Honkai impact, agent stories

By Dashas37

21.8K 324 9

Many short stories about the valkyries and the agents. Fighting the things that need to be fought, beginning... More

Story One: Rita: Part One
Story One: Rita: Part Two
story one: Rita: Part 3
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part One
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part Two
Story two: Fu Hua: Part Three
Story Three: Theresa: Part One
Story Three: Theresa: Part Two
Story Three: Theresa: Part Three
Story Four: Sirin: Part One
Story four: Sirin: Part Two
His world
Story 5: Mei: Part One
Story Five: Mei: Part Two
Story Five: Mei: Part Three
Story Six: Kiana: Part one
Story Six: Kiana: Part 2
Story Six: Kiana: Part Three
The future of this book
Story Seven: Seele: Part One.
Story Seven: Seele: Part Two
Story Seven: Seele: part Three
Story Eight: Arc City: Part one
Story Eight: Arc city: part Two
Story Eight: Arc City: Part 3
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part One.
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part 2
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part Three
Story ten: Dundral: Part One
Story Ten: Dundral: Part Two
Story 10: Dundral: part Three
Story Eleven: Yae Sakura: Part One
Story Eleven: Yae sakura: Part Two
Story 11: Yae sakura: Part Three.
Story 12: Female captain: Part One
Story 12: Female Captain: Part two
Story Twelve: Female Captain: Part 3
What's next?
The new agent
The new agent: Part Two
The new agent: Part Three
Soukai city
Zhuge Kongming
Zhuge kongming part 2
Return trip
next assignment
The post
Returning once again
an unfortunate event.
Theresa Apocalypse
change of plans
The two captains.
The fallen rose
The fallen rose: Part two
A powerful foe
An unfortunate situation
in the scenario
Awake, but not ready.
An Attack
The final battle (sorta...)
A day with the captains
Something special
Back on the hyperion.
sarah's first assignment
The Olenyeva's
The other crew
The Void queen
Continuing the training
Assignment and camping
Final preperations
Night of the final battle.
One final effort
Zach's dream world
Bad news
Well enough alone
Prep of the next mission
The night assignment
New faces
Sarah's childhood
Other world problems
A mix of confusion and despair
The Sea
Return home

Spending some time together

78 1 0
By Dashas37

Alex exited the portal and looked up to the bridge, he saw Kiana and seele, but sarah was not looking at him, "was she mad?" Alex wondered as he walked to the bridge. but as he entered the interior of the hyperion, he saw her waiting for him. She gave a smile and said "I'm happy you're ok." At that moment, part of the tape that held his fell off and sarah became worried "A-Alex, your arm?" Alex then looked at his arm and said "oh, thanks for telling me." Sarah then said "Y-you're not hurting?" Alex then said "it only hurts a little." Sarah then said "we should treat it, before you get an infection." Sarah then grabbed Alex's other arm and dragged him to the med bay for treatment.

Sarah got the doctor and watched as the woman did the work, She cleaned Alex's wound and stitched the part of his arm that had sloughed off back to the rest of his arm. As he and sarah left he said "Funny enough, the tape was just helping my body decide to where it should heal." Sarah then said "yeah, but getting healed by a doctor is still nice too." Alex smiled "I didn't know you cared about me that much?" Sarah blushed and looked away "well, I was just worried you were gonna get sick, and until your arm looks better, I will be watching over you." Alex shrugged "I guess, shouldn't you be on the bridge though?" Sarah smiled "I asked theresa to cover for me earlier, I just want to spend some time with you." Alex felt his face get warm and he throught "Huh, what's going on, why do I feel like this."

As the two walked around the hyperion sarah said "so how was your mission?" Alex then said "eh, it was alright, I gave a couple of people a beacon just in case project end decides to re emerge, I couldn't for some reason, remove it from her." Sarah then said "maybe you're getting a bit rusty, or maybe the blast you did on that captain messed you up somehow?" Alex nodded "I'm inclined to believe the latter. while I did feel alright on the last mission I did feel a little off as well. I should talk with my master later, see if there is anything wrong with me in regards to my powers?" Sarah nodded "I've never met your master, well not formally, what does she do?" Alex then said "she creates agents like me, I heard even that there is one above her, or on the same level." Sarah then said "ohh interesting, i wonder what they do?" Alex shrugged "I dunno, I think they find the project end subjects, or acquire the DNA for my master to Create me, or any of the other agents. Safe for you, because you know why." Sarah nodded "ah, I see."

The two were eating together, while some of the people gave Alex dirty looks, this caused Sarah to give them dirty looks back before they looked away. Alex then said "you don't have to defend me, It's still my fault." Sarah then said "Why shouldn't I? I know you did your best, and while Zach did die, it's not the end of the world." Alex nodded "yeah, I guess, I just wish I could have saved him. I know you loved him." Sarah then thought "I did, now I think I love you." before saying "yeah." Just then two valkyries walked up to Alex and sarah and one said "excuse me sarah, we need your help?" Sarah became cautious and said "I'm off duty, ask theresa." continuing to eat "and that's captain sarah to you." The valkyrie got slightly annoyed and then said "Captain sarah, I asked theresa before and she told me to find you?" Sarah knew this was a lie theresa even told her "If anyone asks you to do something send them my way." Sarah then said "Why are you lying, if you want something from me, just say it." The valkyrie got angry and yelled "why are you hanging out with him!!" pointing to Alex. Sarah got a bit miffed and said "why can't I hang around my friend. My partner?" The Valkyrie then said "You know he killed captain Zach don't you?" Sarah raised an eyebrow "did he? That was never stated, in any report I read. Nor did I see him do anything bad to Zach during OUR mission to rescue him. So, I'd leave Alex alone if I were you." The Valkyrie got flustered and said to the other "lets go, we're not getting anywhere today."

After the two had finished eating sarah said "welp, I've got to got to the bridge, are you ok by yourself for the rest of the day?" Alex nodded " yeah, I'll write my report and then I'll likely prepare to meet my master to see what was wrong with me, try get myself fit for proper duty again. so it might be a few days before I see you again" Sarah smiled "well if you do, I'll see you later."

Alex sat at his desk and finished his report, and as soon as he did he shut his eyes and whispered "Master, I need to speak to you." As alex opened his eyes he found himself in the same space he was in from when he was created. This time he had a bit of control and floated around for a bit trying to find his master. 

While floating around his master said "Alex, there you are, you landed quite a few hundred metres away from where I thought you were. What did you want to talk about?" Alex then said "I feel, stranger than usual. I couldn't absorb the project end erergy on my last mission?" His master examined him and said "did you let off a pulse earlier?" alex nodded "yeah, as a last ditch effort to short circuit augmentations, is that why I feel off?" Alex's master nodded "yes, you have not only overclocked something else, but your body couldn't handle the amount of energy you took in and how much you let off so it shut down all of your intakes. I'll be able to repair you, but you'll need an escort agent for most of your missions until further notice." Alex then heard a chuckle "it's funny, you were designed to reduce the creation of agents, but now we'll have to make some more."

Alex floated around thinking to himself "What was that feeling I had earlier, why did I feel warm when sarah spoke to me, what is going on?" As his master opened his chest up she began to speak to him "now Alex, I am gonna need to make a few adjustments to your project end based organ, if you feel bad, let me know and I'll stop." Alex nodded "got it." He then looked around and felt the movement of his master removing and inspecting the organ. I was just a small bit about the size of his heart and was able to fit inside his body quite comfortably. It's what gives him his powers, storage of the energy is spread throughout the entire body from the organ which collects and purifies from.

After a while of staring into space Alex felt his body close up and his master said "feel good?" Alex nodded "yup, what did you do?" His master then stood Alex on a platform and said "I readjusted your organ to now be able to take in project end energy more effectively and now release project end energy. It's best for the latter be done in a portal." Alex nodded "and one last thing before I send you off, take care of that girl, she seems important."

Alex awoke in his chair and took a quick look at his phone, "one day has passed, well I did say I'd be out for a few days." Alex then turned to look out the window and saw the evening sky. The red and orange clouds, it was mesmerizing to him. Just then he heard his door open, he turned and saw a shocked sarah who said "y-you're awake?" Alex smiled "I just woke up, and I feel better." 

"Master just cut me open and checked on my insides, nothing too serious." Sarah nodded "and what of your missions?" Alex gave a smile "an agent will be there to help us out, but how have you been, I saw it's been a day?" Sarah smiled "eh I was fine, I was worried about you this morning however when I saw you in your chair slumped over, I was afraid to move you to bed due to your injuries." Alex smiled "aw thanks, but I wasn't  gonna get hurt too badly, you could've done that, and all I would've done when I had woken up was wonder how I got into bed." Sarah gave a sigh of relief  "oh good, so when you said cut you open, did you mean-" Alex then said "In that space my mind becomes a physical form and I am able to get surgery for my powers. It's strange I know, but it works."

Sarah had dragged Alex out so that they could spend some more time together, as they ate dinner Alex asked "so, sarah, why do I feel, strange around you?" Sarah flinched for a second and said "y-you feel strange, how so?" Alex then said "I feel a little warmer inside when I spend time with you, that's all." Sarah smiled "well I don't know to much about this feeling, but if you feel anything else, let me know, I might be able to help you out." Alex gave a nod before returning to his meal.

Sarah restrained herself, she wanted to confess, but she felt it wouldn't be appropriate on the hyperion as she walked back from the bridge she heard someone say "subject Sarah, you seem happy?" Sarah then said "well I think I may like Alex, and I am still unsure if I really do actually like him?" Bronya then said "When did this feeling start?" Sarah sighed "before Zach's death, but If want to be real, I might've started liking him since we started going on assignments together." Bronya then said "The bronya has analysed subject Sarah's emotions and is shown that from when we first met, subject Sarah's personality has changed dramatically." Sarah then said "What does that mean?" Bronya continued to float in place and said "when we first met subject sarah was more introverted and a bit more on the angry side." Sarah then said "well yeah, moving from my old home and growing up around my mother did that to me." Bronya nodded "Yes, but your personality began to shift once subject Alex came here." Sarah folded her arms "seems like a stretch to me? I've always had these mood swings" bronya nodded "If subject sarah says so. The bronya is going to now See Seele before returning to the other hyperion." Sarah walked to her room but before she did bronya said "But I did want to bring something of interest to you." Sarah looked back to Bronya "During our initial meeting, with subject Zach had shown a special pattern I've only seen in two people, subject Alex and Subject Kiana, and now more recently, you." Sarah then said "what are you saying?" bronya stood still "The bronya thinks that you four are more connected than anyone realizes." Sarah nodded "I see, thank you." Sarah then went into her room and bronya left.

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