Someone Else's Not So Good Fa...

By KayleighMayBieb

7.5K 128 42

This is just another story that is about a beautiful teenager girl called Fatime Orbán that falls in love wit... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty - One.
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three.
Chapter Twenty - Four.
Chapter Twenty - Five.
Chapter Twenty - Six

Chapter Seven.

526 1 0
By KayleighMayBieb

Re - Cap:  

Justin just decided to stop walking and he was looking nervous I asked if everything was okay. He replied by saying, Yeah I am perfect when I am with you. Can I ask you a question? Anything.  

"Will you be my girl, Fatime?"

I was so shocked. Really me?

 I replied by saying....

“Yes.... Of course Justin."  

We both leaned into each other so our bodies were closer. Our lips connected, it was just pure magic. Nothing else compares to it. It was indescribable. It was in heaven.  


Back to the Story:  

Justin's Pov.  

I stood nervously, shuffling my weight from foot to foot. Patiently waiting to see my beautiful Fatime to come into view as I was standing on the beach. I was feeling like that, she was never going to come into the view of my eyes, as the time was passing so slowly. After a few more minutes of patiently waiting, I could see her slowly walking down to the end of the cobble pathway, which lead her to the start of the beach. I was speechless. I have never ever seen anything or anyone so beautiful and perfect. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looking like heaven. As she walking across the sand, I could start to feel that I was getting really nervous. As Fatime, had finished walking and stopped in front of me I said;  

"Hey, Beautiful!"  

She quickly replied by saying hey and thanks. I didn't really understand why she was saying thanks so I asked her saying, "for what?" Fatime kindly answered my question with the simple word which is called "everything". I had to smile at that answer. I replied by saying, "you’re so very welcome" and added with one of my million dollar smiles. Fatime and I started to walk to where I had planned the surprise. She still didn't have a clue what was happening but I liked it like that. It made it more surprising and personal to both of us. We walked further down the beach until you could see what I had planned, it looked better that it did earlier. it was just right. I had planned a beach/sunset candle - lit dinner for just her and me. As we both arrived, I pulled out Fatime chair and pushed the chair to the table which was also in a comfortable position for her.

I just couldn't'stop thinking about the question? Why was I being like this, I quickly calmed down a little and then the catering staff - the waiter came over to our table with our plates of food? I decided to have my mom give the catering staff the recipe for her famous spaghetti, because we both love it. They placed the plates of spaghetti and our drinks and soon after left after that was done. As we were eating our meal, we spoke about most things and laughed about some of the memories that we have shared in just the short space of time. When the sun was setting Fatime and I, had finished our meal and decided that we wanted to take a long walk along the beach, as the sun was setting. It was prefect for the question. After walking for a few minutes, I could see that the sun was at the perfect setting so I stopped and then it hit me. I didn't realise that I was that nervous until Fatime asked me if I was feeling okay? I said “Yeah, I'm prefect when I'm with you. She smiled. I just couldn't not smile, when she was smiling, she just looked too beautiful. This is the prefect chance to ask her the question, that I have been wanting and waiting to ask her since the first day we met; 

 I started off by saying can I ask you and question, I thought that would be easier, apparently it wasn’t; it just made me feel more nervous. Fatime replies buy saying "Anything". 

I was thinking I my head, here it goes, I can't mess this up. I took a long deep breath without Fatime seeing; it was time for me to ask her. Here it goes.   

"Will you be my girl, Fatime?"

It was like she was never going to answer my question that I dearly needed to know the answer too. It was so hard, to wait. It was like that she couldn’t speak. Then she was able to finally speak but it was a question;

"Really, me?"

I just chuckled, can she actually be really seriously asking me that question right now. It when went silent, I think she was thinking, so I decided to just stand then patiently and wait to see what her answer was. After a few seconds, Fatime spoke and the words she spoke that I was longing to hear, were;

“Yes... Of course Justin."

Yesssss! She said yes, she really did. Fatime is finally all mine. I couldn't wait any longer, for lips to touch mine so, mine and Fatime's bodies moved closer, slowly until our lips connected and our bodies were touching. It was perfect, it was just like we were the only people in the world. I am the happiest guy in the world right now, nobody, can bring me down from the mood I am in; I feel amazing! The kiss was magical, special - It was perfect! To make it even more amazing, it was our first kiss as a couple. As, Fatime and I moved slowly away from each other, I  could see that she was getting little goosebumps, on her arms, so I quickly took off my suit jacket and placed it on her shoulders. As soon as I placed my jacket over her shoulders, she quickly looked down at the sandy beach as she was starting to blush. I think she thought that I wasn't able to see the she was blushing. but I did. I love to see her blush. It's  just another one of the amazing things about her that I have fallen in love with . It's beautiful.

I asked her, if she would like to take my hand and walk along the lovely smooth sandy beach as the sun was setting. She looked like heaven. As she walked across the sand slowly as I did, I began to feel nervous. I don't know why though, Fatime had answered the question that i wanted to ask her and she said yes. I tried to place those thoughts at the back of my mind for a while, which worked. We walked along the beach for a bit longer and then Fatime stopped. I looked to see that she was taking her shoes off, so it would be easier for her to walk on the beach without her shoes on. As she was removing her shoes, I took her hand so that she has enough balance to remove her shoes. After she finished Fatime looked into my eyes,  and I looked back into her beautiful brown eyes. I get lost in those eyes so easily. When I looked into her eyes, I felt like I needed to see her blush again so  I kissed her cheek and said;

 "i love you babe". 

As soon as I has finished saying it, Fatime replied with my favourite answer of them all;

" i love you too Justin".

I was so happy that Fatime said she loves me . As we walked along the sandy beach, I made a quick glance to see her beautiful face I look at her and smiled. Fatime was able to do the same. We decided to stop about half way along the beach as the sun was setting. It was the perfect setting. I kissed her forehead and we just started watching the sunset. It was so stunning, Just me and my girl. After a while, it was getting cold quite quickly so we decided to walk back to the car. I opened the door for Fatime and then walked around to the other side of the car. Before I started the car, I placed, my hand into hers and quickly kissed her hand. 


I am so glad that you are my girl now and your all mine. You don't even know how much I waited for this babe... I never let you go".

She just smiled, that magical smile that I love to see, then our lips connected, as Fatime kissed me. When she pulled away slowly, she said

" i love u too Bieber, I always did". 

I was so happy, nobody could change my mood right now. When we arrived home, I started to get worried a little. I mean what if Fatime have to go back to her own home when her mum comes back from her business trip? I have just got Fatime to be mine, she can't just been taken back to her mom now. We won't be able to see other hardly at all because Fatime will be in high school and I will be on tour in the studio, recording my album. I didn't want to think about the fact that Fatime might be leaving me, so I put it to the back of my thoughts and decided to ring my little brother and sister  - Jazzy and Jaxon I got out my laptop and placed it onto the bed and opened up skype. I clicked on there contact and waited for them to answer which wasn't too long. As the conversation, was opening I could see that Fatime was going to have a shower. While Fatime was taking a shower, I was able to see and speak to Jazzy and Jaxon. I miss them so much. I was still speaking to them when Fatime came back out of the bathroon. Jazzy, quickly noticed that it was Fatime so Jazzy screamed in excitement becuase she missed Fatime so much. Fatime, said hello to Jazzy and Jaxon and then went to get changed quickly and she came back into the room so she could speak with Jazzy and Jaxon whilst I take a quick shower.

I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. I turned the shower to the right temperature that I like and got into the shower. It felt really good. After had a shower, I walked into the bedroom to see that Jazzy and Jaxon making funny faces at the screen as was my girl - Fatime. I smiled when I could see that all of my siblings are loving my beautiful girlfriend. I went straight into the other room and changed into some sweats and left my top off as I was going to bed soon anyways. I grabbed my towel and walked into the other room where Fatime, was with Jazzy and Jazon too. I looked at the time, to see that it was started to get late and it has been a long day, so I started to say my goodbye's to my little superman and princess and that I will see them really soon and blew them a few kisses and so did, Fatime. When we finished that I pressed the end call button and signed out of my skype and shut down my laptop and placed it on the nightstand.

Fatime, was already getting into bed as I was placing my laptop on the nightstand. When I had finished doing that, I turned the main bedroom light off and put on the lamps that was on Fatime's nightstand and my nightstand that was on each side of the bed. I slid under the covers and placed my arms around Fatime waist and just smiled, I feel so perfect in my girl's arms. I was about to do, say goodnight to Fatime, but before i was about to say that, Fatime asked me a question;

"Have you ever been to Disneyland with Jaxon and Jazzy?"

"Good question, umm, I don't think that I have, why do you ask?"

"Well, while you was in the bathroom having a shower, Jazzy and Jaxon were talking about mickey mouse and all the characters and which ones there love the best, so I thought that we could take them to Disneyland for a few days, just us and them as a surprise, as you don't get to see them much because of your career?"

"Ummm, yeah, I don't see why not, I will check with scooter and Erin in the morning to see what my schedule is like and if Jazzy and Jaxon can go then we can go from there."

"Yay! - Thank- you Justin."

"Your Welcome, Beautiful."

I was started to get really tried, so I said "Goodnight" to Fatime and then kissed her on the forehead, before cuddling up to her with my arms and closing my eyes slowly falling into a nice and peaceful deep sleep with Fatime - my girl. 

The Next Day.

I was woken up by the sun coming through the window which was shining in my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes, to see that the sun was really bright, so turned over to see Fatime, laying there, sleeping peacefully. She looked so beautiful. I decided to Skype scooter, so I got my laptop and walked downstairs with it and went to sit in the living room as I didn't wait to wake up Fatime. I also took my phone down with me, so I was able to call Erin about Jazzy ans Jaxon coming with us. 

I sat on the sofa that was in the living and placed my laptop on my lap and loaded up Skype. I could see that scooter was online so I clicked on his contact and then waited until he answered. It took a few minutes until scooter decided to answer my Skype call, but then I realised why, he hadn't answered the Skype call straight away, i had forgotten that we were in different time zones- as he was in LA and I was in Canada. Oops! ;)

"Yo! Scooter :)"

"What's up Justin? - What do you want or need?"

"I was just wondering, when do I have my next interview or anything like that?"

"Umm, I will just check your schedule, but I don't think it is for a week or so - why are you asking?"

"Well, I was just wondering, if it was possible, if me and Fatime, could take Jazzy and Jaxon to Disneyland for a few days, as a surprise before I have to get back to my busy schedule and also, as I don't get to see them much as I would like too."

"Yeah, of course - if your schedule will allow you to do that. I will just go and get it "

"Thanks Scooter,"

"No Problem buddy."

A few minutes later, Scooter came back into the room with my schedule and he explained to me, that my schedule was clearing for the week, so if I wanted too, I could go to Disneyland for the week, not just a few days - Yeaaaah Mannn! I said goodbye and thanked scooter for letting me be able to go to Disneyland with Jazzy, Jaxon and Fatime. I picked up my iPhone and called Erin to ask about Disneyland and also ask, if it was able not to tell Jaxon and Jazzy, because Fatime and I wanted it to be a surprise. As I was finishing talking to Erin about everything, I could hear Jaxon trying to talk it was so sweet, I said Jaxon name and all of a sudden, I could hear Jaxon speaking loudly into the phone, then I realised I was on loud speaker, so I turned down the volume a little bit,

"Hey buddy, how are you doing?"


I just couldn't not laugh, I love how Jaxon just says bieber instead of Justin as he can't say it properly yet.

"How's your little sister today, where is she?"


"Is she sleeping still Jaxon?"


"Okay, buddy. I will speak to you soon, I love you Jaxon. Can you give Jazzy a big hug and kiss from me when she is awake for me please. can you do that me be?


As Jaxon had stop talking, I had gathered that he was finding Erin to give the phone back to her so she as able to continue speaking to me, a few minutes later, Erin had the phone back and we finished the conversation and we both said our goodbyes, I pressed the end call button as my mom was walking into the kitchen. I think it was to make some coffee or breakfast I wasn't quite sure. I walked into the kitchen as I was placing my iPhone into my back pocket.

"Good Morning Mom - Did have a good sleep?"

"Good Morning Justin, Yes I did thanks. Would you like any breakfast or do you want to wait until Fatime is awake?"

"I will wait thanks though mom."

"Fatime and I have decided to surprise Jazzy and Jaxon by taking them to Disneyland for a few days before I have to go back to work. I have checked with scooter and Erin and they say it fine."

"Aww, that's a great idea Justin - I don't think they have been to Disneyland yet so they will have a great time. When are you planning on going because if you are deciding to go soon, then you need to start packing?"

"Well I checked with Scooter and I have a week and half left before I have to start work again. Also I need to ask Fatime about the plans as well - because it was her idea."

"Okay sweetie."

"Is Fatime still sleeping mom?"

"I think so, but you might want to check."

"Okay thanks mom" 

After my mom and I finished talking I quickly kissed her cheek and then made my way slowly and quietly up the stairs to try and not to wake up Fatime. I opened the bedroom quietly to see that she was still sleeping like an angel, so I decided to have a shower just to pass the time. I got a towel out and walked into the bathroom. I then turned the shower on, but as I got into the shower, the water hit the back of my body and it was freezing. I quickly jumped back out and changed the temperature of the water, so I was able to have a lovely warm shower. When I changed the temperature I got back into the shower and washed my hair and body. When I had finished washing my body and hair, I turned the shower off , then got out of the shower and placed the towel around my body. I opened the bathroom door, to see that Fatime was waking up and moving to sit up in the bed.

"Good Morning My Princess!"

"Hey!" - she started to blush a little and I smiled.

"Are you thinking or planning on going out anywhere today or do you just want to plan everything for the hoilday and chill out here today?"

"I don't think that we need to go out today - do we? So we can just stay in and chill out today."

"Okay - I know that you are staring at my abs."

"I am not, but I am now." She blushing bright red at the point, I just smiled. I can't not smile when she blushes.

"Justin, I think you should get change now, while I go and wash my face and put my make - up on."

" Why, are you not liking what you see ;)?"

"Yes, I am but just go and get change because I would like to have my breakfast today not next year."

Just after I had changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a black t - shirt and a Logo Badge Patch Fleece Sweatshirt which was dark green, Fatime was able to get to the bathroom but just before I ran into the bathroom and grabbed her make - up so we was unable to use her make - up. She doesn't need it, she is perfectly beautiful without all the make - up that she wears.

"Justin I need that - Pleaseeee!"

"No, you don't need it, you are perfect to me and that's all that matters."

"Well thank-you Justin, but I need my make - up bag please?" -  I needed my make up bag back, so I could take my pills for the arm and leg as I am still in pain sometimes, and to put some make - up on but Justin doesn't need to know ;) 

"Justin, Pleaseee I neeeeed my make upp baa...."

As Fatime, was talking, I could hear that her words were becoming slurry, is she okay, before she was able to finish her sentence, she has collapsed to the floor. I ran over to her to see if she was okay.

"Fatime, are you okaay?"

"Yeah, i am good, I just need my make - up bag, so I can take my pills, for my bones."

"OMG! I'm so sorry, I forgot that you have to take your pills, I am so stupid."

"It's okay, Justin. You didn't know where they were anyways."

I got a glass of water from the bathroom and also I got her make - up bag, so she was able to take her pills. Fatime took the pills she needed to take and took a sip of water to clear the taste of the pills, before getting up and putting the glass back into the bathroom where it came from.

"I am so sorry, Fatime. I feel like I am the most stupid boyfriend in the world right for what I just did, I can't believe I forgot about your pills."

"Justin is okay, I am fine. It was one little mistake okay. no biggie."

Fatime, could see that I was being to hard on myself about it, so she came behind me and wrapped her warm arms around my body, and said;

"Hey, you. stop worrying, I am good okay. i love you."

That's all I needed to here, that she loves me. 

A few minutes later, Fatime had finished doing her make- up and getting changed, so we both went downstairs to have breakfast. As we were both walking into the kitchen I could see that my mom, was just plating some pancakes that she had made. Yumm! My favourite. I pulled out Fatime chair and pushed it in just enough for her and then we all starting eating.As I was finishing my pancakes, Fatime was getting some glasses out of the cupboard so we could all have a drink of orange juice. She placed the glasses on the table and then when to the fridge to get the orange juice. Fatime poured the Orange juice into the cups and then placed the drink back into the fridge. It was lovely. I do love my mum pancakes, they are just the best.

Me and Fatime cleared all of the plates away and then washed all of them. It didn't take that long to cleaning the dishes and glasses. When that was all done, We both went into the living and decided that I was just going to check my twitter and then book the holiday with Jazzy and Jaxon. I logged onto twitter, just to see what was happening around the world and to see how my beliebers are going. I decided just to tweet, to ask how the beliebers are and that I am having a good vacation.

"Having a great #vacay with family :) How are my beautiful ladies doing around the world?..."

I logged out of twitter, after I sent the tweet and then opened up a new tab so I was able to book the Holiday. I went on to the Disneyland Florida website and started looking through all the of the amazing opinions that we look at. We decided to have a private villa, because we are taking Jazzy and Jaxon with us and I don't want them to get hurt or anything like that. I booked the hotel and the park tickets for the 5 days as we didn't want to stay the whole week. I turned to my side to see Fatime, had fallen asleep she looked so peaceful, but then I got that feeling back and the realisation about what I did to her earlier. I hate myself for what I did, I wish I didn't forget about Fatime's medication. Stupid. Why?

I didn't need to book a flight as I have the private jet, so I can just ring scooter to sort that out nearer the time. I thinking to myself, what else do I need to have planned, but before I had finished thinking, Fatime, had woken up from her little sleep. As soon as Fatime, had woken up, that thought came straight back into my mind. Why and how could I be so stupid? I didn't know how to get it out of my my mind. I needed to make myself calm down a little, but how? I remember the first time I met Fatime. A few minutes later, I still had the thought in my mind. seriously, it needs to go. I think Fatime had realised that I was still thinking about the incident that happened earlier because she said that it was nothing, I am fine really Justin. I think she could still see that I wasn't calm so she turned so that she was able to have her soft lips touch mine and with that me and myself was completely calm.

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