adventures with the bad batch

By shlonglong9

26.4K 703 344

Ella is a mandalorian Jedi trying to find her way through this new galaxy after order 66 and she happens to b... More

information about Ella
part one (ep2)
part two (ep3)
part three (ep4)
part four, (ep 5)
part five (ep6)
part six (between ep6 and 7)
part seven (between ep6 and 7)
part eight (between ep6 and 7)
part nine (between ep6 and 7)
part ten (between ep6 and ep7)
Part eleven (flashback)
part twelve (between ep6 and 7)
Part thirteen (between ep 6 and 7)
Part fourteen(between ep6 and 7)
Part fifteen (ep7)
Part sixteen (ep8)
part seventeen (ep9)
part eighteen (between ep9 and ep10)
part nineteen (ep10)
Part twenty (between ep10 and ep11)
part twenty-one (between ep10 and ep11)
part twenty-two (between ep10 and 11)
part twenty-three (between ep10 and ep11)
part twenty-four (flashback)
Part twenty-five (ep11+extra)
part twenty-seven (between ep12 and 14)
Part twenty-eight (ep14)
Part twenty-nine (ep15)
part thirty (ep16)
part thirty-one (after s1)
part thirty-two
part thirty-three
Part thirty-four
Part thirty-five
part thirty-six
part thirty-seven
Part thirty-eight
part thirty-nine
Part forty
part forty one
part forty two
some one shots

part twenty-six (ep12)

429 12 1
By shlonglong9

we were just relaxing in hyper space, tech taught me some stuff about flying, but I felt like half the stuff he told me was useless to actually flying, omega was attempting to fix gonky while hunter and I sat down on the chairs next to her. my head was laying in hunters lap as I was reading a book, and he was too,

"I should go check on tech and see if he needs help" hunter said closing his book

"mmm okay" I groaned as I sat up, he walked past omega and said something to her before continuing to the cockpit, I heard a transmission start to play, and omega and I walked in, we saw one of the people we made a delivery too, I think her name was, uhh, Hera that's it, she needed help her family had been captured, there was a bit of a debate to whether we should go or not be we ultimately decided to check it out.


we arrived on ryloth and flew to a small hidden outpost, we landed and we all walked out of the ship, a small droid came zooming towards us before a girl walked out,

"thank you for coming, I wasn't sure you would" she said

"you said you were In trouble" omega said

"care to tell us why the empire is after you" hunter said walking forward to wards her,

"because my father is Cham syndulla" she said

"the freedom fighter?" tech asked

"yes, this was his old command outpost, its where ive been hiding, the empire has began targeting anyone loyal to him" she said

"what do you want us to do?" echo asked

"free my parents from the capital, that's where they are being held" she said, hunter crossed his arms and looked at omega "they can pay you you get them out, please, I don't have anyone else to ask" she said desperately, omega walked over to her and gave her a nod,

"lets see what we are up against first, but no guarantees" hunter said


we all camped out on a large ledge scouting out the capital, the droid named chopper was playing the audio that his signals were picking up,

"assassination attempt?" hunter asked questionably

"that's not what happened" she said

"hunter crosshairs here" omega told hunter, hunter immediately turned his view to crosshair,

"great just what we need" wrecker said, hunter made a hand signal and all the boys followed while I stayed with Hera and Omega, they started talking about what we should do, hunter ran off before jumping on a probe droid,

"oh good a probe droid" tech said

"the empire will know we are here" echo said

"lets just hope that it didn't see Ella" tech said

"yes and crosshair will know we are here" hunter said "come on lets move" he said as we all ran back to the ship,


we went back to the outpost and I was really hoping that the droid didn't see me,

"all my father wanted was peace on ryloth, why is this happening" Hera said sadly

"he is a voice the people stand behind, that makes a threat to the empire" echo replied

"I don't care about any of that, I just want my parents back" she said, this reminded me of when I lost my parents, but instead I had no way of getting them back, but I know how she feels and I want to help her,

the droid came zooming out of the ship and tech followed closely behind,

"we are all over the imperial Comm Channels, they have increased patrols within the city, thankfully there is no talk of A Jedi, so Ella you are still unseen" he said and I nodded back,

"crosshair will expect an attack, the element of surprise is gone, theres nothing we can do" hunter said,

"wait you can't leave" Hera begged

"I told you no guarantees, we will get you off world and take you someplace safe" hunter said before Hera grabbed his arm and pulled him back

"stop" she yelled, hunter looked down at his arm before she removed her hands "I- I will pay you double" she begged,

"all the money in the galaxy won't matter if we're dead, what your asking us to do is not worth the risk" he informed her,

"not to you" she said before walking away

"you shouldn't have said that" omega said

"being strategic means knowing your limitations omega" hunter said

"she's trying to save her family hunter, I would do the same for you" she replied, before she ran to Hera, the rest of the boys were on the ship, hunter looked shocked at omegas reply, he looked at me, and I gave him a look, not a mad or a disappointed one, just a look,

"am I doing the wrong thing?" he asked me sadly before looking at the ground,

"I am not sure," I said putting my hand on his shoulder "you both have valid points"

"I just want to protect all of you" he sighed

"I know, but remember I lost my parents at a young age, so I know whats she feeling" I said, his eyes immediately shot up towards me in sorrow and regret, I gave him a half smile and put my hand on his cheek before I walked towards Hera and omega, they were talking about something,

"ryloth is your home you know it better than us" omega said

"yes I do" Hera smiled

"what are you thinking" I smiled as I approached

"we are going to come up with a plan and convince hunter" omega said

"okay need some help" I smiled putting my hand on omegas shoulder

"yes please" she smiled

we sat down and planned a few things out,

"so before, someone said that no Jedi was on comm channels, so are you a Jedi?" Hera asked

"yep" I smiled

"is that why you want to help me?" she asked

"well yes and I lost my parents when I was young, I didn't have a chance to get them back but if there is any chance for you I want to help" I smiled, she smiled back but omega gave me a concerned look,

"oh right" she sighed lightly

"Hera this plan is really good" I said

"thank you" she smiled and we all returned to the ship, Hera and omega shared the plan,

"alright" hunter agreed "you two go with chopper as back up but at a distance"

"really" omega and Hera said in union

"by themselves?" tech asked

"tech, wrecker and Ella, wait until those cannons are down and move in, echo and I will scale the capital wall and free heras parents, I guess we will follow your lead" he said and Hera nodded in return.

as we were preparing to leave, hunter pulled me aside quickly,

"I- im sorry, I completely f-" he started to say but I cut him off

"hunter, I never disagreed with you and don't think I am mad or sad either, you had some good points, Its just the Jedi in me you know" I smiled nudging his shoulder

"we have never talked about your life before the mandalorians that much before, you told me about it but that's it, if you ever want to talk" he said putting his hand on my shoulder

"hunter that was a long time ago, and we have a mission to get to" I smiled before joining tech and wrecker, I never liked talking about my parents, it just made guilt and sadness spring up, I had no problem when people asked me about them but talking about what happened is....hard.

we dropped Hera and omega at the refinery and then echo and hunter at the capital and we landed just outside the refinery and waited for our signal,

"hey tech do you know where the harness and cable went?" I asked

"are you seriously going to do that thing again" he said crossing his arms

"yeah its awesome and really effective" I said

"I guess so but don't do it today what if crosshair sees you" he said

"I will wear a helmet" I said

"fine, I will set up the harness and here is an old helmet no body uses" he said throwing me a helmet, we would give it to omega but its way too big, I put on the harness and waited by the door as we left because we got the signal, I grabbed wreckers big gun and put it near me just in case and I am using crosshairs old sniper, with bombs attached to little things that I can shoot to you know explode things,

"Wait are you doing that thing where you stand on the ships steps and shoot things" wrecker asked

"yeah" I said putting on the helmet,

"wrecker get to the guns" tech yelled,

"hang on" he yelled and put the ship into position, I opened up the door and shoot two bombs on one cannon and two bombs on the other and wrecker shot down the other three, I shot multiple other bombs around the place, I quickly ran out of bombs, Hera and omega were in their own ship. tech got the signal and we headed to the meeting point.


hunter was talking to heras parents and tech was teaching omega and Hera how to scramble a ships signature, I am standing across from tech although I was zoned out, I am glad we got Heras parents back, I would of loved the chance to save my parents.

"come along Hera" her Mom said, Hera ran up the ships steps and omega and I followed behind, I stood next to hunter and gave him a small nod before returning my gaze to omega and Hera,

"tech showed me how to scramble a ships signature" she smiled

"we will soon see how well it works, it is time for us to go" her mom said but Hera and omega exchanged sad looks, hunter and I walked down the ships steps and turned around and looked at omega, her and Hera were hugging, hunter and I smiled at each other, it was nice seeing omega make friends, the boys walked back to the ship and I stood beside omega as she waved goodbye to Hera,

I put my hand on omegas shoulder as the ship flew away,

"good job omega, you did really good today" I smiled

"thank you for helping" she smiled "and for helping with the plan"

"no problem" I smiled

"you think Hunter is mad at me for disagreeing?" she asked nervously

"of course not, you are allowed to have your own opinions, I think he is most probably proud of you" I said as we walked back to the ship,

"you really think so?" she asked

"yep, I know I am" I said, she looked up at me and smiled, I patted her back as we returned to the ship,


everyone went to bed, it was just me and hunter left in the cockpit,

"you ready to go to bed?" I asked standing up

"yeah" he sighed

"hey whats wrong?" I asked

"you think omega thinks I am a bad person?"

"what of course not" I said in shock "hunter she looks up to you, and she would never think that"

"its jut with crosshair and me saying no before, I just..."

"just nothing, you made the best call to keep everyone safe and when a good plan came up that kept everyone safe you agreed, theres nothing more to it" I smiled

"you're right" he smiled pulling me into a hug

"now lets go to bed shall we" I said pulling him to bed.

we got into bed and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me to his chest,

"uh... if you ever want to talk about your parents, you know I am here right?" he said

"I know, I was only young at the time so I only remember a few things," I said, "it was really hard at first, I didn't cope very well, so I put all my anger and sadness into my mandalorian training," I sighed

"do you miss them?" he asked

"of course, everyday, but not as much as I used to, when I joined the Jedi order I met a lot of people that made me happy, and then I met you and the squad," I smiled, although I was telling him all this stuff, I don't know if I would be able to tell him about the guilt I feel every day, they were trying to save me, and I ignored that pit in my stomach, and then they were killed, the force was warning me and I ignored it because I thought it was just fear.

I put my hand on his cheek and smiled "goodnight hunter"

"Goodnight" he smiled kissing my forehead

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