Fckd Up// Ranboo Angst

By roryynn

116K 5.2K 8.4K

Ranboo makes new friends at the skatepark who just so happen to be streamers too, Great! But what happens if... More

1~-Worst Days-~1
2~-Wait Really?! Friends?-~2
3~-He's Fucked Up-~3
5~-Friends! Fun! -~5
6~-Cross Your Fingers Ima Need It-~6
7~-That Really Whips My Nae Nae-~7
8~-I Lose My Temper-~8
9~-The Good Side Of Things-~9
10~-This Is Why I Dont Go Out-~10
11~-Top 10 Anime Betrayals-~11
12~-Why Do I Do This?-~12
13~-Stars Were Made For Falling-~13
15~-The Child Is Crying-~15
16~-Please Don't touch My Arm, Thanks-~16
17~-Hey, I'm Trying I Swear-~17
19~-How To Be A Failiure 101-~19
20~-Don't Have Time-~20
21~-For No Reason At All-~21
22~-Tell Me Shit-~22
23~-I Deserve To Bleed-~23
24-~New Idea's~-24
26~-A little To Easy-~26
28~-Have Fun!-~28
29~-Ah Shit.-~29
31~-Daddy's Boy-~31
32~-Tea Party!-~32
33~-Instant regret-~33
34~-You Were Doing So Well-~34
35~-Sleepy Boi-~35
37~-Mmmm Drugs.-~37
38~"Great" Friends-~38
39~-This Isn't How Its Supposed To Go.-~39
40~-Party's Are Fun.-~40
41~-Calm Down-~41
42~- Family Therapy-~42
43~-Why Do I Have To Be Like This?!-~43
44~-Please Stop-~44
45~-Dont Die This Time~-45
46~-I'm Getting Pretty Fucking Tired-~46
47~- Happier -~47
48~-Tubbo's Final Ending-~48
49~- Technoblade's Final Ending. -~49
50~-Tommy's Final Ending-~50
51~- Phil's final ending.-~51
52~- Wilburs Final Ending. -~ 52

27~-Keep Calm #girlboss~-27

2.3K 94 375
By roryynn


My dad is a fucking bitch. Sometimes I just wanna beat the living shit out of him to show him what he does to me. Or I could just disappear, but I bet he'd find a way to still make my life hell.

I take a deep breath before setting my skateboard down and going into Niki's cafe.

"Hello!" Niki said giving a small wave. "You're back!"

"Hello!" Ranboo said and walked up to where you order.

"Do you know what you want to order? Or do you want a menu again?"

"Uhm do you have cake pops?"

"Yes, we do! Do you want chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?"

"A vanilla cake pop, and- uhm... water?" Ranboo ordered

"Okay! Take a seat and it will be out in a bit!"

"Thank you" Ranboo smiled and sat down.

Ranboo waited a bit on his phone till the food was brought out.

The woman walked over to Ranboo's table and placed the cake pop in a bag on the table and the water.

"Here is your food, sir. If you don't mind me asking, are you okay? I couldn't help but notice you had tears in your eyes and it looked like you were crying.." Niki said sitting across from Ranboo. She looked like she was genuinely concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine," He gave a fake laugh "My dad just was a little mean. Nothing to worry about" He smiled and took a sip of water.

"Mean?" Niki gasped "How mean? Do you need help?" Niki said quietly in case Ranboo's dad was around.

"It's not that bad, I just need to get away sometimes."

"Okay... well- you welcome to stay after hours. Me and the other girls working here hang out after hours so it's not like you'll be alone" Niki stood up and asked, "Do you want anything else to eat?"

"No thank you," Ranboo said and got out his wallet.

"Don't worry! It's on the house" Niki smiled and walked away.


Everyone but Tommy arrived at Phil and Kristen's house and sat in the living room.

"Is Tommy coming?" Wilbur asks as he sits down.

"He hasn't answered yet," Phil says.

Tommy laid in bed with his phone on silent the whole day. He expected it would be hard to ignore them but honestly, it wasn't even that hard to just turn a little button on his phone.

The hard part was finding something to do, usually, he would text Will if he needed a distraction or text Tubbo if he needed to cheer up. But he couldn't.

It was hard to get out of bed today, usually, it would be hard to get out of bed for Tommy because he's not a morning person but that wasn't the case this time.

Tommy was deciding whether or not he should stream. If he does stream one of the guys might see, but if he doesn't what the hell is he supposed to do?

Skateboard I guess...

Tommy went downstairs grabbed his water bottle, told his mom and dad he's going out, grabbed his skateboard and went to the skatepark closest to his house.

Tommy looked around to see if maybe anyone he knew was there but he realized his only friends are Will, Phil, Kristen, Tubbo, and Techno, and sometimes he would talk to Spencer or Dream.

Tommy began to skate around the park sometimes doing a trick or almost slipping but playing it off like he was doing a trick.

He went a good 10 minutes before he saw a person that he recognized.

"Dream!" Tommy called out picking up his skateboard and running to Dream.

"Tommy? What are you doing here?"

"I was bored... but then I saw you!"

Dream looked Tommy up and down "What are you wearing?"

"Just a dress shirt thing tucked into jeans...? is it bad?" Tommy said looking down at his outfit.

Dream paused for a second to look at Tommy again.

"What?" Tommy whined.

"It's nothing...." Dream smirked "me and the boys are friends again wanna hang out with them?"

"uhhh, yeah sure...."

Tommy followed Dream over to Sapnap, George, Quackity, and Bad. He looked down at his body to see if he had anything on his shirt or pants, but there was nothing. Maybe the outfit didn't match..... it's a maroon dress shirt tucked into black jeans with chains.

"Tommy.... Tommy..... Tommy!" George said trying to get Tommy's attention but the sudden yelling made Tommy snap out of his thought.

"hmm?" Tommy hummed.

"Sit down, we wanna hang out with you!" Sapnap said moving his skateboard from next to him so Tommy can sit.

"Thank you" Tommy smiled and sat down.

They had a normal conversation until the subject of art was brought in. Nobody knew but Tommy had a thing for art. He would paint with oil paint in his garage for hours at a time until his parents called him in the house or someone texted him. So when the subject of art was brought in Tommy couldn't help himself but get excited.

George brought up how he wanted cool art in his bedroom, then they talked about what their favourite artist is and Tommy got extremely excited. Like a dog when they finally see their owner when they got back from work.

"God damn Tommy!" Dream said making him stop talking and just pausing starring at Dream.

"You being loud and you can't sit still. calm down or your gonna have to go."

"Oh sorry, I though- never mind haha..." Tommy gave an awkward laugh and looked down a bit.

"Just- give someone else a chance to speak, okay," Dream said and went back on his phone.

"Actually, come sit by me" Dream said motioning Tommy to sit next to him.

Tommy went and sat by him and whispered "Does my outfit look weird?"

"No Tommy. It's just that-" Dream put his phone down.

" You look extremely skinny in it and it doesn't look good at all. You probably shouldn't wear it anymore."

Tommy was about to say something but he just couldn't. He listened in on the conversation making sure he didn't talk a lot or at all so he would annoy anyone.


"Ready? 3....2....1!" Sapnap yelled about to do a trick on his skateboard. Quackity wanted to see who could do the best trick.

Everyone went except Tommy and so far bad was winning.

"Try to go high, Tommy," Dream said smiling.

"Okay!" Tommy got excited and counted down "3.....2....1!"


how do you guys feel about Tommy in this story?

bad 1-4

meh 5-7

okay7 -10

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