Reunited | Dally's Little Sis...

By Chelsea4123

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After being left in New York by her brother a few years back, Sage Winston finds her way back to Tulsa. It ha... More

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82 3 0
By Chelsea4123

Chapter 30

Sage P.O.V.

Dally felt it was best if we both spent some time away from the gang. While Soda probably didn't mean to cause any tension between the group, neither Dal nor I could keep our anger in check. This meant most of our time was spent at Buck's, drinking and playing pool.

It had been about a week since the bon fire, and we had managed to avoid all things Curtis brothers. It would've been the whole gang, but Johnny came in every once in a while to hang out. Poor kid probably felt like he was having to pick sides.

Today started off like all the other boring days until Steve and Two-bit walked in. To say we were surprised would be an understatement. Steve being Soda's best friend we assumed he backed the Sandy situation. Or pretended to be okay with it for the sake of his friendship. And last I knew, Two-bit was still under house arrest. I still didn't know where the pair of us stood with each other.

I watched them both look around the bar and stop when their eyes landed on us. I was nearly frozen as they started walking our way and heard Dal curse under his breath. "For the love of god, do not start throwing punches." I had been itching for a fight since the night of the bon fire and he knew it.

Two-bit gave us one of his old smiles, which was honestly a relief to see. I was worried he would be a changed man after the Mark thing and that was something I wouldn't have been able to live with. "Look at these two bums." Dally shook his head, and I kept a straight face. As much as I loved to see Two back to normal, we didn't know why they were here.

Steve rubbed the back of his head, clearly nervous. "We hadn't heard from you both in a while and thought we would come see what's up." Wrong choice of words pal.

Dally stood up straighter, "Well if your dumbass of a friend wouldn't show off that tramp around town then we wouldn't have a problem. He's asking to get his head beat in."

Steve slowly nodded his head and Two-bit snorted, "Glory the kid probably needs a good beating to realize how stupid he is being. He won't listen to any of us."

My head snapped up as he said that. If they didn't agree with Sandy being back, I wonder how the rest of the gang felt. Steve looked over at me, "So I guess you saw?"

I looked down and nodded my head. I hated how much him being with her got to me, but I couldn't help it. I lost the only person I loved to a cheater who will most likely break his heart again.

Two-bit cut in, "Darry wanted to make sure you were both staying out of trouble. Kinda like some wellness check. The streets were too quiet. We figured one of you were thrown in the cooler." He was the only one laughing in the group, as usual.

Dally returned his attention back to the pool table. "Nah I have been playing the adult this week to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid."

I rolled my eyes at his comment and Steve asked if we could talk. Dally gave me a look that said "keep your cool or else" and I handed my pool stick over to Two-bit. As much as Dally didn't want to admit it, he missed the gang. Which is why he didn't snap at Two-bit for messing up the balls on the table.

I followed Steve outside and waited for him to start talking. He waited a few breaths before he started. "Look, I know things have been pretty shitty since Mark and that Soda took everything more to heart than the rest of us. But him getting back with Sandy is not something he should've done. I guess I just wanted to make sure you were okay and weren't about to leave again."

It never really dawned on me that the guys might be worried about me leaving. The thought of packing up and skipping town didn't even cross my mind until now.

Steve took my silence as a bad thing. "Jesus Sage, you aren't actually leaving, are you?"

I shook my head, "Didn't think about it until now. Hell, it might be for the best. Everyone can get back to how things were before I came and ruined it."

He pointed a finger at me and raised his voice some, "Now you listen here. Soda fucked up but you are still one of my best friends. He knows how much I hate that broad and I ain't about to be on his side when it comes to that. Two-bit is back to his old self now that he can be drunk most hours out of the day, and he wouldn't want you leaving either. And look at Dally. This is the longest he has been out of the cooler since I have known him. If you leave, the bad things are what will come back. The things that you didn't see when you were in New York. Think about the rest of us before you up and leave. Even though Soda doesn't deserve it, you told him you were back for good when you came walking into the Curtis house all those months ago. While I pray to God Sandy and him don't work out, he will be crushed if you leave. He just needs a little more time to see that."

He was panting like he was out of breath and staring at me while he waited for a response. "Well damn, Steve. Never knew you were one for chick flick moments."

He let out an exasperated laugh and shook his head. "Sometimes drastic measures need to be taken. Does this mean you are staying?"

I offered him up a smile and nodded my head. "I don't have anywhere else to go and this seems like a good place to call home."

He came and gave me a tight hug. "The gang needs you more than you realize."

And maybe he was right. I don't know how things were before I came back, but I do know my brother has stayed out of trouble. I am pretty sure I have made life for him a lot harder than it needed to be, but I think he needed it.

Everything in that moment seemed like it was going okay.

Steve and I went back into Buck's and decided to drink the rest of the day. Two-bit was more than down to join us, which ended up mending everything between us. The three of us danced, drank, and laughed throughout the night which is something I think all of us needed.

I didn't even realize Dal wasn't there until Tim walked in. He managed to pull me away from dancing with Steve and Two trailing behind us. "What is it, Tim? I thought you would be happy that I was actually having fun for once."

When he didn't react to that, I knew something was wrong. "What happened?"

He let out a sigh, "Dallas is in jail. Won't be out for a few months."

And just like that, the moment had ended. The feeling of happiness and relief that I had been carrying around all day had passed, and the loneliness had slipped back in.

I barely heard Steve ask what he did, but I pulled my attention back for the answer. "Slashed some Soc's tires and was dumb enough to get caught."

He looked over to me, "You good kid?"

I nodded my head, but they all knew I wasn't. I let out a deep breath, "I need a drink."

Steve and Two-bit led me back inside and kept the drinks coming throughout the rest of the night. At one point I had a fleeting thought that maybe I should stop with drinks. But the fed-up side of me won out and I managed to get more drunk that I had ever been. Steve had enough decency to watch over me and somehow got me up the stairs to my room when I had far surpassed my limit of alcohol.

I'm not sure what life here is like with my brother being locked up, but I knew when I woke up in the morning, I was going to have to figure it out. 

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