Finding ourJoy

By MicheleArumugam

829 92 1

A story of love and loss, Joy a young lady, recently divorced, sets out to find her piece of happiness whic... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 20

20 2 0
By MicheleArumugam

I wake up my usual time of 5am. I make my way to the bathroom and do my morning routine,  I dress for the gym, today I need to go, I have been eating too much with these guys.
I joined a gym at a nearby mall, I go daily, except these past few days I haven't.

I go downstairs to start breakfast,  I got coffee on the go, bacon in the oven, mushrooms and tomatoes on the stove. I am just starting the eggs when the guys come down, they all come up to me kiss me good morning and sit at the counter.

" Sweetheart,  we never meant to make you angry yesterday,  but you do know that your assets are worth a lot. And we are meant to provide for you, everything we have is yours, we just want you to keep your assets safe. We love you and will do whatever you say. " Says Alex.

" Well now, I will say this once and I won't repeat myself ever again. If whats your is mine then, what's mine is yours. There will be no separation,  just like there will be no divorce for us. You either agree with this or we end here? It is your choice." I say.

" We accept love, now can you tell me where you are going dressed like that?" Asks Alex.
" I am going to the gym, I need a workout,  I am eating too much around you guys." I say.
" Which gym do you go to?" Asks Cade
" I go to the one at the mall, I have a trainer that I work with. I  have a 2 hour session starting in about an hour. So  let me serve your breakfast and I can be on my way." I say.
" Firstly,  you cannot go out of our sight till the wedding is over. You do realize,  that it is a safety issue.

Secondly,  we have a fully equipped gym  above the garage, and you have four awesome trainers,  just for you.
Thirdly, you are not our housekeeper,  you are our fiancè. We will hire someone to come and do all of this, you don't have to do this anymore.
And lastly,  dressed  as sexy as you are right now, you will train only with us, " says Axel.

Axel carries me to the counter and places me on Cades lap, and says" I will serve you breakfast."

" Guys don't be unrealistic,  I will stay home,  I will train with you for now, but I will still run the household.  I enjoy cooking and baking. Everything else is already taken care of; garden services come regularly to maintain the outside.
I have a cleaning service as well. Aside from coordinating with security I don't do much else. " I say.

With the amount of things that's needed to be taken care of for the wedding,  we were up early every day, and slept late every night. My wedding dress was ready, and sent to the hotel.

Micah, Dale and Brian had everything handled. I was with them on Thursday, I wanted to make the wedding cake myself. My guys were just like me, we loved anything chocolate.

I made a 5 tier chocolate cake,  filled with chocolate in the center.  We had brown and white chocolate roses draped from the top of the cake to the bottom.  The cake was topped with a bride surrounded by 4 grooms.

Micah will walk me down the aisle,  Brian and Dale are the groomsmen and Bailey and Brianna are my bridesmaids. Today I will stay at the hotel with the girls and their mum.We are getting pampered in preparation for tomorrow.

We are an hour away from the start of the ceremony,  Micah is with me as I am having my hair and make-up done.

There is a knock at the door, and in walks, Mrs Hunter, she asks Micah to give us a minute.  Micah squeezed my hand and walked out of the room. Mrs Hunter,  walks in and pulls up a chair to sit next to me. She takes my hands in her hand and says,

" Joy, sweetheart I know we didn't have the best start, but I want you to know, how happy I am to welcome you to our family.  I have a small gift for you. This has been handed down from mother-in-law to daughter-in-law for five generations now. It is your something borrowed and something blue." She says.
She hands me a jewelry box, in it is the most beautiful diamond necklace, with tear drop blue emeralds, and a pair of tear drop earrings.

" This is beautiful, Mrs Hunter, I would be honored to wear these today. Thank you." I say.

" Now you have to call me mum, we are family from now on." She says.

She leaves the room and Micah comes back in. I show him the Jewelry and I go to put my dress on, Brianna is there to help me, the dress is one of her designs. It is a white ballroom gown, it is boob tube top, with a sweetheart cut, the bottom of the gown is covered in intricate designs using swarovsky crystals.
The bottom part of the dress, can be separated from the dress, giving me an elengant floor length fitted dress, made for dancing. We decide against having a dress change because of security worries.

Micah helps me with my veil, and places a diamond bracelet on my hand, " this is your something new from the three of us. I wish you more happiness than you can imagine. " he says.

As I walk behind the bridesmaids,  holding on to Micah, I see my parents entering the hotel. Micah sees it to, and whistles,  the security surround us so that nobody can see us. As we enter the chapel the doors are locked, no one can interfere with the ceremony.

Micah and Axel worked together to attain the special permit for me to be legally married to all four brothers. The media was only told that the Hunter quadruplets will be marring one woman,  they mentioned some things about how my grandfather wanted them to marry me and how by circumstances beyond our control, brought us together, how we met and fell in love. I will only be introduced to the media at the reception.

We said our vows to each other, I had rings made for each of my guys, and they each had a band made that interlocked with my engagement ring. After all the formalities were complete.  We walk out of the chapel, together, I am flanked by two of my husbands on either side of me, the media goes wild, we are almost blinded by the flashes.

Andrew, Brianna's husband handled the media as our spokesman, we were interviewed for half an hour.
Just as we are leaving to go into the ballroom for the reception,  my parents and the rest of my family enter, Trent Barrington is with them,

" Joy, how could you do this to your family, and your future husband?" Shouts my father.
I turn around and look at them, " who exactly are you referring to?" I ask.
" Trent Barrington,  you are set to marry him tomorrow,  and you betrayed us to marry them, without our permission. " says my mother.

Before anyone else could say anything else,  Micah takes over the interview.

"Mrs Hunter will not be taking anymore questions,  I am her Attorney and I will answer all of your questions."

Micah outlined everything,  explained how my family have been stealing from my inheritance and been defrauding me.
He also spoke of them using me as a pawn for their business ventures. After everything was said and done, Trent Barrington spoke," I demand that you divorce these men and be at the altar tomorrow!"

"Are you crazy, I will be on my honeymoon, I have no intention of ever getting divorced. The unique part of our marriage is not that there are five of us, but rather that we cannot under any circumstance, be divorced. " I said.

We all walked away, leaving my family shocked. To add insult to injury, Micah served them with summons for everything that they owe me.

The reception was beautiful,  everything was perfect as we wanted. Just before the first dance, Brianna helped me to take the bottom part of the gown. I also let my hair down from the updo.

I opened the dance in Colton's arms, and spent the rest of the night dancing with all of my husbands. The night was coming to an end, and so we decided to take our leave,  we decided to spend our honeymoon at the new house  I bought just incase they tried anything. 

The house was set up to perfection,  renovations are all on hold for the duration of the honeymoon.

The sexual tension was palpable, we all knew that we did not have to wait any longer, and tonight we would definitely consummate our marriage. 

The guys were everything I could dream of and more, they were gentle and attentive and loving, they took care of my every need. It was in the early parts of the morning that we finally fell asleep,  me surrounded by my husbands.

We slept peacefully , we were  enjoying our sleep when there was a banging on our door.

" Someone better be dead," groaned Axel as he went to answer the door.
We all got up and got dressed, Micah was at the door.

" Sorry to trouble you,  but as you suspected trouble is brewing,  the board of directors called an emergency meeting. You best start getting dressed, I have suits here for you all, this is for you Joy." He instructs us.

After we are all dressed and ready,  he hands me some documents, " Read and sign, all of you. This is the authority you give each other to all your assets,  it also states that you decide everything together. These are your share documents, Joy. Together you all own 84 percent. Expect Trent Barrington there, he has 13 percent of your shares. Let's go we don't want to be late." He says as he leads the way to the limo waiting for us.

" Joy. I see wedding rings weren't enough for your husbands, they had to leave marks on your neck too. Do you have concealer in your bag?" He asks.

" Yes, I  got," I say.
" Come here, I will help you cover it up." Said Micah.
" No need to cover up, we are legally married.  Let them see." Said Colton.
As we arrive at their office headquarters,  we are met with the media. We ignore them and make our way to the boardroom.

Everyone is present there are five chairs open two at the head of the table and three on the side of the table. Colton and Axel sit at the head, I sit on the side between Alex and Cade.

" Who called this meeting,  without the knowledge of the major shareholders, and what is the purpose of this meeting?" Asked Colton. 
He was all business now, and he was in no mood to take anyone's nonsense.
" I  called it," said an older gentleman. " The reason, is your marriage is an illegal act, and brings disgrace to this group." He said.
" Mr Smith, I don't know where you got your information from, but our marriage is legal,  here are the documents to prove it.

As for the so called disgrace, I think that the members here are a disgrace, disturbing us on our honeymoon."Said Axel.

" There is no morality clause in this company, especially when it comes to personal relationships." Said Micah.

" Who are you to speak here?" Said another old man.
" I am the attorney of your largest single shareholder. " Said Micah.
" Who is that?" Asks Mr Barrington.

" Gentleman, let me introduce to you, Our largest shareholder and our wife, Mrs Joy Hunter." Said Colton.

The people around the table looked flabbergasted, no one knew what to say.

" Nice to meet you all, I
would have preferred to have met you under more pleasant circumstances. But now that we are here can we get this business over with. 

I am offering to buy out anyone's shares today at above market price. If you want to sell, talk to my attorney.  Also know this that my grasp goes into other hotel chains, if people want to interfere with Hunter, we will not hesitate to take over and dominate other hotel chains as well. My offer is valid for an hour only. You can try and sell it to someone else, but it will not make any difference, together with my husbands we hold 84 percent of the shares. " I say,  and take my seat.

Cade pulls me closer to him and whispers in my ear, " that was so hot, I could take you right here, if not for the audience. Let's go to Colton's office, we can have some privacy." I get up and follow Cade. Alex also follows us. We get to Colton's office, his secretary lets us in, but follows us in. Cade tells her to leave.

" Sir, I am sorry, but Mr Hunter won't like me leaving you alone in here with a stranger, " she says.
" Who is a stranger?" Asks Alex.
" That woman, sir you know that your brother is very particular about the kind of female he allows in his life and office, "she says sounding very snarky.

" This woman is Colton's wife, she has every authority to be anywhere in this building.  She is my wife as well as wife to my other brothers. You better give her the respect due to her or find another job." Said Cade .
His patience was running out with her. She just turned and walked out. Alex locked the door, and stalked over to me, saying "now where were we."

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