The Red Knight - Merlin BBC [...

By The3meraldQueen

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[2/3] Edythe - BBC Merlin Series Edythe has lived an eventful life, spending most of it as a notorious felon... More

Part 1 : The Wolf
Chapter 1: Lady Of Camelot
Chapter 2: The Volts
Chapter 3: Secrets
Chapter 4: On The Road
Chapter 5: Promises Past
Chapter 6: The Hills Have Eyes
Chapter 7: Blood Must Have Blood
Chapter 8: Ronon
Chapter 9: Deal
Chapter 10: Ghosts of the Past
Chapter 11: The Feast
Part 2: The Tournament
Chapter 12: The First Trial
Chapter 13: Choices To Be Made
Chapter 14: Dangerous Waters
Chapter 16: The Rebels
Chapter 17: To Kill a Wolf
Chapter 18: Making Plans
Chapter 19: Let There Be War
Chapter 20: The Second Trial
Chapter 21: This isn't Real
Chapter 22: According to Plan
Part 3 Coming Soon...
Part 3: The Last Trial
Chapter 23: The Blacksmith's Apprentice
Chapter 24: Heart's Desire
Chapter 25: Had I Known Before...
Chapter 26: The Wolf's Fury
Chapter 27: When Heros Fall
Chapter 28: Given 'em Hell
Chapter 29: The Final Trial
Chapter 30: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 31: For Edythe
Chapter 32: Pain
Chapter 33: Small Victories
Chapter 34: Death Is Not The End
Author's Note
The Gold Dragon

Chapter 15: Kohl

163 11 1
By The3meraldQueen

I stare across the room at the man. He's tall, well built under his black vest and white undershirt. I can't help but listen to him intently, his voice soothing and calm despite the conversation. There's no way he could be the same Kohl Leitta was talking about. Could he?

The way he speaks of the rebels and confidently expresses his opinion in court is too authentic for him to be a rebel. Although Leitta did say that family members were joining the rebel cause, I simply couldn't see this man, Kohl, as the most trustworthy. So much so that I would seek him out if I wished to join the rebels.

Yet, I don't have many options. I know I have to ally with the rebels if there's even the slightest chance I could get the knights out of here alive. I have to make any sacrifice that I can. I will do anything to save my friends, whether that means going through Ronon or the rebels.

Kohl's bright green eyes waver in my direction, catching me off guard. But I don't look away. We lock eyes for a moment, an unspoken request to speak after the meeting is granted. He smirks, a row of straight sharp teeth peaking through his lips.

He's far too well kept for a simple thief or slave trader. He must be something else. Something of great title and stance, yet something that Ronon finds useful. Something that must be of a significant loss for him if Kohl plans to mutineer against him.

Once the meeting is over, everyone disperses to do their duties. Ronon and Blaze make for the exit, having business of their own to attend. As I make for the door, I linger in the hallway, hoping that I made the right decision reaching out to Kohl.

"M'lady", Kohl's angelic voice greets. 

I turn swiftly, the tall man standing by my side, his hands clasped behind his back. I wonder why he is so well kept. And he has manners as well, much like what would be taught in a noble household. But what would someone of noble birth be doing here?

"Kohl", I nod in greeting. "I hear you're the man to talk to."

A grin flashes across his lips as Kohl looks to the ground with a bashful chuckle. "I believe so. Shall I accompany you back to your chambers?"

I glimpse at the guards by the door, giving Kohl a nod. "Please, that would be delightful."

Kohl offers for me to take the lead, following gracefully beside me. His hands remain clasped behind his back. "So. What is it you wished to speak about?" he asks. "I am quite knowledgeable in most affairs around here. You'll have to enlighten me on what you seek."

Taking in a weary breath, I peek over my shoulder. "Leitta spoke to me about a...secret club."

"Oh, I see."

"She wishes for me to be the leader."

"Many do", Kohl offers. "As do I."

"But why?" I demand, shocked that another person would want me as a leader.

Kohl chuckles. "You clearly don't know the respect you have in these parts. Or the influence."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means...that for to succeed. We need someone who won't back down. Someone who will see this through to the very end."

"And you think I may do this?"

"Well, you are here talking to me, are you not?" Kohl smirks down at me. "You wouldn't have sought me out if you weren't at least considering."

I fall silent, pressing my lips together in annoyance. This only fuels Kohl's amusement.

Now out of earshot, Kohl speaks openly. "If this is the means to Ronon's end, I will do whatever it takes to convince you."

I narrow my eyes on Kohl, coming to a halt in the dark abandoned hallway. "I have all the same reasons as you to wish for Ronon's end, perhaps more. I don't know. But why does that mean I have to be a leader? I'm not a leader. I'm a survivor. A fighter."

"Sometimes. The world doesn't need just a leader. It needs a warrior. A survivor."

As I look up at Kohl, I don't see any hesitation or humour. I see a serious man speaking genuine words. I do understand. He's right. And as much as I want to fight it, I can't seem to come up with a valid argument. 

"Listen, Edythe. I know I don't know you personally or know anything truly about you," Kohl starts, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. "But what I do know is that you must have a heart. Sympathy. Fairness within you. So why not fight for that?"

I peer up at Kohl, unsure.

He continues, "Don't think of this as you taking charge. Look at it as you pathing the stepping stone for us to do real damage to Ronon. To save innocents. To save your friends in that arena."

Although everything within me screams to continue fighting it, I can't find a reason to. The thought of never having to fear Ronon again, to have my friends home and safe, is what keeps me fighting.

"What do I have to do?"


Merlin and I follow behind Kohl towards the labyrinth. The man seems to have substantial authority in this place as he walks with such confidence. Merlin remains sceptical and unsure, but I can't afford to be thinking like that. I need to trust Kohl, or else this may all fall apart. I have no other options if Kohl isn't truly on our side. I just pray he is.

"How did you manage to convince Ronon that Merlin would be a good physician for the champions?" I ask, shocked.

"I merely suggested that the champions won't be entertaining if they die of infection", Kohl offers. "And may have suggested that involving Merlin may gain your sympathies and trust."

"Thank you."

Kohl grins, "You're welcome. Besides, if you are joining us, that means I have to look out for you, Edythe. Being as I have much power around here, I thought I'd demonstrate my trust in you so that you may trust me. I thought allowing you to help the Knights of Camelot would suffice."

A smile pulls at my lips. "Thank you again, Kohl. I am beginning to think I can trust you. But I must meet with the rebels first."

"Patience, Edythe", Kohl sings. "The time will come."

We enter the lit cavern, the guards giving us a second glance. My heart sinks with the absence of so many champions, the cells looking bare in place of where many men once stood. Although there are still many, the second trial approaches fast. It's only a matter of time before another half are weeded out.

We make our way to the knights' cell, Merlin becoming eager as he hasn't seen any of them in over a week. They don't notice our presence. The usually happy spirited knights all slumped in corners of their cell. If someone could be dragged through hell and back, they would like this.

Kohl pulls out a set of keys from his belt, propping it into the keyhole and unlocking the cell door. This catches the knights' attention.

"Merlin?" Arthur shrieks, the first to jump to his feet. He looks the best out of the lot of them.

"It's good to see you, Arthur", Merlin grins. "All of you!"

Kohl pulls open the cell door with a cocky smirk, gesturing for us to enter. "Well, get to work, Physician."

Merlin doesn't waste time, quickly entering the cell. Arthur pulls his servant into a quick embrace. "It's good to see you're okay", he offers.

"You were worried about me?" Merlin teases with his signature smirk.

"Don't be stupid, Merlin", Arthur sneers in mock disgust. "No, good servants are hard to come by."

I rush into the cell. Kohl remains like a guard at the door, lazily slumped against the bars. I latch onto my brother, making sure we are out of sight, pulling him into a deadly embrace. He returns the hug with the same force. I know it's dangerous to do so, but I don't care. 

"I'm sorry", I whisper. "I haven't had any time to visit."

As I pull back from Arthur's embrace, I see the others fully for the first time. Gwaine is covered in blood, his face nearly unrecognisable with layers of bruises. Merlin quickly attends to Gwaine, seeming as he needs it most, barely able to stand from the floor. Elyan appears to have acquired a few cuts but nothing serious. The others are less injured but still covered in blood and bruised. 

Arthur nods, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. "That's okay. Keep doing what you have to to survive. We'll look after ourselves."

"I will. But I'll try and visit more."

"Speaking of...whose this?" Leon asks, appearing by my side gesturing toward Kohl. I grab the knight, pulling him into a tight hug, feeling relief as he hugs me back.

Kohl's signature grin takes his perfect features. "Names, Kohl."

Pulling from Leon, I give Percival and Elyan quick hugs. "Kohl's helping me", I explain, lowering my voice. "Plans have changed. There's more going on around here than we realised. You might be getting out sooner rather than later."

Arthur's eyebrows raise. "What do you mean?"

"There's a rebellion starting", I whisper, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one is listening. "And I'm now apparently in the middle of it."

"Don't act like you weren't the one who came to me, sweetheart", Kohl calls.

Leon glares at Kohl. "Are you sure you can trust him?"

"For now. But until I meet the rebels, I'm remaining cautious."

"I assure you. I can be trusted," Kohl promises, placing his hand over his heart in an oath. "Besides, you don't have many other options. And if I wasn't on your side, why would I risk this meeting? Why would I risk myself so that Merlin can attend to the wounded?"

"He has a point," Percival shrugs.

"Either way, I'm getting tired of being here myself. I've never fancied watching men kill one another for the fun of it," Kohl snarls.

I quirk an eyebrow. Kohl's posture does suggest he's not too fond of what he speaks. I then notice his fingers tinkering with his coat, an uneasiness I have not yet seen from him. He doesn't like being down in the labyrinth. That could be because he doesn't want to be around men lesser to himself. Or it could be that he disagrees with how they are held and forced into battle.

"How long have you been with the rebels?" I ask in a hushed tone, beginning my examination of Elyan's cuts.

Kohl pushes himself off the bars. "Over a year, give or take", he answers, eyes scanning the cavern.

Arthur moves to stand beside Kohl. "How long have you been a family member?"

Kohl glances at Arthur, not threatened by his presence. He looks to the ground, hiding whatever emotion is behind that question, causing me to narrow my eyes. "Years. Was barely a young man when I joined."

"What made you want to join somewhere like this?" Leon gushes.

Kohl's eyebrow raises with his smirk. "Is right up my alley. Thieving, lying, scheming. Runs in the family."

"Great", Gwaine mumbles. "And he's on our side. Reassuring."

Noticing that Gwaine has approached me, I embrace my best friend. Gwaine winces at the gesture but doesn't pull away. "Are you okay? You took a real beating."

"Me? I'm fine," Gwaine groans, giving me a reassuring smile. "I'll be right as rain."


"If you're done, Merlin", Kohl acknowledges ", I suggest helping the other champions. Wouldn't want to seem suspicious."

"Okay," Merlin nods, giving the knights a nod each. "I'll see you all later."

"Take care, Merlin", Arthur instructs.

Merlin smirks. "Don't I always?"

Merlin leaves to assist the other Champions, guards helping the warlock enter cells. I keep my eye on him as best I can, not liking the separation from him in case he'll have to use his magic.

"I've arranged to take Edythe to a meeting tonight", Kohl continues, addressing Arthur. He's somehow figured out that he's the leader of the group.

It never occurred to me to tell him about Arthur. I'm not sure I should tell the rebels of his true identity, at least not until I know that they are safe and trustworthy. Not that I think Arthur's title would help much, only put him in more danger.

"Outside the Castle?" Arthur asks.

Kohl nods. "Yes. There's a hideout where we've been meeting. Many people have been affected by Ronon and haven't anywhere to go, or they're hiding in fear of his wrath. It's like a hidden refugee camp."

"These people will help fight?" I ask.

"They're still a little uneasy, but most are ready to fight," Kohl assures. "They just need someone to pave the way."

"And that's what Edythe is for?" Leon clarifies, still standing by my side. For the first time in days, I feel safe and comforted.


"Then I think it's a good idea", Leon suggests.

"You do?" I question, shocked.

Leon chuckles, the sound invoking a flutter in my chest. It's good to see his spirit has not been broken. "Yes, I do. I couldn't think of anyone better suited for the job."

A bashful smile grows on my face, eyes falling to the ground with a gush. 

"Are you planning on attacking soon?" Elyan asks, standing beside his King.

Kohl shrugs. "All depends on timing. We need to make sure we have everything set up. We can't afford for there to be a slip-up."

Arthur nods, crossing his arms. "I understand."

"We will try to attack before the end of the tournament. But like I said, we can't guarantee a time. And it doesn't help that we aren't sure if we have traitors or not. A lot of our information has somehow reached Ronon. We're only sharing with those in our inner circle from now on."

Having heard this for the first time, my eyes dart to Kohl in a fret. "You think Ronon is on to you?"

"Yes. But he still hasn't got enough backbone to do anything. We've worked at becoming more secretive, only sharing our plans as we're executing them."

"Seems like that's all you can do", Leon offers.

"Don't try to plan around our escape", Arthur requests, directing toward me. "Although we don't fancy it, we'd rather fight in this tournament than disrupt your plans."

The knights all murmur agreements, their spirits seeming to have lifted with the news of a rebellion. Although it pains me, I know the only way to get the knights out is to join the rebels. Unfortunately, that may mean they'll have to see the tournament through.

"Speaking of, the second trial is approaching quickly" I divert the conversation. I want Arthur and the Knights to focus on the task ahead. They will have to leave the scheming and rebellion to Kohl, Merlin and Me.

"Yes, the mind trickery and labyrinth", Gwaine chirps with sarcastic excitement. "I've been waiting for this one."

"One of Ronon's personal favourites. He gets to mess around with the champions," Kohl explains, picking away at his nails as if this talk has begun to bore him.

"Just remember, nothing is real" I ignore Kohl, trying to equip my friends with the knowledge that they need to escape the labyrinth. "Try to focus on escaping the maze. Ronon will make you see all sorts of your fears and insecurities. He will even pull on the strings that motivate you. Don't focus on anything else. Find the exit."

"Okay, should be able to do that", Arthur thinks out loud, chin resting on his fist in thought. "Any other advice?"

"Block your mind to Ronon, especially you", I direct at Arthur. "We can't have him rummaging through your head."

"Why's that?" Kohl asks, interest filling his handsome features.

"I know a lot of Camelot's secrets. The King trusts me with knowledge" Arthur lies, his face stern and unreadable.

"King's favourite good old Galahad", Percival laughs, patting Arthur on his back. I raise an eyebrow at the name Galahad, having to hold back a chuckle with the look on Arthur's face.

Arthur forces an amused smile. "Yes. We go way back."

Kohl looks sceptical but doesn't push the matter, glaring between the knights and Arthur.

"So, how do we stop Ronon from venturing too far into our heads?" Leon asks, his leg perched on a stone.

"Picture a ball of white light", I explain, answering Leon, feeling that tense calm that I get in his presence. "Then expand it, imagine it filling you up and shielding around you. Focus on it, keep it present. If you feel something pushing back at it, imagine the light expanding again."

Leon nods, giving me a smile in recognition. "Sounds easy enough."

I place my hand on Leon's lower arm, smiling at him.

"Any advice for navigating the labyrinth?" Gwaine inserts, taking his seat on the dirt floor.

"Follow light", Kohl offers. "Light means you're getting closer to the surface and, thus, the exit."

"Follow the light. Alright."

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