Legend of Unity-The wizarding...

By 143Tyson

56.6K 1.7K 369

After fates dropped the bomb about the Legend of Unity Percy was on edge. Percy know about wizards. It's a co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter- 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 18
Special Chapter
Chapter 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25

chapter 10

2K 67 16
By 143Tyson

  Percy pov:

It was August 1st percy and dumbledore were standing in the ministry of magic for his OWLs exams. Infront of them was a big fountain, A group of golden statues, larger than life-size, stood in the middle of a circular pool. Tallest of them all was a noble-looking wizard with his wand pointing straight up in the air. Grouped around him were a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf. The last three were all looking adoringly up at the witch and wizard. Glittering jets of water were flying from the ends of the two wands, the point of the centaur's arrow, the tip of the goblin's hat, and each of the house-elf's ears. Dumbledore said "Fountain of Magical Brethren, it is the representation of British magical community". Percy snorted "A goblin will never look at a wizard as if he was a god and not to mention British magical creatures laws were complete shit". "Hmm can't argue with that" Dumbledore replied.

Exactly 1 week before he got his time table for OWLs. Today was potions that's why percy was so calm. Dumbledore showed him the exam hall and disappeared saying he has some work to do. Percy took a seat and waited. Gradually people came and took the remaining seats. Atlast a stern fat lady dressed like a hippo came with a stack of parchments. She started "Welcome to your Ordinary Wizarding Level exams. Today was your potions exams. People who are not taking this exam can go" when she said that a blushing witch gotup and hurriedly left the room "Now that was over, I'm giving you question parchment you have to write your answers on it. It has extension charm so you can write as much as you want. You will write with ministry provided ink and quills" with that she levitated the parchments, ink bottles and quills and sent them to each table.

Percy took quill and started his exam. Questions are about different potions simple one to complicated ones. They have to write ingredients, process and result of potion along with what the potion was used for and its affects. Percy wrote all potions and he added few different steps and explained why his method will give better results. After lunch they had practical session. With all people who took exams there are two male examiners. They said "Hello everyone my name is Chris bloom and this is Robert dawnblame. Here is a cauldron full of small parchments. Take one each and whatever potion was on the parchment you have to brew it". Percy took a parchment, he got calming potion. He confidentially brewed his potion he added a little lavender and finished with a extra clockwise stir. When examiners came to examine his potion they were impressed. Since the next day was was sunday he can prepare next coming exams.

Charms exam was a breeze to him. He wrote extra for every question. For Fire making spell 'Incendio' he went on and on about how they make changes and invented fiendfire spell and any fire spells on the basis on incendio. In practical the examiners George and Rose fealey asked him to perform banishing charm, summoning charm and fire making charm. Percy used his own methods which gives much power with less magical energy. Both examiners were impressed with his performance.

Transfiguration was a bit tough but not for him. Just like previous exams he went into detail about the uses of different spells, complications of not doing it perfectly. In practical part twin examiners Maria and Merlene Curtney asked him to perform inanimate objects to animated. He turned the table into a deer and then back to table. He turned all quills to into candies and then into small snakes then back to quills. By the dumbfounded looks of the examiners he knew it was a O.

Herbology exam was relatively normal. But he went on his way and wrote about how every part of the plant was used in different potions. For practical part he was asked to care for Fanged Geranium and collect its fangs. He first fully watered the plant cast a small calming charm on the flowers. Later he carefully plucked their teeth. The examiners seems to be like his method.

Care of magical creatures exam was a bit more easy than others. He wrote given magical creatures inhabitance, their properties and uses. For practical part he was asked to care for a fairy, a pixie and murtlap. The last one was a putty in his hand, being a water affiliated creature it was pleased to meet him and act like a good pet. While he didn't have a problem with fairy, pixie tried to be mischievous and tried to fled to otherside of the room but he quickly cast 'Peskipiksi Pesternomi' and captured it.

History of magic was relatively a bit difficult with remembering all dates and names. But he has two elves to help for it. So he aced the exam. He even mentioned what changes were made to wizarding world after the war or movement. Since there's no practical for history of magic he went to hogwarts thanking that he can prepare rest of the day reading for DADA exam.

DADA exam was a bit unusual. The questions were more about magical creatures and relatively light spells. But percy innovatively wrote combat uses for every light spell and give some positive uses to dark spells. For practical part he was asked to perform shield spell. So he decided to show off and said 'glacies scutum' a ice shield was formed infront of him, it was more powerful than normal shield and it can reflect most of the spells on opponent. Both examiners were shocked. Percy explained how it was custom made and how he had several other spells. They suggested how he can register the spells with Ministry.

All Sunday percy just sat and practiced arithmancy calculations. On Monday Arithmancy exam wasn't as tough as he taught. His practice with professor vector helped him to solve complicated problems. In practical part he was asked to write calculations for disarming spell along with new spell of their own. So percy wrote his spell calculations and showed it was indeed working.

Ancient Runes was more of a fun time than an exam. Since it was in his blood he wrote very innovatively and went on how he was correct. For practical part he was given a ministry approved carving set. He was asked to carve a rune for stun, fire and ward. First two were pretty easy and he had a sneaking suspicion that they gave him ward rune because of his last name afterall according to Professor Babbling, Shafiqs were known for their knowledge in ancient runes.

Divination exam was fun to write. He wrote about how one have to do crystal gazing. In practical part he was asked to predict the examiners day. He did pretty good and used mostly his instincts, common sense and a little bit cunning to narrate examiners day.

Muggle studies exam was one of the easiest one so far. He was asked to narrate muggle daily lifes and how they live without magic. He rolled his eyes and wrote how muggles use technology instead of magic. In practical part he was asked to perform muggle repelling spell.

Astronomy was the last exam. He was asked to write about some famous constellations. He went on and on about every constellations history and why Huntress was his favorite. Practical part was at night. He was asked to point out Ursa Major and Minor, and calculate Neptune planets current position.

/ Line break /

Finally the OWLS was over. Percy spent the next day of his last exam sleep or shopping. Yes shopping he bought some sweets from Honeydukes and gave them to all professors who taught him as a thanks. Except Severus ofcourse he'd poison percy if he gave sweets to him, so percy gave some potions ingredients.

For some reason professor Dumbledore was hell bent percy should stay in leaky cauldron to know British wizarding culture. He insisted Percy should stay in leaky cauldron when percy suggested he can stay in Shafiq mansion till school starts. So now percy find himself at the leaky cauldron entrance. Percy went to Tom and asked for a single bedroom for his stay till Hogwarts started. After he paid for room and breakfast, he searched for a place to sit and eat his breakfast. There are only three seats available at three different tables. At first table a hag was eating something, at second table two wizards are arguing about transfiguration and at the last table only a kid was sitting eating his breakfast. First one was out of options, he just finished his exams so second one was out, that leaves the kid.

Percy went sit opposite to the kid. The kid looked up surprised. Percy said extended his hand " Hi, I'm Percy, Percy Jackson Shafiq" the kid looked his hand for a moment and shook it saying "Hi, I'm Harry, Harry Potter". Percy raised eyebrow and cursed Dumbledore in his mind 'that sneaky old manipulative bastard'.

Percy's internal cursing was interrupted by tom who came with his breakfast. Percy thanked Tom and started eating. Percy started " So you're starting your second year right?". Harry looked insulted and said " I'm starting my 3rd year this term". Percy said "wow you look 12". Harry blushed and said " I turned 13 this July 31st". Percy laughed and said " Ohh, Belated Happy Birthday kid". Harry huffed and said " Thank you. But i'm not a kid" percy laughed again "oh you're teenager now". Harry rolled his eyes and asked " I didn't see you at Hogwarts, which house are you in?" Percy replied " Oh I'm homeschooled till now. I'm joining this term in sixth year". Harry asked surprised" wait you can be homeschooled as a wizard?" Percy said " Ofcourse you can if you had a good master, or you can go to any other school if you want". " Wait there are other schools" harry asked surprised. Percy laughed and said " you don't think Hogwarts was the only school that teach magic did you? Not to mention wizards are all over the world. Hogwarts can't house them all" Harry blushed and turned his face down to cover it up.

Percy took pity on the kid and explained " There's is Beauxbatons in France, Drumsrtang in Bulgaria,  Ilvermorny in America etc.." Harry asked " So why didn't you join in other schools?" Percy replied " Well I'd have joined but since my grandmother belongs to one of "sacred 28". Dumbledore invited me to Hogwarts". Harry asked a bit worried " But Dumbledore fought for muggle rights against sacred 28...." he trailed off at last. Percy laughed " Don't worry kid. There's is a good reason why sacred 28 formed but now some assholes changed it to other reasons. And for Dumbledore it was his duty as a chief warlock to make sure all living heirs took seats on wizengamot". Harry nodded a bit thankful that his opinions weren't wrong on dumbledore.

After they eat breakfast, harry asked a bit help for his homework. So now both are sitting in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour doing Harry's homework while eating their ice-creams. Percy know this was a plot of Dumbledore to make sure percy was in right path. But percy can't help it the kid was innocent and adorable, still thinking the world is in black and white. Harry reminded him of himself, abused relatives, becoming hero without knowing, and still didn't know about the world he was in. Percy decided to help the kid, for one he has to show the kid that world isn't light and dark, and it would be good if boy who lived vouched for their family.

By the end of the day, percy went to his rented room which coincidentally next to Harry. Percy scoffed and cursed Dumbledore again. Percy checked his luggage. After freshen up he talked with annabeth and his mother sometime. He suggested to his mother that they should start packing so they can move to gradient mansion on his birthday. After that percy went to sleep.

Harry pov:

This past month was one whirlwind. From blowing of aunt Marge like a balloon to knowing sirius black is a wizard who is follower of voldemort. Harry didn't know what to do with his new found freedom, so he explored diagonally for a bit and tried to do his homework in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Today Harry learned many thanks things. He didn't know what to think of percy yet. Even though the older boy looked relaxed and easy going, his presence was very powerful. Harry never felt such aura even infront of Dumbledore.

Harry cursed himself for didn't knowing about wizarding world even after two years in Hogwarts. Harry never thought to know about Wizarding world. Ron never made an effort to tell him and Hermione always read for herself. Harry decided to ask percy any doubts he has.

In two weeks Harry will be in Hogwarts, till then he can spend his time with the older boy and get to know about wizarding world. With that thought in mind Harry went to his bed.

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