enjoyed the amount of attention he was getting.

It was a good night.

"Thomas~...Love, wake up..." Tord smiled softly.

Tom frowned. "No...I don't want to...I want to sleep..."

Tord smirked and kissed Tom's forehead. He smiled. "My fiancé's time to get up..."

Tom sighed happily. "I know..." he sat up sleepily and sighed. He rested his head on Tord's chest. Tord smiled. "Still tired?"

Tom nodded. Tord smiled. "Well, I am making breakfast this morning. So, you are going to want to eat."

Tom sighed. "Okay...okay..."

Tom and Tord stood up and went to get their kids. Chess yapped happily and Tom pet him gently. Marie was sitting outside of the closed door when Tord opened it. "What? Marie...stop escaping from your crib."

Tom snickered and picked her up. "Darling, you've become such an escape artist."

Tord smiled. "She's such a tough little girl."

Tom smiled and nodded. "Still isn't walking yet..."

"Give her some more time..." Tord smiled softly.

Tom smiled, and Tord ran to grab Tomi. "My little Torin..."

Torin smiled and giggled at Tord. And Tord smiled. "Alright, let's go."

Tom walked to the kitchen, gently holding Marie's hands as she took small little steps. Tord smiled as Tom gently let go of her hands, and Marie stood shakily, then fell onto her backside. Tom snickered and picked her up. "Are you okay, love?"

Marie whimpered and nodded shyly. And Tord smiled as well. "She's such a trooper, that one. My little soldier. Even if she is a bit shy."

Tom kissed Tord gently on the cheek, and Tord turned so Tom kissed Tord on the lips. Tord smiled as he turned to kiss to a rough and passionate one. Tom pulled away and blushed. "I'm going to drop Marie!"

Tord smirked. They walked into the kitchen. Thankfully, no one was there. Tord put Tomi down into his chair, and Tom put Marie into her own. Tord turned back to Tom. "Okay, so where were we?"

Tom smirked and Tord pressed Tom onto the counter. He smiled and kissed Tom passionately. Tom dug his hands into Tord's hair and smirked. They continued their heated make out session until the heard a loud, AHEM! From behind them.

Tord pulled away and frowned. He looked behind him and sighed. "Yes?"

Paul sighed. "Why here?"

Tord smiled. "The time felt right."

Tom blushed and pushed Tord off of him. Tom kissed Tord's cheek and smiled. "I love you!"

Tord smiled. "Love you too."

Pat frowned. "First making out like, here. Second, saying 'I love you's', did something happen?"

Tord shrugged. "Tom burnt his finger last night while we were eating, and Tom adopted Chess!"

Chess yapped and Tom smiled. He put down a small pee pad for Chess. He also put out some food and water.

Paul gasped! "You got a dog?!"

Tom nodded. "He's my emotional support dog."

Paul and Pat smiled. "You took Kathy's advice?" Paul asked.

Tom shrugged. "My therapist actually suggested it."

Pat smiled, then he looked down at Tom's finger. "Whoa!"

Tord tensed up, as did Tom. "Tom!" Pat exclaimed. "That's a serious burn!"

Tom sighed in relief. "Ha,'s okay. Tord helped me."

Pat sighed. "Did you put the burn ointment on it?"

Tord sighed. "Yes, I did. I'm not stupid."

Pat sighed. "If it hurts, come get me. Okay?"

Tom nodded. "I will. I promise."

Pat smiled. "Okay! So, Tord are you cooking this morning?"

Tord nodded. "Tom, can you help me with the eggs?"

Tom smiled. "Sure, babe!" He walked over to Tord and smiled. "Yeah...I'll make toast. I'm not too good at eggs...or bacon..."

"I could teach you!" Tord beamed.

Tom smiled. "O-Okay!"

Soon after, Edd walked into the kitchen with a surprised look. He sat down and turned to Paul and Patryck, who were playing with Tomi and Marie. "So what's with..." he gestured to Tom and Tord. "Them. They're acting so...affectionate with each other."

Paul and Pat shrugged. "I've noticed it." Paul added.

Pat nodded. "It's only been today though. I wonder what happened last night..."

Tom smiled. "We ate out, and got Chess! That's it."

Chess was sleeping softly on a small pillow that he had found. Edd beamed. "You got a puppy?! Oh wait...emotional support animal..."

Tom smiled. He turned to Tord. "Baby," he whispered. "They have absolutely no clue!"

Tord snickered. "They are delusional."

"Who's delusional?" Matt asked as he walked into the room.

Tord froze. "Erm...must have...been a soldier! No one in here said delusional!"

Tom nodded. "Yeah! It wasn't us!"

Matt smiled sheepishly. "Oh, sorry! There is a lot of soldiers here."

Tord nodded. "Alright! Tord's famous bacon, and Tom's slightly burnt eggs. Enjoy!"

Tom rolled his eyes. "If you're going to complain, don't eat it. Okay?"

Paul shrugged and took a bite of the eggs. "I hate egg yolk anyway. These are good."

Tom smiled. "See?"

Tord kissed Tom and smiled. "I do."

Tom blushed. "I too..."

Tord smiled and walked over to Marie. He gave her a small plate of bacon and eggs. "God, feeding you is so much easier now that you eat solid food."

Marie smiled and stuffed a fistful of eggs into her mouth. She smiled and held out another fistful for Tord. Tord shook his head. "I have eggs here, darling."

Marie frowned and looked down shyly. Paul shrugged and gladly ate the eggs. Earning a small clap and cheer from Marie. Meanwhile, Tom gagged. "That's nasty Paul."

"I'm not going to turn down a gift. Like someone." Paul snickered.

Tom smiled. He grabbed a small bottle and filled it with some baby formula. He threw it to Tord, who caught it and started feeding Tomi.

Edd gasped. "Damn! You guys are like, in sync. Will you teach Matt and I how to do that?"

Tord smiled. "The secret, is to just be in a loving relationship. When you're certain, that who your with is your forever partner."

Tom smiled. "Right. And once you have that, you should be good!"

Edd and Matt stared at Tom and Tord with confusion. While Tom and Tord snickered.

Paul signed. "Okay, what's going on with you two?"

Tord shrugged. "Nothing! Now, Thomas, we would go get dressed."

"We should let the kids pick what they want first. Maybe give them a bath too, wouldn't want them to ruin all of their clothes." Tom stated.

Tord nodded. "Yes, makes sense. Now come on you little one." Tord smiled as he picked up Tomi. Tomi giggled and smiled. Tom picked up Marie, and the four walked into Tom and Tord's room.

As soon as they were out of ear, Matt sighed. "God! They're acting so weird!"

Edd nodded. "I hope they don't act like that at the party."

After cleaning up, Tom and Tord were getting the kids dressed. Tom frowned. "How is Torin supposed to pick which clothes he likes? He's only like, a month old..."

Tord shrugged. He held up some clothes in in front of Torin. "Which one do you want, kiddo?"

Tomi stared at the clothes. Almost as if he was putting thought into his choice. Finally, he reached out and grabbed a small blue skirt. He giggled and tugged on it. Tom gasped and held his breath in a panic. How would Tord react to Tomi wanting to wear skirts or dresses in the future?! And even worse, what if Tomi was like that because of him?! Tom once wore a skirt as a kid. It was his mother's of course, but she screamed at Tom to take it off, so he did. Tom was obviously fine with it, but what about Tord?!

Tom nervously looked at Tord, who had begun putting the small skirt on Tomi. When he finished he smiled. "You look so handsome! Just like your Papa!" He turned to Tom.

Tom blushed faintly. "'re okay with his wanting to wear it?"

"Why else would I offer it too him?" Tord asked.

Tom sighed. "Thank god, I thought you'd be pissed."

Tord smiled and kissed Tom's forehead. "Well clearly, you don't know me as much as you thought."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Marie?" He looked around. "Where is she?"

"Papa! Dada!"

Both Tom and Tord turned to look at Marie. And to their surprise, she was walking!

Tom and Tord gasped. "Holy- Tord! She's walking! She's walking!"

Marie walked to Tord, slowly stumbling into his arms. "Dada!" She cried happily.

Tord beamed. "She walked to me! She-did you see that?!"

Tom smiled. "I did! Holy cow!" Tom beamed and kissed Marie's forehead. He smiled down at Tomi. "Did you see that Tomi? Your big sister just learned to walk!"

Tomi smiled and giggled. Tom smirked. "You better walk to me, little one." Tomi nodded and smiled.

"Awe, love. She's just daddy's girl!" Tord smirked.

Marie smiled. And pointed to Tomi's skirt. "T-Tan I h-have one?" She mumbled softly.

Tom smiled and pulled out two skirts for her. One pink, and one blue. "Which one do you want?

Marie pointed to the pink one and smiled. As did Tord. "See? Told you. Daddy's girl."

Tom rolled his eyes and slipped the skirt into Marie. "There! You look so pretty honey."

Marie giggled and smiled. Tord checked his watch and gasped. "Oh god! I have to go!" He kissed Tomi, Marie and Tom's foreheads. And went to run out, when Tom stopped him. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I have to talk with Matt. About the baby!" Tord smiled.

"Oh..." Tom said sadly.

Tord gasped. "Thomas? What's wrong?"

"We were having fun! Then you just left!" Tom mumbled.

Tord sighed and wrapped Tom into his arms. Tom was holding both kids, so Tord gave them all a huge hug. "I don't mean to leave so soon....but it's important. Okay?"

Tom sighed and turned away from Tord. "Fine. Fine. Just go then."

Tord sighed. "I'll make this up to you, okay?"

Tom rolled his eyes. "Have fun with that."

Tord sighed and left. He called Matt and sighed. "Look, we need to step this up. Tom is pissed, and I need to make it up to him."

Matt nodded. "I think I pissed Edd off too...should I call Paul and get him in this?"

Tord thought for a minute, and smiled. "Yes. Absolutely. I'll talk to Ginny, Jessie and Reggie. Maybe Axle and Bits too. But tonight, we're going on vacation."

Matt smiled. "Yes! That's perfect! Let's do this!"

Edd smiled and walked over to Matt. "Babe, are you ready for a kid?"

Matt jumped and almost dropped his phone, with which he was texting someone. "Edd! Jeez, you scared me!"

"Sorry babe!" Edd kissed Matt's cheek. "Wait, who are you texting?"

"Tord! We're planning baby stuff." Matt said smiling.

"What?! Without me? I'm the parent too!" Edd exclaimed sadly.

Matt gasped. "No! It's just because I forget stuff! I don't want you too know any surprises! You know?"

Edd sighed. "No it's fine...don't lie..." Edd walked off sadly and Matt sighed as he got a call from Tord.

Tom walked around in a panic when Edd ran in. "I heard what you said!"

Tom sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness you're here, so Tord just left! Like, I don't even know!"

"Matt said that he was texting Tord! Maybe they're planning something..."

"Like what?"

"Doesn't matter, because we're gonna top it! I had Ginny make us some special pants!" Edd exclaimed.

Tom was sceptical. "What's so special about pants?"

"They make your butt look huge! Teens are wearing them nowadays, so I figured, get them to crack! Like, we won't kiss them all day, but if they kiss us, we win."

Tom smirked. "A competition hm? Hell yes. Let's do this!"

Edd smirked and called Matt, he told him about the plan, as did Tom with Tord. They of course, agreed. And Tom made sure to tell Edd to leave out the part about the pants.

Tom snickered. "So, where are they? Do you have them?"

Edd nodded. He handed Tom the pants and Tom left to change, while Edd kept his pair, and watched the kids. Tom walked out minutes later, extremely red in the face.

"I-I didn't realize how big it looks..." Tom muttered.

Edd grinned wildly. "It's. Perfect! You look amazing!" Chess barked in approval.

Tom sighed. "Just-just go change! Okay? I'll watch the kids!"

Edd smirked and walked into the room to change. Tom sighed, and Marie smiled shyly at him. "P-Pretty P-Papa!"

Tom smiled. "You are your brother are the pretty ones!"

Tomi was sleeping softly in Tom and Tord's bed. And Marie yawned and rubbed her eyes. "I-I go night-night?" She mumbled softly.

Tom nodded and tucked her into his bed. "You can go night night."

Marie smiled and snuggled in closer towards her brother. Tom smiled at his children, when Edd ran out of the bathroom with a wide smile. Tom shushed him and smiled. "Damn! We look good!"

Edd nodded. "We're so gonna win this."

Tom smiled. "They don't stand a chance."

Edd and Tom walked out of the room and towards the party. Which was being held in the Cafeteria. It was decorated beautifully!

Tom beamed. "Damn! This looks amazing!"

Edd nodded in agreement. "Wanna grab some punch?"

Tom smiled. "Sure. No one better spike it though. If the kids saw me drunk..." Chess barked at Tom, and Tom pet his head lovingly.

"Don't worry! The punch is going to be spiked after 9. So all of the kids are asleep." Edd smiled.

Tom sighed in relief. "Okay...that's good..."

Tom smiled as more soldiers walked into the room. Him and Edd had a bit more conversation before Tom gasped. "I should go see the kids! They could be awake, or they could fall out of the bed."

Edd chuckled. "Alright. I'll be here waiting."

Tom smiled and walked out of the mess hall. He walked briskly into his room and smiled. Marie had woken up, and was holding Tomi in her lap. Tom smiled. "You having fun with your brother?"

Marie frowned. "H-He's a f-fall off a b-bed."

Tom frowned. "He was gonna fall off of the bed?"

Marie nodded. And Tom smiled. He picked Tomi up and held Marie hand as they walked back into the mess hall. Tom gasped. "H-Holy-..."

Tord ran to Tom with open arms. He was wearing a deep pink dress. Well, a shirt and a skirt but still! Tom shook his head. "Hey babe! kids took a small nap...and might go to bed later..." Tom sighed and pushed past Tord, and over to Edd. Edd gasped. "Did you see Matt, Paul and Tord?!"

Tom looked around the room. Tord was walking over to his direction with Matt beside him, and Paul was flirting with Pat. Tom gasped. "Okay, so what's our game plan?"

Edd smiled. "Okay, we should keep our cool. Remember, no kissing them. Flaunt our hips, and win this!"

Tom smiled as he held Tomi. He handed Tomi to Edd, who gladly took him, and Tom picked up Marie. He spun her around and shook his hips. Swaying them as he danced around with his daughter.

Tord froze. "T-Tom! I...did you do something to your...?"

Tom smirked and shook his head. "Nope. Why do you ask?"

Tord sighed. "I-I..." Matt whispered something to Tord and Tord sighed with exasperation.

Tom giggled and walked over to a table. Edd smiled. And looked at Matt. "Nice dress babe."

Matt smiled. "Thanks!"

Edd smirked. "You should wear one more often. Maybe something like that...but tighter...and in my bed."

Matt blushed. "I-I...oh god I'm sorry Tord!" Matt cried before planting a rough kiss onto Edd's soft lips.

Edd pulled away and smiled. "I win."

Matt sighed. "I know...I know...I do what you want for 24 hours..."

"What?! 24 hours?" Tord sputtered.

Edd nodded. "Yep. I texted Matt. For a little bit of fun."

Tord smirked and walked over to Tom. "So, if I win, you do what I want for 24 hours, and vice versa?"

Tom shrugged. "If you want too."

Tord smiled. "Absolutely."

Tom smirked. "Well then," he sat Tord down and sat down onto his lap. He kept Marie in his arms. Tom started swaying his hips and bouncing Marie on his knee. Tord sighed. "Stop..." he mumbled.

Tom smirked and continued bouncing Marie on his knee. Tom smiled. "Alright, let's go see Grampa Paul and Pat!"

Marie giggled and smiled. She waved bye to her dad and smiled. Tom waved bye to Tord as well. Only to get a flustered reaction from Tord. Tom skipped over to Paul and Pat and smiled. "Mind watching Marie?"

Paul smiled. "Sure! Edd gave us Torin, so yeah. We can watch both."

Tom smiled. He kissed his kids then walked out towards Edd and Matt. Edd beamed. "Is it time?!"

Tom turned to Tord and gestured for him to come over. Tord walked over and smiled. "Ready parents?"

Edd and Matt beamed. Tom smirked and grabbed Tord's ass. Tord jumped and turned to look at Tom, who had sped up towards Matt, who was walking excitedly towards the lab. Tord sighed exasperatedly. Edd smirked and walked up towards him. "Dude, Tom is really going tough on you? Huh?"

"Like you wouldn't believe." Tord sighed.

Edd smiled. "Let him win. You just can't kiss him, which is what he's been doing. Not kissing you. If you're so mad about that, then lose. They worst he'll make you do it like, wear your skirt in public. Anything in bed, you'll probably want to do too."

Tord nodded. "Hm. Makes sense...I guess then..." him and Edd walked off towards Tom and Matt.

Tord smiled as they walked into the lab. "So, this is an important event, and the room is pretty small, so Tom, we should leave these two be. Do not worry, the medics here have got this."

Tom nodded and they walked out of the room. "So how does that work?"

"I combine the DNA together as an embryo, and place it into this bubble-like container, and through the span of 24 hours, the embryo grows to 9 months. And it's been around 23 hours already.." Tord smiled.

"Oh. Cool." Tom stretched and smirked. "Damn, these pants are-!" Tord pulled Tom into a nearby closet and closed the door behind the two. Tom gasped. "Tord? What are you doing?"

Tord sighed heavily. "You win. Okay? That's what you wanted. Now can I kiss you?"

Tom nodded. And Tord pressed their lips together. He smiled and Tord pulled away. "God...those fucking pants..."

Tom snickered. "Not as good as you in that dress."

Tord smiled and pressed his lips back onto Tom's. Tom smiled and gladly let Tord explore his mouth. Tord smirked and pulled away. "Horny much?"

Tom rolled his eyes. And Tord turned to Tom's neck. He started kissing and sucking on the skin. Tom moaned softly and smiled at Tord's gentle touch. "C-Can't believe no one...realized th-the ring...h-huh?"

Tord smiled. "Well, you're wearing gloves."

Tom smiled. "Oh, we should go see Edd and Matt. "

Tord sighed. "We will continue tonight?"

Tom smiled and kissed his cheek lovingly. "Yep."

They walked out and Edd smiled excitedly! "She's here! She's here!"

Matt walked out with a small child in his arms. Tom gasped. "She's adorable! What's her name?"

Matt smiled. "Millie. Her name is Millie."

Edd beamed. "She's amazing! God, now I know how you guys feel!"

Tord snickered. "They are a blessing."

"Oh and Edd, even if we didn't win the baby shower thing, we still won our little bet." Tom smirked and gestured to a hickey hidden under his tux.

Tord sighed. "I know...I know.."

Edd snickered. "Yes! Haha!"

Tord smiled. "Okay! We get it, so Edd, you and Matt are going to go and show everyone Millie, and me and Tom are going to go get Marie and Torin. I already packed their stuff, and Matt, you packed you, Edd and Millie's stuff?"

Matt nodded. And Tord smiled. "Okay! All that's left is for Tom and I to pack our stuff, then we can go! Pretty sure my parents packed their stuff, so we should be good.

"Whoa, wait. Tord what are you talking about?" Tom asked.

Tord smiled. "It's a small surprise Matt and I planned."

Edd smiled. "Awe! Babe! That's so sweet!"

Matt smiled. "Let's go Edd!"

Edd and Matt left. Leaving Tom and Tord. Tord smiled. "So...24 hours huh?"

"Starting tomorrow." Tom snickered.

Tord sighed in annoyance and Tom smirked and wrapped his arms around Tord's neck. "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you too much."

Tord smirked. "Hm. I can't wait!"

Tom smiled and kissed Tord gently. He smiled as he pulled away, and wrapped Tord into a tight hug. "I love you husband..."

Tord smiled. "Not yet, love."

Tom smiled. "I'll go get the kids." He gave Tord one final kiss before walking off.

Tord froze when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped and turned around. He saw his parents. He gasped. And Paul smiled widely. "So, a bit chicken huh?"

Tord was...confused to say the least. "What?"

Pat smiled. "Tord, we didn't think you'd have this much trouble proposing."

"What?!" Tord cried in disbelief.

Paul smiled. "Don't worry! We heard what you said. We'll help you with proposing. The vacation you and Matt are planning is the perfect opportunity! We're going to the vacation house, right?"

"Yes...?" Tord said sheepishly.

Pat smiled. "We'll help you. Promise."

Paul and Pat then walked off. Once out of ear, Tord burst out laughing. He snickered and laughed his way into the mess hall, practically falling over as he walked inside. He wiped away tears from his eyes and struggled to catch his breath as he laughed.

Tom ran up to him in a panic. "Are you okay?!"

Tord snickered. "They-they...oh fuck!"

Tom sighed. He asked Bits to keep an eye on the kids and walked Tord out of the room, and into Tord's office. He sat Tord down on his office chair. "Okay! Calm down! What's wrong?"

"They-they think I didn't propose!" Tord cackled.

Tom gasped. "Who?"

"My parents! They're helping me propose, but I already did!" Tord laughed.

Tom snickered. "For real? Damn, maybe we should say something."

Tord shook his head violently. "No! Leave it! I want to see how long we can keep this up till!"

Tom sighed. He sat down on Tord's lap and smiled. He rested his head on Tord's shoulder and sighed. "Calm down...okay?"

Tord sighed. "Okay...okay...I am calm..."

Tom smiled. "Good..."

Tord ran a hand through Tom's hair. Tom smiled. He took off his gloves and the bandages. He stared down at his ring. "It's so pretty..."

Tord smirked. "Most people would respond with, like you."

Tom snickered. "Let me guess, you're not like them?"

"Well, who else is the leader of a huge army?"

"Not much. That's why I'm so lucky to have you." Tom smiled as he wrapped his ring back up.

Tord smiled. "Let's go." He stood up and smiled. They walked back to the mess hall and Edd sighed with relief. "Damn! Tord, I thought you went psycho or something!"

Matt nodded. "You were acting weird..."

Tord shrugged and sighed. "Just...heard something funny..."

"What was it? I'm the funnest of us four, so I should know." Edd stated, rocking Millie close to his chest.

Tom rolled his eyes. "Yeah...yeah...sure."

Tord turned to Tom. Mouthing if he should tell Edd and Matt. Tom shook his head. Mouthing "not yet," so Tord just shrugged. "I heard something funny. You know, erm..." then he gasped and smiled widely. "Rain is actually a lot like communism. When you first hear it, it sounds pretty good, but when you actually get out into it, it is even BETTER!"

Edd sighed and shook his head. "God, Tom what do you see in him?"

Tom smirked. "Do you really want to know?"

Matt jumped and shook his head. "Nope! Nope! No we do not!"

Edd nodded and agreed. And Tom snickered. "Come on, let's go get the kids, Tord. We need to pack to leave apparently."

Tord snickered. "Don't'll love it. Absolutely, love it."

Tom rolled his eyes. And walked right into Paul and Pat. He fell onto the ground and sighed. Pat jumped in surprise. "Oh god!" Chess ran to Tom's aid and whimpered, letting Tom softly pet his head.

Tom groaned as he rubbed his forehead. "Ugh..."

Tord ran to Tom's aid. "Love, are you alright?"

"I mean, I just crashed into your parents, and hit my head on the concrete floor. Oh and I think my nose if bleeding. But you know, doing good." Tom stated sarcastically. He held a hand up to his nose and frowned. "Yep. Definitely bleeding."

"Oh god! Does anyone have a tissue?" Tord exclaimed in a panic.

Tom shrugged. "I have this." He held a bandage, the same one from his finger. The one that covered his ring. His engagement ring.

Tord froze. "Is that from...?"

"It's from my-...oh..." Tom mumbled. He looked towards Edd, Matt, Paul and Pat. They were all staring intensely at Tom's finger. "Oh shit. Dammit I screwed!" He turned to run when Paul blocked his path.

"Tom, what is that on you-!"

"It's nothing! Let me go!"

Paul smiled widely. "Come on, let us get a good look!"

Tom sighed. "Tord?"

"Don't! It's too soon! Too soon after Millie!" Tord cried.

Matt and Edd were stunned. "What do you mean? Whatever it is, you can show us. It won't take the hype off of Millie, if that's what you're worried about." Edd smiled.

"Yeah! We don't like you two keeping secrets from us..." Matt mumbled.

Tom sighed. He held out his hand and closed his eyes tightly. He was met with a large, overwhelming hug. He gasped. "Wha-?" He opened his eyes and Paul and Pat were staring excitedly at Tom and Tord. Edd and Matt were ecstatic!

Tord smiled. "I erm...proposed yesterday night. Whenever we got Chess..."

Tom nodded. "He brought me to this cliff, and it was so pretty with the snow and the frozen waterfall...and he got down on one knee could I say no?"

Tord smiled. "Thomas..."

Tom smiled. "God..." he cover his reddened face with his hands. "This is so cringey!"

Edd smirked. "Damn, I would've thought that me and Matt would've gotten married first! Ha!"

"You know, speaking of Matt, he has been kinda quiet this whole time." Pat remarked.

Edd turned to Matt. "Babe are you okay?"

"W-Well...the ring I got for you looks bland compared to that ring..." Matt mumbled.

Tord smiled. "Well, I'm sure anything you got is-...wait..."

Edd turned to Matt, who was now on one knee. Edd gasped. "Holy fucking shit Matt you can't be serious!"

Matt smiled. "We we're talking about marriage so...I figured this would be a good time. Because Edd, I love you so, so much. It's something I will never ever forget. Edd, will you marry me?"

Edd gasped and kissed Matt lovingly. "Yes, yes!"

Tom gasped and smiled. Whereas Tord was stunned. Right place, right time.

Paul smiled. "Two weddings!"

Pat nodded. "This is amazing! When is the wedding?"

Tom blushed. "I-I was thinking that we wait until the kids are a bit older..."

Edd nodded. "Yeah! Waiting until Tomi and Millie are a bit older...they're still young."

Paul sighed. "Okay...but how long are you staying at the house?"

Tord shrugged. "I do not know...maybe a few months?"

Pat rolled his eyes. "Come on Tord! Look, you need a break. The army will be fine. Stay there for like, a year!"

Tord smiled. "Maybe we will."

Paul smiled. "Oh! By the way, we aren't coming. We're staying here. But we'll drive you guys there. And bring you some food. An excuse for us to come over!"

Pat chuckled. "Anything to see the kids!"

Matt smiled. "Alright, let's get packed!"

Tord sat comfortably in his seat. Tom smirked. "Was the skirt too much for you?"

Tord nodded. "It was so tight."

"Hm. These pants are tight, but I'm not taking them off." Tom chuckled.

Edd chuckled. "Me neither!"

Paul smiled and parked the car outside of a blocked off street. It had stores, restaurants and...

"A club?" Matt asked suspiciously.

Pat smiled. "Take your time! Walk around, get drunk, make out in an alleyway! With your fiancé of course."

Tord sighed skeptically. "So, we are going to shop...why?"

Paul chuckled. "Because you guys need a break. Edd and Matt deserve a nights sleep, and so do you."

Tom smiled. "Heck yeah! Let's go!" He jumped out of the car and waved bye to Tomi and Marie. Edd and Matt jumped out of the car, following Tom, and Tord sighed and followed them. "So.." he started. "Want to check out the club? Get some drinks?"

Tom nodded and grabbed Tord's arm. Tord brought his voice down to a whisper and smiled. "Where's Chess? There's going to be a lot of people here, you might have a panic attack..."

Tom shook his head. "I'm okay..." he mumbled.

Tord sighed and their squad walked into the club. Edd and Matt sat down at the bar, as did Tom. Tord smiled. "Okay, who's paying?"

Tom pulled out his wallet. "I will! Just, maybe three drinks each."

Edd smiled. "Makes sense."

Matt nodded in agreement and everyone had their first drink. Tom giggled, after choosing a very strong drink. He smirked. " a strong drink..."

Tord smirked. "Of course it is."

Tom chuckled. "Can I have another?"

Edd smirked as Tom had another, then chose to have some water. Finishing all three of his drinks. Edd finished his, as did Matt. But Tord was still sipping from his first. Tom frowned. "Tord? Babe, are you okay?"

"Yes, Tom I am fine." Tord mumbled. He stood up straight and smiled. "I see one of my old friends, just give me a quick second to say hi."

Tom smiled. "Sure. Can I come with? I'd love to meet your old friend!"

Tord shook his head. "No, I'd prefer to go alone. I'll be right back."

Tom watched as Tord walked off to his old friend. He sighed and sipped from his water. Edd frowned. "Matt," he whispered. "Did Tord just walk into the back of the club with some girl?"

Matt gasped and spoke softly. "I saw that too! Should we go check it out?"

Edd nodded. "Hey Tom?"

Tom turned to look at Edd and Matt. "You guys okay?"

Edd sighed. "We're gonna go check on Millie. I'm worried about her...want us to check on Tomi and Marie?"

Tom smiled. "Thanks! Tell them that their papa says hi! Oh and don't worry, the anxiety about your kid is going to be in this for the long haul."

Matt chuckled. "Holy god..."

Tom smiled as they left, and looked at Tord's leftover drink. "Hm..."

Edd and Matt walked over to where they last saw Tord. Matt flinched as they heard moaning. Edd sighed and gasped. He tapped Matt on the shoulder. And Matt gasped as tears filled his eyes. Edd snapped some quick pictures on his phone and the two ran out of the club.

Might as well see Millie.


Edd and Matt froze, and Tom frowned. "I thought you left to go see the kids? I was waiting for you..."

Matt sighed. "We got lost in there, it's a big club and it's in a place we don't know..."

"Oh! Well, did you see Tord?" Tom asked.

Edd and Matt gasped. They looked at each other in an awkward silence. What should they say?!

Tom frowned. "Damn, you guys look like you just witnessed a murder."

Edd chuckled. "No! No! We're fine! No, we didn't see Tord. Did you?"

Tom shook his head. "Let just go. I texted him three times already, and no answer. I tried calling him too...and I know he has him phone on him."

Edd and Matt sighed. They walked Tom over to the van. And Matt sighed. "Edd..." he whispered. "We need to talk to Tord..."

Edd sighed and nodded. "Hey, Tom there's a coffee shop. Wanna get something?"

Tom smiled. "Sure. That sounds good."

They walked into the coffee shop and ordered their coffees. Tom frowned down at his phone, and Edd took it out of his hands. "Nope. No phones. If Tord wants to catch up with an old friend, then let him be a dick. You are hanging out with us."

Tom smirked. "Okay...okay..."

"Now! Let's party!" Matt exclaimed before pulling out his phone and taking photos of the three. Tom smiled and Edd laughed as the three fooled around and smiled. They all ordered a milkshake and drank from it. They got some of their own, and raced to see who could finished their drink first. Tom of course, won. Eventually, they left and walked to the van, laughing and fooling around.

Paul smiled. "Hey party people-! Wait...where's Tord?"

Tom rolled his eyes. "He saw an old friend, and left. What a dick. We just get engaged, and he just ditches us. He told me before that he looked at me like the sun, always squinting at me, until he finally got a good look...or something like that. I guess he's back to squinting now."

Pat sighed. "Oh god Tom...I'm so sorry for you..."

"It's fine. At least he's not cheating!" Tom chuckled.

Edd and Matt sighed. They looked down to the ground. They knew what they saw. Not just that, but they had proof! Edd sighed. "God dammit...Tord..." he mumbled.

Luckily, Tom didn't hear. Neither did Paul and Pat. Matt did, he frowned. "What do we do?"

Edd sighed. "I don't know...maybe we should tell Paul and Pat..."

Tom frowned. "I'm gonna go find Tord..."

Paul and Pat nodded. "Okay, be safe!" Pat cried.

Tom snickered. "I will, I will." Tom then walked off back towards the club, and Paul sighed.

"Show us."

"What?!" Matt asked in a panic.

Paul and Pat got out of the van. Pat sighed. "You two look white as ghosts. Obviously something happened, and...I'm assuming it's about Tord."

Edd sighed. "We went to follow Tord after he left...and we saw him..."

Paul sighed. "Fuck...his old friend was a girl wasn't it? Black hair? Freckles?"

Edd nodded and showed the photos to Paul and Patryck. Yes, photos, plural. Pau and Pat, were livid.

Pat sighed. "Why?! He said he'd never talk to her!"

"I know! And he just got engaged! What the fuck even is this photo?!" Paul cried in anger while gesturing to one of the photos.

Edd took four photos. One having been this chick on Tord's lap. They both looked flustered and red. The chick was presumably riding Tord. The second was of the girl attacking Tord's neck. Pressing her lips onto Tord's shoulders and collarbone. The third was of Tord squeezing her ass, as she moaned, and the fourth was just of them kissing again. Keep in mind, these were Live Photo's.

Matt sighed and shivered. "It was even worse seeing it in person..."

Pat sighed. "I can tell..."

Tom ran up to the four and sighed. "Dude, did Tord come up to you guys?" Tom said while panting. "I can't find him..."

Matt shook his head. And Tom sighed. He mumbled something unintelligible under his breath and sighed. "I wanted to spend the night with him...whatever let's just go without him...." Tom climbed into the car and sat down in the backseat. They were able to fit all of the kids' seats in the second row, and the four sat in the backseat. Tom laid down in his seat and sighed.

Pau frowned. "Tom? Here, look." Pau had a huge heavy duty van. A twelve-seater. He got it for the army, but it ended up being a car to haul around soldiers. And used for vacations. Pau moved some luggage into the trunk and freed up another row. One second to the back. For more context, including the drivers and passengers seat, there are four rows of the van. He smiled. "Lay down here. Pat packed some extra pillows and blankets."

Tom sighed and laid down, Pau put some blankets over him, and gave him a pillow. Tom smiled. He mumbled a small, "th-thanks..." before falling asleep.

Edd frowned. "We need to do something about this. Should we go find Tord?"

Pau sighed and nodded, and him, Pat, Edd and Matt left to go find Tord. Paul sighed. "Oh jeez...I haven't been into a place like this in a while..." Pat nodded and held onto Paul's arm in fear.

Edd sighed. "Stick with us. Okay? You'll be okay."

Matt smiled. "Don't worry.

They all walked towards the back where Edd and Matt saw Tord. And, he was still there. With that girl. This time, he had her pinned against the wall. He was obviously enjoying whatever was going on. It seemed like he completely forgot about Tom.

Tord groaned with pleasure. "Faen..."

The girl moaned and cried out in pleasure. Matt shook his head in disgust, and Edd snapped more photos, before the four left. Matt groaned. "Ew..."

Pau sighed. "Look, we should just head to the house. It doesn't matter if Tord comes with us. He can go back to her place."

Pat nodded. "C'mon Matt, we're gonna go back to the car. But first, let's get some water. I'll pay."

Matt nodded. "S-Sorry Edd...I just can't see him do that to Tom..."

Edd kissed his cheek. "I know can go with Pat. Me and Pau will stay here for a bit."

Matt and Pat walked to the bartender. They got their waters, drank them and walked out. They paid of course. Pat sighed and sat in the passenger seat, whereas Matt sat in the fourth row of seats, and Tom sat in the third. Tom groaned. "Where...? Where's Pau and Edd...?"

Pat smiled sadly. "They...left to go get some coffee for us!"

Tom smiled. "Oh okay..."

Matt smiled. He climbed into the second seat and picked up Millie and fed her, then changed her diaper. He smiled. "You're so obviously don't get it from me."

Pat chuckled and Tom sighed. "Are Tomi and Marie okay?"

Pat nodded. "Tired, but okay."

Tom smiled. He shivered slightly and laid back down to sleep. Pat gasped. "Chess! Stop!"

Matt shushed Pat and Pat sighed. "Sorry! It's just Chess was sleeping in his crate, but he woke up and his being a bit loud..."

"Well, he's Tom's dog, so maybe Tom wants to cuddle with him." Matt suggested.

Pat shrugged and made sure to close the van doors, before letting Chess go. Chess ran to Tom and jumped onto the seat with him. He laid down and fell asleep beside Tom, and Tom sleepily put a protective arm over him.

Matt smiled sadly. "Even if Tom can be mean and cold sometimes, he's still one of the nicest people I know! It's sad that Tord did this..."

Pat nodded in agreement and sighed. What the hell is going through Tord's mind? He just proposed! God, he better have a good excuse.

Edd sighed. "How long can he fuck someone?"

Pau sighed. "We've been standing here for fucking ever! I'm about ready to go in there and give him a piece of my mind!"

Edd sighed and held Paul back. "No, trust me, I want Tord to pay as much as you do, but walking in probably isn't a good idea."

Paul sighed. "Somehow, I feel like this is my fault. He's my son!"

"And? This was his decision. Not yours." Edd stated.

They then heard the sound of Tord sighing and zipping up his pants. Along with the sounds of wet, sloppy kisses. Edd rolled his eyes and him and Pau walked out into the large crowd of people, with hopes that Tord wouldn't spot them immediately.

Tord walked out and kissed the girl before walking to the bar. He frowned, spoke with the bartender a bit before turning to face the crowd. Paul and Edd decided that now would be a good time to see him, and they walked up to Tord.

"Hey! Why did you guys leave the bar?" Tord asked.

Edd rolled his eyes. "Why were you gone for three hours?"

Tord gasped. "What?! No it was not..." Tord checked his phone. Dammit... "Guess I lost track of time!"

Edd rolled her eyes. "Lost time 'catching up' huh?"

Tord nodded. "Yes. Of course." Tord looked towards his father. "Far? What's wrong?"

"Why would you do it?! You just proposed!" Pau cried angrily.

Tord was taken aback by this. "What? What do you mean?!"

Pau rolled his eyes. "Holy you're denying it?! Real fucking smooth."

Tord was shocked. "What are you talking about?!"

Pau rolled his eyes and walked out towards the van. Edd followed him, having Tord trailing behind him. Edd got into the car angrily and sighed. As did Pau. Tord hopped into the car and sighed. "Why is everyone frowning at me?! Why are you yelling at me?!"

Tord's shouting woke up Marie and Millie, Tomi is a heavy sleeper, and wasn't spooked by Tord's outburst.

Edd groaned. "We have a newborn Tord! Yelling isn't really a smart idea."

Tord bit his lip. Dammit... "Where's Tom?"

Matt sighed. "He's sleeping."

"Bull. He's the lightest sleeper I know."

Matt rolled his eyes. "We know. That's why we put cotton balls in his ears. So he gets a good nights sleep."

Tord rolled his eye. He leaned over Tom to pluck the cotton balls out of his ears, when Chess growled. Tord frowned. "Shut up you dumb dog."

Chess growled and barked at Tord. Tord yelled angrily and pushed Chess onto the ground. Causing Tom to wake up in panic. "CHESS?!" Tom picked Chess up and held him close to his chest. "Oh god...Tord! Oh god! Did you see what happened?!"

Edd rolled his eyes. "Of course he did! He-!"

Tord interrupted Edd and frowned. "He was sleeping and rolled off of the seat."

Tom sighed. "Oh...wait, Marie, honey why are you crying?" He took Marie out of her seat and rocked her close to his chest. "Oh love...calm down..."

Marie sobbed. "D-Dada y-yelled..."

Tom froze. "What? Tord, why were you yelling?"

Tord smiled. "No reason! I was just with my friend, then could not find you guys, so I called your names. A bit too loudly I suppose."

Tom frowned. "Oh..." he kissed Marie and smiled. "He didn't mean it...don't worry...I love you..."

Marie frowned and fell asleep in Tom's arms. Tom put Marie back into her car seat and sighed. He laid back down and snuggled up into Chess' warm fur. Tord smiled. "Mind if I get in on that cuddling?"

Tom smiled. "Sure." Tord sat down and Tom snuggled into his chest. He smiled and yawned softly. "My loving fiancé...I know you'd never hurt me...never betray said so yourself..." Tom muttered drunkenly, before falling asleep.

Tord bit his lip. "I know...and I mean it."

Paul sighed. He stepped out of the van and groaned. He lit a cigarette and sighed. Exhaling smoke in anger. Pat run out after him. "Hon, please calm down..."

Paul sighed. "Tom is almost like a son to me! He's-...he's family! And for Tord to do this- you should've seen it! It was vile!"

Pat sighed and wrapped Paul in a tight embrace. "I know...I me love, I'm as upset as you are." Pat sniffled.

Paul sighed. He dropped his cigarette into the ground and stepped on it, putting it out in the process. He sighed. "Hey...hey, Patty...don't cry..."

Pat sniffled. "It's gonna ruin Tom!"

Paul wiped the tears from Pat's eyes and smiled. "Love, we did the best we could with raising him. This was all Tord's idea. It was his choice. Not mine, and definitely not yours."

Pat smiled. "Thank you, Paul. I love you so much..."

Paul smiled. "I love you too..."

They walked back into the van and Paul started the engine. Edd frowned. "Are you guys okay?"

Paul frowned. "We will be soon."

Edd and Matt smiled sinisterly. Knowing that Tord was going to get a talking too. Matt frowned. "Edd! I don't want Tom near Tord..."

Edd stared in front of him. He looked down at Tord, who was smirking down at his phone. Edd gasped silently. He pulled out his phone and snapped a quick photo of Tord's phone. He frowned and sat back down. Tord must've realized the commotion and he looked behind him. "You guys okay?"

Matt shook his head. "Nope...not at all..."

Tord sighed. "Everyone seems a bit grumpy. Hm." Tord sighed then groaned. "Damn!" He exclaimed somewhat loudly.

Edd smacked Tord's arm. "Language!"

"Don't!" Tord snarled. "Tell me what to do!"

Edd gasped and Tord frowned down at Tom. "Don't kick me."

Tom sat up and looked around in a shock. "Wha-?"

"You kicked me in your sleep." Tord stated.

Tom gasped. "Oh...S-Sorry...Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Tord shook his head. "No...No...I am fine. Do you mind if I sit in the back?"

Tom gasped. "No I don't mind..." Tom mumbled. He rubbed his eyes. "Are you sure you're okay? You're"

Tord sighed. "I am fine. Don't worry."

"O-Okay..." Tom mumbled. He laid back down with Chess on his lap. Edd and Matt rushed to sit beside Tom, while watching as Tord gave them a look as if to say, what the fuck? Tom gasped and smiled. "Anyone wanna sit by the window? It's kinda cold..." He chuckled softly.

Edd smiled and sat down near the window, and Tom sat in the middle, with Matt on the end. Tom yawned. Matt smiled. "You can rest your head on my shoulder Tom."

Tom smiled, and fell asleep between Edd and Matt. Tord growled. "What the fuck? Why did you guys move? Why are you being weird to Tom?"

Edd grinned sinisterly. "We're just caring for him, because you can't be bothered too."


"Don't worry though! You can stay with your girlfriend. Freckles are your thing apparently." Matt frowned.

What Matt said was true. Tom, even if they were covered by mounds of makeup, had freckles. Tom was a bit self conscious about them, he hated how they looked. So much so, that he often used makeup to cover them up. Matt sighed and pulled Tom closer to him.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Tord snapped.

Tom huddled closer towards Matt and Chess in a panic. Pat frowned. "Tord, we have three sleeping children in this car, and I swear I will kick you out if this car if another word comes out of your mouth. Understood?"

Tord gasped and frowned. The car sat in silence until they arrived at the house. Tord groaned and walked inside. Paul sighed. "Not even gonna carry his kids huh?"

Pat sighed. He grabbed Tomi while Paul grabbed Marie. They walked inside. Matt smiled and carried Tom out of the car. "You got Millie?"

Edd smiled. "I got her."

They walked inside, and Paul and Pat showed Edd and Matt a room to put the kids in. Paul brought some cubes inside, which once he pushed a button, grew into three baby cribs. They tucked the kids in and smiled. Matt frowned. "Should we tell him?"

Edd, Paul and Pat looked towards Tom. Paul sighed. "We probably should..."

Edd frowned. "But he might freak! Plus, he's getting married soon!"

"We should wait until tomorrow." Pat sighed.

The four agreed and Matt put Tom down onto a bed in one of the main bedrooms. Chess followed and fell asleep beside Tom. They four left and walked downstairs to the main living room, where Tord was. Paul sighed. "Tord? We need to talk."

Tord rolled his eyes. "Nope."

Edd sighed. "Oh, Pau I have one more photo."

Pau turned to look at Edd's phone, with which he showed the picture he took of Tord's phone, where some girl had sent Tord some specific, adult photos. Pau groaned. "Holy shit, Tord..."

Tord looked up from his phone. "What?"

Pat sighed. "We have proof. Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?!" Tord cried angrily.

Matt sighed. "You cheated on Tom!"

Tord shook his head. "Wha- do did not. Do not tell Tom."

Edd rolled his eyes. "You should've thought about that Tord. You just proposed to him!"

"I know! She's an old flame! It's a one time thing!"

"So why did she send you those pictures Tord?!" Pat cried in anger.

Paul was connecting Edd's phone to the living room TV's Bluetooth, and showed the photos that Edd took. Tord was frozen in shock. " can not tell him! Please I love him! I do! I was drunk!"

"Really? Drunk?! You barely had a sip of your drink! Tom finished it!" Edd cried angrily.

Tord sighed. "And?! I still love him! I still mean all of those things I said about him!"

The arguing continued as a floorboard on the stairs creaked quietly. Though no one heard. The figure on the stairs sighed and sneaked back up the stairs. Stopping at the entrance to a room. It slithered in, it's glowing, green eyes scanning each corner, before its gaze landed on a small, infants crib. The figure sighed. Deep, thick droplets of water streaming down its face. It sobbed gently while picking up a small child. A girl. The figure smiled as the lighting from the moon shown in through the window. Illuminating the room, showing that the figure, isn't a figure at all. That it was a man. A heartbroken man. One who hugged his daughter close to his chest as she cried out, wishing for her daddy to stop yelling. The man sighed. Saying that he wished that her daddy could stop too.

The man carried his daughter into a different room. A bedroom. The man tucked her into bed, and kissed her forehead. The man then left to grab his second child. A boy. He cuddled the boy close to his chest, before walking back into the room with his daughter. He tucked his boy in beside his daughter. He smiled sadly. The droplets still streaming down his face, in a manner similar to a waterfall.

He looked back to the door. He sighed and stuck his head out of it. He slithered out back into the hallway. He sighed as the darkness overcame him. He walked back down onto the stairs. He stared intensely at the photos switching on the screen. The figure gasped with each one. Especially the the Live Photo's. The figure stumbled back and frowned. He walked back into the bedroom, glad to hear that no one could hear him over the yelling of the children's daddy.

The man sighed as he locked the door inside of the room he smiled at his children, and loving pet. He stared out the window with a frown, when he heard footsteps walking up the stairs. He slipped underneath the covers and hugged his children and whispered to them softly. Telling them that everything would be okay. Though, he highly doubted that what he said was right.

He sighed as the door nearby to him opened. He laid down and shut his eyes softly. He heard the panicked voices of those on the other side of the door. The doorknob rattled as someone tried to get in. Presumably the children's daddy. The man sobbed and cried. Why did this happen? How could this happen? The man sighed. Wishing that things could go back to normal.

He stood up and sighed. Walking towards the door while sobbing. He slipped his ring off of his finger. He sighed. Maybe I should've said no...He thought before dropping the ring beneath the door... And heading back to bed.

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