He was the one // Wilbur soot...

By beckersonthefish

745K 13.5K 49.5K

Y/N is best friends with Tommyinnit. Once she is introduced to Wilbur Soot her life changes drastically. But... More

Planning and Problems
Dirty Little Secrets
It's time
An idea
Oh Girl It's You
Swimming holes and smores
Midnight swims
Your gorgeous
Skimming Stones
Traffic Lights
Police Station
Ice skating
Coffee Shop
The Park
Vanilla Cupcakes
Beer Bottles
Guitar lessons
Christmas tree
Mr. Green
Fucking Karen
Ferris Wheel
Food fight
Merry Christmas
Dancing In The Rain
Laser Tag
Drunk Secrets
Breaking the internet
Happiest Place On Earth
Mickey and Friends
Home Home
Your New Boyfriend
A Date It Is
The Icing On The Cake
The Truth
Walks and Wrestling
Unknown number
He was the one
Ending notes

Used To It

8.9K 194 317
By beckersonthefish


Wilbur pov

I woke up not too long after falling asleep with a pounding headache. I got out of bed and walked down the hall when I noticed something strange. Y/N's door was open. She never slept with the door open. I peeked my head into her room and saw an empty bed.

Maybe she's downstairs. I thought. I made my way to the kitchen and noticed Y/N wasn't there. I looked outside. Still no Y/N. I ran back up to my room and grabbed my phone. My head was aching but that was the least of my worries. I tried calling her 4 times but she didn't answer. Her location was off so there was nothing I could do. I went back down to the living room and sat on the couch burying my head into my arms.

I was really fucking worried. What if she was kidnapped. What if she's lying in the middle of the road unconscious or even dead. I needed to get these thoughts out of my head but she was all I could think of.

Y/N pov

"What the fuck did you just say?" I said.

My voice was shaking but I knew he could hear the anger and betrayal in my voice.

"Kaleb, your fucking ex, he told me about you and I wanted to see for myself. He's gonna love this" He replied.

His grip on my waist was so tight, I knew there were gonna be bruises. I noticed Jared slowly leaning in again and I did the first thing I could think of. I balled my hand into a fist and hit him square in the nose. I didn't look back to see the damage I caused I just ran. I ran out of the apartment and didn't bother to take the elevator. I ran down the road and stopped when I came to a random street. I leaned up against the wall and let my thoughts race through my mind.

I'm a dirty slut. I'm such a whore. I was asking for that. I shouldn't even be here. Wilbur was right.

Wait. Wilbur.

What the fuck was I gonna tell him. Tears continued to fall from my eyes. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably, I felt dizzy and like I was gonna throw up. My throat was dry and it was getting harder to breathe. I needed to get back home and fast. I started walking in the general direction of home hoping I would come across a street I would recognize. Finally, I found a street close to home and I knew where I was.

I walked up the path. I was still in tears and shaking. I carefully opened the door hoping to not wake anyone up.

Too late.

Wilbur was on the couch with puffy eyes. He stood up as soon as he heard the door open.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He shouted.

That was when I noticed. He had been crying.

"Wilbur I'm so sorry I-"

"No Y/N no fucking excuses you had me worried sick. Do you know how fucking scared I was? Where the fuck were you?" He said. Rage was evident in his voice.

"Wilbur please I can't do this I-"

"Why is it so fucking hard for you to tell the truth. Stop with the excuses I don't want to hear it. I'm pissed that you decided to just sneak off like that in the middle of the night you could have been killed. " He shouted. "Actually by the looks of it you've been with Jared" He yelled noticing my neck.

"Wilbur-" My voice was shaking.

I could barely speak. Tears were falling at a rapid pace and my hands were shaking like crazy. Breathing was incredibly difficult and my head started to spin.

I decided to just turn around and run upstairs. I couldn't deal with his bullshit. I slammed my door behind me not caring if I woke anyone else up. I slid down my door and let my tears take over. I heard Wilbur knocking on the door but I ignored him. I sat on the floor for a solid hour before calming down. I was still shaking slightly but apart from that, I was back to normal. I went into the bathroom to take off my makeup. I looked into the mirror and saw the marks Jared had left. They were big and purple.

I wanted to cry at the sight of them but I was too exhausted. I just stared in shock at the sheer amount of them. They were all over my neck and collarbone. I wanted to throw up at the sight of them. It only reminded me of his words.

"Say a word and I'll just go harder"

I quickly took off my makeup and went back to my room. I took off the dress and threw it to one side. I won't be wearing that again. That was when I noticed the massive bruises on my waist. They were from when he was holding me against the wall. 10 bruises were spotted on my waist. They were sore to the touch. I threw on a hoodie and sweats and fell into bed. But I couldn't fall asleep. Images from earlier floated around my mind. Reminding me of the worthless piece of shit that I am.

I finally fell asleep with the last thing on my mind being Wilburs words from earlier.

I woke up shaking and sweating profusely. I had a nightmare about last night. It was so realistic. I could still feel his disgusting hands on my body. Tears starting rolling down my cheeks again.

Your such a fucking crybaby.

I checked my phone and saw the time was 1PM already. I wasn't planning on leaving my bed at all. That was until Tommy knocked on my door.

"Y/N are you awake yet Tubbo and I made waffles for lunch," he said.

"No I'm alright Tommy," I said sniffling.

Tommy must have heard me because he opened the door slowly.

"Y/N are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine Tommy I just woke up" I lied.

Tommy knew me too well.

"I know that's not the case," he said while slowly coming in.

My head was tucked under the covers not wanting to be seen. I felt a weight at the end of the bed meaning Tommy had sat down.

"Hey if you don't wanna talk about it, that's fine but I'll always be here for you Y/N," He said softly.

I slowly brought my head from under the covers. I knew I could trust Tommy. I revealed my neck and the top of my collarbone and watched his soft expression turn to shock.

"Are those what I think they are? Is that why you snuck out?" He asked.

I nodded and let tears fall freely.

"I knew you liked him but I didn't think you were on that level." He said trying to brighten the mood.

"I didn't let him do this," I said simply.

His mouth dropped open.

"He invited me to his friends' party and you can figure out the rest," I said falling back under the covers.

"Holy shit Y/N I'm so fucking sorry, Wilbur didn't tell us about this, only about how you snuck out," Tommy said sympathetically.

"That's because he doesn't know. As soon as I walked through the door he shouted at me and then assumed I had been fucking Jared." I said. My voice was shaking and tears stained my pillow.

At that moment I heard Wilbur's deep voice through the closed door.

"Tommy hurry the fuck up and Y/N we need to talk." I heard him say.

I looked at Tommy scared.

"I'm gonna stay outside just in case something happens." He said opening the door and leaving.

I heard Wilbur walk in and stand next to my bed.

"So you wanna tell me where you were last night and why you didn't tell anyone," He said angrily.

I ignored him and buried my head into my pillow.

"Y/N you can't fucking ignore me," he said.

"Jared invited me to a party" I mumbled.

"Your gonna have to speak up"

I decided I had had enough of his bullshit so I threw the cover off my head and sat up. My neck was exposed and as soon as Wilbur saw the hickeys he grew madder than before.

"Jared invited me to his fucking friends' party and I didn't tell you because I knew you didn't like Jared and wouldn't have let me go" I shouted.

"Well by the looks of your neck you had a lot of fucking fun" He shouted back.

I froze. My heart started pounding and my breath hitched.

"And what would you do if I told you I didn't let him do this Wilbur, what would you fucking do?" I said, standing up.

"Y/N what do you mean?" he said quietly as if he regretted everything.

"I mean he tried to fucking rape me, Wilbur," I shouted, rage bubbling in my stomach.

"Well then why didn't you tell me," he asked worriedly.

"Because you wouldn't let me. You kept fucking interrupting me last night I didn't have a chance." I said.

"Y/N I'm so fucking sorry-" he started.

"No Wilbur just leave me the fuck alone," I said pointing towards the door.

His face turned into a look of guilt and he turned and started walking towards the door.

When he was gone Tommy came in with Tubbo behind him. Tommy immediately wrapped me in a warm hug and that's when I noticed Tubbos eyes were glossy. I immediately removed myself from the hug and ran over to him.

"Tubbo are you ok? What's wrong?" I said wiping away any remaining tears from my cheeks.

"Is it true Y/N did he really?" he asked.

"Yes Tubbo, but I'll be ok, don't worry about me I'm used to it," I explained.

Shit. He didn't know, and neither did Tommy.

"Y/N what do you mean you're used to it?" Tommy asked.

"Let's just say Kaleb made it a regular thing," I said simply, not wanting to go too deep into the situation.

The boys' mouths hung opened and they both engulfed me in a warm hug.

"I'm so sorry you went through that Y/N, I promise we will always be there for you," Tommy said.

"I know Tommy, I know"


1687 words

Ok so this chapter was meh but that's fine. Thank you all so much for 17k reads that's fucking insane and I appreciate you all so much more than you realise. AND DON'T FORGET YOU ARE SO VALID AND AMAZING AND YOU ARE VERY HANDSOME/BEAUTIFUL. I know I'm only a person behind a screen but I genuinely care about you all and I love you all. Please make sure to have something to eat or drink, take your meds, and have a good night's sleep. I'm so proud of all of you. <3

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