Untouchable - maya and carina

By thespampinatos

233K 5.5K 869

Maya bishop, captain of station 19 has always had a fear of being touched. but what happens when she meets dr... More

Chapter 1 - a possibility
chapter 2 - she didn't know
chapter 3 - my apologies
chapter 4 - the first touch
chapter 5 - dad
chapter 6 - safe
chapter 7 - i need you
chapter 8 - I'm scared carina
chapter 9 - i like you
chapter 10 - you'll get there
chapter 11 - memories
chapter 12 - they did more
chapter 13 - debt collectors
chapter 14 - urges
chapter 15 - the bruise
chapter 16 - I need a break
chapter 17 - a random letter
chapter 18 - telling people
chapter 19 - therapy
chapter 20 - flashback
chapter 22 - opening up
chapter 23 - station
chapter 24 - stephanie?
chapter 25 - Robert
chapter 26 - mom
chapter 27 - mama
chapter 28 - the walk-in
chapter 29 - bruise
chapter 30 - we have a daughter
chapter 31 - attacked
chapter 32 - its too much
chapter 33 - are you gay?
chapter 34 - back to work
chapter 35 - the intervention
chapter 36 - feeding tube
chapter 37 - apologies
chapter 38 - a gun
chapter 39 - a little sister
chapter 40 - i love you
chapter 41 - a step closer
chapter 42 - one month later
chapter 43 - first kisses
chapter 44 - you're not my mom!
chapter 45 - carbon monoxide
chapter 46 - a good month
chapter 47 - you can't get rid of glitter
chapter 48 - we're going south!
chapter 49 - 1 week later
chapter 50 - I'm too happy
chapter 51 - waking up

chapter 21 - Ava

4.5K 91 19
By thespampinatos

Mayas POV

It was the next day and carina and I had just been laying in bed all day. Carina had gotten paged and needed to go to the hospital, but Amelia had texted and said she wanted me to come too.

Despite being confused, we got ready and made our way to grey Sloan where we were met by a very stressed Amelia.

"Hey, ok so I don't want to put any pressure on you, but I have a 15-year-old girl who came in and she doesn't like being touched so we can't do anything, and I thought you two were the best when it comes to situations like these so..."

"And you want us to come to meet her?" carina asked                                          

"Yeah, ok I know that seems weird, but she is really freaking out and none of us really know what to do so you're like my last resort" she laughed

"Ok, we'll be over in a minute"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she said excitedly before leaving

"Ok, so she is in bed 9, we closed the curtains and everything, but she's really jumpy and gets scared really easily"

"Ok, let's go see a random girl," I said laughing as Amelia walked over with us

"Hey, ava. I brought you two of my closest friends who I think you might want to talk to"

"You brought me, two random people, to talk to?" she says with an attitude

"They're not random, I think you'll like them"

Maya's POV

"Ok, but I'm only talking to one at a time," she said

"Ok that's fine, you two go talk medical stuff," I said

"You sure you'll be ok" carina asks

"Yes, and I will get you if I'm not"

"Ok, see you soon, bye ava"

Carina and Amelia walked down the hall to talk about what was medically wrong with her.

"So, you don't like being touched?" I asked

"Oh my god, did she send a therapist in" she moaned

"No, I'm definitely not a therapist," I said laughing a bit 

"Why are you asking then?"

"Because I don't like being touched either"

"I saw you holding the other girls' hand when you came in"

"Yeah, that's carina, the first and only person I let touch me in 10 years"

"I find that hard to believe"


"10 years?"

"Yeah, I still have panic attacks if someone else touches me, so you can count on the fact that I'm not going to touch you," I said, receiving a nod

"So why are you in here?" I added

"I cut too deep, like an idiot" she joked

"I did that a few times, had to be resuscitated when I was 14" I laughed back

"they're going to send me to psych again," she said surprisingly cheery


"Yep, I've been there 4 times, they've kept me there a total of 5 months now"

"I went to psych a few times, I think a total of 7 months because I ended up flatlining. I ended up cutting too deep on purpose though, I preferred being in a psych hospital to being at home" I said without getting an answer from her

"That why you do it I'm guessing, at least you get food and a bed there, and you get to get away from whatever happens at home"

"What happened to you," she asked

"I had an abusive dad who cheated on my mom with an abusive girlfriend, who cheated on my dad with my rapist," I said in one breath, trying not to get myself worked up

"You were raped?" she asked quietly

"Yeah, multiple times. Were you?" I asked but was met with her just looking me in the eye for the first time

"He would rape me and would make fun of my scars while doing it, which would only ever make me cut more. It got to the point where I knew I was much safer at a psych ward than I was in my own home" I added, knowing that if I opened up more, she would open up to me.

"Where did you cut?" she asked, not answering my question, but feeling more comfortable

"My thighs, you?"

"My arms, which I now realise was a mistake because I can't do anything without people seeing them"

"How often do you do it"

"Whenever I need to leave the house. I just walk here, and you send me to psych for a month"

"Do you want to go to psych this time?"

"Anything to keep me out of that place"

Right then, carina walk in, and I watched as ava completely tensed up again. I got up to let carina sit down before sitting on her lap.

"Is she a shrink?" ava asked

"No, she's an OB/GYN"

"So, what happens now? Am I sent home or am I sent to psych?" she asked bluntly

"Amelia said that they're not planning on sending you to psych as you've been so many times before and it's not doing anything"

I watched as the colour drained from her face and her eyes fell to a scalpel that was close to her, carina hadn't noticed but I did.

"Hey, look at me," I said

"What if... you stay with us?" I said trying to catch carina's reaction

"What?" ava asked

"That way, you don't have to go to psych or home"

"I don't know you," she said, pointing out the obvious

"I know, but would you prefer to take a chance with us or go home to whatever's going on?"

"I don't know"

"We can give you some time to think about it"

"Yeah, ok"

We left the room, and I was waiting for carinas reaction to the fact I just invited a teenager into our home without asking her but surprisingly it didn't come.

"I'm sorry, I would've asked you but- "I started before getting cut off by carina hugging me

"I'm so proud of you" she whispered


"You wouldn't have done that when I first met you, you've grown Bella," she said causing me to laugh slightly

"Are you sure you're ok with it?"

"of course, I'm ok with it"

After 30 minutes or so, Amelia told us that ava wanted to speak to us, so we went back to her room and sat back down.

"How would it work? Because I'm pretty sure it would be considered kidnapping"

"If you were to tell any doctor on your case that you're not safe at home then they legally have to report it meaning that they could grant temporary allowance for you to go with somebody else until something permanent is sorted"

"Ok, so say it was legal, what about the fact that if my dad was to find out he would literally kill you" she deadpans 

"How would he find out"

"He has his ways"

"What about all the times you've gotten admitted to psych?"

"Every single time he stormed up the hospital demanding that I am released, or he is going to, and I quote 'slit everyone's throats'. That's probably why they don't want to admit me again"

"We will get them to tell him you're in psych again and security will get him out."


"Ok, I'll go talk to the nurse, I'll be back," I say before leaving carina with Ava

Carina's POV

"You remind me so much of when I met Maya"


"Hiding your feelings through jokes" I laughed, remembering all the jokes Maya made about everything before I managed to truly get her to open up

"I'm not"

"Ok, you can believe that, but when you're ready to feel everything, we'll be here"

"Ok, but it won't happen, because I'm not hiding anything, I'm fine"

"Sure, Maya said the same thing but now look at her, she's so clingy, she's like a koala"

"I'm fine," she said while rolling her eyes playfully

"So, if I was to touch you, which I'm not going to do, you wouldn't freak out"


"Ok, I spoke with the nurse and you're free to go, only because it's with a doctor who will know if the cuts are getting infected"

"Wait so you're a doctor and you're...?" she said to Maya

"I'm the fire captain at station 19," Maya said proudly

"Jesus Christ!" she laughed

"Ok, well let's get going, I hate the smell of hospitals," Maya says making me laugh 


how do you like the idea of ava?

please leave suggestions!

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