Finally Falling Hard /Luke Pa...

By talkin_mcu

7.3K 19 15

I might be- No, can't be falling for the guy I have despised for months- but his eyes- No Alya snap out of it... More

Lets start from the beginning
Guess its not a phase
Who are you?
Mysterious eyes
Not what i thought
Prank wars
I dont like him
Maybe i do?
In denial
Just me and you
Last meal
Last night
Midnight thoughts
Im Alya
Miss you already
Football boy
Dont think about it
I need you
She knows
Where am i?
New guitar
What are you doing?!
The lie
Leather pants
This town
Nothing there
Its November
Unsaid Emily
Secret santa
Booked a gig

Boarding school?!

171 0 0
By talkin_mcu

I got up the next morning and went down stairs to get a drink and saw my mum eating breakfast reading something but she wouldn't let me look. She completely ignored me. She can't keep this up right? I leave her alone and my dad walks in and looks at me disgusted. So I walk past him back to my room and lie in bed staring at my ceiling.

I stayed in my room all day not speaking to anyone just on my bedroom floor writing and practicing the guitar thinking of what Luke taught me. I didn't eat all day. I wasn't hungry and I slept for the other half of the day. That happened for the next few days I never left my room. I didn't want to look at my parents and when Alex knocked on the door I told him I was fine and I wanted to be alone.

At around 6pm my mum shouted me downstairs so I walked down to see them on the couch. I stood in front of them as they tried to avoid looking at me.

'What?' I ask.

'We have made the decision to move you to a boarding school in Australia' my mum says with no emotion finally looking at me.

'WHAT?!' I shout, 'you can't!'

'We can and it's the best thing for you!' My dad shouts back.

'How?!' I snap.

'It will get you out of this faze and you won't throw your life away' my mum says calmly.

'You wouldn't dare!' I look her dead in the eyes.

'It's already done,' she looks at me with an unreasonable expression, 'your going for your 2 week trial on Monday as everyone is going back to school'

'No!' I protest, 'I have a job, a life, a great school already and all my friends are here, I can't leave!'

'No!' My dad snaps, 'you have your disgrace of your brother and that band!'

'But-' I mumble trying to hold my tears.

'But nothing!' My mum shouts, 'go pack you leave in 2 days!'

I run out the house with tears streaming down my face. It was lashing it down this thunder hitting the ground. I could barley see threw my tears. I run in no shoes and in my pyjamas that I haven't changed out of in 4 days. My feet hurt as I run as far as my legs would take me. As I ran I wiped my tears with my sleeve that was soaking wet from the rain already. I fell to the floor at a park on a patch of grass and hugged my legs and cried for which seemed like forever. I lay in the thunder for a while thinking.

I finally got up and walked to the studio which took awhile because I ran the opposite way. I got there and walked into the boys playing. They all stop as they notice me stood there soaking wet with water dripping from my eyes and hair. Alex drops his drum sticks and runs over to my and hugs me. He holds me tight and I hug him back. He picks me up and puts me in the couch. He could tell I had no energy left in me. The boys set all there instruments down and walks over. Luke sats on the other said of me as Bobby and Reggie sit on the table looking at me worried.

'What happened?' Reggie asked sweetly.

I look at Alex and I hold my tears back and fake smile, 'nothing I just went on a walk'

Luke grabs my drenched hand from my leg and hold it as I look into his eyes, 'you know you can always talk to us right?'

'I know' I sniff.

'Your going to get a cold from being in the rain' Reggie says worried. The second he says that I sneeze, 'there we go' I laugh still holding Luke's hand.

'Carry on guys' I say.

'Als can I talk to you privately?' Alex says shewing the boys away.

We walk upstairs so no one can hear us. I hug Alex again and he whispers, 'what happened?'

'M-mum is sending me to a boarding school' I stutter.

'WHAT?!' Alex shouts, 'they can't do that where?' He says trying to be more quiet.

'Australia' I mumble.

He hugs me tight lifting me of the floor, 'we won't let them I promise we will stop them'

'Thanks' I berry my face into his chest, 'don't tell the boys'

'Why?' He asks.

'I don't want them to worry' I admit.

'You will tell them before you go though right?' He asks.

'Yeh I will the day before' I say.

'When are you going?' He asks shaking.

'Monday' I mumble. He doesn't say anything he just holds me close and we stay there for a minute and walk back down stairs.

'I'm taking her home I will see you guys tomorrow' Alex's says to the boys walking past them.

'Okay, bye Alya' Luke says I smile and wave to him and Alex drives us home in silence.

Third person

'What do you think just happened?' The lead singer asks the band who is missing there drummer and new lead vocalist.

'I'm not sure but she is definitely not okay' the bass guitarist speaks up.

'All I heard was Alex shout what which didn't sound good' the rhythm guitarist says.

'We will talk to her tomorrow she just needs some space and her family at the moment' the lead guitarist assumes.


Alya's pov

Alex burst threw the front door of the house almost breaking the hinges off.

'WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?' He screams at my mum who is the only one in the house. Our dad is probably out getting drunk again. I just close the door behind us and stand there in silence.

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