Change Of Luck

By luciferlover1234

3.8K 448 270

Shaw and Joe lost everything when their mom died. They were almost homeless with no future until they moved t... More

Intro To Shaw Renner
Here We Go
Ode To My Hoodie
Holy Gorgeous...
Nice Ride
News From Joe
Dreaded Saturday
After Party
Was that Last Night?
Clarifying The Myths
By The Way...
Sacrifice A What??
Kitchen Gutter
It's Not Luck
Moving Day
Two Months Or Joe Freaks
My Third Wheel
A Small Talk
My Birthday
The Good Stuff
My First Morning
Brand New Me
(2)Joseph Renner
Novus Freaking Blacklocks
Life Begins
A Mini Vacation
Not Today
To Cherish
A-eni-or-ia Vales
A Date For Joe
Confessions Of A Drunk Man
Goodbye, Shirley
Breaking Hearts
The Troth
Pure Sugar
Goodbye To The Old
I Am Yours
Our Brat
The Egg
And It Begins
My Gift

Three Years of Bliss

61 8 8
By luciferlover1234

"Okay." Nova stated. We had been married for three years. I couldn't believe it already. "I am ready to have an egg." He nodded.

I laughed. "Okay!"

We lived in Aenioria Vales at his amazing home with daisy fields for a backyard. Shade and Shaw built a small vacation home here so they could visit. I loved my life. When the band toured, I missed him but I stayed with the guys and worked with Elias. I had a new title. I was a supernatural (Vampire, human, Fae, werewolf) liaison. It was a nice job.

I basically went to meetings and conveyed messages between the groups. Once a month all of the group leaders gathered and I was there for that. My job was just to go to meetings. Shaw would have hated it.

Shaw and Shade graduated high school, Shaw was hired full time at the auto shop and Shade was learning business in college. He was almost done with school and already had a good job. A very high paying job because he was very good at his job. Business management or something I didn't get into it.

Shade and Shaw decided that they were adopting a couple of kids. Shade limited it to two. Shaw would have a freaking village of children. He had a big heart. They had one child already. A little girl from China. She was absolutely perfect. She was a year old when they got her. I was her favorite uncle and spoiled her rotten.

Now, Nova and I were discussing having a child and what the details were. Being married to him was absolutely amazing. We disagreed on things, of course but it was still amazing.

"Okay. If you have the egg, our child, are we going to put it in the hatchery or raise it?" I didn't want that.

Nova sighed as he fed me a berry. I opted to eat the same berry that Nova ate to keep him healthy and young. "I have no parental skills! With Tianshi (Ti-an-shee), I never know what to do!" Tianshi means Angel in Chinese. They wanted to name her according to her heritage.

"It is true but that's because you never have been around kids. She loves you though and I can help you." I really wanted to raise our child.

Nova watched me with those amazing eyes that I never got tired of. "You really want to raise our child." He knew me.

I sighed. "I do but Nova... not if it makes you that uncomfortable. Okay. Maybe we should just wait or go to the hatchery. Do it your way."

Nova watched me. "Could you live every day happily knowing that you have a child out in the world that you don't know?"

I sighed. "No! I can't. I want to hold him and love him. Teach him his first words and hear him call me daddy!"

I saw Nova nodded in approval as I kept going.

"I want to wipe his tears and his boogers. I want to clean his messy face when he eats! I want to be there for his first steps and his first messy diaper! I want to be there when he gets his heart broken. I want to hear him tell me how much I ruined his life and how much he hates me!"

Nova had this horrified look on his face. "That all sounds horrific!"

"I know! That is parenting but there is so much more! There is love, Nova. To love a child... It's something that is strong. It's... to hold that child the very first time and kiss his cheek! To look into his eyes, that first time, Nova. It's absolutely heaven and it's binding like nothing else!" I had tears in my eyes.

Nova kissed my face and smiled. "It's settled. Let's have a baby and we are raising it. Well, you are raising it and I am watching!"

I laughed. "Nova. You will be a wonderful father." I felt him melt at those words.

"Do you think so?" Nova smiled as a tear fell. I was shocked because he never cried. I heard something hit the carpet. He bent down and picked up a clear ball.

"What is that?" I stared at it.

Nova smiled. "This is my tear."

"That is.. Is that..." I stared at it.

"It's a diamond." Nova smiled at my shock.

"What in the hell?" I touched the perfect tear shaped diamond. It was beautiful.

"We don't cry often and even then just one tear." Nova smiled. "And it's for you. When we are going through all of that horrific stuff that you described and called parenting, you remember that it made me cry."

I laughed for like ten minutes.

Thanks for reading!

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