Brighter Than the Stars: A Vo...

بواسطة Aviva_thewriter

16K 295 71

Violet Idalia, a half-Altean with unique abilities, thought she was free to return home when she escaped from... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Part II
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part III
Excerpt: Voltron Vlogs
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Part IV
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Part V
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Changing the World
Part VII
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part VII - One Year Later

Chapter 4

134 4 2
بواسطة Aviva_thewriter

Acxa and Violet were sitting in the latter's room, hanging remade star charts out to dry. "Have you been making friends aboard the Atlas?" Violet asked her, clipping up a map of the Ardiane solar system. "The Cadets are great. Griffin's kinda edgy but he's cool once you get to know him."

Acxa frowned. "I don't need friends."

"I mean as teammates," Violet replied. "You shouldn't have to fight alone, not when you have all of these people on the Atlas to have your back." She reached for another map.

"You're right," Acxa said, folding a star chart and putting it in a neat pile with the others. "But I've been relying on myself my whole life. I'm not particularly inclined to start now." She sighed. "Not trusting others - working by yourself, fighting by yourself - it's the Galra way. As much as everyone else dislikes it, I am half-Galra."

Violet put her hand on her friend's shoulder. "I know, Acxa. I'm in a relationship with Keith, for stars' sake. And I've been learning to be part of a team myself. It's definitely hard. But it's worth it."

Her friend nodded, and they went back to folding and hanging star charts. "Oh, look!" Violet exclaimed. "I taught myself a new trick." She held out her hands and focused on the map of the Ulippa system in front of her, drawing her magic. A clear sphere of twisting gold strands formed around the piece of paper. Acxa knocked on it experimentally, blinking in surprise when she realized it was solid.

The ball of light evaporated, and Violet beamed proudly. "I've been practicing my powers. What do you think?"

Acxa's brows furrowed. "Definitely very ... handy. Magic space bubbles. Yeah."

"Oh, don't give me that look," Violet said, laughing. "These are awesome. I can use them for, uh ... floating things! Like socks! And if I can manage how to get one around myself, I'll be able to be underwater." She paused. "I'll have to hold my breath, though, because I'm pretty sure there's no oxygen in those things."

"So you still haven't mastered your magic?" Acxa asked, serious once more. "Can you control it?"

Violet blew out a breath. "Mostly. It certainly helps. I wish I'd had it when we were Lotor's generals - there are so many things I could've done. People I could've saved."

Her gaze fell. Acxa said softly, "Do you ever think about Ezor? And Zethrid?"

"All the time." Violet abandoned the star charts. "Mostly I feel guilty. For not trying harder to get them out. Sometimes it's like Lotor is still here, manipulating us and what we do. Whenever I make a decision, I think, 'is this something he would have me do?' and then I do the opposite."

"I hear his voice in my head," Acxa whispered. "Telling me to latch onto all the rage and regret. Mostly it's only in dreams, when I'm back in his ship, loading the teludav, and you come in and I point the gun at you. He tells me to pull the trigger. But I never do."

"I know you won't," Violet said, "Because you're not what Lotor did to you. You're more than that. You're the Acxa that turned her life around." She smiled. "Even though Ezor and Zethrid tried to kill us, I still hope they're free. Alive and alright. That they've turned their life around too."

Acxa nodded, her face grave, and it was at that moment that Veronica burst into Violet's room. "Vi, did you hear-" she cut off when she saw Acxa. "Oh. Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes," said Acxa.

Violet shot her a pointed glance. "Is something wrong, Veronica?"

"No." Veronica shook her head. "It's just - Shiro found a lead on one of the robeasts. He thinks he can track it. But we can't give up the pursuit of Honerva. He wants Voltron and the Atlas to split up."

Violet leapt to her feet. "What? That - no. I can't. I can't leave you again."

Veronica's eyes fell to the floor. "I know. But we can't follow the robeasts and Honerva at once."

Acxa stood as well, her face concerned. "Vi..."

"I'm fine," Violet said, straightening. "It's for the best." She tried to smile and failed. "You'll come back, though. Right?"

Veronica met her eyes, face clear. "Of course," she said. "We can do transmissions every day. Stay in touch. It won't be that long, either. Maybe a few weeks at best."

"Okay." Violet sucked in a breath, letting her shoulders relax. "Okay."


"It's settled, then," Shiro said somberly. "The Atlas and Voltron will part first thing in the morning."

Everyone stood from their seats, and Violet forced herself to stand as well, even though her legs felt numb. Tomorrow - twelve hours until Veronica and Acxa would leave. She let out a breath. There was a weight on her chest, so heavy it was hard to breathe.

It shouldn't be this hard. It wasn't like Veronica was leaving forever, and it wasn't like Acxa wouldn't come back. So why was it so hard to let them go?

Violet's vision blurred, and she rubbed at her eyes. Stars. She wouldn't sleep tonight at all.

"Hey." Keith walked over to her, looking concerned.

"I'm fine," Violet told him, and turned away. "You don't have to ask."

"No, you're not," Keith said. Violet started walking back to her rooms, and he followed. "You don't have to talk about it, but you don't have to deal with this alone. None of us are going to be happy in our lions with nothing to do for days on end."

"Don't remind me," Violet muttered. "I just - I just got my sister back. I feel like if they leave again, they'll never return."

Keith stopped in the middle of the hallway, catching her arm. "They will. Do you know how I know?" he smiled. "Because I did. I came back to you, and so will they, Vi. You'll see." He kissed the place between her brows, and Violet closed her eyes.


Keith blinked, surprised. "Stay," Violet repeated, almost whispering. "With me. Tonight. I won't - I won't be able to sleep without you."

He hesitated for a split second, and Violet felt a jolt of worry that he would say no, that he'd think she was weak or overreacting or-

"Okay," Keith said. He took her hand, a smile creeping onto his face. "My room or yours?"

Violet's face softened, and she replied, "Yours."

Keith led her down the hall, and Violet slung off her overshirt and weapons while he changed. When they were ready, Keith lay down and Violet followed, putting her head on his pillow. Keith wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tucked her into his chest, pulling up the covers.

Violet exhaled, her body relaxing. She felt ... warm. Safe. Oddly comfortable, even though they were sharing a tiny bed in space.

But still, sleep evaded her. So Violet said softly, "Could you - talk to me? Tell me some kind of story?"

Keith hesitated a moment before replying. "Sure. I'm terrible at storytelling, but I do have a story in mind." Keith's hands began to trace lazy patterns on her arms, along the stripes on her shoulders and the curve of her forearm.

"Once upon a time, there was a boy."

Violet peered up at him to see him smiling faintly. "What kind of boy?"

"One with dark hair and darker eyes," Keith said. "This ... this is his story."


Violet woke up to the gentle press of a breath against her face.

She blinked, disoriented, until Keith's guilty face came into focus. "Sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Violet yawned. "It's fine. Did I ... fall asleep?" She sat up, looking around. They were in Keith's room. Right - she asked to stay with him for the night. And he'd told her a story - of a young boy without a mother, whose father had died in a fire, with dark eyes almost as black as his hair. Violet smiled as she remembered it.

"I didn't think I'd sleep so easily either," Keith admitted. "I think it's ... nine? Ten? We might have overslept."

"I haven't slept through the night in ... a long time," Violet said softly. "Thank you, Keith. For letting me stay."

Keith kissed her shoulder, right where it met her collarbone. "I'll always let you stay," he replied.

Before Violet could reply, someone knocked hastily at the door. "Keith!" Lance called. "Have you seen Violet? She's not in her room. I wanted to make sure she was alright."

Violet got up and opened the door. "I'm alright, Lance. What time is it?"

He jumped back. "Vi? What are you doing here?" Keith walked up, and Lance's eyes grew wider. "Have you two been together all night?"

"Yeah," said Keith. "Once again: what time is it?"

Lance replied, "Nine thirty - everyone's having breakfast in the mess hall." He squinted at Keith, then at Violet. "Did you two-"

Violet felt her face heat. "No," she said quickly. "Stars, Lance, no."

His ears turned pink. "Oh. Got it."

"I should probably get back to my room," Violet muttered, "now that Lance has made this awkward." She pivoted back into Keith's room and grabbed her clothes, pausing at the doorway. She said to Keith, "I'll meet you for breakfast. Okay?"

He nodded, eyes softening, and Violet left, striding down the hall to her room. As she walked away, she heard Lance say, "You really love her, huh?"

She could hear the smile in Keith's voice as he replied, the one he saved just for her. "Yeah."


"Keith," said Violet, "I'm ten seconds away from setting something on fire."

"I figured," Keith replied. "You've been moping on the floor of my lion for the past hour."

Violet sat up, irritated, and glared at the back of his seat. "I don't mope. I dramatically flop around because I'm bored."

"How is that any better?"

She let herself fall back onto the floor, closing her eyes. "It's not."

Keith's lips quirked, and he turned in his seat to look at her. "It's been a week without the Atlas, Vi. We survived a lot longer than that after defeating Lotor."

"Yeah, but then we had Kosmo and Krolia and Romelle and Shiro and Coran," Violet pointed out. "We were all bored together. Now it's just me." She stood, glaring at the black lion's controls. "I never thought I'd say this, but I want to be a paladin so I can fly around all day in a magic rainbow lion instead of doing nothing."

Keith was staring at her. Violet blinked. "What?"

He smiled, turning his attention back to flying his lion. "For some reason, you're really attractive when you're pouting."

Violet's brows rose, and her face stretched into a smile. "I'll make sure to do it more often, then."

"Not what I meant," Keith muttered. Violet smirked and kissed him; Keith touched the side of her face, tilting her chin to return the kiss. Violet let herself relish in the softness of his lips - she'd never get used to it, no matter how many times they kissed.

When they drew away, Violet said softly, "I'm not bored anymore."

Keith laughed lowly and kissed her again, his mouth aligning with hers. Violet sank into it, wishing he wasn't sitting in his seat in the cockpit and she wasn't standing over him. Keith kissed the corners of her mouth, his hand sliding up to cup her face, and the black lion's control panel made the noise that meant someone was sending a transmission.

Violet broke away a second before Pidge's excited face appeared on the screen. "Guys! The Atlas is hailing us!" she exclaimed.

Keith coughed. "Right. Patch them in, then." He cast her a crooked grin. "How do I look?"

Violet bit her lip to stop from laughing. Keith's hair was mussed, his lips were pink, and his face was flushed. "Like you've just been making out. Do you think Shiro will realize it?"

He shrugged. "Probably. Atlas, come in."

Instead of Shiro's face appearing, though, only a speaker popped up. "Voltron, we've discovered information on the robeasts," Shiro's voice said. "We need to reunite immediately. I've scouted the nearby galaxies, and the Baltuf Nebula is the optimal location." 

"Are you sure?" Pidge asked. "The oxygen levels there are fine, and the atmosphere is steady - no co2 - but it's sheltered from the rest of the galaxy. Almost hidden."

"That would help us remain unseen," Lance pointed out.

"Affirmative," Shiro replied. "We'll be there in less than a varga."

"Copy that, Shiro," said Keith. "We'll see you there."

Violet frowned. Shiro used Earthen time measurement, not alien. It wasn't like him to say 'varga' instead of 'hour.'

It didn't matter, though. She'd return to Veronica and Acxa. They were alright, and safe, and had gathered information that could help them take down Honerva. Violet's heart lifted. It didn't matter if it was in an hour or a varga. She was going to see her sister again.


When Voltron arrived at the planet bordering the Baltuf Nebula, they found the Atlas already there. "That's odd," Allura noted. "Shiro said he'd be here in a varga - it's only been thirty doboshes."

"Yeah, I have a bad feeling about this," Lance added.

"Don't be superstitious, Lance," Violet said. "The Atlas wouldn't betray us. We need to find out what information they have."

"Violet's right," Keith said. "Atlas, we have a visual. Come in."

Nothing. Violet squinted at the blurred shape of the Atlas on the planet's surface - something wasn't right. "Shiro," Keith repeated. "Come in."

"Keith," Violet warned. The Atlas on the ground was changing. Before her eyes, a barrier peeled away - it wasn't the Atlas at all. But a Galra cruiser in disguise.

"Paladins, get out of range immediately!" Keith yelled. "This is a trap!"

"I told you so!" Lance shouted as the cruiser fired a beam of purple light for the lions. "Ha-ha, Vi! I went with my gut and my gut said that this was a trap but you said no-o-o, and I was ri - yah!" The beam caught the red lion, and Lance went down, getting pulled to the ground below.

"Lance!" Allura cried, and the blue lion veered off; however, she was caught too.

The black lion swerved to avoid the beam, but Pidge and Hunk were snatched up by it. With a curse from Violet, the blast moved back around and sucked down the black lion as well.

"It's just like when we were caught by those pirates!" Hunk yelled as the lions were sucked down to the cruiser.

"We're pinned down!" Lance shouted.

Keith ordered, "Emergency ejection!" He sprinted from the cockpit as the black lion thudded onto the planet's surface, leaping out of it with Violet on his heels.

They barely escaped the gravity beam. The rest of the paladins caught up, and they fled from the cruiser. "We need cover!" Pidge shouted at Keith. "Somewhere to hide!"

Violet frantically scanned their surroundings. The surface was gray and rocky, with tall cliffs surrounding them. No wonder whoever had lured them in had wanted this planetoid - there was nowhere to run.

"Fighters are coming right now!" Lance yelped. "I'll hold them off!" He pulled out his bayard and started shooting at the fighters, Hunk following suit.

Keith flung his arm out, causing Violet to skid to a stop. "Wait!" he shouted. "Look!"

Violet glanced to where he pointed. Someone was sprinting towards them across the ragged terrain at full speed. They motioned wildly at the paladins. Keith drew his sword.

The person ran to their side. They were wearing a long cloak that obscured most of their features and a long hood, but from what Violet could tell, they had a long body and ran nimbly. "Quickly. I know a place where we can hide."

"Who are you?" Violet demanded. "We're not going anywhere with a stranger."

The person hesitated. Their voice was vaguely female, somewhat familiar. "I am saving your life," she hissed. "You will be caught by Zethrid if you do not follow me now."

"Zethrid?" Violet asked. "She's the one who trapped us?"

"Yes," the stranger said. "You must come. I can't let you die." She said it with such conviction that Violet believed her. She nodded to Keith.

"Fine," he said. "Paladins, on me!"

Lance and Hunk stopped firing at the fighters, and the stranger took off, sprinting back the way she came. Violet and the others followed, but the fighters were still on their tail.

"We need to get rid of these," Violet said to Keith. "Can I? I've been practicing."

"It's too dangerous," Keith replied between gasping breaths. "You could hit one of us."

"They're going to hit one of us," Violet pointed out. "Please?"

"Fine," Keith said, and Violet beamed. She fell back and let the others run ahead, then whipped around and flung out her hands.

Magic erupted from her fingertips. The world shone with the force of her power, and the three fighters tailing them burst into pieces under the wake of golden light. Violet turned back around and sprinted after the stranger, breathless and grinning.

She pulled up beside Keith. "Was that awesome or was that awesome?"

He didn't answer, probably because he was out of breath. The stranger began to slow down as they neared the cliffs. Violet cursed. "There's no way we can scale these!" she shouted at them. "Are you crazy?"

"Quite possibly," the stranger replied. "But not in this case." She leapt at the rock, and, in a flash, vanished.

Violet blinked and looked harder. There was a gap in the rock shelf - a crease in the cliffs. The person had sailed through it. "I'll go in first," said Keith. "Make sure it's safe." He squeezed through the gap, and after a second yelled, "All clear!"

"Pidge, you first," Violet ordered, grabbing the green paladin by the arm. Pidge wedged herself through.

"Hunk, you're next." He had a bit of trouble, but was able to make it. Violet glanced back at the fighter's they were speeding towards the,. "Lance?"

"No way," Lance said. "I'll get you covered. Allura goes in."

The princess nodded and slipped through. The fighters were almost on them; they began to fire, the blasts hitting the ground around Violet's feet. She spun around and returned fire, light shooting from her hands. "Go," Violet gritted out to Lance. "I'll be right behind you."

Lance's brow creased, but he nodded. Violet thrust up her hand; a wall of gold light formed between her and the fighters, and she shoved herself through the gap, stumbling into a wide cavern with hollow shelves carved into the sides. Clearly, someone had made this. She looked around; Pidge, Hunk, Lance, Keith and Allura were doing the same. The stranger was standing in the center of the room, eyeing Violet wearily.

Keith blew out a breath as she went to stand beside him; Violet laced her hand through his. She turned to the stranger. "Who are you? What do you know about Zethrid? And why did you save us?"

The person sighed. "I'll tell you," she said, "If you promise not to kill me on sight. I can explain everything, if you give me a chance."

Violet frowned. "I won't kill you," she conceded, "But if you attack us or try to harm us, I will."

The stranger nodded and lifted her hood.

Violet sucked in a breath. It was Ezor.

Ezor, with an eyepatch covering her left eye, torn clothes and utter despair written across her face as she whispered, "You have to help me."

"You," Lance snarled. "You tried to kill Violet! And mostly succeeded! And now you're asking us for help?" He raised his gun.

"Wait!" Ezor held up her hands. "Please listen to me. Violet, I - I ran away. Like you did. Like Acxa did. The bloodshed, the war, the hate - Zethrid thrived in it. But not me. Not us." She lowered her head. "I had to get out. I ... I couldn't survive living like that. So I left. I left Zethrid and her fleet and the Galra."

She looked up at Violet, and there were tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry. What Lotor did ... I was so angry. I just wanted to hurt you, for abandoning us. For being his favorite. He pitted us against each other, and I drank it in. I let him kill Narti - I watched as you almost died at our hands - and I didn't do anything.

"But I got out. I left, and I put it all behind me. It was the best decision I've ever made." Ezor smiled softly. "You have to believe me, Violet. I switched sides. I want to help Voltron."

"I believe you," Violet said softly. There was something in Ezor's voice that couldn't be faked. Violet knew she was telling the truth - knew, because she'd looked the same, felt the same, when she'd left Lotor herself.

"So why are you here?" Keith challenged. "Are you trying to go back?"

Ezor shook her head. "The opposite. I want to get Zethrid on the other side. You wouldn't understand. But, Violet ... you know what it's like. All that rage and pain. It consumed Zethrid. She tried to stop me.

"I can't leave her to that never-ending cycle of destruction and loss. I have to convince her to switch sides - to let go of the anger." Ezor met Violet's eyes. "But I won't be able to do it without your help."

"What do you propose?" Violet asked.

Ezor sat, her face grateful. "I need to reach out to her. If Violet and I can get close enough to Zethrid, we can try to reason with her. She'll listen to us. Violet - you've always had a way with words that I didn't. You can do it. I know you can."

"We're not going to risk everything to try to reason with Zethrid," Allura said sharply. "She chose to hold on to her rage and fury. It was her decision - I say let her get out of it on her own."

Keith stood, shaking his head. "She won't. We're her only chance." His face hardened. "But I won't put our lives on the line to give her a second chance. I'm sorry, Ezor."

Ezor's face fell. "Please," she said. "You must. Zethrid - she won't hurt me. Together, we can convince her to join us."

Violet got to her feet, standing with Keith. "Keith," she murmured. "Zethrid still harbors hate for you and the others. But Ezor and I could reason with her."

He turned his gaze on her. "No."

"I have to."

"No, you don't! We've talked about this, Vi. You can't throw yourself into every dangerous situation you see." He took her hands pleadingly.

Violet looked down at his hands, entwined with hers. "Zethrid is in the same spot I was. The same place Acxa and Ezor were. I can't leave her to rot in it, not when I know what it's like." She kissed Keith - only for a moment - before slipping her hands from his and facing Ezor. "The rest of you can try to get a signal to the Atlas while I'm gone, and get back to your lions." She let out a breath, forcing a smile. "Stay safe. I'll see you on the other side."


With Ezor's invisibility, she and Violet made it close enough to Zethrid's cruiser without trouble. Ezor was skilled in tracking and scouting, because Lotor had wanted to hone her agility and use it to his advantage.

Zethrid's best asset had always been her strength. She'd take down whole buildings while Ezor infiltrated them. Acxa and Violet had always been better at defense - clearing away all the ground soldiers. And Narti had stayed by Lotor's side, finishing anyone off and using her powers to force their will.

Now, Narti was dead, Acxa was off on the Atlas somewhere, and Ezor and Violet were trying to get through to Zethrid. Their group had never been family - definitely not as close as Violet was to the paladins - but it had been whole. It would never be like that again.

Ezor nodded to Violet and vanished, turning invisible to scout ahead. They were on the rise next to one of the volcanoes dotting the planet, using it as cover for Zethrid's cruiser. Violet crouched down behind a rock, keeping her breathing even, and waited for Ezor to return.

When the ground shifted, she felt it. With a start, the air changed - something was wrong. Violet frowned, the hairs on her arms stiffening. Someone else was here.

There was a slight hum, and instinct had Violet leaping out of the way as a gun blasted apart the rock she'd been hiding behind. Too late - the blast tore through the skin of her right arm, causing Violet to fall. She cursed, pressing her hands to the wound, and peered up to where the shot had come from.

Zethrid jumped down from where she'd been hidden above Violet with a roar, the blaster in her hand still smoking. Violet flung out her uninjured arm, and Zethrid bounced off a wall of golden light. Pain threatened to knock her out, but Violet focused her attention on Zethrid, who was leaping for her again.

Zethrid hit the shield with her fists, and it shuddered, but didn't give way. Violet clenched her teeth and pushed against Zethrid's blows. Something caught her eye - a shimmer in the air behind Zethrid. Ezor, invisible.

And then she wasn't. Ezor's appendage wrapped around Zethrid's leg and yanked her away; Violet lowered her shield, struggling to her feet, as Zethrid attacked Ezor, flinging her aside.

Violet barely had time to jump out of the way as Zethrid launched herself at her; she spun, her shoulder protesting, and met Zethrid's next strike with a gold beam of light. Zethrid dodged it and attacked Violet again, grabbing her wounded arm and twisting it.

Pain exploded in Violet's vision, and she stifled a cry. "You took everything from me," Zethrid growled, her face contorted with rage. "You should never have left your precious friends. Now there will be no one to save you. You will die alone." She dragged Violet into the rock shelf overlooking the volcano and lifted her by the throat; Violet's vision spotted, and she clawed at her neck, trying to dislodge Zethrid's grip.

"You're wrong." Zethrid looked up, blinking in surprise at the voice, and quickly pulled Violet against her with one arm.

The MFE Fighters came first, swooping into view and landing on the ground. Then, like a divine being, the Atlas broke through the hazy sky, followed by the lions.

It was Veronica who said, "Violet's not alone. She has us."


The Atlas - the real one - had raced to the Baltuf Nebula upon receiving Pidge's transmission. Acxa had paced around the cockpit of the ship, trying to push away the fear coiling in her gut. Keith had told them Violet and Ezor were going to confront Zethrid. Alone.

Out of them all, Zethrid's rage had been the worst. She had been born and bred for war and hate, and Lotor had been all too happy to give it to her. Acxa wanted to be able to help her. But Violet came first.

Veronica noticed her from where she sat. "Vi will be okay," she said. "Trust me."

Acxa regarded her wearily. Veronica had offered her friendship, and she'd accepted, but she had no idea where that put them. "How do you know?" she asked.

Veronica smiled softly. "Because my sister's gotten through a lot worse than this. She won't let a warlord with anger issues take her down, not when so many worse things have tried and failed."

Acxa felt a smile tugging at the corners of her lips at the truth in that. "I hope you're right," she replied.

"We're entering the Baltuf Nebula now," Coran reported. "Should arrive at the place where Pidge sent the transmission in thirty ticks. MFE Fighters, get ready."

Acxa stood. "I'm going with them."

Shiro raised an eyebrow, but said, "Get suited up, then."

She nodded and left the room, grabbing a suit and entering the hangar. "Five ticks," Coran said. "Four, three, two, one."

Acxa opened the doors and jumped out of the Atlas, landing with a roll on the rocky surface of a volcano. She ducked behind a boulder and looked out at the scene, dread rushing through her in a wave. Zethrid was standing at the edge of an overhang with lava below her, holding Violet by the throat. Ezor was standing a few yards away, calling out to her former ally. "Zethrid, don't do this!" she shouted.

"Does anyone have the shot?" Griffin demanded.

Acxa raised her gun. She did - she was at Zethrid's blind spot. She wouldn't miss - Acxa hadn't missed a shot a day in her life. She'd never hit Violet. She could shoot Zethrid and be done with it. Zethrid would fall off the rock and into the lava.

Do it, Lotor taunted. You'd eliminate the threat, simply and efficiently. Do it. Pull the trigger.

Ezor was pleading, "Please, Zethrid. I know you're angry, but it doesn't have to lead to more pain. You don't have to follow the path Lotor set out for us. I left, and so can you. You don't have to keep holding on to all this rage."

I trained you, Lotor hissed in her mind. You survived because of me. Do as I say. Shoot the target.

Acxa aimed her gun and paused, unable to pull the trigger. She couldn't. Not Zethrid.

"Let it go. Let Violet go," Ezor continued. "Can't you see? We don't have to fight anymore!"

For a second, Zethrid almost looked sad. "Fighting is the only thing left I can do." She raised the blaster.

Violet let out the little gasping breath that meant there wasn't any air left in her lungs. Acxa closed her eyes. For Violet. And Ezor. This is to save my friends. Not to eliminate a target.

"I'm sorry, Zethrid," she whispered, and pulled the trigger.

Zethrid gasped, her arm loosening, and Violet collapsed. Silently, Zethrid fell, the fury leaving her face. Ezor screamed - probably her name.

And then Violet's hand closed around Zethrid's wrist, causing her to jerk to a stop. Blood dripped down Violet's arm from the cut on her shoulder, but she held on.

Ezor sprinted over to her, her appendage wrapping around Zethrid's chest, and Acxa moved in as well, sliding onto her stomach and grabbing Zethrid's other hand. Inch by inch, the three of them pulled her back up.

They collapsed on the rock shelf, Violet's eyes falling closed. I did it, Acxa thought. I pulled the trigger.

Somehow, she found the strength to stand. To pull Violet, half-conscious and losing blood fast, to her feet, and get her to a medic. To help Ezor lug Zethrid into the Atlas, where she could be handled and decide what to do with. And, finally, to walk back to the control room, where Veronica was waiting.

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Earth is saved from the Galra, and the Paladins of Voltron are the heroes of the Galaxy Garrison, well all except for Keith. He'd been kicked out bef...
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∘𖤓──────∘ 𖤓∘──────𖤓∘ ┊┊. ᴋᴇɪᴛʜ, ᴋᴏɢᴀɴᴇ ❝There's something about you that just... makes everything better. I feel at peace when you're around, and...
775 12 4
The Paladins of Voltron are missing, only Coran Shiro, and Princess Allura got out of that battle. The black lion was the only one to make it back to...