In Love with Devil - A Prachi...

By secular00

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An 20 years old orphaned girl decides to get into a college of her dreams far away from home - burying the me... More

Prologue + Writer's Note June 04, 2024
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Promo to Chapter Part 21
Chapter 21
Promo to Chapter 22
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Promo to Chapter 24

Chapter 19

988 43 70
By secular00

Ranbir had just gotten downstairs, all set to leave, when some weird noise combinations, particularly opening and slamming of kitchen cabinets forced him to cease his steps mid-way. Peeking in, he saw Prachi walking in a disoriented fashion from one end of the kitchen counter to the other; searching the refrigerator, different containers one by one.

"Wasn't my bedroom, library and lounge area enough for you to roam about? That you have hijacked the kitchen area as well?" - Prachi gave no reaction and continued to shuffle through kitchen items.

"Are you even listening to me?!" - Again, she neither turned nor did she respond. Irritated, he rushed to her to face him.

"Haven't I told you not to show me your back when -" - But, Ranbir immediately stopped, and what he saw next was disturbing. Pale skin, unstable gait, chilled forehead and palms.

"Are you - are you okay?" - Ranbir whispered. Prachi immediately clutched his collar, struggling to stand amid experiencing dizziness.

"I need something - sweet." - Prachi whispered with almost blurry vision.

"Hang on." - He moved forward, wrapping his arms around her weakened frame and settled her on one of the sofas in the lounge area. "Don't you dare shut your eyes!"- He vigorously searched his backpack and got hold of a pouch of chocolate peanut butter bars, which Raghuveer had kept for him to eat during his journey.

"Try sitting up straight." - Not fully aware of her surroundings, she pulled herself up a little and observed his actions with a foggy sight. Ranbir slashed open 1 large bar and placed it in front of her lips. Reluctant at first, she took a medium sized bite. "You need to finish this, in my presence. I'll just bring juice for you." - He was about to move when she held his finger.

"Just cold water. Also, it would be nice if you could grab my cell phone for me. I guess I left it on the kitchen counter." Ranbir did the needful and stood near her.

"You're such a baby! - Observing her shaking hands, he took the glass from her grip; occupied a spot beside her. He then held up the glass in front of her to drink.

"Leaving?" - Prachi asked with a weak voice after maintaining silence for a couple of minutes.

"In the next half an hour." - Ranbir replied briefly.

Prachi's gaze followed him till he walked up to the kitchen counter, placed the empty glass on it and came back. Sitting a bit more upright, she closely observed his body language and facial expressions which suggested to her something contradictory. While a few hours ago in the garden, Ranbir seemed disinterested, yet clear about what he had to get done and how; at present, he had given off a different kind of detachment to the task at hand. There was no denial to his usual engrossment which he maintained to keep all unimportant entities and thoughts away from him including her but currently, he seemed unwilling to go; as if he wanted to convey something to her indirectly - possibly a slight tint of vulnerability. Was it because of her? Should she reassure him about her health?

"Haven't you seen my face before?" - His tone was flat and lower than usual but enough to break her chain of thoughts.

"Huh?" - Prachi didn't realize that while she was in her own thought process she absentmindedly had her eyes fixed on him. She looked away at the loss of words. "I - I am sorry." - She responded - mentally preparing herself for another humiliating remark. Yet, with his quiet demeanor, he walked towards her and sat on the opposite arm rest - directly facing her. He maintained his silence as he gazed at her pale features as if trying to figure out something.

"I couldn't care less, but why are you behaving as if you're going to kill yourself any minute?" - It took a moment for Prachi to form coherence between his statement and his earnest facial expressions.

During her stay, she had trained herself to comprehend his statements. She was convinced that Ranbir's language was far from being understood by any normal human being. And that was the way he communicated - with underlying meanings period. That's how he expressed his concern. At least she hoped.

"I am not going to an abandoned land." - He retorted.

"What makes you say it?"

"Your mindless expressions are enough to convince me. Now spit it out."

"Really, it's nothing."

"Last warning." - Prachi let out a frustrated sigh and shut her eyes for a moment. How in the world does he always know about my thought process?

"Okay, this might sound idiotic to you but, I was concerned about you going for a one day journey. And I have been upset because I know that this journey has some dangerous elements attached to it and despite that you don't wish for anyone to know about that. I just wanted to be sure that you will be safe and that you will come back." - Prachi concluded.

"You'll know, whenever I'll be back. Maybe tonight or tomorrow or not at all." - He mumbled casually.

"What did you just say?" - She questioned him wide-eyed.

"But, that shouldn't be of your concern."

"That's all you have to say to me?"

"Yes. Because I don't want you to go hysterical about my safety." - Without a second thought she removed the locket around her neck.

"I'm going for a personal matter, not to pledge my soul."

"It's a matter of faith that He will protect you." - Prachi responded sternly.

"That 'He' has never been around me, and never will be; so don't waste your time or mine." - He concluded with mild agitation.

"You can trust me at least."

"I don't trust you, not even a bit. And neither do I want you to ignite my faith in some invisible entity who doesn't even exist in the first place."

"This means what?" - Prachi glared at him.

"This means that your constant and illogical concern suffocates me!!"

"Well, that settles our scores then."- Prachi replied, while getting up from her spot. "Thank you for reminding me what sort of a fool I am; again and again." - He shut his eyes in annoyance.

"Are you seriously going to brood over something as senseless as this, especially when I am about to leave?"

"Why do you even ask? Will my brooding over the subject as 'senseless' as this, adversely affect your peaceful journey?'' - Ranbir let out a frustrated sigh.

"Like I care. Just forget it!"

"I apologize if you feel agitated because of my questions or if I make you feel threatened in any way. But, in my part of the world, It's called being empathetic towards people; a concept that is as non-existent in your life as my existence for you in this house. As an ending note, I had no wish to melt in your arms. It was an accident. I also want to wish you a safe journey and a safe return - just a kind wish from a house guest to the host." - At that point, Ranbir looked at her with guilt-stricken eyes till she had fully climbed the stairs and closed the bedroom door, hence leaving him alone in absolute silence.


Clutching the steering wheel as firmly as possible, Ranbir tried hard to concentrate on the road. With multiple thoughts bombarding over him, he unwillingly continued his journey. Despite his resistance to take anyone with him, Raghuveer had sent two security vehicles following him through - which of course he hated; his constant fears regarding Ved and most of all, an ailing girl whom he had left behind. It was unusual for her to show no retaliation, no argumentative behavior in terms of him. However, this time, all that he could sense in her words was emotional numbness.

It was not that he was doing it all to intimidate her. Well, sure he had done it numerous times initially, to keep everyone on their toes. But with her, intimidation had become a way of being around her yet keeping a safe distance; intimidation to protect her from all the ruthlessness awaiting him in his part of the world. He was not irritated by her presence anymore; perhaps he was irritated with the fact that the circumstances in his entire life had never allowed him to be carefree even for once. Every second of his life that was spared by the Almighty was a miracle. Besides, after the undeserving traumatizing attack on her, even if there was a minimal chance of the thought of befriending her; crosses his mind he would never take it.

It had been an hour since Ranbir had been driving on the highway when his cell phone rang. After taking a hurried look at the flashing screen, he switched to his bluetooth device.

"Yes kaka, I have just crossed the first intersection - i'll reach there in another 2 and a half hours."

"Alright, you'll need to take a different route from here on. A few kilometers ahead you'll find a small population on the edge of the rough patch - mostly local florists where -"

"I am going to check on Ved Chacha, not to meet Miss Universe!"

"There's a small temple there. Stop by, pray and move on with your voyage."

"Wish me luck till I crack the location of this 8th wonder!"

"Of course you do. But you intentionally missed it the last time."

"Oh dear, I just got caught red-handed, what punishment are you planning to bestow upon me."

"Just that, you are bound to go there!"

"Are there any air conditioners attached to that temple? It's kind of hot you know."- Raghuveer just let out a frustrated sigh at the apparently earnest response of his nephew.

"At least spare God from your sarcasm!"

"It's 40 degrees right now. I am not getting down."

"As if I don't know the level of your physical toughness. Stop making lame excuses."

"In that case, both of us have reached an impasse."

"This temple was inaugurated by your biological mother before she died. I expect no arguments regarding this!" - Ranbir fell silent for a moment.

"You know well, how much of a discomfort all these rituals give me."

"Tolerate this discomfort for the sake of your deceased mother."

"Very touching. When are you heading home?"

"1 and a half hours."

"Get home as soon as you can; otherwise - you'll get exhausted."

"Same set of statements for the second time in a day. Interesting." - There was a brief silence followed by a chuckle.


"She phoned me already. You can play mind games with the world kid, but not with me."

"No mind games; just concerned about your health." - Taken aback, Ranbir mumbled with usual annoyance.

"Says the boy, who gave up on his entire pack of chocolates just for the ailing 'irritating' girl?"

"As much as I wish to kill her for occupying my space; starving her to death is still a quite brutal option."

"Why do you say that?"

"Personal experience and she is not at all special." - Ranbir retorted.

"I'll wait till you regret this statement."

Would you stop making me uncomfortable?"

"Alright, easy. I can't guarantee the exact time but I'll try my best to reach home early."

"Fair enough. Now don't text or call me for the rest of the journey. I'll call you myself."

Moving ahead in speed, Ranbir was able to see faint images of people standing at a distance, and a rusty blue board with directions. Signalling the vehicles behind, he slowed down his car, till he reached right in front of the flower carts. Holding onto the door handle with uncertainty, the young lad got down from the car scanning the surroundings.

Just a highway... dust... and the locals...

Too fatigued to actually walk up to the carts and communicate, Ranbir commanded the men accompanying him to do the needful and stood leaning back at the car door with his arms crossed.

"Are you blind? It's over here." - A little boy snapped at the men, while pointing out towards a half open wooden door which was situated a few steps away from the carts.


Being true to its air and ambiance, the E block building was being heavily decorated yet again. Hundreds of students had gathered around, working on a number of decoration materials. Some of them were busy hanging large banners, some of them were seen blowing large balloons, some of them had made small ticketing counters in the partially open space in the open cafe, while the rest were just peeking in from the top floors and the surroundings to see what was all the hype about.

"Guys! You all are doing great but you need to hurry up - half of the tickets should be sold by the end of the day today; the head of the Art and Adventure club is on round! Most importantly don't any of you dare to let me down!" - Sneha who had been arranging everything for the upcoming events for 2 weeks - announced.

Amid the hustle, a familiar dejected looking figure was walking by the corridor with a pile of documents. Ankit gave a quick glance to all the beautiful decor, fancy lights and tents with as much disgust as his existence at present. It would have been an understatement to say that Dr. Dhanush was mad at him - the elderly authority figure was furious because of what happened two days ago. Lately, Dr. Dhanush had been extremely preoccupied with college trustees and some very important foreign delegates who were planning a visit to the campus and hence to initiate their student exchange program.

The dean was convinced that if the campus visit ended up being fruitful; he would collaborate with those foreign delegates to send some of his brightest undergraduate students to study at least one semester in a foreign country. Consequently, all of this would enhance their learning experience and exposure to students in terms of a different culture. Regarding the meeting and necessary arrangements; Dr. Dhanush was confident that since Ankit had been working under the dean for quite some time now and having spent so much time in the student affairs/admissions - no other person could perform the task better than Ankit. However, the latter had proved him otherwise.

Just minutes before the arrival of the guests, Ankit had misplaced the actual road map and documentations of the deal that was expected to be sealed. To add fuel to the fire, he had practically forced their manager to leave the office premises - misunderstanding the gentleman as some random parent wanting to meet the dean for admissions. To make things worse, the delegates canceled their visit owing to his unprofessional attitude. Currently, Ankit was suspended for a week and the dean had given him an ultimatum for either finding the confidential documents or finding another job for a living. He had just settled on one of seats in the open cafe; practically throwing the documents carelessly onto the steel table; when a batch mate interrupted his already disastrous day;

"Where the heck have you been? Do you realize that you've become a hot topic in the past few weeks?"

"For sure. Nothing much, I was in Barranquilla, Colombia, getting a full body celebrity massage from Shakira. It was amazing." - Ankit mumbled dryly - not looking at his overly enthusiastic friend.

"Of course, I am pretty sure you had wished it to be Prachi Arora rather than Shakira." - Ankit abruptly gave a razor sharp glare.

"More often than not. Having said that, you're not supposed to have dirty thoughts about her, only I can have them. Otherwise, I'll pull every single organ out of you."

"Woah! Easy. What's your plan though?"

"As much as I am anxious, I am afraid to tell you that I don't know."

"Hmm. How about a massage?"

"That's just a tip of what I wish to do to her. God knows how many times in these days I have stripped her in my mind. If only I got rid of this pending work given by the retard."

"Well, you may be able to do that soon enough."

"In my dreams. Anyways, what's all this hustle about?"

"The dean of the Arts and Adventure club has a guest with him on round today. So, these decorations are pretty much to impress him."

"There are other ways to lick his d**k than this."

"Nope, he'll be financing an exotic trip for the students, that's why."

"Wonderful." - Ankit replied with disinterest.

"There's going to be a prom night followed by a one day camping trip."

"Why are you telling me about this?"

"Wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity for you to court Prachi?"

"Forget it. She didn't react to my gift anyway. Besides, I don't court ladies anymore; I f*ck them - hard till their moans for my name turn into piercing cries, begging for mercy."

"There's a difference between sleeping with consent and r**e. Just because of one personal experience, you can't justify your actions and practically find it enjoyable to ruin their reputation. And Prachi, she seems okay to me on the face value; why to torture her? I'm sorry I might be into this stuff for fun; but, I don't have as much of a sick mentality as yours!" - By the time, the batchmate ended his sentence; Ankit had already grabbed his throat.

"Whichever woman I pick to f*ck and she dares to reject me will always go through the torture; whether she receives pleasure, pain or I practically strangle all of them in that process!!!" - The batchmate instantly released himself, pushing Ankit's fist away.

"Then why were you so keen on saving her from Vikram? Your approach is no different from his. Why don't you admit that after Kyra, you've actually fallen for Prachi. And you fear just one person - Ranbir. Think over it."

Ankit sat back, hitting his fist on the table. How could he express how much mentally unsettled and totally in a different zone he was in the past few weeks? And who was going to believe him in the first place? All because of just one name, Prachi Arora. He was unable to focus on his coursework, his attendance was short and now he was even on the verge of getting terminated from his employment.

There was no denial in the fact that he hated Ranbir. But fearing him just because Prachi was with that son of a b*tch, didn't convince him. For Ankit, it was clear from the very beginning; f*ck the women and throw them away. And that's exactly what he was going to do; if given an opportunity. With all the frustration building within he glanced at the prom tickets counter.


"Get your eyes tested morons." - Witnessing the boldness of the kid, Ranbir gave a swift smile to the boy.

"How old are you?"

"Mentally or physically?"

"Not so interested in your metaphors. Physically of course."

"Then maybe I'm not interested in entertaining you in any way." - Taken aback by the unexpected bluntness, Ranbir casually got hold of his little collar. 

"Your attitude will take you places little guy. But, you're trying your hand with the wrong person. Walk me into the temple."

"And you won't move ahead even a bit, if you don't learn to respect others." - Least affected by the authoritative style, the boy smoothly removed himself from the strong grip, "However, if you're so desperate to know then I'm 14 years old, I work here as a florist, accompanying my father. And that's the temple - I believe, your legs are functional enough to actually walk you in there!" - The boy was about to leave, when Ranbir again got hold of his shirt from the back.

"What makes you so rebellious?"

"Who are you to question me?"

"Just a stranger, as messed up as you are." - Ranbir answered after a brief silence.

"I'm searching for a part of me, it's lost and I'm afraid it won't be found. Ever." - Ranbir's expressions went milder at once.

"Have you tried?"

"I pray here."

"Do you know who made this temple?"

"The people in the nearby village once told my father that this temple was founded by some woman; as part of her last wish."

"How does it feel to be standing in front of the lifeless statue?" - Ranbir asked earnestly yet with a dry throat.

"It has some gripping essence. I feel my prayers are being answered, every time I just sit there."

"How do you know?"

"You feel at peace, more than usual. It could be around an object or a person but, it's for you to identify."

"How?"- Ranbir questioned him with raised eyebrows.

"Use your remaining senses and pick on the cues."

"That seems like too much hard work." - He responded nonchalantly.

"You need to get out of your bubble to get what you actually deserve. Now you better leave my shirt as you are giving me pedophillic vibes."- Preoccupied, the young lad freed the stranger.

"The temple was inaugurated by my birth mother." - Ranbir mumbled.

"Not surprised. I have heard that she was 100 times more headstrong than you are. However, she was equally compassionate and selfless towards the common man. She built this temple, especially for the poor like us; who were never allowed to pray inside the grand temple inside the village."

"Selfless and Compassionate? That's incredibly amusing. If she was, she wouldn't have birthed a sly ba**ard like me and left him in the open without a leash."

"Because you're yet to be tamed. Maybe you're halfway there and don't realize it, or maybe you haven't started at all; but, it will happen. No matter how much you try to escape from it." - The stranger concluded and Ranbir's piercing gaze followed him till he dispersed at the back of the brick wall.

Ranbir walked towards the temple with growing numbness and reluctance. Previously, he had visited the village usually for charity events and providing monetary funds to the needy. But, this time it was different; he was practically forced to revisit his past, his blood relations, his roots - a bigger aspect of his life that was the initiation to all the disasters he had experienced. Throughout the journey he had mentally rehearsed about the brief meeting he was going to have with Ved. He would meet him, take a thorough analysis of whatever happened in his absence and leave.

However, it only took a few minutes for a random stranger to pull his chords and leave him mentally flustered. Having been physically and mentally worn out for so long; Ranbir despised the mentions of God, religious places, spirituality, soul connections; and most of all, the mention of his biological parents. And yet, there he was standing - in front of the lifeless statue which was built as a so-called good deed by the greatest humanitarian on earth anyone could ever ask for - his fairy Godmother - he regarded scornfully.

In the midst of the blowing wind; he reluctantly joined his palm and closed his eyes. Moments later, he felt a soft touch on his shoulder; he slowly opened his eyes and found a white feather stuck on his shirt. He gazed at the soft feather in hand thoughtfully and a weird sensation compelled him to keep it as safe as he possibly could.


Prachi had just finished one of her course assignments on Neha's laptop and gave her neck and both arms a nice stretch. She gave a quick glance to the pile of photocopied notes placed on the side table - there were still loads of reading and written assignments to be done from university and to meet the deadlines. Dr. Dhanush would be sharing the on-campus schedule with her soon. The quiet space of the house gave her an opportunity to finish her tasks in a timely manner. Had she been in the hostel room, there would have been at least 20 visits into her room, from her classmates and Neha's huge social circle; enquiring about her health and consequently her work would have suffered.

She checked her cell phone, it had been half an hour since Raghuveer had called to inform her that he was on his way home, followed by a few WhatsApp voice notes from Aarti, and one long one from Pragya; Prachi had to listen to all those as soon as possible once she was done with the pending assignments - which were now getting on her nerves. If only she didn't follow the brat to the roadside with overwhelming emotions and let him deal with his pathetic life on his own; she would have been in a much more peaceful space, minding her own business and leading her routine life.

Why the hell did she get into all that mess? It shouldn't have really mattered to her if he had died that day; it was only a few seconds of impulse which she acted upon and suffered. What did she get out of her heroic attempts? Insults. Just when she misread his expressions in the afternoon and hoped that comforting him would do something good - a freshly bestowed insult landed right on her face. Firstly, it was about her appearance, then her emotions last but not the least, he had practically ridiculed her faith. What did that brat actually think of himself? And why out of all the people on earth, she cared about his wellbeing so much? What relation did she have with him anyway? Acquaintances? Frenemies? Lovers? Rather she was just a sl*t, a t*rt for him; whom he could strip in the broad daylight as per his lustful wishes, whenever he wanted to. If only he had miserably got under the knife, instead of her; he would have known about the presence, the power of God - she mulled acidly.

Being occupied with books was a blessing for her present state of mind. Also, she was yet to open the goody bags and gifts brought by Neha, that the classmates had sent for her as a 'get-well-soon' gesture. Sure she had way more important stuff to get done with, instead of bouncing back to the thoughts of that weirdo and wasting her time. She won't care if he will be back or not, she won't even care to ask Raghuveer about his homecoming, his safety or even his existence, no matter what - she concluded. She was just saving her last typed document when another text message distracted her. Raghuveer had arrived.

She slowly got downstairs owing to her physical exhaustion and health concerns; and saw Raghuveer instructing the domestic help with the wooden fruit crates.

"Why did you have to come downstairs; I was sending these to you anyway."

"What the - are these all for me?"

"Yes, solely for you."

"Kaka, you really didn't have to do all this." - She replied politely, trying her best to cover up the unease lingering on her face.

"Didn't we talk about this, the day you came in? I'm keeping these in your room and that's all."

"His room" - Studying the soberness; Raghuveer asked her to sit. Arranging her hair, Prachi sat beside him with her head tilted down.

"He'll be back tonight." - Prachi glanced at him for a split second and looked away.

"I don't care. Let it be."

"But, it's going to make me feel better; knowing that you opened up to me."

"You're still going to take his side and explain how hard his life is, what sacrifices he had to make just to be born." - Raghuveer chuckled.

"Nothing of that sort. Just let your thoughts out."

Am I taking up his personal space in showing that I care for him?"

"Of course not."

"I believe I do. He went onto an unknown, possibly dangerous place, all by himself, without telling anyone, without caring for anyone and I only wanted him to tell me before leaving. I wanted him to be safe; just like any good friend would want for another. Was it too much I had asked from him? It seems nothing affects him no matter what I do, or what I say." (what I feel).

"If he has not expressed himself the way you wanted; doesn't mean he isn't concerned. He had called me multiple times during his journey; just to ask if I had got home early."

"Concern needs to be expressed. Why couldn't he ask me directly?"

"He doesn't like to be expressive; and we have discussed it before as well."

"Yes but it still fails to convince me. The only aspect about him I have faith in, is that he can't tolerate someone other than him being the priority for you." - The elderly man smiled.

"Do you both realize that both of you think alike and yet boast about being entirely different?"

"Of course we are different; I'm a lovable human while he's just an emotionless, and selfish beast."

"And yet you care about him so much."

"All hail to my mother. I was born and raised to be a compassionate one." - She let out a disappointed sigh.

"I am here to provide you with any assistance you want."

"I don't need assistance. In fact, I'll kill my remaining time here and go back to my routine life."

"Do you think that's going to be easy for you? Especially when you have suppressed and undealt feelings within you?" - Prachi gave him a sharp glance. "Kid, I know this what-are-you-talking-about look. Neither you nor him can hide anything from me."

"Did he say anything to you?" - She whispered.

"He won't. Even if he knows what he is getting himself into and I know why." - Her face dulled. "As for you my child, whatever you are experiencing for him right now, is not just friendship. But, I'll let you figure out what you wish to decide on your own. So, choose wisely." - Raghuveer got up from his spot.

"Where did he go exactly?" - Flushed with embarrassment, she changed the topic.

"There are some issues going on in his ancestral village." - He replied briefly, not spilling any details as instructed by the temperamental youngster.

"No details?"

"No Prachi."- Prachi thought for a moment.

"Nevermind. Should I wait for him till dinner?"

"No. It's better for you to sleep rather than staying up late." - She nodded.


A luxurious 4-wheel drive stopped by a humongous metallic gate which was apparently fully open and with broken locks. Unfazed, Ranbir got down; instructing the men accompanying him; to wait outside. However, what he saw next stilled him at once; there were visible blood stains on the gate; terrified, he rushed in. Trees were cut off, the entire yard was destroyed, muddy pathways, flower pots broken and thrown in the middle of the disrupted lawn; glass windows smashed with pieces of glass scattered on the marble floor. Followed by a black wall chalking that said, "Awaiting your homecoming!" - Ranbir's facial expressions hardened and he rolled his fists as he read the message.

"This f*cking b**ch!" - He dashed inside the house, frantically searching for a familiar figure.

"I'm here." - A sickly voice called out from a distance. On reaching the door on the other end of the small house; he found a skinny, grey-haired man aiding a fresh wound on the corner of his wrinkled forehead with a piece of old cloth. Ranbir's expressions went mild and he took a deep sigh of relief.

"Let me help..." - He took the cloth to clean the injury; when it got snatched back.

"Leave it and go back. More often than not, today's generation throws their caretakers in the dumpsters when they fully utilize them for the maximum benefits; and you're certainly not an exception. I know who forced you to come here; and I am going to set him straight!"

Taking Ved along, had been a tried and tested matter. The apparently loyalist had vowed to never leave the village; for the reasons Ranbir was not ready to hear. At present having been forced to visit the village, he was surely running out of patience;

"I didn't travel this far to listen to your lectures on moral values. You know well, how many times I had come earlier to drag you out of this living hell. You can't put all the blame on me just because of your own stubbornness; which has multiplied with your old age. Besides, you know the truth far better than I do."

"At least I have the guts to face the truth!"

"There's a difference between 'facing' and 'accepting' the truth. I have accepted that the worst things happened to me at the hands of my biological parents and step-family. And even though you apparently took care of me, you never tried to pull me out of the den! It was only Pragi maa!! And by that logic I should neither visit this puke-worthy place or see your face ever again!! Be grateful If I'm doing so!" - Before he knew it, he received a blow across his face, from a trembling hand; leaving him at the loss of words.

"I stay here because I have served your parents, and your step-family! I stay here because, no matter what they did, I am still their humble servant! I stay here because my roots are embedded in the soil of this village!! But, you have forgotten your roots!! What have you earned by staying away from this home and this village? Peace of mind? Affection? Loyalty? Have you got any of these things? No!! Just greed, arrogance and power and today once again, you are trying to bargain my peace of mind with a few bucks! But that's never going to happen!! As for your Pragi maa, she would have never found you if I wasn't there. But, she made you rebellious!"

"As expected." - Ranbir replied nonchalantly. "If your definition of peace and loyalty revolves around being beaten up by that b*tch, by that son of a b*tch and his dogs in the name of my so-called blood-relations then you may live with this humiliation for years to come. As for me, no matter where I go, no matter how much I try; i'll neither receive loyalty/affection nor will I ever have my peace of mind." - Ranbir began walking away and stopped by the door, glaring at the wrinkled figure, "A last piece of advice to you, you criticize Pragi maa once more and see the worst of me, the next time we come face to face!"- He had just stepped out of the house, to answer his cell phone, when he tripped over the scattered pieces of glass on the floor.

"F*ck my life!!!"- A medium sized pointed piece of glass had pierced the flesh of his palm. He stood up, gazing at the freshly oozing blood. Perhaps it has always been his fate that only hurt had waited for his presence with utmost patience than any other human.


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This is a story of parents who own their children by forcing their decisions on them. Sometimes, parents advice is heaven but when it goes against yo...
13K 1.6K 20
*can be read as a general fiction* What might can go wrong when a con-girl gets into a mission to trap the most eligible bachelor of the country? So...
29.1K 1.9K 38
After being in Coma for nearly 1 Year, she returns to see her love happily married to someone and also had a baby. Her eyes filled with hurt hate pa...