DUALITY (YiZhan*ZhanYi)

By yizhan-love

17.5K 1.3K 875

Wang Yibo, young man full of spirit gets into police university to become detective and solve old case, relat... More

Dive in
Distress 🔞
New Game
The Deal
Next one


4.1K 130 110
By yizhan-love


"can you forgive me, forgive him, forgive us?"

"don't you ask for too much? without regret?"

"I didn't, I'm not, I'll never. can you still forgive? In the name of love"


Young man with short hair and strong build, leaves lecture room after attending student introduction and walks to huge yard. almost everyone around wear police uniform and look overly proud, as their happy sounds fills the air. having no proper mood to join them, he finds calmest place and sits down at the table, dialing the number

"mom it's me. are you free for talk?"

"sure dear, how is it going? do you feel well there?"

"yes, everything is ok. I worked too hard to get into this university, nothing can stop me now"

"Yibo..." woman's voice shakes and Yibo knows she struggles with tears "please forget your dangerous plan and just try to use best years of your life the fullest. study well, find true friends and have fun with them. maybe get girlfriend too? women in uniforms are beautiful"

"don't mention it again please, i'm not here for falling in love or chatting with someone" Yibo frowns and suddenly feels someone grabbing his shoulders, carefree voice follows the touch and he looks back, meeting naughty eyes

"love? there is a always enough time for love" cute boy, same age as him smiles widely and sits down in front of him "sorry for interrupting dude. you can keep talking, don't mind us"

"well mom, take good care of yourself. I'll contact you later" Yibo cuts the call and eyes two boys, who look totally opposite compared to each-other. one has bright and smiling face, while other is strict and quiet. Yibo feels kinda annoyed by their sudden presence, but forces himself to bow slightly "how can I help you?"

"my name is Lei, this gruffy one is Jiang. we're friends since kindergarten"

"only in your mind, you just stuck at me and removing you is impossible" so called Jiang sighs loudly and looks away

"got it but still...what it has to do with me?" Yibo awkwardly smiles and tosses on the chair

"oh right" Lei leans closer and pats on his shoulder "we want to be your friends. I watched your presentation, you're so cool. what is your..."

"Wang Yibo but... actually I'm not friendly type, prefer to be alone"

"you two make such a great couple" he laughs and hits Jiang's nape "may I play role of amour arrow?" Jiang's cheeks visibly blushes and Yibo can't stop himself from smiling. it won't hurt if he talks a little more right?

"he won't leave you trust me, lei never stops when he wants to get someone or something"

"I started feeling sorry for you Jiang but have to admit he is kinda cute"

"this is exactly what I'm saying" Lei exclaims happily and taps palms on his chest "i'm cute and gonna become sexy and attractive thanks to my future profession. girls love men in uniform, they say it's cool. listen to me" he signs boys to lean closer and whispers "it makes them excited, you know what I mean, role play and stuff like that"

"don't tell me, this is only reason you applied for this university" Yibo's eyes widens and Jiang grins mockingly

"from idiot like him, what do you expect more?"

"as your reason is any better, fighting for justice" Lei sticks his tongue out with disgust "future hero of china"

"what about you?" realizing question was for him Yibo looks at them and hesitates to talk. he can't say truth but feels sorry for lying too

"my father wants me to be decent man and good use for our country. maybe I'm kind of mix of you two? being policeman and catching criminals sounds so cool and admirable"

"let's try to get into same dorm, we gonna have too much fun" Lei takes his phone out and smiles at Yibo "give me your phone number"

"fun?...until we have to face cruel reality. we'll see if you're still going to laugh in front of the dead bodies" Jiang's words reminds something to Yibo and he smiles painfully

"You're right, who knows what future is planning for us guys. how many evil and merciless people we're going to meet on our way"

"let's go through everything together, three is better than one right?" Lei moves his hand forward and Yibo instinctively places his palm on it. being part of something, truly feels very nice "Anyway let's welcome our student years"


"so...is this still funny for you?" Jiang asks to Lei, who is about to faint and purposely dumps into his shoulder "why bother coming here, when you can't even run?"

"damn you, it's already 100th lap I was counting. i feel like some racehorse. mommy please help me" he cries out and Yibo giggles loudly, moving closer he holds Lei's arm and runs along him

"Don't overact, it's 10th one yet and we have 20 more"

"I envy you, so strong and masculine" Lei squeezes Yibo's arms and frowns "should I just drop out?"

"come on, you're man. don't give up this easily"

"Wang Yibo, on standby" officer calls loudly suddenly and Yibo walks towards him with confusion. Almost reached at the fence, he can't notice big stone and literally kisses the ground. Feeling too embarrassed he stands up and wipes mud from his face

"Salute" he straightens back and brings hand to temple "recruit Wang Yibo is ready to serve you"

"take this documents and leave to psychology department"

"But laps..."

"Just do what I said"

"Got it" Yibo bows and leaves in hurry. Everyone keeps staring at him on the way and forgetting his face is total mess, Yibo smiles proudly "not something new, they surely adore my handsomeness" after handling documents, he is about to open the gate, but notices someone standing at the tree nearby. Stranger's neck is raised up and Yibo gets kinda curious about what he is watching. he walks closer and after few minutes of silence decides to ask

"what is that?" hearing sudden voice he looks back and falls down with loud scream

"gremlin, gremlin"

"who? where?" Yibo looks around and finally realizes what is happening, when stranger moves his phone up. seeing his muddy face in the camera student awkwardly smiles and scratches his nape "so that was why... don't be scared please, i'm just mere silly human" after cleaning hand on the uniform, he stretches it forward and helps him to get up

"sorry, I was too startled when you suddenly approached me officer" he fixes hair, fallen on the forehead and Yibo wonders how can some has this clear eyes. he feels even more ashamed because of his appearance, standing in front of the rare beauty

"oh you're wrong, I'm just student. what about you? studying criminal psychology?"

"no, i'm here to see someone. right, my name is Zhan" he is so bright, so easy going and Yibo holds his hand again

"I'm Yibo, future detective. may I ask what're you watching?"

"wow, so cool" he smiles sweetly and looks up again "actually that poor guy, is stuck there. I'm worrying" after taking more attention Yibo notices kitten sitting on the upper branch and shivering with fear "i tried to climb up for a few times but...too clumsy"

"I'll do it" willing to erase first negative impression, Yibo rolls his sleeves up and hangs on the lower branch, used doing many push ups he easily lifts body up and carefully moves closer to scared kitten. the moment it's hold, stranger exclaims happily and Yibo feels so proud of himself.

"here, come here little one" Zhan takes kitten from Yibo, after he jumps down and kisses it's paw, latter one tries to lick his face and Zhan giggles cutely. Yibo, waiting for gratitude feels kinda hurt and frowns visibly "sound of them purring, isn't it too adorable?" Zhan rubs his ear on kittens belly and closes eyes, listening with lovely smile

"you must be...art student?"

"right, how do you know?"

"by your appearance and behavior. you wear long hair, i noticed paint stains on your hands. what more...you're way too soft"

"you said soft" Zhan holds kitten into embrace and finally takes attention to Yibo "I'm usually called lunatic by people around me. the way...I see the world, they think it's weird"

"how so?" Yibo sits down on the grass and Zhan takes place next to him

"I'm painter and for me...everything and everyone around is beautiful. I adore even tinniest creatures, any plant and any animal. I love how they become lively through my paintings and please others' eyes. they say world is black and evil but I prefer to see kindness and chase light. do you know what my dream is?"

"tell me about it"

"creating masterpiece with my own hands. don't care how long time it takes but someday...I'll paint something too beautiful, something what causes wildest feelings in me"

"I think you're just different" Yibo leans cheek on his palm and takes better look at Zhan. Long and wavy hair covers half of his face, color of skin a little dark which gives handsome vibes but his features is too soft and lovable. His eyes shiny like sun and lips red like strawberries "and I think, it isn't bad at all. still..."

"still what?"

"people not always treat kindness with the same way. it's too hard but try to discover true colors behind human masks"

"You're very good boy Wang Yibo" he smiles widely and Yibo notices his cute dimples too "why won't we be friends? so you can protect me from danger after becoming detective. Oh right, I study far from here, it gonna be hard"

"We're same age, why do you talk like..."

"Aren't you at your first grade? That means I'm about three years older than you"

"Really? How come you look like baby"

"Oh, so sweet. don't use your best pick up lines on me detective" he giggles and gets up, taking his ringing phone out "I have to leave now, he is waiting for me"

"Sure...it was very nice meeting and talking to you Zhan" Yibo smiles as goodbye but somehow strong feeling of sadness makes his heart heavy.

"See you later Wang Yibo, let's talk more then" he waves hand to him and runs towards someone, waiting next to university building. Tall man messes Zhan's hair and latter one cuddles at him, Yibo keeps watching until they disappear and shakes his shoulders with smile

"Someone beautiful like him...sure Zhan is already taken. wish he has deserved happiness"

"Hey you little bastard" someone screams at his ear and Yibo feels slight pain on the nape. As always Lei can't keep hands for himself "we had to make countless excuses for you. You know lecturer is too strict"

"I was busy and totally forgot about lecture, sorry"

"Don't tell me" Lei screws his eyes and laughs "you're flirting with someone"

"I met angel" remembering Zhan his lips curves up into smile "someone too perfect for me"

"Did I hit him this hard?" Lei turns to Jiang and latter one rolls his eyes "he is already imagining things"

"You can't understand. he was too pure, even slight touching scared me. I didn't deserve..."

"Next time i recommend you to wash face. Guess your eyes too dirty, it sees everything pure"

"Idiot" Yibo mumbles and quickly walks to their campus, only thing he needs now is taking hot shower and removing weird feeling, meeting Zhan left in him "in this dirty world, someone like Zhan...there isn't place for him"


"I have quite serious question for you all and please give honest answers back" lecturer leans on the lectern and eyes students "If you become unintentional witness of the serious crime, what will you do?"

"Sure we'll inform police about it" almost everyone in the room keeps saying same thing and lecturer moves his stare to Yibo, who is lowering his head and stays silent

"Wang Yibo, what about you?"

"For what price?"

"by any chance, do you want to be paid for it?"

"No, I mean what kind of price witness has to pay? You all answered without hesitation, like it's this easy"

"So what is your answer" lecturer walks closer to his desk and taps pen on it "you would run away like coward from crime scene?"

"I won't..." Yibo raises head up and fearlessly looks straight into his eyes "if police can do proper job. I think you know better what is happening in reality, they give countless promises and after info is received every words becomes false. let's admit we can't protect witness well"

"Student Wang, watch your words. Why bother coming here, if you don't have trust in police?"

"We talk about complex mister, I want to become healthy part of it. So slowly, together we can start moving to improvement"

"Don't you have huge ambitions?"

"It isn't called ambitions, I have life goals" Yibo tries to be polite but still can't stop himself from grinning "I want to make people have faith in police, so next year...there won't be student who thinks like me"

"All right" he stops glaring and walks back "we're done for today, think other than education we should concentrate on your behaviors too, seems like some's parents did bad job at raising you"

"You..." Yibo is about to exclaim but Jiang catches his arm and shakes head. Yibo tightens fist to hold his anger and stays still until lecturer leaves.

"What is wrong with you dude?" Lei pets his shoulder and worryingly asks "that bastard got harsh temper, you should stay silent and say same as others. Why overacting?"

"I was saying only facts, they try to show everything as perfect but we all know, half of our police is corrupted"

"You really think we can change it? Maybe you're just overly sensitive because of that pure beauty. It's been already few weeks since you first met no?"

"You mean Zhan? We're too busy, totally forgot about him" Yibo takes his bag and leaves room with them. Zhan was nowhere to see and he really stopped remembering him. Loud talking sounds comes out from the next door and suddenly tall man rushes out, dumping into Yibo

"Zhan?" Yibo calls when their eyes meet, if not same features he could never recognize him. His hair, clothes, manner of moving or that rare pureness, everything is gone "why are you here?"

"I don't have time for useless chatting" he says coldly and is about to leave but Yibo catches his wrist

"We're going to become friends, you even lazy to greet me?"

"Friends, so that was you"


"Just let me go Yibo, just stay away" his eyes show too strong pain, it becomes unbearable to watch

"Zhan, Zhan what is wrong? You look like total stranger" Yibo asks with scared voice, noticing drastic changes on his face and gasps when suddenly his shoulders're tightly grabbed



"Call me again, please call me Zhan again" he keeps whispering while tears wets his face and Yibo repeats with sweet tone

"Zhan, I'm here next to you Zhan. It's going to be ok, you can talk and share"

"Thanks" hysterical laugh mixed to sobs shakes his body and Yibo is suddenly pulled into tight hug. Zhan's arms feels surprisingly strong and he freezes unable to move "And sorry, that we couldn't become friends" Yibo is about to hug back but he is pushed back and Zhan just walks away without saying more

"Wait, please wait" Yibo chases after him but older one gets in the car and leaves from there. he hugs his own arms, still feeling that pleasant warmth "what the hell happened to him, he didn't even let me to help. and how can same person...cause this different emotions in me?"

Gosh, I spend too long time on writing this chapter. maybe getting old or just stress? 😅 I thought all my muses and tiny talent are gone but finally it's done. I'll give more information about the story in next chapter and put some warnings too 😬

❤️Anyway please comment what you think about first chapter my sweet readers❤️

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