Girls Need Love (gxg) | ✔︎

By DestinyyJanae

309K 15.5K 6.3K

Diamant Harris, known by her stage name "Iridessa", is on her way to becoming the new hottest thing in female... More

0. Preface ♪
1. Intro ♪
2. Love Left Me Lonely ♪
3. Flashing Lights ♪
4. Comfortable ♪
5. Smoke Break ♪
6. Compton ♪
7. Take Me Away ♪
8. Perfect ♪
9. Imperfections ♪
* 10. First Position ♪
11. Long Nights ♪
12. Close to You ♪
13. Love Songs ♪
14. Second Chances ♪
* 15. Body ♪
16. Another Day ♪
17. Lost Ones ♪
18. Family Reunion ♪
20. Pretty & Rich ♪
21. Drunk in Love ♪
22. Morning Light ♪
23. I'm Yours ♪
* 24. Sound of Love ♪
25. Ex For A Reason ♪
26. Make Up ♪
27. All I Want ♪
28. All Things Go ♪
29. Truth Hurts ♪
30. Family & Loyalty ♪
31. Heart on Ice ♪
32. (S)he Proposed ♪
* 33. Sex Sounds ♪
34. Diamonds ♪
35. Empire State of Mind ♪
36. Wish I Could Hate You ♪
37. Love Lies ♪
38. Baby Boy ♪
39. Brother Man ♪
40. This is Me ♪
41. Freedom ♪
42. Gonna Love Me ♪

19. The Truth ♪

6.6K 361 129
By DestinyyJanae



Aurora and Sage ended up spending the entire day over there with Diamant and her family. What was only supposed to be a couple hours visit ended up turning into an all day affair. Aurora was one of the last people there, and it was well past midnight by the time she was getting ready to leave.

"I won't see you until probably Tuesday cause I fly out early in the morning," Diamant leaned against the closed doors of Electra's two car garage.

"Dang, that's the longest we gonna be apart since we met."

"I know. It's gonna be weird not seeing you every day," Diamant tugged on the bottom of Aurora's shirt.

"I'ma miss you," Aurora leaned into her, but Dia instinctively moved backwards.

"Where's Sage?" Diamant looked around them.

"She's in the car, parked around the corner, so calm down," Aurora reassured her.

"Fine," Diamant looked back up at her eyes now. "Thank you for coming today. Seriously. It meant a lot to have you here."

"Thank you for inviting me. Your family is cool as hell."

"I guess they can be when they want to." Her family has drama and problems just like everyone else's, but they show up and show out when it's time to come together. They're always there for her when it matters, no matter what. "And they love you... a little too much for my liking actually."

"You still talking about Keyshawn?" Aurora let out a little laugh.

"Not just him. You had all my cousins and uncles staring you down all night."


"Don't act like you ain't notice."

"I didn't," she responded truthfully. "Cause I was only worried about one person tonight," she wrapped her arms around Diamant's waist and pulled her in just a little bit closer than they were already standing to each other.

"Who?" Diamant smirked at her. She knew it was her, but she just wanted to hear her say it.

"Why you playing like you don't know?"

"Because I wanna hear you say it."

"How bout I show you instead?" Aurora brushed her thumbs across Diamant's cheeks and then her lips. "Can I finally kiss you? Or you gonna be all weird about it again?"

"Uhmm," she looked around, making sure there was no one there to see them. "What if someone sees us?"

"Okay? Then they see us."

"Rora," she pouted.

"Why you always tryna hide me?"

"I'm not hiding you," Dia whispered. "Everyone knows about you. Literally my whole family knows about you now."

"Yeah, but no one knows about this," she pointed between them.

"I don't even know what 'this' is. So why you want me to announce it so bad?"

"I don't necessarily want you to announce it. I just don't wanna hide either. I wanna be able to do all that cute annoying couple shit in public, but you don't even let me touch you."

"Oh?" Diamant raised her eyebrows. "So we a couple now?"

"I want us to be, but I'm moving at your pace babe."

Diamant felt bad now, because she knows just how much aurora likes her, and she likes Aurora equally as much, but there was just something holding her back from making it official. Because once it's official that means that all of this is now real. She'd no longer just be 'hanging out' with Aurora. They'd be in a relationship. She would be her girlfriend.

"I.... I just wanna take things slow. I wanna take my time with this cause I don't wanna mess things up with you," she whispered her response.

"Of course that's your response," Aurora laughed, but not at all because she found the conversation they were having funny. "You ain't take your time finding your way into my pants though. You ain't wanna take it slow when we started fucking around. But the second I wanna make this shit real, all of a sudden we moving too fast?"

"Why you steady tryna rush me like I ain't just get out of a relationship literal weeks ago?" Diamant was about to get upset now too.

"Dia—" Aurora reached out for her.

"No. Don't touch me," she pushed Aurora's hand away.

But she still put one hand up to Dia's cheek and the other around her waist, slowly pulling her in so they were real close to each other once again.

"I'm not rushing you," she whispered. "I'm sorry I said all that. I just hate not being able to show how I feel about you when I want to. Because... because I love you Dia."

"And I love you Rora, but this is all new for me. I'm still tryna understand my own identity in the process of all this. And that's the reason I wanna take it slow. It's not because I don't really like you. Cause trust I do, a lot. Just give me some time to understand myself before I try and understand what we're doing here... can we do that?"

"Only if you let me kiss you right now."

"Fine," Dia have her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Nah," Aurora took her in her arms and pulled her real close. "A real kiss."


"Don't Rora me. Kiss me Dia," she brushed the girl's hair back behind her ear. "Like you mean it."

"I can't stand you," Diamant couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips.

"Really? Cause I love you," Aurora leaned in and placed her glossy lips on Diamant's.

"I love you too Rora," Diamant whispered into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around Aurora's neck, pulling her in more.

Aurora pulled one of Dia's legs up around her waist, pressing her hips into Dia, pushing them further into the garage door. As the seconds went by, the kiss got more passionate, Diamant now running her hands through Aurora's braids. And Aurora's hand, that wasn't gripping onto Dia's thigh, went under her shirt—

"Okay," Diamant eventually pulled away from the kiss, because if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to stop. She knew once Aurora's hand made it under her shirt there was no telling where things would go. That's exactly how they ended up in the back of Dia's car with a bullet vibrator just the night before.

"Damn," Aurora wiped the lipgloss that was now smeared all over her face with the back of her hand. "That was some goodbye kiss."

"Just go," Diamant playfully pushed her away. "Before I end up leaving with you and missing my flight in the morning."

"I'll see youuu...?" she stated it as an open question for Diamant to answer.

"Most likely on Tuesday. Wednesday at the latest."

"Well I'll be waiting on you baby," Aurora smiled at her as she walked backwards, away from the garage.

"Don't call me that," Dia rolled her eyes.

"Alright.... Babe," she said just to tease her.

Diamant watched Aurora walked down the driveway and down the street until she turned the corner, now out of her view.

"Aurora seems really cool—" Electra popped up from what seemed like nowhere, scaring Diamant.

"My God," she held her hand over her chest, taking in deep breaths. "What the hell are you doing Elly?"

"Nothing," she shook her head, leaning against one of the columns at the front of the house. "But I like her, Aurora," Electra walked towards her sister now.

"Okay?" Diamant pushed herself off the garage door she was leaning on and made her way to the front door.

"You like her too," Electra followed her inside.

"Yeah, that's why she's my friend," Dia went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water.

"Cut the cute shit," she pulled herself up onto the counter and sat down. "I know."

"Know what?" Diamant's heart started beating all fast in her chest.

"About you and Aurora. I don't know the extent of it, but I know it ain't just a friendly thing."

"You're crazy Elly," Diamant attempted to leave the kitchen, but Electra got up and held her hand on her chest, stopping her from heading towards the steps.

"You know how you always telling me how grown you are?"

"What about it?" Dia mumbled, not sure where her sister was going with that.

"Then be grown enough to tell me the truth. What's really going on with you and Aurora?"

"Where's mom and Ezy?" She asked before she answered any of Electra's questions.

"Mom is in bed. Ezy went out with Keyshawn and them to some night club. You know how them niggas stay," she rolled her eyes. "So let's talk," she took Diamant by the arm and dragged her over to the couch.

"I'm not in a talking mood," she pulled her legs up to her chest.

"Dia you've been staying here for weeks now and we've barely talked at all if it's not about work."

"And who's fault is that?"

"Can we not do this tonight?" Electra pouted. "I thought we was cool."

"I'm sorry," Dia muttered. "We are cool. I'm just— I'm tryna avoid this conversation."

"Why though? You clearly like her."

"God... we're really doing this," Diamant threw her head back against the pillows on the couch and looked up at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"I just wanna get to know you, since clearly I don't really know shit about you anymore. Who is this new Diamant Harris?"

"I'm the same Diamant. Just a lot happier than I was four weeks ago."

"I can tell. You seem like a completely different person since you met Aurora.

"She just makes me so happy," Diamant smiled to herself. "Everything about her— her presence is just so calming. She's like a literal breath of fresh air."

"How did this even come about?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Aurora? Since when do you like girls? Is this because Jamal—"

"Here we fucking go," Diamant immediately got up from the couch. "I just knew your ass would go there."

"Okay, okay," she held onto Diamant's hand. "That came out wrong. I just mean like... you've never showed an interest in women before. So I'm just shocked, that's all. How long have you known?"

"I think I've always known," Dia sat back down on the couch now. "But I've been tryna ignore it. I've been tryna force back those urges this whole time. But I don't know... there's just something about Aurora," she smiled just thinking about her.

"Awww, your face literally lights up when you think about her," Electra couldn't help but to smile too.

"What about you?" Diamant flipped the conversation now, wanting all of the main attention off of her.

"What about me?" Electra raised her eyebrows.

"You start blushing every time somebody mentions Yosef's name. It's so obvious that you've liked him since we still lived in Harlem."

"I don't like Yosef like that," she couldn't even say it without a smile on her face. "We've been friends since we were little kids. That's it."

"You're such a terrible liar. Bitch look how hard you're blushing right now."

"I'm not," Electra's smile got even bigger the more she tried to hide it.

"You should just tell him. Because it's obvious he likes you too."

"You think so?" Her eyes opened up real wide. "You— you get what vibe from him?"

"Electra, it's so damn obvious he likes you. But y'all are both too dumb to make the first move."

"I can't. Because what if he doesn't feel the same way? Then our friendship will never be the same."

"'My God. Do I have to do everything myself?" Diamant reached for Electra's phone, unlocked it, and went straight to her contacts.

"What are you doing?" Electra eyed her.

"What you don't have the balls to," Diamant got up as she typed something out into the text thread with Yosef's name at the top. "Thirty-three years old and you can't even admit you like this man."

"Dia? Stop!" Electra shot up off the couch and tried to get her phone back, but Dia was already half way done typing out the message by the time she tried to stop her. "Diamant! Bruh, don't send him shit!" She was basically on top of Diamant now, pulling her limbs and hair to get the phone away from her grasp.

"Too late," Diamant smirked, handing Electra her phone back after sending the text.

"What the hell did you say?" She immediately unlocked her phone, and her heart almost dropped in her chest when she saw the message Diamant had sent him.

It read:

"Hey Sef. I've been feeling you for a minute now and I'm tired of hiding it. Maybe we can go out or something the next time you're in town or the next time I'm in New York?"

"I'm gonna kill you Diamant," Electra's hands were shaking now. As strong and dominant as her personality is, she's not that bold. "What— what if he doesn't answer me? Or worse? What if he says no?"

"He won't, so calm down Elly. See, he's already typing," she looked over her sister's shoulder.

"Hurry up," Electra nervously bit down on her lip.

"Damn," Diamant crossed her arms over her chest, starting to get nervous now too. The bubble just kept popping up and then disappearing, like he wasn't sure how to answer her message.

"I'm gonna be sick," Electra threw her phone down on the couch. Minutes had past, and there was nothing but awkward silence between the two sisters.


"That's him," Diamant dove to pick up the phone when she heard her text tone go off.

"Gimme!" Electra snatched her phone back and unlocked it once more. "Oh my God..." she got really quiet.

"What? What'd he say?"

"He.... He said yes," she just looked down at her phone in disbelief. "He said he's liked me for a minute now too, he just wasn't sure if I felt the same way."

"I told you he liked you too," Diamant just stood back and smiled at her work.

"I'm still gonna kill you though," Electra huffed.

"Why?" She shrieked. "He just said he likes you back?"

"I'm gonna kill you for not doing this ages ago," she playfully nudged her sister.

"I can't with you," Diamant let out a sigh of relief, followed my a little laugh.



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