Sugary Compilation

Da luhTopjr

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Just a compilation of different imagines of your favourite sus boys Altro

Ε«NΓΈ} ynwyoungboy
I'm sorry,what?} playboiuzi
Almost }ybnskimask
call on me}21NBA
you p-promised} 21Lee
fools day}21NBA
Territorial} NBAK (rewritten)
I would rather......} ynw47
I promise}21Lee
Crumbling Paradise} NBATentacion
Never better} 21Lee
sTrUnG oUt}21Carti
Stockholm syndrome}21Carti

one nightstand}YbnSavage

952 36 19
Da luhTopjr

Bow! 10k words with a lot of errors. I honestly don't know why I dragged it out that much but fuck it. I hope someone at least reads through to the end because it's trash🤧


A typical club with loud music packed to the max on a typical Saturday night. Bodies grinding and swaying all over the dance floor completely hyped. Groups of friends and couples seated at designated tables chatting amongst themselves while other creatures were seated at the bar just drinking back to back, others slowly sipping their drinks while the occasional pervert looked out for potential innocent and naive preys to take home tonight.

Waiters, male and female dressed in almost nothing moved around serving drinks and being nice to customers mostly because they had to. It was a busy weekend night. Nothing out the ordinary.

At the furthest corner under the blue dim lights sat two best friends slash brothers. One was slowly sipping his third drink of the night while the other sucked harshly onto the neatly rolled up blunt on his fingers. His third one in a row. Shoulders tensed nose flaring with every exhale Sheyaa could tell something was definitely off with his bro.

"Get tah talkin' mah nigga." Sheyaa hummed staring at the younger over the rim of his glass. Kentrell took another long aggressive pull of the drug between his fingers holding it in for a minute before exhaling thick white clouds of smoke through his mouth and nose. Low and completely red orbs peered at the other chocolate male across from him. Kentrell, unlike Sheyaa liked to smoke his problems away. Liquor had never touched his system. "Wossup witchu?"

"Nun. Say, I'm chillin'." Kentrell hummed and continued to smoke the fuck outta that blunt. Sheyaa rolled his eyes sitting up some.

"Ight, less try this one mo time, hmm." He lowered the dark liquor filled glass from his face. "Wossup witchu?" he repeated slowly staring at the other male expectantly.

Kentrell sucked his lips in staring off to the side his eyes landing on the stripper maneuvering her way on a pole at the dance floor. He was stressed out no doubt and there definitely was something bothering him but he hadn't planned on speaking on it either. He hated speaking his mind unless it was completely necessary but in this case he knew there was no way he could avoid this conversation. He could still feel Sheyaa's eyes burning a hole into the side of his head and that nigga never backed down for nothing. Kentrell smacked his lips again then turned back to him.

"I hate yoh nosy ass on gawd slime." He sighed reaching his hand out to rub his eyes. He then took another drag off the stick that was getting smaller by the second. "Iyana been speaking on that pregnancy shit." Smoke came out with every word.

Sheyaa raised his eyebrows watching his friend fidget slightly on his seat shoulders still tense indicating the third blunt still hadn't hit him yet. He then sat back staring at the liquor in his glass as his brother's words sank in. A frown formed on his face eyebrows scrunched. Then he smirked.

"The one and only Yaya Mayweather? Crazy Iyana that slashed your tires and stabbed your baby moms? The one you cussed out and told her not to come to yoh funeral? That Iyana?" Sheyaa snorted earning an eye roll from Kentrell. At that, Sheyaa cackled head thrown back hand slapping on his meatless thigh. Kentrell watched him blankly completely unamused.

"Is it for real?" Sheyaa asked turning serious for a moment. They both knew Kentrell had once been in a situation where a female faked a baby. Kentrell nodded slightly. He'd seen the results himself seeing as he watched the said female take the tests just to be certain. "Owwww nigga you fucked up. Now her crazy ass forever tied to yoh black ass." And Sheyaa was back to cackling finding the situation hilarious. His friend had been so adamant to free himself from said female because she was in Kentrell's words 'a handful' and overall came with a lot of drama. He himself thought the girl was mentally unstable or something close to those lines.

"Mane, say shutcho dumb ass up! You think ion know that?" Kentrell grumbled. He hadn't planned to have a child with the female. If anything he wanted to be as far away from her crazy ass as possible but anybody who knew him, knew for a fact that he always took care of kids and this time it was no different. He would be there for his child and a father as he should. Besides, he couldn't help that he was a fertile ass nigga.

"Uh uh that baby gone be evil as hell. His father fucking insane, his mama def a pyscho and his gran daddy a famous ass fighter! And a good one at that! Shiii might as well be the end of tha mathafukin world!" Sheyaa continued to tease and laugh at the situation. Kentrell mocked him before flipping him off. He didn't see anything funny.

"What the fuck you give to this female's bruh? I mean you got five kids already and Drea pregnant as we speak! You gone die young my brother." Sheyaa was of course messing with the younger. He didn't really care that his friend had so many kids. Kentrell was a better father to his many babies than most niggas were to their one. Besides he ain't never heard any of Kentrell's baby mothers complain that he was not a good father so he must be doing right by them.

"Fuck you!" Kentrell flipped the taller off getting even more aggravated. He didn't let anyone speak on his family. Sheyaa only got a pass cause they been knew each other for the longest and he knew the man didn't mean anything shady by his words.

"No senk you sir. Might just knock me up as well." Sheyaa snorted stupidly at his own joke Kentrell kicking him on his shin under the table.

"Dumb ass nigga! Enough bout me tho. Say, I know yoh pole built bird looking ass still upset bout Ty." Kentrell changed the subject. He would deal with it later. Sheyaa stopped laughing his whole mood switching. He sat up a slight cough escaping his lips.

He'd recently gone through a nasty divorce from his husband of six years. Well six months wasn't that recent but to him it felt like yesterday. He had fucked up something good he had going on and everyday he lived to regret it. Even after six months, he hadn't found the courage to remove his wedding band but today he'd been so shocked running into his ex-husband down town with a slightly visible baby bump. He'd stopped in his tracks his whole universe somehow shattering into a dozen million little pieces.

It was then that it really hit him how big of a mistake he had committed when he took his husband for granted. The man had finally gotten tired of the lies and constant arguing which ended up in him filing for a divorce.

Sheyaa had refused to sign the papers. He had begged and cried for another chance but the other male had refused. He wanted out and there was nothing Sheyaa could do. The court had later forced him to sign the divorce papers. His husband wanted nothing from him. Tyquian had walked out taking nothing with him except all the clothes and shoes he owned just as he had came.

"It's only been what? Six months and his ass already pregnant? See, I'm sure whole time he been waiting on me to-"Sheyaa shook his head unable to finish the sentence. It was a lie. He knew that. Kentrell knew that. There was nothing Tyquian Terrell Joseph had wanted more than a baby. For some reason they couldn't have one. They tried. Lord knows they did. They even went the extra mile to see all the fertility doctors in the country and even once Sheyaa consented to consulting a weird ass shaman in Hawaii all efforts turning up null and void. Their marriage was strained after that. Sheyaa still thinks they silently blamed each other but after today it was clear he was the problem and not Tyquian.

"I'm sorry mane." Kentrell sympathized. He had nothing better to say actually.

"It's whatever tho. He got what he been wanting since a long ass time. So I guess its ight." Sheyaa licked the front row of his teeth before taking the bottle of Hennessey and taking a long swig.

But it wasn't okay. He was hurt. Big hurt. So much so that he had snatched the wedding band clean off his finger the moment he stepped out the store after staggering his way out for some fresh air. It didn't help though. His throat still tightened, eyes watering and he couldn't breathe right for the life of him. It hurt that bad and he had to sit down on the pavement next to his car to actually get a grip.

"Ight, let's not dwell on that ight. Say, its bout time you moved on too. How bout-"Kentrell paused his head jerking right. "I seen you eyeing ole twink on the dance floor. Shoot yoh shot and get laid. Can't deal with yoh ass all depressed and shit." Sheyaa turned in that direction.

It's true the dreaded twink had piqued his interest. He was petite, small but curvy in the right places as shown in the tube glittery dress the twink was currently wearing. Plus he got moves as far as he could see from his seat. The stranger screamed loud outgoing twink! Just how he liked 'em.

"Where you going?" Sheyaa tore his eyes from the dreaded male to his friend who'd stood up from his seat.

"I gotta go see Jania bout Kacey. Get yoh shrimp wet. I'mma fuck witchu tomorrow, ight?" Kentrell reached over dapped his friend up before making his way out the club.

On his way out, Kentrell stopped by the smaller man they had been watching shamelessly. Sheyaa watched as Kentrell tapped him on the shoulder the shorter stopping his dancing to stare up at Kentrell who then whispered something in the shorter's ear before pointing at him then both looking his way.

Sheyaa smacked his lips darting his eyes away so he wouldn't get caught looking but he had to look again. Kentrell smirked watching the shorter smile then just like that Kentrell was gone and the dreaded male was making his way towards him hips swaying side to side in the most natural but seductive way he'd ever seen. Sheyaa felt his intestines flutter in anticipation and just a tad bit of anxiousness.

"A lil birdie told me you in need of some company...." The twink trialed off sitting down where Kentrell once had. Sheyaa maintained a neutral face as he studied the person in front of him. His dreads were freshly done a neat crisp line up going with it. He had on makeup but not too much. It looked natural, almost. Fake lashes were batted his way curiously as the twink seemed to consider him as well.

"Sheyaa, what's yoh name?" Sheyaa licked his lips now maintaining eye contact. The smaller smiled then chuckled leaning back and staring at him.

"Nicholas. You can call me Nicky tho."



" Nicky!"

"Nicholas! "

"Bitch! Wake up hoe! Oh my gawwwwd Nicky I'm dying!"

"Your house is on fire bitch!" The female continued to screech shaking Nicholas sleeping form who didn't badge through all the yelling and noise. "Fuck it." She got up heading to the small kitchen and filling a cup with water.

"What yoh ass want this time Nicole?" Nicholas had suddenly appeared at the door startling the female.

"Aaah!" Nicole screamed spilling the water on her front shirt and pants. She definitely had not expected to hear Nicholas right behind her. "Fuck! Don't sneak up on me like that bitch!" Nicole huffed eyes glued on the wet patch that kept growing. Nick rolled his eyes and headed back to bed falling face first.

"You got two seconds 'fore i kick yoh needy ass out." Nicholas grumbled turning over and squinting at his twin sister. He was still sleepy and very much butt naked.

"Okay, so i need a favor." Nicole cheesed as she pulled her shirt off throwing it on the floor next to the other bunch of clothes scattered on the floor.

"See this why i don't like yoh ass knowing when I'm in town." Nick huffed.

"Yeah yeah. So you know Trayvon back in town right-"

"Hold up, which Trayvon you talm bout?" Nick sat up.

"The one and only. Trayvon Trayvon. " Nicole huffed shimming out of the pants she was wearing and throwing it somewhere on the floor. She then got into Nick's wardrobe already picking out an outfit.

"Hmmm Trayvon the crack head? The one who always wearing them busted ones and that one yellow windbreaker he never take off? Trayvon with them big ass fish lips, weird ass hairline, lopsided arms and dirty ass braids that you're completely crazy about even though he done cheated on yoh ass a trillion times and had mad babies on yoh ass? That Trayvon?" Nick sassed side eyeing his sister. Nicole smacked her lips stopping what he was doing to stare at her twin. " aht aht don't gimme that stank eye hoe."

"Okay, one he's clean now. Two, he only got three kids and lastly, mind yoh business fool." Nicole sassed back. " any-hoe like i was saying-he in town and I'm tryna hop on that d tuh-nite. We been knew can't nobody fuck me like he do soooo-" she did this stupid thing with her face and tongue.

"Ewww get to the point witcho nasty ass." Nick gagged.

"I'm supposed to be at this company after party but you going in my place-" they both froze hearing a toilet flush. Nicole exchanged a look with her twin but Nicholas was just as confused. The bathroom door then opened. Nicole gasped while Nicholas just cursed under his breathe. He had completely forgotten about his one nightstand who was supposed to be gone by now.

"Mr Joseph?!" Nicole screeched eyes wide once she recognized the half naked male who only had a towel around his waist.

"Ms. Simons." Shèyaa dead panned looking up from his feet. He didn't react though.

"Bitch you fucked my boss?" Nicole then turned to her brother. Nicholas blinked staring back and forth between her twin and the taller. Awkward silence filled the room. Nicholas was in his birthday suit while his twin was in only her bra and panties then there was Sheyaa who only had a towel around his waist.

"That's yoh boss?" Nick snorted breaking the silence at last.

"Yes!" Nicole shrieked eyes wide in disbelief.

"Well shit! Yoh boss can fuck, I'll give you that." Nicholas shrugged chuckling. He then stood up from the bed. "I need to piss." He mumbled strutting towards the bathroom but stopped right in front of sheyaa. "You want some cereal handsome?" Nick stiffled a yawn as he looked up at Sheyaa. He then balled his hand into a fist rubbing on his still sleepy eyes. Sheyaa chuckled finding the action cute.

"Nah. I'm good." He replied licking his lips. He let his eyes wander all over the light skin petite body. There were hickeys everywhere especially the neck and collar bone. There were some on his arms a lot on the stomach and the thi-

"Ight. I had a good time. A really good time." And Nick snickered childishly sticking his tongue. He moved closer leaving a kiss on Sheyaa's peck who raised a brown at the action. "You gots to go tho. Hmmmbaiiiii." Nick waved walking around him and into the bathroom. He closed and locked the door.

Sheyaa stood there struggling not to laugh. He didn't know why he was wanted to laugh but the shorter was just funny for some reason. He then shook his head letting out a chuckle. He turned back to the female who was staring at him stuck. He ignored her and started collecting his clothes one by one.

"Don't stare too hard Miss. Simmons." He grumbled sliding his briefs on under the towel then the pants.

"S-sorry." Nicole stuttered then it hit her that she was practically half naked in front of her boss. She squeaked dashing out of the room.

Sheyaa chuckled finishing up with his clothes then he collected his watch and wallet. The toilet flushed and out walked Nicholas in all his naked glory. The twink walked right past him and into the bed. He got under the covers this time covering himself up leaving only his face to be seen.

"I'll see you around?" Sheyaa asked awkwardly. Nick stared at him a sheepish grin on his face.

"Ion think so boo." He shook his head at the taller. Sheyaa nodded then stood there, shoes in hand staring down at Nicholas who stared right back. They just watched each other in silence. For some reason Sheyaa didn't feel like leaving just yet. "You gon stand there looking all sexy orrrr?" Nick found himself laughing a bit.

"You look real pretty in the morning lil mama." Sheyaa said instead catching the twink completely off guard. Nick blushed bringing the blanket to cover half his face.

"Thank you." Behind the blanket he was cheesing hard. He couldn't help that he was one of those people that thrived on complements no matter how small.

"Ight. I'm out." And he turned around walking out the room. Nick waited a second before removing the blanket from his face grinning like an idiot.

"That was so corny." He laughed out loud slapping his hands over his face and shaking his head. He brought his pointer finger to his mouth and bit on the nail slightly. Thoughts of his one night stand swirled on his mind. "He's so.... Ugh!" he scoffed starting to thrash around the bed wildly. He was feeling all types of giddy and gushy.

"Nicholas motherfucking Simmons!" Nicole stormed into the room fuming. Nick rolled his eyes letting out a huff. He shifted himself against the headboard then fixed his twin an annoyed look.

"I thought yoh aggravating ass left already." He tilted his head frowning at the still half naked female.

"No, clearly I didn't." Nicole stomped her foot. "What the fuck was that bitch, huh? That's my boss and he seen me naked!" she shrieked hands on her cheeks. Nick rolled his eyes.

"Ion got time for yoh antics Nicole. Now why you here again?" Nick grumbled leaning towards the dresser and retrieving a scrunchie which he used to tie his dreads up.

"But-but-but-he seen me naked! I'm gon get fired hoe. I'mma lose mah job! Oh mah gawd" and Nicole dramatically fell on the bed wailing. Nick straight faced her.

"You not even naked naked Nicole. You got yoh bra and drawls on the fuck."

"Not the point." Nicole groaned fake sniffing. "Ew! This the bed y'all fucked in?!" she suddenly jumped up and started hopping around like a headless chicken. "Ew! Ew! Ew! Ewwww!" she screeched a disgusted expression on her face. Nick grabbed his foundation brush from the dresser and launched it at the female successively hitting her on the head. "Owh!"

"Sit yoh dumbass down and tell me why you disturbing my peace. I coulda prolly got me some morning dick but nooooo yoh aggravating ass wanna show up unannounced." Nick scoffed. Nicole pouted rubbing her head.

"I'm sorry if I missed you and wanted to actually see you for a change. I never see you, Nicky. You always in and out of town. You mah only family and ion even see you" Nicole mumbled sadly. Nick sighed eyes softening a bit.

He had just gotten into town from a three months stay in Milan and before that he had been in Venice only mking a two day pitstop in Atlanta before he left for Milan. And in those two days they only tlked on the phone because Nicole had been at a business summit in New York so they did not get a chance to meet up.


"Sike! I got you, didn't I?" Nicole cackled clapping and throwing her head back. "Bruh ain't nobody missed yoh ass. I just want you to cover for me at this event at work so I can get me some bomb dick. You owe me since you one shitty twin." She snorted pointing a finger at her brother. Nick smacked his teeth.

"You know for a second there, I actually thought-" he paused swallowing his spit. A hurt expression formed on his face. "I actually thought you genuinely missed me and-" Nick paused again dramatically batting his lashes while fanning his face like he was about to cry.

Nicholas travelled a lot. As a photographer he was always on go. Ever since their mother died two years back Nick hadn't stayed in his home town for more than a week. He always said his soul itched and the only way to stop the itch was to be on move. Yet he never settled anywhere. The truth was Nicholas always had that nomadic spirit. He was born with it. A habit Nicole swears he inherited from their mother who was also a notorious traveler. Their mother was a model and by the time she gave birth to them she had been on practically every country in the world. Well, almost. After she gave birth however the travelling came to a halt. She had twin babies to take care of and she did her best. The father wasn't in the picture. Not that they need him anyway but it would have been nice to at least meet him.

When the twins turned three however, their mother was back into her job and travelling everywhere. It was hard with the twins riding along but she managed until she couldn't and eventually had to leave them with a nanny. They moved around a lot too. As a result the twins never got attached to anything. Nick loved it. All the new places and people he got to meet. He thrived in it.

Nicole? Not so much. She was the quiet one and having motion sickness made her despise travelling for the most part. She preferred staying home with their nanny when they were on school breaks while her brother travelled around with their mom and loved every second of it.That's how they grew up. Only seeing each other during school semesters. However, they still maintained contact. Nicole loved to hear all about Nick's adventures and the places they visited. The stories were always more interesting than actually participating.

Everything changed when they turned eighteen. Their mother suddenly wasn't travelling anymore. It took them awhile to figure out she was terminally ill but when they did, Nick switched colleges to be closer to home. Nicole had taken a gap year and they both took great care of their mom. It was a weird adjustment, for Nicole that is. She wasn't used to seeing the two everyday but she kind of loved the change.

Everything was good five years straight. Nicholas graduated college having majored in photography and Nicole did eventually go to college majoring in business. Their mother was doing better but they could clearly tell she missed her old life. She barely made it secret. One morning they woke up an she was gone. Forever. Nicole cried a river or two. Nick? He never shed a tear. Not a single one. He was calm and collected all through while Nicole bawled her eyes out and almost jumped into the grave.

After the funeral, both twins were stuck wondering what to do with themselves. Eventually, Nicole found a job in a company as an assistant manager. Nick put himself together and got into his photography. Before long he was back to travelling. Nicole was sad at first but Nick assured her it wouldn't be like before. He would always come back to check up on her. And so it was. Nick would be gone for a week then would come back for a day or three before he had to leave again. As time went by however, the trips became longer and the stays shorter.

"Yeah, no. Just stop. It ain't working." Nicole shook her head cringing.

"You right! Damn you always been better at the fake crying." Nick huffed rolling his eyes dramatically. His twin snorted.

"Hmmm." Nicole agreed. A silence fell over them. Nicole took that chance to walk over to Nick's closet rummaging through to find something to wear. She came back out in a black bodycon dress. "Ouuu I'm definitely keep it." She gushed walking over to the mirror and twirling around. Nick shrugged. He really didn't care.

"You're yet to tell me why the fuck you in my house Nicole." Nick grumbled tired of repeating the statement by now. Nicole continued to admire her figure in the mirror doing more than a few posses.

"How many times I gotta tell you?" She muttered absentmindedly. "I want you to cover for me at this work event later today." She supplied. Nick rolled his eyes. Again. It wasn't the first time they had done it. They were almost close to identical. Almost. Just enough to distract anyone who wasn't paying close attettion or didn't know either of them all that well.

"Fine. Gimme the details." And Nicole proceeded to give him all the details of the venue, time and everything else he needed to know. "-but wait, your boss knows who I am. He gon def know I aint you." Nick frowned.

"Oh, no worries. He doesn't attend such events." Nicole assured still staring at her reflection and gushing over herself. Nick shrugged.

"Ight, see yoh self out my apartment." And he ducked under the covers ready to go back to sleep. He was more than a little sore and exhausted from vigorous activities that shall not be mentioned.

"Whatever. Don't be late tho and don't you dare slip up. You better channel the fuck outta yoh inna Nicole and for fucksake do not bring nobody home from that event with you." She warned but Nick just flicked her off from under the blanket not bothering to respond.

It was easy manouvering his way through the event. All he had to do was smile, answer questions here and there and excuse himself from having small talks with people that seemed to know Nicole on a personal level. He did channel his inner Nicole perfectly but still he wasn't around the female enough to know every little detail like the status report of a package Nicole had apparently shipped out yesterday. Other than that, everything went smoothly. No one could tell he wasn't Nicole.

From the black silky wig on his head similar to the one Nicole had on, to the cocaine white blouse nicely pressed and tucked into a checked pencil skirt that was just a tad above the knee. Smooth caramel legs peeked from the skirt flowing down elegantly, red bottom heels on his feet. He had wanted to wear pants instead but Nicole turned the idea down. For jewellery, he had on dangling diamond earrings he had bought his twin on New Years, a matching diamond necklace and a few matching rings on both hands. His make up was simple yet captivating. Only thing that stood out was the bloody red coating that painted his lips.

"Miss Simmons, I've been looking for you." Nick paused stiffening when he instantly recognized the voice.

"Fuck!" he mumbled to himself side eying the man behind him.

"About this morning-" the man moved to stand beside him. "-can we like. Forget the incedent. For everybody sake?" and Nick could feel the man promptly looking down at him waiting for an answer.He just nodded not trusting his voice at the moment. His heart was loud and eractic in his ears and his intestines were practically folding on themselves. He was starting to panic and in his head he cussed his twin out ten thousand times. Why was the man here? He thought said man was not going to be at the event. Its either Nicole was lying or life was just playing a cruel joke on him. Either way he needed to get away before the man recognized him.

"Ight, cool." Sheyaa hummed letting out a sigh of relief. Nick side eyed him wondering why he was till standing next to him. "You aint gotta be awkward around me you know." Sheyaa chuckled the sound going through Nick's ear and making his stomach flutter. "I ain't know y'all was related for real." Sheyaa continued. Nick pursed his lips stiffly looking off in the opposite direction to avoid his face being seen. For some reason he was scared Sheyaa would instantly recognize him then Nicole would for real lose her job. This was basically fraud- identity theft. They could both go to jail. "He's your brother, right? Is y'all twins or some'n?"

oh dear lord, what do I do?

Once again, Nicolas nodded not actually speaking the words. He had easily fooled everybody else by taking on Nicole's softer voice but right now with how nervous he was, he couldn't trust himself not to fuck around and slip up.
"Hmm okay. I'mma be straight up witchu, I like his lil cute ass and I wanna see him again. You gon help me." He wasn't asking. He was telling her and Nick felt himself choke on his spit eyes widening in shock. Yet a warm fuzziness cut across his chest cheeks heating up at the words.

"uhhhh..." he dumbly uttered completely at a loss for words.

"I'm not taking a no Miss Simmons. You already know what it is. I want it, I get it." Sheyaa supplied sipping on the glass on champagne in his hands. Other guests passed around them some stopping to say hi. Nick grabbed two glasses from a passing waiter and immediately started gulping one down. "I'm only telling you cause a nigga tryna be courteous and shit you know. Get yah blessing while at it." And without even looking up, Nick could tell the man was smirking.

"You one cocky mathafaka, ain't you?" Nick snorted after finish one glass then started on the other. "...sir." He immediately added cussing himself out for speaking his mind when he was supposed to be pretending to be someone else. He waited anxiously for Sheyaa to snap but when a deep laugh reached his ears he rolled his eyes. He turned a bit to catch a glimpse of the man.

"I guess I am." Sheyaa spoke calmly. Nick thought long and hard for something Nicole would say in this situation.

"I don't think my brother would appreciate me giving out his information. Besides he is not the dating type." He tried as hard as he could to maintain Nicole's lazy drawl. Sheyaa smiled to himself.

"I can change that. All you gotta do is give me what I need and I'll handle the rest." Sheyaa confidently replied. Nick scoffed very much unamused by the words. He was about to say fuck it and blow his cover by telling Sheyaa off as Nicholas but the man got called away. Nick excused himself and headed to the bathroom. He couldn't wait for this to be over with. Nicole was lucky he loved her too much to put up with this boring business people.


Nicholas had successfully managed to dodge Sheyaa for the rest of the event and was glad when it was finally over. He checked his phone. It was seven twenty three pm. He hadn't expected the event to drag out this long and this heels were making his ankles swell. He huffed making a face then he continued to make his way outside. He was stopped several times to say goodbye to the others. He faked a smile all the way through to the parking lot. He quickened his pace heading straight to the space he had parked his car. Once he got to it, he fished for his keys in his small clutch purse.

"There you are." Nick cussed startled dropping his keys in the process. "I been looking for you. Don't tell me you been avoiding me." Sheyaa hummed standing right behind him hands deep into the pockets of his trench coat.

Nick pursed his lips bending down to collect his keys. At this point he had no patience to entertaing the male. He was going to tell him off once and for all. He was not in the slightest bit interested in knowing the man beyond their wild night which was supposed to be a one time thing! He straightened up about to speak his mind but stopped. His eyes caught his reflection on the car window. He wasn't Nicholas at the moment. He was Nicole and this was her life he would be ruining if he messed up with her boss. "I believe you owe me something?"

Nicholas turned around grudgingly. He narrowed his eyes tilting his head to look up at the man since he was closer than he had expected him to be. Practically all in his personal space. Nick forced a smile stepping back a little. Sheyaa was staring down at him expectantly and without the parking lot lights Nicholas wouldn't have caught the amused look on Sheyaa's face. "Yoh ass was bout to run?" he laughed slightly.

"Yeah." Nick widened the fake smile.

"I know you not that dumb Nicole." Sheyaa stated half joking. Nick fake giggled looking off to the side then discreetly rolling his eyes.

"What-what is it you wanted again?" he channeled his inner Nicole. He was stalling.

"You know-"

"Opp hold that thought." Nick interrupted reaching for his phone which had suddenly rung. He didn't recognize the caller I.D but at this point he could appreciate any distraction from the current conversation. "Hello?"

"Is this Nicholas Simmons?" a woman asked. Nick paused instinctively looking at Sheyaa. He turned around away from the man.

"Yes. Who's this?"

"General hospital. Your sister was involved in an accident-"

"What?!" Nick exclaimed in shock. His face became blank the more he listened. His hand holding the device started to tremble. His mouth went dry breath getting caught in his lungs.

"-identify the body. I'm sorry-"

"No!" Nick shrieked his phone slipping from his hand and onto the concrete. His breathing suddenly picked up and started to be laboured. He blinked fast as a sudden pang flashed across his chest. "No no no no no no no." he chanted suddenly leaning against his car.

"You good? What happened?" Sheyaa frowned. He was confused as he watched Nicholas slide to the ground strangled pants coming from his person.

It had been hard enough to get Nicholas to speak through his panic attack for Sheyaa to finally understand what was going on. When he learned of the switch the twins had done and the accident he was too confused on how to react. He had been stuck for a minute before brushing everything to the back of his mind and taking Nicholas keys from his trembling hands. He helped Nicholas to the passenger side then got in behind the wheel quickly driving off to the hospital.

When they got there, he had done all the talking and now here they were on their way to the morgue to identify the body. Nicholas was dragging himself right behind the doctor. He was now quietly doing everthing he was told. They stopped at an examination table with a body on it covered with a white sheet. Sheyaa internally cringed his skin crawling with goosebumps. This is not how he expected his night to turn out.

"Are you ready Mr. Simmons?" the doctor asked. Nicholas blinked before stiffly nodding. The doctor hesitated then lifted the sheet. Nicholas moved forward. Right there in front of his face was his twin. She had her eyes closed. There was a gush on the side of her face and several bruises. Her light skin complexion was pale as if someone had sprinkled powder on it. Other than that she seemed so relaxed like she was just sleeping.

"It's her." Nicholas stated blankly. No matter how much he whished it was all a mistake, some type of sick joke or prank, it really was his twin lying lifeless on that table. No doubts.

"Are you sure?" the doctor pressed. Nick reached his hand out touching her face. The skin was cold to the touch. His heart clenched in his chest making him wince. He had seen her just this morning. They had had their usual banter and she had stolen a dress from his closet. How could this be?

"I'm sure." He confirmed. Then he reached over for the sheet pulling it over her face again. He sighed standing there for a bit then he walked out. They found him leaning against the wall hugging himself. Sheyaa stopped to speak to the doctor to find out what had happened. It was a head on collision. Nicole and the driver both had died on the spot.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Sheyaa found himself saying later on in the night. Nicholas didn't respond.It was pouring heavily outside and it had been since they left the hospital. He decided to drive Nicholas back to his apartment not trusting the smaller to drive home on his own in his current condition.The twink seemed shaken up and hadn't said a word since they left the morgue. All he did was sit still hugging himself.

Sheyaa exhaled undoing his seatbelt. "Come on, let's get you inside." He opened his door stepping out. The rain instantly pelted against him as he rushed to the other side opening Nicholas door. He took off his coat putting it over the smaller male and helped him out. He grabbed his hand as they made a run for the building. It was a three story with no elevator but it was fine because the steps weren't that many and Nicholas lived on the first floor.

Sheyaa used the keys he'd grabbed from Nicholas which conviniently comprised of the apartment keys. He opened the door then grabbed Nicholas hand stepping inside. Closing the door behind himself , he felt around for the light switch which he easily found. Light flooded the living space. Sheyaa looked around not believing he had been here just a few hours earlier. He turned to Nicholas who was staring blankly into space.

"Hey?" he closed the gap between them grabbing Nick by the shoulders. Nicholas looked at him not saying anything. "Whatever you need, I'm here for you ight. Just say the word." And Sheyaa meant every word. Nicole had been his employee and learning of her sudden death touched him.

Nicholas exhaled. He took Sheyaa's hands off his shoulder and stepped back. He then took off Sheyaa's coat and gave it back to him.

"You can leave now." He mumbled loud enough for the taller to hear him then walked around him towards his room. He snatched the wig off his head letting it fall to the ground. He then kicked off the heels, untied his own dreads letting them frame his face, he undid the wrist buttons of the shirt then untucked it from the skirt. He then blindly made his way to the bathroom where got into the shower turning it on. The cold jet hit his skin yet he didn't react. He sat on the floor bringing his knees to his chest as the water continued to fall on his body not caring that he was still fully clothed.

All he could envision was his twin's dead body on that examination table. Nicole was the last living family member he knew and now, she was dead too. He was officially alone. He wasn't a person that made deep meaningful conections with people. He couldn't remember the last time he had ever been attached to someone or something for that matter. He wasn't sure he ever even had. Now the only living person he had was gone.

There was something scary about being the only surving family member. Not having anyone to claim or claim you. No father, no mother, no sister, no brother, no aunts, cousins or even uncles. Not even a fucking pet. No one! It was not only sad but frightening.

A feeling of melancholy washed over Nicholas and despite the now scorching shower rain, he felt his skin run cold and a shiver went down his spine. He was all alone. With nobody to call his. His throat suddenly tightened and he let out a strangled cry. He brought his arms tighter around his knees desperate to stop the solitude that was gradually drowning him. He tried taking in deep breaths but it wasn't working. Steam quickly filled up the shower cubicle so he couldn't exactly see anything. The water got into his mouth when he gasped in pain. He was in so much pain to the point he thought it physical. He couldn't exactly point out where it hurt but the pain was very much there.

The dam in his eyes finally broke. Tears came spilling down and got washed away by the still running shower. He hadn't cried in so long that the action felt alien to him. Yet he couldn't stop. He gasped again accidentally getting more water into his mouth. This sent him into a coughing spree. The steam wasn't helping anything. Only made the coughing worse.

Nick reached up trying to turn off the water as he countinued coughing. The water got into his eyes. He kept wiping it off but that wasn't helping either. He tried again to reach for the shower knob to turn it off but he slipped tumbling back down on to the tiled floor. He hit his head against the wall hard. The blow sent a more intense pain through his entire body and for a second he could swear he saw stars.

He couldn't get up from his position too disoriented by the headache and the growing fog around him. He couldn't breathe right either and so the coughing hadn't stopped. Hot water was still flowing over his body. He was going to die here in this shower cubicle all by himself. That's what occupied his mind. He had been trying to get up clawing at the sides on the glass cubicle but his hands kept slipping due to them being wet. He stopped trying all together. Maybe it was better this way. To die here. His time had come. At least this way he could be with his family. His mother and twin sister. He would see them again. At that thought he smiled even though he was still coughing. He wanted this. It was better this way.

A sudden gash of cold air hit his body and before long the water was off. Then Nick felt someone grab him pulling him up. He frowned more when he felt hands on his face pushing his dreads back. Then something dry was wiped over his face.

"You good? What was you tryna do in there? Huh?!" Nicholas instantly recognized the voice. He countined to cough as he opened his eyes staring into brown orbs that held so much worry. He had told the man to leave. Why was he still here.

Nick quickly realized that they weren't in the shower anymore but still in the bathroom. They were on the floor and Sheyaa was holding him using a towel to wipe his face. He leaned back against the man's arm finally being able to breathe right without steam choking him. He blinked several times his coughing spree finally dying down.

"Are you alright? You need some water?" Sheyaa asked once again. His voice was laced with so much worry. Nick felt his eyes fill up with salty water and his lip tremble something serious. He was about to cry again and he couldn't stop it. Without thinking much of it he buried his face into the talker's chest balling a handful of his shirt and just cried his little heart out. The pain was still very much there and it was drowning him. He wanted it to stop. And when the man he had just met barely twenty four hours ago, wrapped his arms around him like he cared, Nick couldnt help but cry harder.


Nick had cried for hours. He didn't know it but he had. Sheyaa held him figuring it was what the smaller needed at the moment. It was close to one in the morning when he finally stopped and he had to practically force him to change into some dry clothes. Now here he was at exactly 2:33 a.m. making coffee.

Sheyaa was in only his wife beater and briefs. He had hanged his shirt and pants on the kitchen chairs to dry out. He waited for the coffee machine to do its job while his mind raced occupied by the light skin twink who had recently entered his life. He couldn't stop thinking about the incident in the shower. He just hoped it wasn't what he was thinking. He prayed Nicholas was trapped and really couldn't get out. Not that-

"You're still here?" Sheyaa turned around at the small voice. Nicholas was standing by the door big red and puffy eyes staring back at him.

"Yeah." Sheyaa answered simply. He moved to the coffee machine taking it out and pouring the dark liquid into two mugs. From the corner of his eye he watched Nick walk in sitting down on one of the seats.

"Why?" He heard  the small voice again.

"Well I couldn't just leave you alone here with you know-everthing that's going on. I'm just tryna help." Sheyaa answered turning around with the two steaming mugs. He put one in front of Nick.

"No, I mean why are your clothes hanging on my chairs?" Nick pointed out frowning a bit.

"Oh?" Sheyaa chuckled despite himself. " I wanted them to dry off." He answered sitting down and started sipping on his coffee.

"The dryer is right across my room." Nick mumbled staring down at the steaming mugs.

"Nah, it's fine. They ain't dripping wet." Sheyaa dismissed it.

A silence fell over them. Sheyaa continued to sip on the hot liquid while he discreetly watched the person across from him. Nicholas seemed lost in thought as he traced the handle of the mug with his index finger a few times before shifting to the rim and circling over it.

"Thank you." He mumbled eyes still glued on the mug. "-for staying." This time he looked up and they made eye contact. Sheyaa placed his mug down then licking his lips.

"Y'een gotta thank me." Sheyaa shrugged. Another silence fell over them. Nick dropped his gaze back to the mug. "You ain't gotta worry either. My company will handle all the arrangements. Insurance will cover everything. Just tell me what you want handled and I'm onnit. You don't gotta worry bout anything, ight?" Sheyaa quickly informed. Nicole had been his employee after all so in away he was responsible for her.

"Okay. Thank you." Nick nodded slightly. He finally wrapped his fingers around the handle of the mug bringing it to his lips for a taste. It was still hot so he put it back down. "You make good coffee." He commented out of nowhere.

"You haven't even drunk it yet." Sheyaa snorted.

"I don't have to." Nick looked up and Sheyaa was too distracted by the small smile playing at the corner of Nick's lips to reply. "It's still hot but the scent tells me everything I need to know."

"Really?" He raised a brow.

"Yes." Nick nodded lifting the mug to his lips again. He maintained eye contact with Sheyaa as he took a very dragged out and noisy sip. Sheyaa found himself laughing out loud at the action. "Good." Nick hummed and when he put the mug down, a clear smile was on his lips.

"I'll take that I guess." Sheyaa grinned back.

"So, let's talk bout this lil crush you got on me." Nick sipped more coffee.


Five years down the line and Nicholas couldn't believe he was now hosting his third elite gallery exhibition. It had taken blood, sweat and tears to get here. Not to mention a lot of time and effort. He couldn't have it any other way. His name was big and respected. He had made a fortune out of something he loved and he wasn't at all complaining about the contents of his back account.

At thirty he had accomplished more than a lot of people his age. More than his mother. He had been to every single country in the world. He had learned, he had interacted and more importantly he had taken pictures. In his opinion, he had lived.

Now there was nowhere else left to go. Except space maybe? He was highly considering it. For now he had to get through this event. A gallery in Paris. Who would have thought? It wasn't even rented. It was his own. He had more than a few all across the globe. He had blended his photography with painting and that was the best decision he ever made.

"Would you take a minute to sign my autograph please?" Nick felt a tap on his shoulder. His instantly smiled turning around.

"I certainly would." He pulled out a pen from his pocket standing on his tip toes. He placed one hand on the other man's shoulder for support as he scribbled something on said man's cheek. "There. All done." He smiled at his work. He was used to giving autographs and on the weirdest of places too. The taller male smiled at him.

"Come're you." And Nick laughed when he was pulled into a tight embrace. "I missed you-like hell." The words made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Nick sighed inhaling the familiar scent he had become accustomed to. He could even say he was addicted.

"I missed you more Shey. Now put me down. People are staring." Nick giggled.

"Ion give a fuck." Sheyaa grumbled placing a kiss on Nick's exposed neck. Nick tensed up licking his plump lips before rolling his eyes. He laughed slightly as Sheyaa pulled away from the embrace but still held onto his hands.

"I can't believe you flew all the way to Paris." Nick shook his head but looked up at him fondly.

"What you mean you can't? Have you met me?" Sheyaa frowned feigning offense. Nick laughed quietly. He laced their fingers together and ultimately blushed when Sheyaa lifted both and left a kiss on his knuckles.

Yes he could believe Sheyaa had flown all the way to Paris in short notice just to see him. It wasn't a surprise. What had been a surprise was when the man had tracked him down to South Africa four years ago.

After Nicole's funeral, Nicholas had disappeared and put his focus on work. There was nothing for him in America anymore so there was no point in staying there. Impulsively, he got himself South African citizenship and that has been his main base ever since. He hadn't stepped foot in America ever since he put his sister in the ground. Sheyaa tracked him down some how. Since then, he always found away to be where he was for a week at most and somewhere between all the visits Nicholas fell hard for the male.

"Unfortunately, I have. However,-" Nicholas paused. A client had approached him about a painting. He answered all the necessary questions then turned back to Sheyaa who had been quietly standing beside him hands still twined. "-i thought you needed to be more hands on with the new branch in Brazil?"

"I did and I was. Somebody else taking care of it. Hold on-" Sheyaa mumbled dragging Nicholas to the far end of the exhibition. They both stared at the painting Sheyaa's eyes lighting up in awe.
"You finally-"

"Yep. After years and years and years of you crying about it. I finally painted you." Nick smiled. He looked up at the taller completely satisfied by the struck look on Sheyaa's face. "You like it?"

"Fuck you mean like? I love it!" Sheyaa breathed out letting go of Nick's hand moving closer. Nicholas snorted at how excited and happy sheyaa looked. The taller looked like he wanted to touch it so badly but was scared.

"This is definitely a master piece! I'm buying it no questions asked. How much?" He suddenly turned around a determined look on his face.

"Aht aht, this sticker right here shows it's not for sale." And Nicholas moved forward pointing at it. Sheyaa frowned about to protest but Nick shook his head grabbing his hand and showing him the other paintings and pictures.

After the exhibition, Nick was satisfied with the amount of portraits and paintings they had sold. All the money was going into charity and he was proud of the amount too. He left his people to close up then he dragged Sheyaa up to his pent house. He only had it because he was in Paris more than any other country.

"I always love the view from this place." Sheyaa sighed taking off his coat and sitting down. Nick had had a couch placed on the spacious balcony so he could comfortably look out at the city whenever he was around.

"I know. You tell me every time." Nick yelled from the bedroom. Sheyaa smiled staring off into the lights of the city. He could clearly make out the Eiffel tower in the far distance. "Soda or beer?" He turned around. Nick was standing in the middle of the room in only a big loose t-shirt. It was grey and matching long socks. His dreads were up in a neat ponytail at the top of his head.

"Sprite thank you." Sheyaa grinned then kicked his feet on the couch. He leaned back relaxing.

"I'm out of Sprite. Mountain dew?"

"Fine." A few minutes passed then Nick joined him on the balcony a can in his hand.

"Here." Nick reached his arm out. "Sit up." Sheyaa did as told taking his feet off the couch and onto the floor. He reached out for the can but Nick moved it behind his back.

"You wanna play I see." Sheyaa smirked but raised his eyebrows when he noticed Nicholas shifting on his feet. "What's wrong? Why you nervous?" He narrowed his eyes at the smaller.

"Well i-" Nick took in a deep breath. Then he sat down on Sheyaa's lap straddling him. The man instantly started rubbing on the exposed thighs.

"Talk to me lil mama. What's up?" Sheyaa encouraged. He could see Nicholas was more than a little nervous.

"I was-uhm- was gon come to the states after the-uhm exhibition." Nicholas stuttered out. Sheyaa tilted his head curiously wondering where he this was going.

"Why?" He inquired. He watched Nick frown.

"What you mean why? For you of course." Nick snapped. Sheyaa chuckled at that.

"Ight chill. Sorry." He laughed leaning over to peck Nick's lips. He then cupped the smaller's face maintaining eye contact. "But we've talked about this. I understand why you can't come back. I told you ion mind coming to you Nicholas. I'll follow yoh cute ass to the end of the world, ight. Simple as that." Sheyaa stated seriously. Nick smiled completely flustered.

"I know but I wanted to ask you something." And he was back to being nervous.

"Ask me what?" Sheyaa leaned back more curious than ever. He was back to rubbing on the exposed thighs.

"I-uhm I wanted to ask if-if-"

"You can ask me anything mamas. You ain't gotta be scared."

"I'm not scared fool!" And Nick punched the male on his chest. Sheyaa winced even though it didn't hurt that bad. " I'm nervous. Issa difference."

"Ight. You don't gotta be tho-"

"I know that! Just shut up and let me talk, okay!" At this point Nick was frustrated. It was funny to sheyaa but he decided to stop teasing. This seemed important so he shut up and waited for Nick to speak.


Nick didn't say anything even though he looked like he would explode if he didn't. He was just worrying his bottom lip the hand with the soda can behind his back while the other played with the hem of his t-shirt.

"Any second now-"

"Oh mah gawd you so aggravating! Here!" And Nick scoffed slapping the can of soda against Sheyaa's chest. Sheyaa let out an 'ouff' before taking the cold can preventing it from wetting his skin any further.

"Just spit it out. Ion get what you nervous for when-" Sheyaa paused lifting the can up to his face and examining it. There was a tape around the can. The tape was clear but so was his sight. He could clearly make out the circular band under the tape. "Nicholas....." He trailed off tearing his eyes from the can to the tense twink on his lap. "Is this what I think it is?"

"Depends on what you think it is." Nick gulped. "But if you thinking it's a ring that I'm using to ask you to marry me then you ain't wrong!" He rushed out all in one breath. Then he blew out air loudly from his mouth. "I'm asking you to marry me Sheyaa." Nick asked finally saying what he had been trying to say all along.

Sheyaa turned his attention back to the can. He tore off the tape then placed the can aside. He removed the stuck ring from the tape then examined the golden band carefully. There were small red and green stones all around the band. Some decorative pattern was also curved all round. Nick was holding his breath waiting for an answer but he was too scared to speak. So he just waited. But when Sheyaa gently pushed him off his lap and onto the couch without saying anything, Nick felt his heart sink. He instantly bit on his lip looking down at his lap while he played with his fingers. He knew there was a chance Sheyaa would say no but he hadn't expected it.

There was a ringing sound making Nicholas instantly jump up and head for the phone. He didn't want to face Sheyaa who was by his suitcase probably about to dash off. It was the front desk. Nicholas gave the green light for the person asking to come up. He then out the phone down taking a deep breath. He needed to say something.

"Uhhhh-before you go, there's a package coming up. It's for you uhm- the painting- I wanted to give it to you. As gift-" Nicholas had been saying all this without looking at Sheyaa but when he turned around all words stuck in his throat.

"Seems like we was both thinking if the same thing." Sheyaa smiled his extended hand holding out a black velvet box. It was open and inside was a ring.

"I-" Nick felt his legs weaken. His disappointment quickly turned into excitement and the tears he had been holding back fell.

"I wanted to ask you something too." Sheyaa moved closer. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Nick squeaked closing the small distance between them and pouncing on the male who easily caught him. He barely gave him time to speak before he smashed their lips together in a hungry urgent lock. He was happy. Correction. He was elated. He was in fucking cloud nine.

At thirty, Nicholas realized the only way he would have a family of his own and not be the only surviving member would be to make one of his own. He wanted one with this man who he had met in a club so many years back and who done everything he could to find him. Nick had always steered clear off relationship because he knew he wasn't the type to be tied down. Sheyaa wasn't trying to tie him down and he had proven it more than once.

"I love you so much you have no idea." Nick cried. He hadn't realized when the tears started to fall but he was happy. Sheyaa kissed him again and again and again. He didn't need to say the words back. His actions said it all.

"Uuhmmmm iz anybody getting ze package?" They broke apart a string of saliva connecting their lips before breaking off. They both stared at the delivery man with a sheepish look on their faces.

"Put me down bae." And Sheyaa did. Nicholas walked to the elevator signing the necessary documents then tipped the delivery man. "I'm getting married!" He announced suddenly hugging the delivery man and kissing his cheek who was taken completely by surprise. Then Nick strutted back to Sheyaa pouncing on him again. The man stared in awe for a few seconds before turning around and getting back to the elevator. He nosily leaned sideways as the doors closed peaking at the lovers until the doors completely closed.

"Aaaah new love." The man smiled fondly to himself shaking his head.

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