A World Beyond Our Own | TFP...

By Black_Paladin

23.6K 947 779

••DRAGONFORMERS•• "When two worlds collide, only one may survive." ••• The discovery of Taylor changed Ratche... More

00 || Prologue
01 || Discovery
02 || Explanation
03 || Learning
04 || Decepticons
05 || Rebound
06 || Abduction
07 || Trap
08 || Prisoners
09 || Prey
10 || Subject
11 || Punishment
12 || Happy
13 || Run
14 || Home
15 || Comfort
16 || Growth
17 || Nightmare
18 || Soundwave
19 || Stakeout
20 || Alone
21 || Pawn
22 || Siege
23 || Tragedy
24 || Human-Place
25 || Recovery
26 || Friends
27 || Hunted
28 || Autobots
30 || Deputy
31 || Project
32 || Rescue
33 || Escape
34 || Newcomer
35 || Grudge
36 || Deserted
37 || Company
38 || Reconcile
39 || Scars
40 || Homeward
41 || Snowfall
42 || Harbinger
43 || Invasion

29 || Worry

266 10 7
By Black_Paladin

Ratchet and Optimus's hushed words of concern carried through the still air. Although Taylor couldn't make out what they were saying as she approached the entrance of the den, their tones told her that they were just as worried as she was. It made her feel like her emotions were more valid.

The moment she set foot in the den, both pairs of eyes were on her despite how quiet she had tried to be.

"Taylor." Ratchet greeted her. His firm gaze had familiar soft edges that made his pale blue eyes appear kind as he scanned her small form. "How are you feeling?"

Taylor shuffled over to where Ratchet and Optimus were lounging and sat down between them. "Better. My head still hurts a bit, though." She craned her neck back to look up at Optimus. "How's your leg?"

Optimus flicked his gaze from Taylor to his leg, then back to Taylor. "It will heal." He said.

"Will those scratches turn into scars?" Taylor asked.

"Not likely. His scales should grow back once the skin has repaired itself." Ratchet answered.

"That's good."

An uncomfortable silence held the air for a few moments before Taylor gathered the courage to speak.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked.

"Who?" Ratchet inquired while tilting his head. "Me or Optimus?"

Taylor fidgeted with a loose thread on her pant leg. "Both of you, really." Her voice shook a bit when she replied. "Why do the Decepticons hate humans so much? I remember Megatron mentioning something about it to you when we were captives. You said they were past mistakes. What did we do that was so... awful?"

Ratchet let out a long sigh through his nostrils. He knew this question would come up and was honestly surprised it didn't come sooner, considering Taylor's inquisitive nature. He cast a questioning glance at Optimus, who answered with an affirming nod.

"I suppose we do owe you a more detailed explanation..." Ratchet said. He shifted on the mossy bedding to get comfortable before continuing. "Long before you were born, we existed in peace with humankind. They kept to themselves and so did we. Until one day, they began acting out of sorts. Our lush forests shrunk down to the smallest they had ever been due to humans cutting down trees and burning the undergrowth, leaving us with almost nothing."

Taylor listened intently, mixed emotions swirling around within her heart.

"Conflict was inevitable. At that time, tensions between Megatron's followers and the rest of our kind were already at a breaking point. The humans simply pushed him over the edge." Ratchet explained in a sharp tone. "Many dragons perished in the first battle, having been starved and weakened beforehand. The harder Megatron fought, the harder the humans pushed back. Soon enough, he was turning his rage on us for not helping with his conquest. We could not fight two battles at once, so we fled. After being driven from our home, we created a new one here in this forest, hoping we could live peacefully as we did before. Alas, we were discovered by Megatron and the cycle continued."

Taylor was on the brink of tears. Her heart ached for the struggles Ratchet had gone through along with Optimus and many others. A question then filtered into her mind, one that she dare not ask—but her curiosity got the best of her.

"Ratchet..." She began hesitantly. "Have you ever... killed a human?"

Ratchet's expression went blank, like someone had wiped his face free of any emotion whatsoever. Optimus averted his gaze, ashamed to know the true answer.

"Yes." Ratchet forced the word out. "I had no choice." His voice cracked with emotion. He shamefully lowered his head and squeezed his eyes shut to keep the tears from spilling.

It felt like someone had tore Taylor's chest open and ripped out her heart. She hugged his foreleg as tight as she could, pressing her cheek against his cold scales.

"It's okay." She whispered to him. Unable to hold her tears back any longer, she began to weep.

Optimus allowed them to have a moment before moving closer and laying his head on Ratchet's back to provide some comfort. Ending a human life was something he would never forget for as long as he lived.


Ratchet stared aimlessly at the wall, trying to will himself to sleep. His overactive mind was being stubborn and Taylor's question had only created a thousand others. Chasing down the answers to all of them was futile. He didn't even know how to go about answering half of them, subconsciously picking and choosing the ones that weren't as painful to think about.

Outside, the lone hoot of a distant owl echoed eerily through the forest. A swift breeze rolled into the den, bathing everything in its path with a frigid wave of air. Ratchet shivered and tucked his paws further under his chest. Everyone in the forest would feel the biting chill of winter that night.

Beside him, Taylor stirred in her sleep.

Ratchet turned his head to check on her. He had to be careful that he didn't move too suddenly, lest he risk waking her up from a much deserved rest.

She slept so peacefully while curled up by his side. He couldn't help but be reminded of the days when Optimus was that small. Assuming the role of reluctant caregiver had done more than just give him experience, it seemed.

However, there was a deep-rooted sadness within that pleasant memory. It had been one of the last few times they were truly happy, living without a care in the world. It pained him to think of what might have happened had he simply not looked down into the hollow where he found Optimus. Perhaps Megatron would've never risen to power, or Iacon would still be standing instead of being tainted with blood and reduced to blackened ashes.

His mind wandered back to the present. If Megatron was truly serious about reaching the human-place—which he was, leaving no room for doubt—the campaign he began all those years ago would be reignited. They would be at war with the humans once again. If that happened, Ratchet feared they wouldn't make it out alive. They had already lost Cliffjumper. Who would be next?

Enough. His weary inner voice disrupted his thoughts. You'll worry yourself to death.

For once, Ratchet agreed with it. He laid his head down between his paws with a soft huff and closed his eyes.

They would survive.

They had to.

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