Yours, Forever & Always.

By mrtobiaz_

9K 240 723

Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... More

A Knock In The Night.
Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
Grumpy Beginnings
How It All Began...Kinda.
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
Runnin' High On Serotonin
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Sweet Tom of Mine!
Th๐™ด ๐š๐‘ข๐‘กแดœแ–‡๐™š โ’นoอกอœeอกอœsฬ†ฬˆnฬ†ฬˆ'ฬ†ฬˆtฬ‘ฬˆ ๐Ÿ„ด๐Ÿ†‡๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ‡ธโ€Š๐“ฝ
Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!
You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

Les I'm Miserable.

303 7 20
By mrtobiaz_

It was dark. But doesn't every dream start like that? Tom didn't think so. He then saw Tord. He ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his neck lovingly. He placed kisses all along Tord's collarbone. Tord smiled and kissed Tom passionately. Tom loved it. But then he realized what he was doing.

Kissing Tord.

Tom woke up and sighed. He felt a wave of warmth wash over him. He smiled and snuggled in deeper with the never-ending warmth.

Then he felt an arm wrap around his waist, followed by a small peck on his forehead. Tom looked up to see his worst nightmare.


And he was shirtless.

Tom sat up with a start and rubbed his eyes. "Holy fuck...I just dreamed I was kissing Tord." Tom then looked beside him. Oh fuck. So I wasn't hallucinating? Shit.

"Please say you're wearing pants." Tom mumbled.

Tord smiled. "Don't worry, I am. Are you?"

"Yes. Thankfully." Tom breathed a sigh of relief. If he had-...With Tord...he wouldn't have been able to forgive himself.

"Was it really so bad though?" Tord asked softly.

"No. And that's the bad part! We-...I...this shouldn't be happening I shouldn't feel this way!" Tom exclaimed.

Tord placed his hands on Tom's shoulders. Tom had his back towards Tord, so he took this as an opportunity to attempt to calm him down with a massage. "Thomas...calm down. We didn't wake Marie up, so we're fine. Plus, we're both adult men who can legally do as we please, it just so happens, we prefer...each other."

Tom sighed. Tord placed a kiss on Tom's shoulder and began nibbling on the skin until it began to form a purple mark. Tord smiled. That wasn't the only mark he left on Tom. Their little rendezvous was quite eventful, to say the least. So much so, that Tord was proud to say he has his own marks left by Tom. Those he was quite glad to have.

Tom sat up and walked to the bathroom. With Tord trailing behind.

"Tord what the hell?! I'll need a fucking turtleneck to cover these up!" Tom exclaimed angrily. Tord gestured at Marie. Tom sighed and looked at Tord with an unamused expression.

Tord gestured to the marks Tom had left on his neck, shoulders and chest. He pointed to one that was on his jawline. "I wasn't the only one who left a mark Thomas. This one will take some makeup to cover up."

Tom gritted his teeth. "Oh god. Sorry..."

Tord smiled. "No need! Glad to know you had fun too." Tord winked at Tom which made blood rush to Tom's cheeks.

"Tord? Are you in there?"

Tord and Tom froze. What the fuck does Paul need now?

Tom ran and grabbed something from a drawer before quickly disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. Tord sighed and opened his bedroom door to see both of his parents standing there with unamused expressions on their faces.

"What's on your face?" Paul asked sternly.

Tord rushed to cover the mark with his hand. "Nothing! Now if you could just-"

Tord was interrupted by a loud crash coming from his bathroom.

Tord stood frozen. God Thomas, help me out of this.

Tom stood holding the mirror shard. Okay. I can do this.

"Tamara? I need help." Tom said softly.

Soon he was with Tamara in her world. Tamara seemed just as panicked as he was. "Okay, Tom just, pretend to be with Tori, okay?!"

Tom nodded and Tamara disappeared into his world.

He was pacing around until he knocked over some soap bottles.

"What was that?!" A womanly voice called form the other side of the bathroom door. Tom cleared his throat. "Um...S-Sorry T-Tori...I knocked over your soap...I'll pick it up!"

Tori was stunned. Damn Tam, you're just full of secrets, huh? "See? Just my..." Tori swallowed. "My boyfriend. So...yeah."

Paula and Patricia left stunned, and Tori opened the bathroom door, only to see a panicked Tom frantically trying to fix Tori's soap.

"Tamara? Is this a joke?"

Tom shook his head frantically. "The mirror! I'm Tom! Not Tamara!"

Tori sighed. What the fuck?

Tamara looked around in wonder. Damn, this Tord dude has a lot of soap. Tamara went to grab some shampoo when it slipped out her hand. Shit.

"What was that?!" Patryck called.

Tamara sighed. C'mon, do this for Tom. "S-Sorry T-Tord...I knocked over your soap, I'll pick it up!"

Paul and Patryck left in shock, and Tord walked into the bathroom, surprised to see a panicked Tamara struggling with soap.

Tord frowned. "Where's Tom?"

Tamara pointed to the mirror, and Tom flew out along with a confused Tori.

"Thomas! What the- that was amazing! Good thinking." Tord beamed.

Tom smiled. But then he noticed something off about Tord. He kept staring at Tamara. "Okay!" Tom cleared his throat. "We should go! Bye, Tam! It was nice seeing you again!"

"You too!" Tamara replied awkwardly, and her and Tori both disappeared into the mirror, which Tom placed back in his drawer.

Tom jumped at the feeling of arms wrapping around hid waist. "Uh...Tord? What are you doing?"

Tord sighed. "That Tori couldn't keep her eyes off of you."

"Are you jealous, commie?" Tom smirked.

Tord grabbed Tom's chin and gently lifted it to face him. "You are with me now Thomas. You are mine."

"I'm not a thing you can have possession over, Tord." Tom scoffed.

Tord smiled. "That's right."

Tom smiled back at Tord. "You know, we should get dressed for the date."

"I can't believe you agreed to that." Tord groaned.

Tom smirked. "Trust me, I'm only going, because unlike you, I actually respect authority." Tom left to go change.

"Wait! I am The Red Leader! I am authority! Why don't you respect me?!" Tord called after Tom.

Tom snickered and proceeded to bust out with laughter. Tom's laughter was somewhat contagious, which led to Tom and Tord both the floor rolling with laughter. Tom walked over to Marie, who was startled by the sudden laughter.

"Aw...honey, don't cry! Your daddy is just making me laugh!" Tom exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" Paul, walked in at the exact wrong moment.

"Dad! No! Holy shit! Just- GET OUT!" Tord cried.

Paul walked out stunned. "Pat honey, that wasn't a good idea."

"Yeah, I heard. Sorry to put you through that love." Patryck sighed.

Paul smiled. "I mean, on the plus side, I figured out who Tord's mysterious new girlfriend is! Heck, it's not even a girl!"

"Well? Who is it?" Patryck said excitedly.

Paul smiled. "It's Tom."

Tord walked out to where Paul and Pat were with the car. Tord had Tom beside him and had Marie wrapped in his arms. Tom made sure to pack a diaper bag in case of any emergencies. It's safe to say that they were very prepared.

"Have fun you two!" Patryck smiled as Tom and Tord were packing the car.

Paul smirked. "Have him home before twelve Tom!"

Tom rolled his eyes. "I make no promises!"

Paul and Patryck watched as Tom and Tord drive off.

Patryck smiled. "I think it'll go well!"

Paul nodded.

The car ride was fairly uneventful. Tom and Tord didn't have much to talk about, so it was mainly very quiet, and peaceful. Plus, the restaurant want too far away, so they wouldn't have been able to have a long, meaningful conversation anyway.

Once inside the restaurant, a waitress happily greeted them. "Hello! Do you have a reservation?" She said happily, then she noticed Marie. "Aw! Cute baby! What's her name?"

"Marie!" Tom said smiling.

The waitress smiled. "What an adorable name!"

Tord smiled and cleared his throat. "Yes, reservation for Edgar Smith."

The waitress gasped. "Oh! You're Edgar? I expected some old guy."

Tord smiled. "Nope. I'm Edgar."

The waitress led the trio to their table. "Oh! I'm May!" She handed them some menus then left to go see another table. Tom opened his menu and sighed. It was all in Norwegian. Tom knew some, but not enough to be able to have a full conversation, or even order food. And on top of that, the menu had no pictures. So Tom wasn't even able to see what looked good! He groaned in frustration.

Tord smirked. "Having trouble, Thomas?"Tom nodded. Tord smiled. He waved his hand and a waiter came right over. They had a brief conversation in Norwegian then the waiter left.

Tom sighed. "Did you just order for me?"

"Yes! Don't worry, I have a feeling you'll like this! And if you don't, then I'll eat it! It's my favourite thing that they serve here!" Tord beamed.

Tom sighed. "Okay, okay." He took Marie out of her car seat and held her close to his chest. He took out a baby bottle and began feeding her. Humming a faint tune under his breath.

Tord smiled. Tom noticed Tord staring, so he smiled back. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Am I not allowed too?" Tord smirked.

Tom sighed. "I thought we were a secret...this is kinda public."

"No one will know, disguises, remember?" Tord smiled cheekily. It was true, they had put disguises on. Tord had brushed his hair down, everyone was so used to him having his horned hair, that with his hair down no one would even recognize him. Tom on the other hand, took the liberty in getting a haircut. His current style was getting old anyway, so he was due for a cut. He had half of his hair shaved off, making a cool side shave. It looked good though! Definitely a change! A good one.

Tom smiled while placing a sleeping Marie back in her car seat."Right. Disguises. So who am I than, Edgar?"

"You can be Tony." Tord smiled.

"Hm, I like that. But where-?" Tom looked to where Tord was pointing. A kid in the table beside them was eating Frosted Flakes.

"Ah. I see." Tom smiled. "So, I've been meaning to ask you..."

"Yes...?" Tord asked curiously.

Tom sighed. "If I were to initiate a day shift and a night shift, how would you feel?"

"Well, it would definitely increase the amount of work done, and the soldiers would be happy to finally have a I'd feel very highly towards the idea!" Tord smiled.

Tom sighed in relief. "That's good! I tried to do the same thing at the Rebellion, but Edd and Matt shut me down. And well...I kinda already initiated it."

Tord thought for a moment. "That explains the lack of soldiers!"

Tom chuckled. "Heh, yeah. Sorry about that. But, it's cool though?"

Tord smiled. "Yeah, it's cool."

May arrived with a plate of pasta. "Here we are!" She subtly slipped a paper into Tord's hand as she walked away. Tord caught her wink as she left. Tord opened the paper. A phone number. He looked up to see her make a 'call me!' symbol with her hands. Tord frowned.

"Tord? something wrong?" Tom asked concerningly.

Tord handed the paper to Tom. Tom frowned at it. Before sighing, "call her then."

"What?!" Tord exclaimed a little too loudly.

Tom sighed. "C'mon, we both know she's prettier than me. It's common facts. You'd be better with her."

Tord rolled his eyes. Tom was always like this. Putting himself down. It was a normal occurrence. Still, it bothered Tord a bit.

Tom took a bite of some of the pasta. "Whoa!" He exclaimed as he took another bite.

Tord smiled. "You like it, I assume?" Tord took a bite as well, when he got to a stubbornly long noodle. He wasn't going to bite down and cut the noodle! He may be a ruthless killer, but he's not a monster. He looked up at Tom, and he seemed to be having the same problem as well. Eventually, the noodle seemed to be small enough to see the end, yet Tord couldn't, because it was in Tom's mouth. Slowly, their faces got closer and closer together, until their lips met. Tord loved the feeling of Tom's soft lips against his own.

Tom smiled into this unexpected kiss. He thought of this to be like a game he used to play as a kid. He forgot the name, but the point was for two people to kiss, until one chickened out. And, Tom wasn't going to be doing that anytime soon. Eventually Tom pulled away, he didn't want too, but he also didn't like the glares he was getting from May.

Tord smiled victoriously. He won, of course. But God, he wished it didn't end so soon.

Tom looked away from Tord with a flushed face.

Tord smirked and called May over. She happily skipped over to greet Tord. "Yes, Edgar?"

"I think for desert we will have these," Tord pointed to an item on the menu. May sighed. "Will that be all?" Tord thought for a moment. "Actually, here." He handed her a piece of paper which she gleefully unfolded.

Tom stared at Tord with shock, until Tord gave him a reassuring nod. May read the note and threw it back at Tord in rage. She then stomped away angrily, all while causing quite a big scene.

Tord handed the paper to Tom. And Tom skeptically unfolded it.

Tom practically burst out with laughter. "Holy fuck Tord! Did you see the look on her face?! Fucking priceless!" Tord laughed along with him. They'll both admit, maybe they should've done this before.

Soon after, another waiter appeared with a plate of...cookies?

Tord thanked him and the waiter walked off. He then grabbed a cookie and began snacking on it.

Tom hesitated before grabbing one himself. He took a bit and, "HOLY-!"

Tord was a bit startled. "Yes...?"

"These taste like what your parents used to make!" Tom exclaimed.

Tord shrugged. "They're popular around here. Everyone makes them."

"Can we make them when we get home?! We can hand them out to some of the soldiers!" Tom asked excitedly.

Tord had never seen Tom this excited over anything like cookies before. Although, it was adorable to see him getting so worked up over this.

"Okay, okay. If we get going now, we'll have enough to make some for maybe...half of the soldiers." Tord added.

Tom nodded. "Perfect!"

Tom practically dragged Tord out of the restaurant. "Hurry up! I will leave without you, no hesitation."

Tord sighed. He walked up to the waiter. "Sorry about him. He's..." Tord couldn't find the words. The waiter nodded. "The stuff you guys have is real, authentic love." Tom butted in, "whoa! Whoa! Not love...we just..." The waiter winked at Tord. "I hope to see you three around here again! The name's Jack." Tord smiled and handed Jack a card, and winked back at him as he, Tom and Marie left.

Tom looked at Tord suspiciously. "What was that card about?"

Tord smiled and handed Tom one. "Recruitment."

Tom looked at the card.

The card ended with a set of coordinates. Tom snickered. "So, you just hand these around? Seriously?"

Tord shrugged. He opened the car door for Tom. "Ladies first~!" Tord purred.

Tom flicked Tord in the forehead. "That's twice now that you've done that."

"And? Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't like it." Tord smirked.

Tom looked at Tord. They stared into each other's eyes for what felt like hours. Tord seemingly getting lost in the somewhat comforting endless sea of black that is Tom's "eyes." Tom thought of Tord's eyes as stars in the night sky. Like the stars he used to star at at night, the stars he would wish upon as a child. Together, their faces connected and they were once again had their lips connected in the most imaginable way possible. Tord turned the kiss from a gentle peck to a rough and passionate moment of bliss. He pushed Tom up against the car door. Tom grabbed a fistful of Tord's shirt and pulled him down for more contact. They both smiled and made the kiss more rough and passionate with each breath.

Tord pulled away and began kissing down Tom's neck. Tom smiled and kissed Tord's forehead. He sighed and stared at Marie's car seat. Her empty car seat.

"TORD!" Tom screamed.

Tord pulled away from Tom to see him staring at him with wide, panicked eyes.

Tord looked down at Marie's empty car seat. "FAEN I HELVETE!" Tord cried angrily.

Tord turned towards Tom. "Tord, we should've been watching her! We're terrible parents! I'm a terrible parent!"

Tord walked up to Tom and wrapped him in a firm embrace. "Don't worry Tom, we'll find her. I'll find and kill everyone responsible for this. I promise you that."

Tom sniffled and nestled his face in Tord's shoulder, while Tord pulled out his phone to call his parents.

"Hey! Tord!" Paul chirped on the other end of the phone. "How are you? Did you need us to come get Marie?"

Tord sighed, "Marie's gone."

"WHAT?! What do you mean, gone?!"

"We turned away for one second! She was in her car seat! She's-..." Tord sniffled. "She's gone."

"We'll get soldiers on it Tord. We'll send some troops out."

Tom looked up to Tord with his eyes full of tears. "Tell them-...tell them to call Edd and Matt."

Tord thought for a moment, but then he realized. The threats Edd and Matt made.

They said that they would tear Tom and Tord apart.

They must've somehow found out about Marie.

She's the thing that brought Tom and Tord together.

And she very well may be the thing that tears them apart.

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