Just a Professor?!?

By Some1isReading

134K 3.1K 853

Aubrey Leyla Mathews is attending her senior year of College. Expecting nothing but a normal college year sh... More

Ending and beginning
Just a professor?!
Coffee date
Double dinner
Morning after
At the pier
Family reunien
back to normal!?
Desk fuck
The couch
The turning point.
What now?
Coincidence or fate?
Back to life
I don't know you
Now i know
Between doors
Cake and wine
Ending and beginning

Do i know you?

2.3K 73 17
By Some1isReading

Aubrey POV

„Okay Aubrey. We will do some CT's and a couple head scans. Just to check in general." my confusion grew and I didn't know what was missing in my brain.

„I'm sorry doctor. Is there something wrong with her memory?" my mother asked from the other side of the bed sounding concerned.

„We Just want to make sure she doesn't have to deal with a big memory loss. We need to do some more test and we will come back with the results as soon as we know more." she answered as she got up.

„We will do the scans early in the morning tomorrow. You should rest more." she answered giving us both a spot but concerned smile.

I can't shake the feeling off that I am missing something important.

„If you need anything you can call me." she answered and left me behind with my mom.

Silence filled the room once again and I didn't know what to say.

„Mom can you call Vivian and Ben?" I asked and she nod taking her phone out in an instant.

„Hey Vivian. She's awake and asking for you. Bring Ben along." she spoke as soon as Vivian picked up the line.

She nod and hummed as an answer and hung up.

„They'll be here soon. Do you need anything or can I do anything for you?" she asks me and I glanced to the side of me pointing to the water.
My throat still feels sore as hell.

„Just some water." I answered and she reacted directly giving me a full glass.

„Thanks." I answered after I drank the whole glass empty in seconds. This felt good.


After less than 10 minutes I heard the door swing open and Ben walked in with Vivian. A bouquet of flowers in Vivian's hands and a teddy bear in Ben's hand. A hand was behind his back covering something up and they both had the biggest grin on their faces. Tears streamed down their faces as they saw me smiling back to them crying as well. God I missed them so much.

„God you scared us to death please never ever ever do that again." Vivian spoke through her sob and placed everything down beside my bed.

I embraced them both into a ginormous hug taking in the fact that I haven't seen them for nine weeks.

My body felt weak and everything hurt still but at the moment I didn't care about that. I needed to feel if this was real and it was. They where here with me and I'm so relieved to see them.

„I missed you. I hope I haven't pulled you guys through hell with my stunt." I answered as we separated each other from the hug.

„Don't worry about us bre. We just worry about you and we're happy to see you awake and smiling." Ben answered placing a kiss on my forehead.

„What's that smell?" I asked sniffing around and Ben pulled a pizza out from behind his back.

„We Figured since you haven't eaten anything in weeks you might be hungry. So here you go." Ben opened it and my heart melted. It's not the food I'm melting for. I mean it is. But it's the fact on how much they care and about me.

„You have no idea. Come on sit down I'm not eating alone." I tapped at my bed and they both sat down taking a slice as well.

„Mom you want some?" I asked and she smiled gently shaking her head.

„I think you guys have a lot to catch up on. I'll be here in the morning is that alright with you?" she asks and I appreciate that she gives me space with my friends.

„sure. I'll see you in the morning then." I answered and she got up taking her bag and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

„Sleep tight sweetie. See you tomorrow." she answered and left smiling softly at Ben and Vivian knowing that they will take good care of me.

We waited until we heard the door close and they both turned around to look at me.

„Bre I have never seen her like This before. I think she has changed." Vivian began to talk as we continued to eat our meal.

„I hope so. It is really weird seeing her act and talk like this. I mean I always wanted her to be like this don't get me wrong but I'm just..."

„Scared that she will leave you?" Ben finished my sentence and I nod at them. They know what is going on in my mind.
They knew my story with my parents on how distant they were.

„Yeah. I just don't want to get hurt all over again y'know." they both nod at me.

„we get it. But we've seen a lot of changes in these nine weeks. She opened up to us and we talked to her. She was talking about how much she regrets treating you like this. It was a shock to us as well but we noticed that this wasn't a facade she put on. We think it's real and you should give her a try." Vivian added and I really hope they are right on this one. That she isn't gonna leave me or turn on me. That she will be with me from now on.

„So did I miss anything special during those nine weeks?" I asked and they shook their heads while chewing their pizza.

„You didn't miss anything special. Nate asked about you a couple times but we didn't say anything in case he would have walked in here without telling anyone." Vivian answered and I nod appreciating that she didn't say anything.

„Classes where boring as usual. You didn't miss much stuff since were almost done with everything.  It just wasn't the same with you not around us. Many people asked about you but we only said it was something with your family. We figured it would be best if they didn't know." Ben added as he took his third slice.

„Thank you guys for keeping this low. You know I'm not loving to stand in the middle." I answered taking a bite of my pizza.

„What did the doctors say by the way?" Vivian asked with a full mouth.

„Well she said we gonna do some CT's and head scans tomorrow. Some other tests as well to see if I remember things."

„Well do you remember everything?" Ben asked hesitated.

„I don't think so. I feel like something is missing. I don't even know what it is to be honest." I answered as in leaned back into my bed.

„What about the things that happened right before the accident? What do you remember?" Vivian asked and I feel how the topic got serious.

„the only thing I know is that we drank at night. After that it's black. I don't know anything after that." I explained explained and I felt how the aura shifted between us.

Somehow I feel like they know something important I don't know about.

„Guys is there something you want to tell me?" I asked and they looked at each other and back at me.

„Nothing. Everything's fine." Ben answers and I didn't believe a word.

„What are you not telling me? I can tell that there is something wrong. So what is it." I demanded slightly easing my voice at them.

„You should remember that yourself bre. Fishing with your mind while you can't remember might bring more damage. Doctor miller told us not to tell you the things we know. This will bring the process of remembering out of control."
Vivian explained and I know that they are right but something tells me that this information is important for me. Or a person I don't know it's hard to tell.

„Fine. I just hope I will remember. I feel empty somehow and I can't figure out why." I mumbled and closed my eyes for a brief moment.

„Do you need anything? You look exhausted." Ben asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

„Me laying nine weeks in a coma is more exhausting than expected. I didn't move an inch and I feel extremely exhausted and weak."

„hey don't be so hard in yourself. It hasn't even been 24 hours since you woke up. Take it easy. Take your time we will help with everyone can and if you need something just tell us." Vivian answered as she placed her hand on mine.

„Thanks guys. I just feel like something is missing. I hav mixed emotions and I'm anxious." i pressed my eyes together minding my tears to fall.

„Why do you feel like this?" Ben asked rubbing my leg up and down in comfort.

„Anxious because I don't know if I want to remember what happened or not. If the things that wait for me will break me. Because something doesn't feel right." I huffed out while rubbing my eyes in defeat.

Before Ben or Vivian could say anything they got interrupted by the door opening.

„I'm sorry to interrupt but visiting time is over. You can visit tomorrow again." a sweet nurse came in reminding us that I need to rest.

„We will see each other tomorrow alright." vi answered getting up and placing a kiss on my forehead while giving me a tight hug.

„Sleep Well." Ben hugged me tight saying goodbye as well.

I smiled softly at them and they left letting the nurse do her night work shift as usual.

„So i see you did eat already. Which is good so that means you can take your meds." she smiled gently at me and I nod at her.

„What are they for?" I asked looking at the different colored pills.

„some Antibiotics and pain killers. A low sedative as well to let you sleep better." she answered while pouring me a glass of water.

„For how long do I need to take them?" I asked taking the pills in my hand.

„The antibiotics only a week or so. The pain killers for as long you are in pain. And the sedative only for the time that you will be hospitalized." she placed the glass of water in my hand.

„Can you tell me for how long I'll be staying here?" I asked her and swallowed the pills at one with some water.

„Wow you ask a lot of questions." she giggled and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I don't like to stay in the dark. And asking doesn't cost anything." I replied and she nod glancing at her clipboard.

„We will look after you for at least a week. Depends on how you heal. You need to get used to moving your body again. You will feel weak for a one time and you will have your ups and downs. But we will work through it." I nod understanding her answer.

„Can I do anything else for you?" she asks me.

„I know this might sound silly but can you maybe organize me a sketchbook and a pen? Just as a small distraction." i asked and a smile formed on her face.

„I'd love to of course. Give me five minutes and I'll bring them to you." she answered taking her things to leave.

After five minutes she walked back in with a pen and a sketchbook in her hand.

„Here you go." she said as she handed them over to me.

„Thank You." I answered smiling down at it.

„Don't stay up to long. You need to rest and the meds will kick in soon." she added and I nod.

„Sure. I'm pretty exhausted myself. So i won't be up for long." I answered and she left shutting the lights off leaving me with the dimmed light.

I started to sketch small things into the sketchbook to distract me from the situation I'm in. The pain is slowly fading away which means that the meds kick in. Something I've noticed instantly is that my hand isn't moving quietly. It's shaking and I can't really draw exact. This scares me since I'm used to drawing precisely. Something I hope I can still do is play my instruments. The guitar especially.

Before I could think even further my body started to grow heavy and I was feeling even more tired. I couldn't even place my things aside and I fell asleep In an instant.


Lizzie POV

I cried myself to sleep just like every other night since Aubrey has been in a coma. I don't know what to do anymore to keep me going through the days. My mind wanders around on losing her in any minute possible. She has made me laugh and feel things from the bottom of my heart and I can't be in a world without her.

It was morning again and the sun started to rise and shine through the curtains. I breathed out knowing that this day will be just as hard as every other since she isn't around me. I woke up before my alarm got off and this isn't usually me.

My phone started to buzz and I grabbed it fast hoping for any news on Aubrey's condition.
My body shot Up out of bed as I read what was written.

Aubrey woke up yesterday night.

Without thinking any further I started to get up not bothering to change my clothes. I ran down slipping into my shoes and I ran of with my purse phone and keys. I was driving to the hospital like a maniac and I wasn't embarrassed to show myself in my sweatpants and hoodie.

I parked the car abruptly leaving it directly as I ran into the hospital. I knew where to go and I can't believe what I was reading just a couple minutes ago. She woke up. She's back and I can't wait to see her.

I didn't take the time to knock as I walke into her room in a half run. She was still sleeping but I saw that she breathed on her own and I assume that Vivian and Ben where here as I saw the pizza, sketchbook and gifts. My cheeks ached on the smile that was crossing my face.

I stepped closer and I noticed how she was starting to wake up. My heart was filled with joy and euphoria. Her eyes flickered slowly and I took her hand in mine.

She opened her eyes rubbing them with her free hand. Her eyes looked down at her hand as she saw that I was holding them. She glanced up to me and confusion filled her face. Something pierced through my heart and I knew something was wrong. Why is she looking at me like I'm a stranger to her?

„I'm sorry miss. Do I know you?" she asks me and I could hear my own heart shatter....

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