Stevetober (Original by AllyC...

By IcyWillowSong

11.5K 347 64

This is my versions of Stevetober with AllyC45 who is proving the prompts. If you want to join as well just g... More



348 12 3
By IcyWillowSong

Day 11, Lurking
Notes: This is a Sky Children of Light Au. Sabre is lurking/watching the steves when he first arrives in this world. Because of how Behind I am I will be making these really short and very descriptive. If you haven't played the game Sky Children of light it is free on iphone, switch (With Nintendo Online since you can only play it if you have it) and I believe steam.

I kept my green cloak over myself as I watched these strange creatures do what they do. I came to this world a few days ago and I am trying to figure out if they are a new friend I could have. They are very strange, but fun to copy as they move objects to enter rooms. Those... Doors are scary... The windows though are really fun to mess with. They make a really fun sound when I tap them. The strange Red giant seems scared every time I do it though. They tell their other red giant friend that they think something is lurking outside of their house. I wonder who that could be. I haven't seen anyone lurking around their house at all.
I stand around 4'6 tall. The red people stand around 6'4. They are very big giants. Everything about them is red too. Their hair, skin, clothes, and eyes were all different shades of red. One alleys wore a brown cloak. The one who lives in this house, the other wears a white cloak who visits once in a while. They were very strange and had many sounds for their language. It took me about a day to memorize all the strange sounds they made. I wore white long sleeve shirt with a small green jewel in the middle. As always I wear my mask that has a star on my forehead that glows. I usually have a blindfold over my eyes that makes me very tall. Not as tall as them though. My green cape that goes down to my waist but longer than my arms and gave me the ability to fly. But I can only beat my cape upwards tne times. The star-like markings on my back show it. I also had my harp on my back to play music when I'm sad not to be with friends.
Right now it was night time and the red giant in the brown cloak was sitting down looking at these white papers with brown scribbles on them. No pictures to understand what might be in the white pages. It's very strange and I want to understand it. I need the book though to understand what I am supposed to do with it.
I kept in the shadows and watched him from the window. I'm not lurking though... At least I don't think I am. I'm just learning and watching. I suddenly felt something drip on my shoulder causing me to hiss in pain. Rain makes me weak and makes my light start to burn out. I looked back into the window to see the Red Giant got up and was looking through the window. I tried to hide, but as the rain slowly got heavier I wasn't able to move fast enough. They looked right at me. They were very shocked. I flapped my cloak and started to fly through the air. They quickly followed me.
I wasn't able to fly far. I passed the small pond they had in front of their house. I got under a tree and hid from the rain to save my light that was slowly dying out. The Red Giant caught up to me and spoke. They had a strange object in their hand. It was white and pointy. I've never seen it before.
"Are you the thing that's been watching me!" They yelled at me angrily. It took me a second to recognize their words. I hope this sounds right.
"Just.. watching... no.. unfamiliar?" I questioned myself as I tried to speak. My light was still dying from the rain that was making its way down from the trees. I have a few minutes before the worst of the effects settles in. I'm already feeling cold and weak.
"Can you not talk?" They asked me, lowering their sharp metal stick slightly.
"Learning speak yours... only known for a few days...." I said slowly getting better with their way of speaking. They put their object away making me feel a little more comfortable.
"My name is Red Apprentice." They said coming over to me and offering their hand. They want to be my friend! Quickly I got out one of the candles I have.
"S...A...B....R....E.... friends?" I asked them, offering the candle to represent our friendship. They took the candle and I smiled. They want to be my friend! I jump up with joy and they laugh. They took my hand and flinched.
"You're freezing! Let's get you inside." They said as they dragged me to their house. I didn't mind though. I'm happy to make my first friend in this new strange world.
(Words 856)

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