The Phoenix Returns

By oldyeller14

557 24 2

After Phoenix Destroys the dark magic she lives in both worlds,earth and the phoenix realm,She is soon to be... More

Chapter 1 Seven months later...
Chapter 2 The Crowning of a Team
Chapter 3 Stolen in the Night
Chapter 4 I meet the Beast
Chapter 5 The wise man of the forest
Chapter 6 The first lesson Ice
Chapter 7 Earth
Chapter 8 A connection with the stars
Chapter 9 Water
Chapter 10 Mermaidix
Chapter 11 Old Famliy
Chapter 12 The imfermery
Chapter 13 The new Buddy
Chapter 14 Plants,Animals and Star
Chapter 15 A tale of the Collins
Chapter 17 Air and Flyrix
Chapter 18 Light
Chapter 19 Darkness
Chapter 20 Ryan Oh Dark Ryan
Chapter 21 A question that needs answering
Chapter 22 A truth that won't settle
Chapeter 23 A wedding that is oh so simple

Chapter 16 Pixie village

19 1 0
By oldyeller14

I use inner flame to dry myself off.Samuel was soaking wet,so I lit another fire for him to dry slowly but surely."Phoenix follow me."Stated Arbertest.I follow him into the woods,and Silver bell meets us after zooming through a maze of trees."Hi Silverbell."I state as she lands in Arbertest's mossed hand."Its time."He said simply to Silverbell.She flies and starts to tug my index finger."Come on,The others are in here."She said.I walk through the maze of trees and find my self in a tiny village was full of little winged things."Welcome to Pixie Village."Stated Silverbell.I walk carefully around all the houses and bridges.All the pixies were wearing different colored flower dresses and shorts.I turn back towards Arbertest.He nods and motions his hand telling me to scoot.All the pixies were very beautiful and full of joy.Flying around with laughter and smiles on their adorable faces.A pixie with Black hair and a red skirt on with a red shirt.Her skin was a tan and her eyes were red.She looks at me and her wings were messed up.One wing was full there,while the other was only halfed.She hops of a branch she was standing on and flys to me."Hi."She said."Hi."I respond.She was falling slowly to the round so I cup my hands and catch her before she falls."Thanks,"She said."My name is RedRuby,but my friends call me Ruby."She said.I could fell a connection and something told me to tell her my name."My name is Phoenix."I state.She looks at me and smiles.She was so tiny about the size of a kangaroo rat.In her hair was a hair clip that was a red ground flower.Her eyes began to glow just like Starly's did.Her wings were shimmering with orange sparkles."Like love at first sight."Ruby stated.I nod.I give her a hug and a thought came to mind."Healing Flame."I whisper.My flame powers came from my mark and circled around RedRuby mending the halved wing."Thank you."She said hugging my cheek.We walk back to Arbertest.He was playing with Silverbell."RedRuby,your bounded,I am so happy for you."Shouted Silverbell flying towards Ruby who was sitting on my shoulder."Your wings are healed to."She said with a gasp.She nods.Arbertest stands."Well done,RedRuby was one of the pixies who tried to stop the thing I created,she lost part of her wing in the process."He said looking down again."Its not your fault."Stated Silverbell.He looks up again with a small smile."Last one to twin trees has to kiss Samuel."I shout.Both pixies and Arbertest looked interested.I start to sprint the pixies fly and Arbertest glides.I run faster than I ever had before,so fast I felt like I was flying only I wasn't in my faerie stage,I was in my normal teenage self.A element appeared on the mark.Air.I keep on running.

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