Drama Of A Teen (completed, u...

By yourgirl_draya

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This story is about the drama of what a teen girl named Adrienne Scott goes through. She has issues with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Lost but Not Forgotten
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Authors Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 34

129 13 92
By yourgirl_draya

Excuse the mistakes!

Please don't be mad at me lol


Adrienne and Derek were lying in bed at the Cabin her and her friends would be staying in for the weekend. The cabin is owned by Ashley's dad. Adrienne was resurred by Ashley that just because her and Chloe are cousins doesn't mean Chloe is invited. Which everyone was thankful for. Chloe's presence would make everyone miserable with her annoying attitude.

Since Adrienne and Derek left so early they were the only ones there at the cabin so they had couple hours to themselves. Besides no one would have wanted to hear Adrienne's loud screams of pleasure. As Adrienne laid there satisfied, she began to think about what transpired between them. Even though she got what she wanted, she realized the difference in how Derek touched her. It was very hesitant and gentle. Derek like to be rough when it came to being dominant in bed but this time it was different. They have not had sex in a long time so wouldn't he be all over her?

" Did he even..No I don't think he did.  " Adrienne thought.  Once she got hers twice, Derek got up to go to the bathroom to clean up, at the time Adrienne was so engrossed in her own pleasure that she didn't realize he wasn't satisfied.

Adrienne rolled over on top of Derek. Derek just laid there looking up at her. " You okay?"

He nodded. " Yeah. You okay?" he asked back.

" You still love me?" Adrienne asked causing Derek to give her eye roll.

" Of course I love you. I love you so much it hurts" Derek said dramatically with a chuckle.

"well do you find me attractive?" Adrienne asked not finding things funny.

With the change in their sex life, made Adrienne think that maybe Derek wasn't attracted to her much as he used to. The fluctuation of her weight gain had stopped once she switched birth control after the third time. The clinic where she gets them from finally settled on a brand. Now Adrienne was 10 pounds heavier since she started.  Even though she's eating more, it's beginning to become more excessive. Her hips had spread and her stomach had a small pudge. Derek never complained but why the sudden change. This is what she was afraid of when she moved back home.

" Hell yeah. Im in love with your fine sexy ass. Luv quick playing with me." Derek rolled over causing Adrienne to fall off him. He then fluffed his pillow and proceeded to close his eyes for a nap.

"But you didn't cum..."

" Luv i did. As long as you got yours it don't matter. Now i'm trying to sleep before they get here."

" We're in a relationship, it's not supposed to be one-sided. If you are attracted to me, i shouldn't have to beg you..."

" Adrienne, I just gave you what you wanted. What more do you want from me?" Derek shouted sitting up in bed.

"You fucking pissing me off with that shit. You want sex? I gave it to you. You want some fucking food? I'a give to you. You can't sleep. I drive across town to lay my big ass down on a small ass couch so you can get some sleep. Now you sitting here asking me dumb ass questions. You think I would do that shit if I didn't love you?" He ranted.

Adrienne was a bit cut off guard by his outburst. He almost never talked to her in that way. If he did it always led to an apology and him explaining that he was frustrated about something else. Little did she know he was not going to.

" Oh so now you have nothing to say. You know what your problem is? You too damn spoiled. You got what you wanted so let me sleep." With being said Derek rolled over and tried to get comfortable again.

Adrienne a bit stunned watch him not knowing what to say. " I'm sorry...Um..I'm going to go outside and see if I can get a signal to call Charity back." She said after a long pause. She silently wiped her eyes glancing at him.

" Yeah you do that "

Adrienne quietly sat on the edge of the bed and quickly put on Derek's shirt on and a pair of biker shorts. She grabbed her shoes and phone then walked out the door.

Once outside, Adrienne realize she picked up Derek's phone instead of hers but continued on not caring whose phone she used. She walked over to the Lake in front of the house hoping she can get a better signal. She wiped her tears deciding to shrug off what transpired and began to call her sister back. The phone automatically opened for her since her face had access  and dialed her house phone. The call will ring then hang up. It did that three times before she got an answer.

" Hello" A male voice answered. " Scott residence"

Assuming it was Jason, Adrienne tried asking for Charity but he couldn't hear her. " Hello?" then the call went dead again.

" You're not going to get a signal out here." A male voice said behind here startling Adrienne. "Oh I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you heard me coming ."

Adrienne turned around to see a White man with deep blue eyes and chiseled dark brown hair. " You must be Ashley's dad." Adrienne said out of breath from being scared.

" Yes that will be me. I'm terribly sorry for scaring you. I'm Dathan but you can call me Dan" He offered Adrienne  handshake and Adrienne happily took it. Ashley always spoke highly of her parents specifically  her father who she adored.

" Nice to meet you Mr. Dan, Adrienne" Adrienne greeted. Then looked down at her attire suddenly feeling cautious wrapping her arms around herself.

" Just Dan, no need for the formality. I got call from Ashley not to long ago. Her and the rest of the gang are on there way up the mountain now. She let me know you and Derek were going to be here early. My wife sent me out here to make sure Yall made it alright. I came earlier but I guess  you were sleeping" Dan rambled gesturing towards her attire.

" Oh yes thank you for letting us come out here. It's absolutely beautiful."

" Thank you. I went ahead and set up breakfast for y'all on the patio. Now that I know you guys are okay. I'm going to check on my niece and her friends." He said.

" Excuse me You said niece?" Adrienne caught him before he left.

" Yes my niece, Chloe. She's in the Cabin across the lake. I know Ashley said she wasn't invited to yall weekend. But she didn't say she couldn't stay in a different cabin. Anyways, I'll be back later to set up the bomb fire. Oh and if you really need a phone my cabin is down the lake to the right. There's a phone in the cabin that can reach my cabin or the state trooper."

" Oh great" Adrienne said to herself. They said their goodbyes as Adrienne turned to head back to the house just to see Derek approaching.

" Ashley's Dad?"

Ignoring Derek, Adrienne walked passed him towards the house. She went to Derek's message app  in hopes that a text could get through to Charity. Before she could a text message from a Florida number caught her eye. Out of curiosity she opened the thread.

Unknown: Derek I need to talk to you, Answer your phone

Derek: I have nothing to say to you Carrie

" Who's Carrie?"

" Nobody" Derek said softly before taking the phone out of Adrienne hands and putting it in the pocket of his basketball shorts.

" Nobody?" Adrienne rolled her eyes then turned to walk again but Derek stopped her and brought her in close. Derek was only wearing his shorts so Adrienne was pressed up against his body. Adrienne stood still because of it.

" Yes nobody.I promise it's noone to worry about trust me. Look I would like to apologize for earlier. You didn't deserve that at all. I was just all in my head. Look at me baby"  Derek lifted up Adrienne's chin so she would look at him.

" I haven't touched on you like I used to because I'm scared of hurting you."

Adrienne started to say something but Derek stopped her. " Your mom saw the bruises on your stomach and my hand prints on your thighs while you were changing one day. She spoke to me about it and she said something that stuck to me, she said you can be passionate without leaving a print.  To mark up your body like that to where it's visible for days is uncalled for." Derek explained.

Adrienne remembered when her mom barged in her room one day. Then ended up having a awkward conversation about it.

" Its none of her business."

" But it is babe. She's just looking out for you. Baby the things I've seen my mother go through by the hands of my step father...the bruises and scars...The way I deal with my anger... And to have your mother who has been abused not question me..." Derek took a pause.

" She never thought you were hurting me." Adrienne finished his thought for him. She sighed into his embrace.

" I was so ready to defend my actions but the fact that I didn't have to meant so much. I want to learn how to love on you the right way and I want my love for you to show. How can that happen if you have bruises on you, intentional or not."

" I'm sorry for doubting you. It's just you weren't touching me. I've gained weight. I just let my insecurities get the best of me.  And I know i have been a spoiled brat lately. I should have asked you how you felt about all this instead of being so selfish with your time." Adrienne apologized as well.

She wrapped her arms around Derek's neck, guiding his head down for a kiss. They pecked each others lips before expressing there I love yous. Derek deepened the kiss wrapping his arms tightly but gently around her.  Adrienne guided his hands down to her bottom making Derek giggle into the kiss.

Adrienne broke the kiss because she just had to ruin the moment. " I'm all for boundaries and what not but  I think your aggressiveness is sexy. A little ass grab and Tap are welcomed"

" Girl you a mess" Derek laughed. " You want me to fuck you up don't yah" Derek lifted her up and Adrienne's legs instantly wrapped around him.

Adrienne kissed him again. Suddenly there was loud honk. They both forgot they were outside. Derek placed Adrienne on her feet as he watched the car come to a stop.

" Eww you nasties." Kevin shouted outside the passenger side window. " Y'all have a whole cabin with 5 bedrooms and yall decide to do the nasty for everybody to see eww, the ghetto" he continued as he got the car with everyone else. It was Ashley, Tyler, Emery, and James.

" What up Kev" Derek tried to greet with a dab just for Kevin to dodge him.

" Aye man watch out. Don't know where your hands been. You know what I lied I do know. Oh my god this is about to be a long weekend."

" Shut up fool" Tyler laughed as Derek greeted the rest of the guys.

Emery practically almost bulldozed Adrienne as she ran to her. " OMG girl, I'm so glad you are out of the house."

" I missed you too girl. You to Ashley." she said as she hugged them. " I'm not staying the whole weekend though. I have to be back by curfew tonight"

Both Emery and Ashley pouted at the news but still was excited about spending time together even though it wasn't the whole weekend. Although Emery lived right next door, Adrienne was always busy with therapy,  her studies, and catching up on sleep.

" That's okay because we have a day filled with fun." Ashley said as she took both Adrienne and Emery by the hand and guided them towards the door of the cabin.

" How about food first? I'm starving." Tyler groaned.

" Yeah me too. I can eat." Derek agreed along with James who dramatically bent over as if he hadn't eaten for days.

" Derek you should be good and full which yo Hercules looking ass." Kevin joked.

" Bruh chill" James laughed.

Ashley and Emery continued inside like they didn't hear them while Adrienne lagged behind.

" Watch Adrienne say some shit like " Go relax bae while I make you a plate." Kevin egged on making his voice higher as he mocked Adrienne.

" Give me a minute bae and I'll make your plate once I change and get you a shirt. Hang out with the boys"

"Thanks luv" Kevin said predicting Derek's response.

" Thanks Luv" Derek said. The boys bust out laughing leaving Derek confused.



After what seemed like hours of being sick, Diane laid in bed with a excruciating headache. Jason had made her soup to eat a little while ago but it sat right where he left it on her side table. She did try it but was afraid of not being able to keep it down. If she was pregnant she had never experienced pregnancy symptoms like this before.

Jason was down stairs with the kids trying to keep their mind off things.  The twins were busy playing a game they had made up with their action figures. Jason tried to play with them but they kept changing the rules on them. Baby Jace was extremely whiny wanting to be up under Diane,  but Charity seemed to suffice for him as she managed to be  in her own world sketching out designs in her notebook with him up against her arm.Even though she was worried about her mother, she felt at ease with Jason being there.

" You okay?" Jason asked Charity.

It had been awhile since Jason had actually talked to Charity because everytime he tried she would only say two words to him. He would rather hear her say two words than to go through the silent treatment stage when Diane wasn't around to make her talk to him. He knew he broke her trust but something had to give because he was still going to be that father figure for her.

" Yeah just can't catch a break." Charity confessed.

" I'm sure momma is fine. It's probably just a bug. I made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow"

" I know she will be. I just wish things were back to normal or just a time when I wasn't so aware of all this. I guess I had to grow up at some point right?"

" Listen Charity I..." Suddenly Jason's phone began ringing. Looking down at the phone seeing that Diane was calling he immediately answered.

" I need you." Diane said just above a whisper. It sounded like she was crying. Jason quickly got up and rushed up the stairs and to Diane's bedroom.

Diane was sitting on the edge of her bed with tears rolling down her face. " I was trying to go to the bathroom but I was dizzy. My head... it ...Hurts" Diane began to sob out in pain.

" Shh okay okay. Let me help you to the bathroom first. You feel like you have to throw up again?"

Diane shook her head no and allowed Jason to help her to the bathroom. After he helped her use the bathroom they both went to wash their hands at the his and hers sinks. Diane leaned on Jason for support. The dizziness can very well be caused by the lack of food she had eaten but her body felt sore as if she had working out for days  plus the overwhelming headache. Something was definitely not right.

" Something isn't right" She cried as she turned to bury her face into his chest.

" Let me call my mom so I can take you to the emergency room."  Jason guided Diane back to the bed and sat her down.

" Charity Baby come here." Jason shouted then proceeded to look for his mothers contact on his phone. As soon as he saw it he clicked on it. He put the phone between his shoulder and his cheek so he can look through Diane's drawers for something she could wear.

" Yes, Daddy?"

Jason was happy that she started calling him daddy again but was in a rush. " I need you watch the boys for a little bit, Imma take momma to the hospital... hello Ma? Can you come over to watch the kids...Help me find your momma's shoes. Anything comfortable like house shoes?... Ma how fast can you get here" Jason multitasked as he helped Diane into her clothes.

Before they knew it both Jason and Charity got a weak Diane dressed enough to go to the hospital.

" Charity... my.. my purse." Diane called out as Jason took her into his arms.

" I got it." She said as she followed by them. She felt bad she had to see deal with this, but grateful that she was mature about it.

" What's wrong with mommy?" Marcus asked seeing them come down the stairs. All of it seemed like deja vu to Diane. Probably because a similar scenario happened that morning.  The kids followed them outside.

"" okay ma. Don't speed just get here safely. Charity go next door and let Emery's grandmother what's going on then ask her to get ahold of Emery to tell Adrienne to come home. Michael open my car door"

Charity picked up baby Jace who was holding onto Marcus's hand then handed Marcus Diane's purse before going to do what she was told. Once Diane was safely in the passenger seat, Marcus gave Diane her purse. The twins were obviously scared for their mothers well being but wasn't sure how to express it as they pouted.

" You're going to be okay mommy?" Michael asked.

"Mommy is  going to be fine." Diane tried to be convincing with a smile but instead it came out more like a grimace as her chest began to tighten. " Jason"

" Okay let's get going. Y'all be good. I'll be back as soon as I can." Once Jason saw the boys were back with Charity, he took off.



Adrienne and her friends were having the best time of their lives. After breakfast the teens were quick to put on their bathing suits and head to the lake. They went water skiing with one of Dan's boats,  they childishly played marco polo in the water, and when they got hungry they ate lots of BBQ that Ashley parents made for them.

Chloe and her goons were around including Josh and some other football players. As long as they kept their distance, they were fine where they were. It was kind of odd having the football team split up like this but their friend group didn't seem to mind. This is why Derek got out the football team in the first place. It seemed like nobody had his back when it came to the Josh situation. Some argue that Josh just touched her lower back not in a sexual way but out of concern. Some say that Adrienne overreacted. It does matter Derek knew what he saw and Adrienne wouldn't lie to him about that stuff.

Currently, Adrienne and the girls were out on the patio deck enjoying the light breeze that was coming through while the boys went out getting wood for the bomb fire with Dan. Everyone thought Dan was pretty cool for allowing all this. It's very rare for a parent to allow their kid to have this kinda fun on their own property.

" Your parents are awesome Ashley" Adrienne spoke as she slumped in her seat full from eating burgers all day.

" Thanks" Ashley giggled. " We try to do something like this every year. My parents believe that if they are open and less strict than I would make less mistakes."

" How's that working out for you?" Emery joked.

" Mistakes are definitely still being made but at least I'm learning from them in the comfort of their home. I mean I still get trouble for grades and not doing my chores but I still can come to my parents and talk to them about stuff."

" You don't know how lucky you are" Adrienne laughed.

" Amen to that. I had to beg my grandma to let me come. This is a great way to let loose before exams start."

The girls chatted for a little while longer before Emery and Ashley decided to get back in the lake.

" You wanna come Adri?"

" Nah I think I'm going to take a quick nap and let my food digest."

The girls parted ways. Adrienne went into the cabin and into her and Derek's designated room. Wanting to shower before laying down for a nap, she grabbed her duffle looking for a toiletries . She had about 4 hours left before she had to leave to go home so she was going to enjoy the peace as much as she can.

She started her way towards the hallway bathroom but went back into the room to get a towel. That's when the bedroom door suddenly slam causing Adrienne to drop her things and scream. She looked around to see noone. She placed her hands over her chest as her breathing became labored from the scare.

" This is like the second time today." Adrienne fussed as she bent down to pick up her things. She grabbed a towel and headed towards the door again. This time when she opened it, three guys were there with mask over their faces

" Okay guys very funny" She nervously laughed thinking that the guys were playing a prank on her. She soon realized it wasn't a joke.

She was shoved into the bedroom and pushed on to the bed.  One guy immediately got on top of her keeping her there. " shh If you scream will kill you." the guy said as he covered her mouth with something.

Adrienne didn't recognize the voice at all  making Adrienne squirm under his touch as tears welled into her eyes. " Let's take these off and have some fun shall we" he said referring to the shorts she was wearing.

Adrienne began to fight with all she had just for one of the other guys to assist in holding her down. She hoped Derek would barge in to stop this nightmare from happening but it seemed less likely as she felt them pry her legs open.

" He's kill you. All of you" She cried through the fabric referring to Derek.

She thought they didn't hear her until one of them said " ah Derek I'm so scared. ah yeah whatever I would like to see him try. You don't even know who I am. Oh but I know you and I can't wait to get to know you better."

Adrienne shivered in fear at thought of what was going to transpire. Adrienne fought against it as much she could. " let's break her with this" the third guy said holding up a metal pole that he had screwed from the tall lamp that was in the corner. Adrienne immediately stopped fighting.

" I've been waiting for this."


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