Hiding My Heart - One Directi...

By ocwise12

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Kendall was born and raised in the USA! I mean... At least she thought. Kendall only lived with her mom, Am... More

Chapter 1-The Concert
Chapter 2-She Can't Find Me
Chapter 3-The Papz Never Fail
Chapter 4-Kendalls Story
Chapter 5-Prince "Charming"...?
Chapter 6-Reunited
Chapter 7-"Promise you won't leave her."
Chapter 8-Secrets
Chapter 9-Opened Hearts & Envelopes
Chapter 10-"I'm so sorry Ry"
Chapter 11-Friend or Foe?
Chapter 12-Would He Say He's In L-O-V-E?
Chapter 13-Well What's The Craic, Ireland?
Chapter 14-"Does This Mean I Love Him?"
Chapter 15-Moment of Truth
Chapter 16-"There is no time limit on love."
Chapter 17-"Whenever You're Ready."
Chapter 18-Peazer
Chapter 19-Peazer, Part 2
Don't hate me! (:
Chapter 21-Harry's New Year Resolution
Chapter 22-Tommo The Tomato!
Chapter 23-Payback
Chapter 24-Oh The Irony
Chapter 25-It's a Promise
Chapter 26-It Runs In The Family
Chapter 27-Divine Intervention
Chapter 28-Mystery Song
Chapter 29- "Simple, but effective."
Chapter 30-Jumping To Conclusions
URGENT Please read the whole note.
Chapter 31-Puzzle Pieces
Quick note!!
Chapter 32-Fake A Smile
Chapter 33-Honest, Sweet & Gentle
Chapter 34-Best Birthday Ever

Chapter 20-Happy New Year...?

1K 18 5
By ocwise12

Sorry I felt like it was waaaaay to long of a chapter if I kept them together os I split them up. This is still on New Years Eve though!!



okay sorry lets go.


**Harrys POV

-That night-

Since this is a party where its more than just our group, and more of Niall's friends too we decided to make it a little more formal 'dress code' wise and plus the girls decided they wanted to do it like that anyways. People were invited to come around 9 and it ends at well.... whenever people go home.

It was now 7:30 and Kendall was in the shower in her room. Instead of me having to stay off in a guest room Kendall said I could just stay in her room for the weekend, so I was un packing some of my stuff that she said I could put into the spare drawers because I hate to live out of my suitcase.

Once I was done I laid out the clothes I was going to wear tonight, just a dark navy pair of dress pants and a white button up. After that I didn't know what to do. I have already showered and I didn't want to get changed just yet. I was comfortable shirtless and in my sweats. So I just sat there and looked around her room. I saw 4 picture frames, all but on filled with a picture.

There was one of Her and Rylan, one of Her and her brothers with her parents by the Christmas tree, and a silly one of her and Niall together. The other one is empty but there is a heart drawn on the cardboard inside the frame. The thing that you usually see before you put the picture in. I was confused by why it was there. I looked around a little more and saw a big cork board filled with even more pictures, ones with her and the rest of the guys, and some of individuals with them, silly and smiling ones. There were some with her and Eleanor making weird faces, or it would be the same with her and Perrie or Rylan. I only saw some of me and her. Ones from even the first day we met of us smiling and then there are some where were t the zoo and she's on my back. All she did was whine about how her feet her so then I just scooped her up. She was silent the rest of the time though, but it's because she fell asleep, and that's what another picture was of us, her sleeping on my shoulder while I smiled, it looks like one of those epic fail pictures or something, I started to laugh a little remembering the day.

"Oh god what picture are you laughing at?" Kendall said embarrassed.

"Jesus.. Kendall you scared me. I didn't even hear the water turn off." I said putting my heart over my bare chest, I could feel my heart beating like crazy. I didn't know if it was because she startled me or if it was because I loved the way she looked with her hair wet and no make up on. Completely natural.

She let out a quiet laugh while walking into her closet to change from her towel to probably something comfortable like me since its only a bit before 8.

"Well, what picture was it?" She asked again.

"It was the one of you and I at the zoo. When you were on my back and fell asleep on my shoulder." I said smiling.

"Oh gosh.. That was so awful. It was our fourth date I think..? And I just like, fell asleep on you. I still feel dumb." She sad shaking her head before turning out the closet light.

"Third." I said bluntly.

"What?" Kendall said walking out of her closet and sitting next to me on her bed. She was in leggings and a baggy soccer hoodie. Which was mine. I loved when she wore my clothes. Sometimes when other girls would I would get aggravated because they wouldn't ever give it back, but Kendall always offered to wash and return it. But I told her to keep it all. Because like I said, I loved when she wore my clothes.

"It was our third date. I wanted to go roller blading but you wanted to go to the zoo because you wanted to see the Koalas, and also because you kept telling me-"  She cut in to finish the sentence because she remembered the day we spent about three hours arguing on where to go.

"-I cant skate, I would fall over every second and I would be embarrassing and I wouldn't even be able to stand up. plus, there wont be-" She said before I cut her off too, finishing her sentence

"-Koalas." I smiled at her and she smiled back. We were both smiling so big I felt like our cheeks were about to bust.

We started laughing like crazy at what just happened. Not only did we finish each others sentences perfectly but it was such an old conversation we had I was surprised she remembered it.

"I don't feel as creepy now that I know im not the only one who remembers every detail from that day." I said laughing a bit more.

She only starred at me in response with a grin on her face. She leaned forward to give me a kiss on the lips. It was long and something I've missed since she's been gone. Se has soft gentle lips that no other girl has.

She pulled away  but stayed close. One of her hands was behind my head, at about the nape of my neck, she played with some of my curls and just looked at me dead in the eyes with our fore heads touching.


**Kendall's POV:

I felt his warm minty breath brushing over my face periodically. His hands slowly went up my thighs while he picked me up and put me on his lap while he laid down to make me straddle him. His hands were on my hips while I leaned down to kiss him again, moving towards his jaw, to just below his ear, and now to his neck. I stayed there for a second to just breath on his neck. I know it was one of his 'weaknesses' along with me playing with his curls.

I started to kiss him on his neck and play with the waist band of his sweat pants pulling them down only slightly so his boxers were showing. I held onto the band of his boxers as if I was about to pull them down. I felt his heart beat picking up a little bit, and his breathing got a little bit heavier because of the situation. I stopped and rolled off of him and walked towards the door. I looked back him, he was now propped up on his elbows and looked like a lost puppy.

"What's wrong?" He asked me sincerely.

I just stayed there and grinned at him. He finally caught on.

"Oh my god. You're such a tease! You know I hate that!!" He said throwing a pillow at me.

I gasped with amusement.

"Wow, funny how you threw his pillow at me when we already know how good you are at pillow fights against me." I said jokingly thinking of the last pillow fight we had, he lost. Well... he was winning until I threw all the pillows into the bathroom and locked the door.

"NO! You cheated Kendall! You locked all the pillows in your bathroom, then we spent almost an hour trying to unlock so I could shower!" He said laughing and getting frustrated.

I didn't know what to do so I threw the pillow back at him. He sat up and started to walk towards me slowly. I started backing up and reached for the door. I ran out  and down the steps to the living room while he ran after me, almost tripping up those two stairs right outside my room. I heard him tumble and I busted out laughing. I heard his feet against the hard wood steps and I freaked out not knowing where to go, I just stood dumb founded in the middle of the living room while Louis was just sitting there alone on his phone. I didn't know what to do so I looked at him moving my arms around like a maniac to get his attention. Harry was in the kitchen looking for me, before going  into the dining room.

"I know you're scared of the basement so I know you're not down there. So you have to be..." I heard him before he came running into the living room.

"IN THE LIVING ROoom?...hmm that cant be right... What the hell? Where is she?!" He asked him self confused. I was about to laugh until Lou flicked me on the arm.

"Who? Kendall?" Lou asked innocently.

"Yeah, we were having a pillow fight type thing and then she ran and now I lost her." Harry said sounding frustrated. I was about to start dying of laughter... and because it was really hot under this blanket. I was laying on top of Louis. He's also taller then me like Harry, so my head was on his chest while m feet stopped a little before his ankles. The blanket was kind of like a duvet/feather throw so it was thick, meaning harry couldn't see the outline of my body.

Louis smelled so good. Kind of like Harry's cologne but it was sweeter like a chocolate candy or something. My arms started to feel tangle because I was laying on them since I didn't really have much time to get comfortable. I heard harry throwing around cushions and picking things up to find me.

"Nah mate I haven't seen her in here. But I think I saw her run across the yard out side through the windows.." Louis said to Harry.

I felt his chest vibrated when he talked. for some reason it gave me chills like it does with Harry. Soon I felt his arm move up, I'm guessing to point at the windows. I took the opportunity of his movement to create my own I and was able to free one of my arms out from under me, and down to his side by his waist.

I felt his heart pick up while I layed there. I wondered if it was from me, so I moved finger tips slowly up and to the hem of his shirt. I felt his heart beating fast again. My question was answered. It was from me. I wondered why though. He has Eleanor. And lets not forget to mention she's freaking beautiful and I would switch looks with her any day.

"Oh my god. She's crazy, its freezing out side and her hair is wet! My poor girl is going to get sick. I'll be back." Harry said opening the door, then it shut.

I wanted to tell him im alright and I wont get sick because I've been cuddling here with his best friend also known as my best friends boyfriend the whole time and im a horrible girlfriend.

But I didn't. Something in my gut told me to stay for a reason. I felt fresh air come towards be, along with light. I obnoxiously gasped as Louid pulled away some of the blanket. He laughed while he fixed my hair.

"I can breath again! it was getting hot under there oh my gosh. Ugh." I said getting ready to stand up and go sit in the garage like ive been out there the whole time. But it was Louis that was making me stay. He wasn't holding me against my will or anything. But just the way he looks at me, and how he smells, when his heart beat raced with my little touches, and his eyes. Wait...

He's always looked at me this way, and has always been kind of weird when I would hug him good bye or just hold his hand we would skip jokingly or what not. Ever since the first day we've met. He invited me over for a reason. Not because he wanted to have a girl for Harry, but because he wanted me. Harry never took offence to it because he knows that's just how I am. I'm out going with all the guys like that. I'm surprised Harry hasn't noticed Louis plan yet though.

Then it hit me again. When him and Niall argued under the stair case the night I figured out Niall was my twin. He wanted to know the for sure answer just as much as Niall did.

I quickly stood up. Louis could tell something was wrong. I starred at him blankly while he starred back at me somewhat hopefully. He knew I figured it all out.

"You didn't want me to leave." I said.

"How did you know? how did you know how to piece it all together?" He sounded kind of mad now. Mad that I figured it all out before he could even say something about his feelings.

"It just all makes sense. You wanted to know I was for sure Niall's sister and stay in all of your guys' lives just as bad as he did. Ever since day one you've had a spot for me. When you invited me and Rylan over after the Ed Sheeran concert. I saw the wink. I saw all the looks you would give me. You have a thing for me Louis. You like me!" I said shout whispering. Smiling widely at my discovery. I cant believe I worked it all out. I felt like all the Criminal Minds episodes finally came to good use.

He stood up and walked towards me a little bit. I wasn't that short but he still somewhat towered over me. Just about any one did.

I glanced over and saw Rylan standing in the doorway of the living room. His eyes followed mine and when he saw Rylan he looked scared shitless.

Her face said it all. She knows she wasn't supposed to hear any of it, and she wouldn't repeat it. You could see that all in her eyes.

"No one else heard. Everyone is either in the shower or getting ready. And Harry is about to walk in!" Rylan shout whispered.

I nodded and she went up stairs, I'm guessing that's where she was going to go before she over heard us.

I backed away and gave Louis a look that told him we would talk about this later. I heard the back door open and then shut again. I was so relieved Harry was here.

Don't get me wrong. Lou is attractive. And Harry knows I think all of the guys are. but its not a bad thing. I'm just all close friends with them and he understands that. But If he figured out about what  just discovered, Harry would probably end up starting a solo career. I have absolutely no feelings for Louis at all. Yeah I might have gotten a little 'friendly' with him but it was all just spare of the moment thing. I didn't think of it to mean anything.

 He's my best friend, my boyfriends best friend, and my best friends boyfriend. So the only thing him and I will be is, best friends.

"Harry?" I asked before walking out of the living room. I saw Harry at the door taking off his coat and shoes, revealing his bare chest again and the bottom of his pants were covered in snow.

"WERE YOU IN HERE THE WHOLE TIME?!" He asked shouting but laughing, he was frustrated but not seriously.

I nodded while laughing.

He walked towards me and scooped me up and held me bridal style. I laughed again and kept squirming because his hands arms and chest were absolutely freezing.

"I looked everywhere out there for you and thought I lost you in the snow or something." He quietly and jokingly whispered while kissing my nose.

"You'll never lose me, Harry." I whispered back to him as he walked up the stairs still holding me.

He went into my room and laid me on the bed, he changed into his clothes for tonight but laid back down next to me and cuddeled me into his chest.

"Can you keep me warm please?" He asked quietly with a little kid voice.

I laughed at his attempt of him and I to just fall asleep, but I had to dry my hair and change and still do my makeup.

"I have to get ready babe. Not this time."  I smiled while pecking him on the lips before I got up. He held me by my waist protectively so I couldn't get up. I laughed while I wiggled out of his grasp.


Louis POV:

It was 5 minutes until midnight and just about everyone was trashed.

Niall invited a bunch of people over. Literally just about everyone he knows.

Eleanor has no clue about my feelings for Kendall. I feel bad though because I love Eleanor with every thing in my heart. So I don't understand why I would like my best mates girl. It's not right. Although she does look amazing tonight. She's wearing a tight black mini cocktail dress that cuts down low with the back open and has ribbon going across it in a zig-zag. It was hot. Harry has been on her side the whole night nibbling on ear endlessly... so I haven't been able to talk to her about earlier. I wouldn't try to take her away from Harry purposely, I just wanted to apologize she had to figure out that way.

Eleanor was wearing a silver sequined dress, that was also tight and the cocktail style thing. I don't under stand why someone would name a dress after a drink. I just don't get it.

***(AUTHORS NOTE: I know this next part about Niall and Amy isn't 100% true but for the sake of the story, just go with it.)***

All the guys rounded up there girl if they weren't with them already, and got them to kiss them at midnight. I was still curious who Niall was going to kiss. There was a girl here named Amy Green I think? and I guess its his old hometown-high school-sweetheart or something before he went on xfactor and they still try to talk every now and then. I know he cared about her a lot so I'm happy that shes here

I saw Kendall smiling up at Harry until while he roughly grabbed her by the waist and pressed her against the wall.


She looked confused and scared,


When hes drunk it's like he becomes a whole new person to women. Controlling. Hidden. Forceful.


I felt so bad for her. He's eventually going to make her do something she isn't ready for.


"Whats wrong babe?........ Louis?!" Eleanor yelled after me as I ran to Kendall.



I did it.

(OKAY AUTHORS NOTE: at this part I was going to have Louis kiss Kendall but then I was like ehh bettah not and yeah I hope you like this one oinstead though! if you do or don't let me know in the comments! I love to read your reviews and thoughts!!)

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" everyone yelled, kissed, blew the party horns, but I punched someone. I punched Harry. Eleanor and Kendall stood there speechless with their hands covering their mouths.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Harry screamed up at me from the floor with his hands going to his mouth repeatedly, feeling for blood after I struck him on the side.

"I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE LIKE TO GIRLS WHEN YOU DRINK, HARRY. YOU'RE A TOOL AND USE GIRLS LIKE THEY'RE NOTHING." I screamed back at him. It was so loud though no one even noticed our fight. Just then of course, Zayn, Liam and Niall all came rushing over to see what was happening, along with the three other girls. They let it play out before they jumped in though.


I got closer to his face.

"She is fragile. And don't forget to mention, a virgin Harry. A virgin. You used to hook up with girls all the time. The girls were sluts though so they wouldn't even notice. But I had a room next to you, okay, I know how you go. Rough, especially when you drink. You would have KILLED Kendall. If not, then at least left bruises and marks and pain for her to have for days. Do you think, that SHE could take that?" I said through gritted teeth pointing at Kendall. Everyone looked at me, and there faces could easily say what was on there minds, they agreed. I was crazy, but they still agreed. Kendall was in tears while the girls and even Amy comforted her through her thoughts of what would have happened in her bedroom tonight.

Harry looked at me the same way everyone else did. His face softened when I was done talking. He looked at Kendall.

"Babe..." He said reaching his hand that was covered in his blood from his mouth out towards her, She backed away and shook her head.

"Are you serious? Kendall... come on.. you cant be scared of me.... OKAY? You CANT be scared of me!!" He said raising his voice at his last sentence, which only caused her to shed more tears and back away more.

Zayn and Liam eventually cleared everyone out and into the basement. It was all only us now.

"COME ON MAN, KNOCK IT OFF!! I KNEW IT WAS A BAD IDEA TO LET YOU DATE HER.  CANT YOU SEE SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH?!? PLUS YOU WERE GOING TO GO UPSTAIRS AND PRACTICALLY RAPE HER BECAUSE YOU'RE CRAZY WHEN YOU DRINK!! YOU DICK!" Niall said screaming at Harry, punching him again in the stomach, which caused Harry to double over. Kendall then screamed for us all to stop but no one listened, this girls tried to calm her and take her upstairs but she wouldn't move.

She just sat there and watched her brother and best friend beat up her boyfriend. Liam and Zayn came rushing back and broke it all up.

Niall and I were forced back by them, Harry just laid there. Moaning in the pain and feeling around at the bruises and cuts that were going to form in the spots he was hit. Kendall was now sobbing and shaking her head and not stopping, screaming no and to stop, even though it was all over.

"Kendall...." Niall said walking over to her.

She stood there starring at him, not speaking until she stopped crying.

"He d-didn't even do anything, Ni. He didn't do anything. He didn't hurt me. I'm o-okay." She said catching her breath. Niall nodded taking her in his arms brushing her hair and shh-ing her quietly.

Niall's POV:

"I know, I know. He was going to though. and let me see your hip." I said to Kendall.

I saw the look in his eyes like that before.. He did it to a girl when we were all at a club in London. He bruised her on the hips, and later that night he pretty much did what he was going to do to Kendall. The next morning she talked to us about it, because she was actually  an old friend of ours, and his ex. Shae.

Yeah they broke up for different reasons. But that was one of the things that lead her to having second thoughts. She had bruises, scrapes, and was so sore she could barely move, We all took care of her while Harry was working on his hangover, THEN he noticed what he had done. He stopped drinking heavily for awhile, then he met Kendall. Tonight was the first time he started to drink like that again.

I explained that all to Kendall, and she nodded in response to show she understood why we were all being so protective. We could have been that way with Shae if we would have known what he was doing, plus because Kendall is my sister. I'm not quiet sure what Louis' reason is. Not that he needs one, but he usually wouldn't be the type to randomly just punch his friend.

"There isn't a bruise yet, but its red. Does this hurt? I said while lightly pushing on the mark. She winced.

I was going to turn to spit in Harry's face for hurting my sister, but he wasn't there.

"Where the hell is he?!" I yelled.

"Liam took him to get ice and get cleaned up. Take a deep breath man. I know why you're upset but its not helping Kendall...." Zayn said to me quietly.

I nodded and said thanks. I carried Kendall upstairs all the girls were sitting around in her room in their pajamas. They already laid Kendall's out for her and they had a bunch of sweets sitting on her bed for her. I laughed when I looked at it.

"If I knew I had this in my house I would have eaten it myself." I said setting Kendall down on her bed. They all laughed.

"Thanks girls. And thanks especially Amy, you barely knew her and we haven't seen each other forever and you still helped. It means a lot." I said smiling at her.

"Trust me it really is fine, She's like a girl version of you! Well, explains why you guys are twins." Amy replied. we all laughed again.

"I'll get going, tell me if you need anything." I said looking around to everyone. They all nodded and said thanks.

"Ni..." Kendall said quietly before I walked out. I turned to face her before I walked out. Her face was red and wet from her tears.

"Don't hurt him anymore. Please?" She begged me. All the girls' faces softened at her plead.

"Okay." I said with a nod and smile. I walked out and shut the door.

I'll try.


OMG IM DONE wow my fingers just moved like lightening at that last part because my fingers are freezing and I got distracted and yeah okay.  hope you liked it!

sorry if it gets chessy idk I got lost in the middle and just went at it



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