Supernatural Imagines

By SuperWinchester1967

5.1K 45 3

The title says it all ❤️ Includes Sam Winchester Dean Winchester Castiel Jack Kline Lucifer Gabriel More

Sam Winchester//Wendigo
Dean Winchester//Back from the dead
Castiel//End Days
Lucifer//I love you
Gabriel//More than friends
Dean Winchester//Always you
Sam Winchester//Drunk
Sam & Dean Winchester//Dress up
Dean & Cas // Choose
Dean & Cas // Choose pt. 2
Jack Kline // Forever
Sam Winchester//Feeling down
Castiel // Over and Forgotten
Dean Winchester // Gone
Jack Kline // Keep Going
Sam Winchester // Rainy nights
Castiel // Betrayal
Dean Winchester // Ghost
Jack Kline // Human
Sam Winchester // Close Call
Castiel // Research
Dean Winchester // Demons
Sam Winchester // Never Alone
Castiel // Saving Grace
Jack Kline // My Hero
Dean Winchester// How to love
Sam Winchester // I want you back
Castiel // Angel Business
Dean Winchester // Nail in the coffin
Jack Kline // New Driver
Sam Winchester // Hunting
Castiel // A Bad Hunt
Dean Winchester // Late Night
Jack Kline // Lover

Jack Kline//New Feelings

203 3 0
By SuperWinchester1967

This will be in his Pov

It's strange but my breathing and my heart seemed to be at its normal pace. Then she walked in and everything went in overdrive. Y/n is funny that way. She can make a whole room light up just by walking in or make my heartbeat quicken within seconds. Because I'm still figuring out this whole life thing, the feeling she gives me is new but exciting.

From the moment I laid eyes on her things have changed. She makes my life better...perfect in a way. Today is as any ordinary one. She's got herself curled up on the couch with her face in a book. Meanwhile both the Winchesters are on a hunt and Castiel is in the library doing research. I was helping him out until coming in here and getting distracted by y/n.

She probably felt eyes on her because next thing I knew her head poked up to my direction as her eyes burn into mine. "Is there something you need Jack?" She asks, her eyebrow quirked up in suspicion. Surprise took over and I tripped over my feet without even moving. She smirked.

"No. What? I'm good, just looking for a book Cas needs for his research." I lied. Why did I lie? Would telling her the truth really be all that bad? The worst she could say is no and sure I'll be upset but I can take some rejection. A frown formed on her face as she looks around the room then back at me.

"Well I'm sure what he needs isn't in here. Let me help you look." She suggested while putting down her book and standing up. "What does he need specifically?"

"It's fine, just get back to whatever you were reading and I'll look for it," my anxiety started getting in the way again as I'm fumbling for the right thing to say. She noticed my odd behavior and let herself wonder what's going on. Finally, after minutes she spoke up.

"Are you sure that your okay because you seem nervous about something?" She asks again. I sighed and nodded my head, once again lying to her. I don't lie. I never lie. So why am I doing it all of a sudden now? "We're friends and you can tell me anything. You know that right?"

"Of course, now get back to your book and let me find this book that Castiel needs."

She hesitantly nodded and sat back down before opening up her book again. Soon enough she's engulfed by this thing. So much so that nothing, not even the slightest of noise can distract her. About an hour later I sat there in the library next to Castiel thinking only of y/n. There's no use in even helping him when she's all I can think about.

He knows about my crush, which is why he is looking at me oddly right now. "I'm not very familiar with human females but she seems to like you back. Why haven't you asked her out yet?" He asked me, causing my head to shoot up and look him dead in the eyes.

"Well because I don't think she'd like me back." I admitted, giving him a saddened look. He sighed and closed the book he's searching before looking at me.

"How will you know if you never try?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed but reluctantly nodded my head. He's right. There's no way of knowing that she could possibly like me back if I don't even give it a chance. It just kind of sucks that this is my first crush and I don't know if I can take rejection.

She already means so much to me so if I ruin our friendship then for me it'll feel like the world has ended. Once excusing myself I made my way into the living room where she sat. As I'm walking in she's closing the book that has been occupying her mind all day.

"Hey Jack!" She greeted me with a smile. "I was thinking burgers tonight, wanna join me?"

"Sure but can we talk?" I ask while sitting down next to her. A frown formed on her face as she nodded. She stared at me, waiting for me to start talking. "I've had a crush on you for as long as I've known you. I was so worried that you wouldn't like me back that I never got the chance to ask you out," I told her, feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"Would you maybe want to go out with me?"

A smile appeared on her lips as she stared into my eyes. Is this a good thing? My heart skipped a beat as she leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'd love to go out with you, Jack." She replied. This time I smiled and stared at the most beautiful girl in the entire world. I'm one lucky guy.

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