Fckd Up// Ranboo Angst

By roryynn

116K 5.2K 8.4K

Ranboo makes new friends at the skatepark who just so happen to be streamers too, Great! But what happens if... More

1~-Worst Days-~1
2~-Wait Really?! Friends?-~2
3~-He's Fucked Up-~3
5~-Friends! Fun! -~5
6~-Cross Your Fingers Ima Need It-~6
7~-That Really Whips My Nae Nae-~7
8~-I Lose My Temper-~8
9~-The Good Side Of Things-~9
10~-This Is Why I Dont Go Out-~10
11~-Top 10 Anime Betrayals-~11
12~-Why Do I Do This?-~12
13~-Stars Were Made For Falling-~13
15~-The Child Is Crying-~15
16~-Please Don't touch My Arm, Thanks-~16
17~-Hey, I'm Trying I Swear-~17
19~-How To Be A Failiure 101-~19
20~-Don't Have Time-~20
21~-For No Reason At All-~21
22~-Tell Me Shit-~22
23~-I Deserve To Bleed-~23
24-~New Idea's~-24
26~-A little To Easy-~26
27~-Keep Calm #girlboss~-27
28~-Have Fun!-~28
29~-Ah Shit.-~29
31~-Daddy's Boy-~31
32~-Tea Party!-~32
33~-Instant regret-~33
34~-You Were Doing So Well-~34
35~-Sleepy Boi-~35
37~-Mmmm Drugs.-~37
38~"Great" Friends-~38
40~-Party's Are Fun.-~40
41~-Calm Down-~41
42~- Family Therapy-~42
43~-Why Do I Have To Be Like This?!-~43
44~-Please Stop-~44
45~-Dont Die This Time~-45
46~-I'm Getting Pretty Fucking Tired-~46
47~- Happier -~47
48~-Tubbo's Final Ending-~48
49~- Technoblade's Final Ending. -~49
50~-Tommy's Final Ending-~50
51~- Phil's final ending.-~51
52~- Wilburs Final Ending. -~ 52

39~-This Isn't How Its Supposed To Go.-~39

1.6K 106 97
By roryynn

Tommy POV

The teacher goes on and on about fractions and why they are important. For fucks sake woman we learned this shit a long time ago.

Right in the middle of her useless sentence, the phone rings making her stop, sigh, and take that phone call.

That fucking phone call was my saviour. If it wasn't for the call I probably would have fallen asleep and gotten shouted at.

"Mark, this is for you." The teacher says annoyed. She probably annoyed because it wasn't her husband or something for her. Selfish prick. She didn't even use the name he likes, what a bitch.

He gets the phone and begins to talk into it. The teacher continued with the boring ass lesson so I just tried listening to the Ranboo on the phone. I shouldn't but, I am bored.

"Dad?" I heard him mumble. When he mentioned his dad I knew I should have just stopped listening. I could do something else, anything else.

After a few more words his face dropped. It looks like he just went numb.

"Are you fucking joking?" He said a bit louder and the teacher looked over at him with a stern face.

Tears formed in his eyes, he slammed the phone back on its stand, put his hands over his mouth and paused for a second.

The teacher turned from her lesson again with a angry face and started yelling. "I gave you the privilege to take that phone call, you will not disrupt my class!"

I should have stopped listening.I should have stopped listening.I should have stopped listening.I should have stopped listening.

He ran out the classroom with tears running down his face.

Should I follow him... I'm not that great at comforting people...

Instead I hide my phone in my notebook and tell Wilbur to look for Ranboo and Techno to come to the school and pick Ranboo up.

Whatever happened couldn't be good based on his reaction, he probably wouldn't want to be in this shitty building either.

Narrator POV. —•—•—•—•—•—•—

Shit, shit, shit, shit.

This isn't how it was supposed to go.


Tears filled his eyes making his vision blurry and tears ran down his face.

He ran as fast as he could to the bathroom on the other side of the school that nobody goes to.

6th period and he's already having a mental breakdown in the school bathroom. Great.

It wasn't supposed to go like this, maybe a little like it. But not like this.

"Ranboo?" Wilbur said opening the bathroom door.

"Ranboo..." He sighed seeing Ranboo sitting on the ground against the wall with his head to his knees crying.

"Ranboo, Bud what happened?" Wilbur said sitting next to Ranboo and rubbing his back.

Ranboo sniffed and looked up at Wilbur.

"Sorry," He sniffed again and wiped his face with his sleeve.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I'm fine, It's fine. Just... tired." Ranboo said knowing damn well he's lying.

"What time did you go to sleep?"

Ranboo shrugged.

"What happened?" Wilbur said knowing that Ranboo wasn't just tired. Ranboo either would not go to school, sleep in class or call Phil to pick him up.

"I told you, I'm just tired." He said trying to stop crying.

"Okay, well Techno is coming to pick you up."

"What? Why, how did he even-?"

"Tommy texted us, but can you please tell me what happened?"

"No, I don't want to."

"Alright then," Wilbur said moving and sitting differently against the wall.

"So are we just gonna chill here?"

"Mhm" He sniffled and put his back to his knees.

Right back to crying, He didn't even know why his first option was crying. At least he didn't go with his second or third option, To go home and cut himself because he's to weak to handle some news, or kill himself because he's sick of the world and the people on it.

After a few minutes of waiting Techno got to the school and walked into the bathroom.

"Ranboo," Wilbur said and stood up, but Ranboo didn't respond, he just kinda sat there not moving.

"Ranboo?" Wilbur kneeled down and tapped Ranboo who was asleep.

"Buddy, wake up." Wilbur said and shook Ranboo a little.

Ranboo slowly lifted his head and looked at Wilbur and Techno. He was so confused but went along with Wilbur and Techno to the car.

"What happened?" Techno said pulling out the school parking lot, "If it's something with fucking dad, I am not taking you back to your house."

"It's nothing." Ranboo mumbled and leaned his head against the window.

He looked sick. He was pale but his cheeks and nose were really red, and his eyes were half closed.

"Are you sick?" Wilbur said seeing how Ranboo looked.

"I just don't feel that good, It's fine."

He closed his eyes and went to sleep almost immediately.


"Is he asleep?" Techno said pulling into Phil's driveway.

"Yeah," Wilbur said rubbing his forehead. He was stressed. Stressed because Ranboo was getting worse and things out of his control were making it worse. he just wanted the best for him.

They woke Ranboo up and went inside.

"Ranboo are you okay? You look ill." Phil said.

"I don't feel that well, I think I'm just tired." He mumbled making it hard to understand what he was saying but getting the main idea of it.

"Do you want something to eat?"

Ranboo nodded.

"Can we have baked potatoes? I got more from the store!" Techno said sitting on the couch.

"Sure, Techno. I'll make you some."

Phil went into the kitchen and started cook while the three boys sat in the living room.

"What even happened?" Techno said.

"My parents.." Ranboo started making Wilbur shocked, he'd been asking but didn't get and answer but when Techno answered he got one, not fair.

"They got divorced." Ranboo stared crying again but tried to hide it by putting his hands that were turned into paws with his hoodie sleeve on his face.

"Isn't that... good?" Techno questioned.

Techno knew Ranboo's parents argued, It wouldn't make sense if they didn't by how the dad treated Ranboo.

Ranboo nodded but then shakes his head.

He started sniffling and said "No, My dads getting, full custody?" Ranboo said not sure if full custody was the word, it was.

"What!?" Phil screamed from the kitchen and dropped something.

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