Honkai impact, agent stories

By Dashas37

22.1K 326 9

Many short stories about the valkyries and the agents. Fighting the things that need to be fought, beginning... More

Story One: Rita: Part One
Story One: Rita: Part Two
story one: Rita: Part 3
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part One
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part Two
Story two: Fu Hua: Part Three
Story Three: Theresa: Part One
Story Three: Theresa: Part Two
Story Three: Theresa: Part Three
Story Four: Sirin: Part One
Story four: Sirin: Part Two
His world
Story 5: Mei: Part One
Story Five: Mei: Part Two
Story Five: Mei: Part Three
Story Six: Kiana: Part one
Story Six: Kiana: Part 2
Story Six: Kiana: Part Three
The future of this book
Story Seven: Seele: Part One.
Story Seven: Seele: Part Two
Story Seven: Seele: part Three
Story Eight: Arc City: Part one
Story Eight: Arc city: part Two
Story Eight: Arc City: Part 3
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part One.
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part 2
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part Three
Story ten: Dundral: Part One
Story Ten: Dundral: Part Two
Story 10: Dundral: part Three
Story Eleven: Yae Sakura: Part One
Story Eleven: Yae sakura: Part Two
Story 11: Yae sakura: Part Three.
Story 12: Female captain: Part One
Story 12: Female Captain: Part two
Story Twelve: Female Captain: Part 3
What's next?
The new agent
The new agent: Part Two
The new agent: Part Three
Soukai city
Zhuge Kongming
Zhuge kongming part 2
Return trip
next assignment
The post
Returning once again
an unfortunate event.
Theresa Apocalypse
change of plans
The two captains.
The fallen rose
The fallen rose: Part two
A powerful foe
An unfortunate situation
in the scenario
Awake, but not ready.
An Attack
The final battle (sorta...)
A day with the captains
Something special
Back on the hyperion.
sarah's first assignment
The Olenyeva's
The other crew
The Void queen
Continuing the training
Assignment and camping
Final preperations
Night of the final battle.
One final effort
Zach's dream world
Bad news
Well enough alone
Spending some time together
Prep of the next mission
The night assignment
New faces
Sarah's childhood
Other world problems
A mix of confusion and despair
The Sea
Return home


52 1 0
By Dashas37

Sarah was looking for Alex around the hyperion when she heard grunts from the storage area. During a normal cycle on here she would never hear that but since Alex lives here she'd assume it would be him. As she walked to him she saw that He was trying to get a weapon. It was a long one with a scope. As she walked up to him Alex gave a smile and handed the weapon to her "Here hold this" He said. Sarah grabbed hold and inspected it before asking "what is this?" Alex then said Searching for the correct ammo for it "a sniper rifle, but I don't know what kind of ammo it uses." Sarah then said "why are you getting it out?" Alex got out his phone and said "our next assignment is an assassination, this little doomsday idiot has killed a few agents while I was off. So we can kill this one, scratch that, have to kill." Sarah then said "must be a dangerous one?" Alex nodded "Yep, that's why I am getting the sniper rifle out." Alex then saw some ammo looking like the kind he needed and said "I think this is it." He then took the sniper back and removed the magazine. It was empty but had a marking ".308, perfect just what we need." Sarah was confused "why not use a rocket?" Alex chuckled "They'll see it coming, unlike a sniper." He then began inserting rounds into the magazine and counted up to seven. Sarah noted this and said "why seven bullets?" Alex then said "no reason in particular. We should only need five, but an extra two helps. and we'll be taking more with us just in case."

Theresa Saw Alex and sarah walking down the corridor and said "so are you training?" Alex shook his head "nope this is the real thing, this one is different however as we have to kill the subject this time. Hence the sniper." Theresa then said "why did we not get an alert?" Alex then said "oh that, we will be going in a few hours, we're just preparing in advance." Sarah nodded "Alex is getting info for his assignments in advance now, so we get to prepare." Theresa then looked like she understood "I get it now, I think." Theresa then looked up "anyway, continue on, I'm sure I'll know when you leave."

Mei was on the bridge with Seele who smiled "So, uh Seele, what is Alex normally like?" Seele smiled "oh he is wonderful, that time we ate with him was pretty much what he's like most of the time. But recently he's been hanging around the captains, I wonder why?" Mei then said tapping her chin "I heard that he was monitoring sarah the day after the raid, although I don't know why?" Seele then looked excited "Oh that must be why she went with Alex on his mission the other day. She has begun to develop powers like him, but how?" Mei then said "exposure?" Seele shook her head "we would be affected then, it's all over the ship remember not to mention theresa who went in." Mei then said "Hold up, theresa went in, as in through the portal?" Seele nodded "remember when the new rita came through and told us Alex was in trouble, Theresa went in to rescue him." Mei then said "Then I guess she is just special, Sarah of course, not Theresa." The two then heard Alex say "You're partially right."

"Alex what do you mean?" Seele said "what do you know about Sarah?" Alex then said "enough to be aware of how she obtained the powers." Mei then said "well, say?" Alex sighed "she inherited them from her mother. Not uncommon, but she was a previous project end subject, who came from another universe." Mei looked surprised and said "so is she project end too?" Alex smiled and shook his head "No, she just has the powers, like me. However I am concerned on her mother and that leads to Fu Hua being involved." Seele then said "how so?" Alex gave a sigh and put his hand on the railing "so far I want to keep some parts confidential, which includes the reason Fu hua is in trouble."

Alex and sarah stood on the deck, looked up to the bridge and Alex said "Open it up!" He then saw Seele nod and walk to the console. Alex then slid the rifle onto his back and looked at Sarah who looked a little troubled with the sniper rifle. Alex walked up and asked "are you ok with that?" Sarah looked at Alex and nodded "yeah, just feeling a little uncomfortable with this thing on my back." Alex looked at the rifle and said "here let me help out." He then walked behind sarah and adjusted the holster and the rifle and said "how's that feel?" Sarah looked at Alex and said "better, thank you." She then turned back towards the portal. Her face began to feel warm. "A-am I blushing? I'm I beginning to like Alex aren't I? No, he just helped me, and I love Zach." She thought as the portal opened and Alex said "You ready?" Sarah nodded and the two of them ran into the portal.

The trip was short, only lasting a minute and As sarah almost hit the ground she suddenly stopped. Something or someone was keeping her in midair She was then repositioned to stand up and saw Alex smiling "I didn't want you to get hurt. falling on a weapon never ends well." Sarah nodded and inspected the sniper before she said to Alex "So where to now?" but Alex didn't respond, he looked to the bush and drew his rifle. A figure walked out with his hands shown and said "woah now, are you an agent?" Alex nodded "Who's asking?" The man then said "well my crew, we know you were sent here to assassinate project end, right?" Alex nodded "I see, well take me to them, and give us a rundown."

Alex and sarah had gotten to the camp to see three other people. two females and another male the man that brought them them there. The taller of the two females who had blonde hair spoke first "This him, the agent?" The man nodded "Yes, ma'am, the two of them were sent here to help." The woman then spoke again this time getting close to Alex who's expression didn't change. "Let's see if you are the real deal?" Alex then said "That won't be necessary." The woman nodded "and what about her, is she up to the task?" She said pointing to Sarah who was a bit weary. Alex then said "I don't think you need to worry about my partner. But first who are you?" The woman then responded with "tch, well I am C.A the leader of this group, the other girl is H.D our simple minded but great spotter. The guy who found you is G.W he's a good scout and a smooth talker. And Finally T.E the man who survived her, now for you, I know your name is Alex, but what about her?" Alex then said "I'll let her introduce herself."

Sarah stepped forward "h-hi, I'm sarah, Alex's apprentice." She heard a murmur from the group before Alex said "So what's the situation?" C.A then spoke up and said "well in about an hour Project end is going to Speak to her underlings, good for us, we had found the perfect spot, and you brought a sniper, good. We can stand back and kill her during the presentation." Alex then said "what if we miss, are any of you a good shot?" The four looked at each other and they all shook their heads which prompted Alex to say "of course not, so we need a fall back plan." T.E then said "so how will we do it?"

"Me, H.D and G.W will head to the place, if she is speaking today then guards will be everywhere, You, T.E and sarah will be up by the sniping spot." Alex then turned to Sarah. "You'll need to be our sniper, can you manage that?" Sarah nodded "I can, even if I've had little training." Alex smiled "good." Turning back to the others Alex said "I'll keep my equipment here, no sense alerting the guards early."

Getting into the city was easy, the entire staff of guards were watching over the citizens. Alex, H.D and G.W got into position and Alex said to the others "only engage if the shot is missed." He got an alert from the others and looked to the guard near him, he held a rifle similar to his own, an M4A1. Another guard a little further away was holding a shotgun and has better armor than his peers, Alex knew if shit hit the fan he'd have to take him down and fast. Alex kept his eye on the man with the rifle while the people waited for the woman Alex heard something interesting come from the nearby guard "they're in position, ready to go, however the agent is nowhere is sight they say, they won't attack until he is found." Alex smiled and though "good luck fuckers."

The woman emerged and Alex ID'd her immedatly confirming that she is project end and saying to sarah "It's her, take the shot when ready" Sarah gave a nod and looked at the target, she could hear her speech Though Alex's comms and she was surprised at how she was able to convince the people of this town to follow her. Regardless she aimed for her head and got ready to fire.

Sarah was about to squeeze the trigger until she heard a grunt, she looked away and saw C.A snap T.E's neck and said "That takes care of him, now onto you miss apprentice." Sarah looked shocked and said "w-who are you?" C.A just smiled with a menacing grin "Oh just someone who infiltrated the ranks and became leader just to rub it in. Oh and by the way, they know." Sarah rolled her eyes and began to reach for the M4, keeping her eye on C.A. Sarah then quickly drew the weapon and fired a burst into C.A Making a loud noise that stopped the speech.

Alex Heard the shots and said "Oh, Fuck!" in his mind, he looked to the guards and then back to the target and said "Sarah, what happened?" into his comms only for sarah to reply "C.A betrayed us Alex, She killed T.E. What do we do now?" Alex then said "Meet the others outside of the city, I'm going to go kill project end myself." Alex then said to the others "head back to the entrance, engage only to defend yourselves."

By now the people started to scatter, they thought a mad man with a gun was going to kill them, little did they know the gun was never to be aimed at them. Alex walked the the guard with the M4A1 and punched him out taking the rifle and hiding behind cover. "Alright project end, time to get fucked." He peaked out and counted a least 15-20 guards, plus about another 30 inside the home of project end. Alex checked his ammo supply and said "a fair amount of bullets, lets hope I don't need all of them."

Alex jumped out firing a few shots before returning to his cover, if he wasn't spotted before he was now. Alex killed a few and looked up to the house and saw some pour out. Alex then decided "guns won't be enough, I'll have to try a knife or two." Alex then manifested a few blades and said "Eh, close enough." Before feeling a shock "darn, again."

Alex jumped up onto the sides where some more guards were and ran towards the house of project end. he killed a few more on his way over and was about to enter when a man head to toe in armor wielding a chaingun, Alex looked shocked and hid as well as he could. while checking his blade count. "Three left, well better make them count. No point in summoning more if it means I'm getting hurt." Alex then sent his blade into the minigun wielding man  breaking of his helmet allowing Alex to get a clean headshot on him.

Sarah got to the entrance where H.D and G.W were waiting and sarah had Asked "is everyone evacuating?" H.D Nodded and said "They're afraid, fortunately nobody got hurt. Now for a more serious question. What happened up there?" Sarah Sighed "We were betrayed, C.A shot T.E." As soon as she said that H.D gasped and said "So what happened to her?" Sarah sighed "I killed her, I had no regrets." G.W then said "well regardless, we should head back to the camp." Sarah then shook her head "No way, I'm going to go help Alex, you can head back." Sarah then sprinted off towards Alex leaving the others to retreat.

Alex grabbed the chain gun and said "Hell yeah." As he looked towards the swarm of officer guards and rotated the barrel before firing into them. Alex stood there for a few minutes before Sarah showed up and fired a few bursts into the guards causing Alex to Say "Sarah, why are you here?" She smirked and said "What and let you have all the fun, no way." Alex gave a sigh and continued firing "Well, let's just keep going."

Alex and sarah got inside the house and by then Alex had run out of ammo in the chain gun tossing it aside pulling out the stolen M4A1 Sarah then said "New weapon?" Alex nodded and said "Similar to the one you're holding, speaking of which, take care of it." Sarah nodded and the two fought through the guards.

Project end was running away yelling to even more armored guards "Keep protecting me or you will all die with shame." She then got to a locked door and said "open up now!!!" By now she could hear the duo ascend and fight the unfortunate guards. After the shooting stopped Project end breathed a sigh of relief before Alex kicked down the door scaring her and the guards. Alex shot both of the guards and walked towards project end with Sarah following close behind. Project end went to attack Alex but was struck down.

Alex looked at project end who was ill prepared and said "so, how do you think this'll go?" Project end then said "Fuck you!" Alex stood back "Did you really think that we'd just die like that?" Project end looked at Sarah and said "her maybe, but you, no, now it seems that you have won, just take it and leave." Alex shook his head "No, I've got my orders and you've killed to many agents already, you've signed your death warrant the second you killed the first." Project end smiled "Well then, Do it." Alex put the rifle to project end's head and with a little hesitation, he pulled the trigger.

Alex and sarah left the city with Alex saying "another completed mission, how did you feel about that one sarah?" Alex looked at Alex and said "I don't know, it feels so new I guess, so are we heading home now?" Alex nodded "yeah just gotta get the things we brought with us." Sarah gave a look of understanding, and followed him back to the look out.

The lookout was empty with H.D and G.W nowhere to be found a note was on the tree that read "Dear Alex and sarah, we have left, we are finally free of her curse and are now ready to return home, goodbye and safe travels. H.D and G.W." Sarah picked up the sniper and her bag and Alex picked up his, She then said "What a... Weird crew."

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