The Wolf Queen (The Queen's S...

By herlittlenightmare

618K 34K 8.6K

Betrayed, lost, broken. This is Azalea's reality now. Once a slave, now a warrior. A future queen tasked w... More

One: Crucifixion
Two: Havoc
Three: Misery
Four: Decay
Five: Agony
Six: Murder
Seven: Revenge
Eight: Branded
Nine: Exile
Ten: Unsteady
Eleven: Depthless
Twelve: Bleed
Thirteen: Lamentation
Fourteen: Remorse
Fifteen: Sinister
Sixteen: Conduit
Seventeen: Hell
Eighteen: Burn
Nineteen: Surrender
Twenty: Rot
Twenty One: Infinite
Twenty Two: The Crown
Twenty Three: The Challenge
Twenty Four: Possession
Twenty Five: The Prophecy
Twenty Six: Unity
Twenty Seven: Silence
✨ A N N O U N C E M E N T ✨
Twenty Eight: To Die For
Twenty Nine: The Mountain
Thirty: The Ritual
Thirty One: Cursed
Thirty Two: The Alpha
Thirty Three: Devil's Demise
Thirty Four: Rabids
Thirty Five: The Sound of Silence
Thirty Six: Resurrected
Thirty Seven: Reborn
Thirty Eight: Ruthless
Thirty Nine: Poison
Forty: Ambush
Forty One: The Bargainer
Forty Two: Hard For Me
Forty Three: Submission
Forty Four: In Too Deep
Forty Five: Persecution
Forty Six: Blood Tipped Lies
Forty-Seven: A Debt Owed
Forty Eight: Consumed
Forty-Nine: Check, Mate.
Fifty: Queen's Gambit
Fifty One: Frenzy
Fifty Two: Raw
Fifty Three: A Debt Paid
Fifty Four: Ravaged
Fifty Five: Remade
Fifty Six: Truth
Fifty Six: Dare
Fifty-Seven: Remembrance
Fifty-Nine: Ashes
Sixty: In Depth
Sixty One: Rising Flame
Sixty Two: Evolution
Sixty Three: Unity
Sixty Four: Restitution
Sixty Five: Exquisite Pain
Sixty Six: Winter Has Come
Sixty Seven: New Order
Sixty-Eight: Wriath
Sixty-Nine: The Reaper
Seventy: Into The Woods
Seventy One: The Wedding

Fifty-Eight: The Circle

5K 308 139
By herlittlenightmare

"I Scare Myself"

By: Beth Crowley

I looked to Camille, and the tormented expression on her face tore me to shreds. But this was the part where I needed to steel myself, where I couldn't care. Because the lives and future of my pack came first, not my feelings, or my needs. Theirs. I would not allow a rogue to cause harm under the guise of influence. Adam had to be dealt with, and he will answer for his crimes.

In death, as well as life.

A cold chill swept through the forest as I sat there, wondering when it would end. When would the constant fighting, death and despair came to an end? I breathed out a low breath as I stood, dusting off my borrowed clothing.

"Do not ask me to do this." Camille pleaded quietly.

I looked at Kore, at the radiant fire in her amber eyes as she stared back at me. A soft smile curved across my lips and I turned back to Camille, moving slowly towards her. She stood as still as stone up until when I reached her. Her face cracked when my hand softly cupped her cheek. I knew she was scared. Not of me, but of herself, of the damage she might cause performing this spell. It was agony for her, especially being the one to have all but dedicated to herself being my protector. Her hand covered mine, a red sheen lighting up my skin, sending warmth through my bones and healing the damage that whatever Adam had given me, caused. The effects from the poison bled away, and I looked at her in thankfulness.

"I would never force you to do something you did not want to do, Camille." I moved to step away but she caught my hand, her knuckles whitening where they gripped my skin. I lowered my voice, pouring all the passion and warmth I felt for her I could, into my words. "The decision is yours and yours alone. But I will not lie and say that I do not think you are capable. You can't live in fear forever. I know that you know this, since you are the one who first said it to me." She smiled gently, encouraging me on. "I regret that I did not find the time to truly get to know you, and for that I am sorry. I have not been the sister-in-law you deserve. I have asked and asked from you and I realize the error in that. I will not ask anymore, not even for this."

She released my hand and we stood there for a long moment. Movement shifted behind her and my gaze immediately shifting to gauge Emilee's reaction to Michael's appearance. My friend didn't give any reaction that his presence did anything to her, but I knew by the way Michael watched her that things were far from okay.

"I will think about it." She finally amended. "You will have my answer by daybreak tomorrow."

I watched her go, meeting her gaze one last time. Camille's eyes bore through me, the silver ring around her iris brightened, and only then did I notice little veins of red intertwined in their depths. And then one by one they left, leaving just Kore and I.

A sea of blood and silver. I thought in amusement. Warm hands grasped my waist, pulling me back into an iron-clad body. My fingers threaded with Kore's, igniting a fire in my belly as her sweet breath washed over my neck.

"You are playing with fire, little one. One of these days it just might grow large enough to burn you."

I twisted in her arms, looping mine around her neck. She was so tall that it strained the muscles in my forearms. "And I suppose you are that fire?" A chuckle that promised pain on my part rippled through her chest as she gripped my ass, lifting me. I locked my legs around her waist and sighed as our bodies came together.

My world blurred as she spun us around and slammed my back into the wall, her mouth coming down hard and dominant onto mine. I met her in the middle, my fingers reaching for every expanse of skin they could, brushing over her wings, feeling their sharp edges. Her tongue lashed out at mine, demanding obedience and I gave it to her, my body melting into her curves, god-blessed curves. My hands pressed into her hard stomach, reaching for the tie at her waist and growing frustrated when it wouldn't budge. She moved back, her mouth parting from mine but stealing kisses in between.

She grasped my hands and looked at me, kissing my fingers. Something dark washed through her honey-colored gaze.

She spoke then, her voice raspy. "I must ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me now, Azalea. It will determine the fate of that boy."

My heart pounded as a million different things passed through my mind, all of them horrible possibilities. Fuck you, anxiety. Her mind sought mine, soothing my worries some, and I nodded to show I was ready for whatever she had to ask.

"Did he touch you?" Every muscle hardened before me, just as tough as her armor. I watched her jaw, straining under the stress of her fear. Her warm hand grasped my thigh a brief moment before her fingers tore the fabric there, her thumb rubbing gently over the cut. I winced as the reminder brought awareness to my other injuries.

"Would it change anything, if he did?" I waited with baited breath for her response, feeling the air swell with her rage. Her magic ignited mine, and in her eyes I saw my eyes begin to glow, sparking with electricity.

"Would it change how you felt about me?" I dared to ask.

Her eyes fluttered closed and she released a slow breath, and for a millisecond I could almost taste the icy chill of death, like snow on freshly lit stones. Her rage was so much more than that simple word could ever truly express.

"The only thing that would change is how long it would take him to die." She whispered, opening her eyes, jaw clenched tight. My heart stuttered at the unwavering devotion in her eyes, knowing I did not deserve it.

"He didn't touch-."

She didn't let me finish, her lips crushing to mine in a deep kiss. I could feel her body shivering with relief. Her hand came up to wrap around the back of my neck, fisting my hair in her fingers, forcing my head back. Her lips kissed every inch of skin my neck had to offer, hot as a branding iron. My legs shook with the strain it took to hold myself up as she secured my wrists in her free hand, locking them above my head. I felt molten and groaned, aching for her.

"I'm going to make you scream for me, little wolf." She purred into my mind, blanketing my senses in a wave of desire so strong, I nearly came right there.

She met my gaze then, our faces pressed so close that her nose rubbled mine. "Are you ready?" She breathed, and somehow I felt that she was talking about something more than this moment, something deeper. I looked into eyes the color of warm bronze, seeing the need in her eyes, the need to make me hers, and buckled.

"I am yours, my queen." I gasped, sinking into her body in submission. Excitement flashed through her gaze, and for a flash of a second I was afraid, old memories rushing to the surface. But as always, she reminded me that fear has no place here. Not with her.

"I would never hurt you, my sweet Azalea. But you are right to be wary of me now. With this, I will destroy you many times over. That is a promise." She rubbed her nose against mine, making me giggle, and then we were moving again. I clung to her as she strode out the front door, sliding me down her body.

"Where are we going?" I frowned in confusion. She shot me a look.

"You really think I'm going fuck you for the first time in that nasty old thing?" Shocked at her tone, I looked at the cabin, and then at her as her wings flared open, rays of pure gold catching the tips.

Well, she does have a point.

"I'm going to take you somewhere we won't be bothered for the night." I opened my mouth to protest but she shook her head. "No. I have waited long enough for you. Tonight, you're mine." I swallowed at the possessiveness in her eyes.

"Until dawn." I reluctantly acquiesced.

"Until dawn, then. Hopefully you'll still be able to walk." She stated smugly.

I didn't have time to fully take in her words before she was wrapping me in her arms. Her wings flared wide and my heartbeat stuttered. I could feel her mouth curve against my cheek.

"Hold tight and I might not drop you." She laughed at my hesitance, lowering into a slight crouch. I closed my eyes, swallowing hard.

Well, wolf, here goes. You wanted two mates, well one has wings. Hope you're ready for that! My wolf opened a sleepy eye in response, huffing quietly at the back of my mind.

"Relax." Kore murmured into my mind and I gasped when her mental fingers suddenly slid across the waistband of my pants, cupping the warm heat there. I shuddered against the phantom touch, aching so badly I thought I'd pass out.

"Kore..." Gritting my teeth, I twisted to ask her what the hell she was playing at, when she hauled me into her arms and shot into the air. I shrieked, blindly clinging to her, tears streaming from my eyes at the speed we traveled. The clouds were so thick I could barely see, and I didn't have the breath to scream.

Admittedly, I'd never been so terrified.

But then the sky leveled out and the fog cleared, and I wanted to cry at the sheer wonder of it. The sky was unfathomably gorgeous. Pinks, golds, warm reds washing over an endless canvas, nestled in a sea of clouds.

How little I must seem. I mused to myself.

Kore's massive wings pumped hard and then snapped shut for half a second, only to pop open again, perfectly level. Even though I was a creature of the earth, I marveled at the freedom she must feel, and the power that came with it. Her grip tightened on me, her eagle-eyes scanning the horizon. The wind roared in my ears, and it was cold, but I felt warm in her embrace. I closed my eyes, listening to the soft thump of sound her wings made as she flew.

Her mind brushed mine, tender and loving as I struggled to keep my eyes open. "Sleep, cor meum, I am here."

I mumbled a reply but it faded as I gave in to the warmth of her body and steady thrum of our three-way bond.



"Into The Dark"

By: Grace Gaustad

I watched, jealousy frothing to the surface of my skin as Michael embraced Camille, their mouths meeting in a sensual kiss. A dark sort of rage blanketed my mind and I bit my lip a little too hard, slicing right through the delicate flesh. Warmth dribbled down my chin, and I knew I'd sliced deep. The copper-tang scent of my blood wafted through the air, and it was almost comical how Camille's eyes flashed open as it hit her. Breaking the kiss with Michael, she was in front of me in a flash. I sucked in a gasp, feeling my inner wolf snarl at her, glaring daggers of ice. She didn't like Michael's games, and was reluctant to accept him as pack.

I jerked away when she reached for my chin. "Don't." I warned, layers of ice hardening around my heart. "Not when you've just touched him."

I refused to give in to the pain in my chest as hurt flashed across her beautiful eyes, even as it threatened to cripple me. I would not be a pawn for them to use and break down. I am an Alpha female, Beta to the Wolf Queen, and I deserve better.

"Perhaps I can-," Michael stepped forward and I saw red. My fingernails sharpened into claws, the skin peeling back and then healing over and over again. It was agony, forcing this shift at bay. I knew I didn't have long. It was easy to forget Michael was part of the picture when he wasn't around, but my wolf refuses to bend.

My body shook with rage as I snarled at him, the pain in my chest returning tenfold. "Nothing. You can do nothing."

"I can't do this." I whimpered.

"It's just not my life." My lips trembled, bitter tears forming on my lashes when I met Camille's gaze through my swollen one. Red eyes stared straight back at me. I jerked back in shock, swallowing hard.

"Now you've done it." Michael shook his head, a small grin on his face. I wanted to throttle him. "No use telling her what to do, she's always done the opposite."

I made a face at him and calmly wiped my eyes, before turning to Camille, locking down every emotion, denying it entrance to my heart.

"I'm too fucked up for you." I said bluntly. "You deserve Michael, and only Michael. I would just rip you apart, and I'm not worth that. I've been bought and sold my whole life. I'll figure it out."

Camille's eyes brightened with dangerous intent, and I grew nervous. She hasn't taken her gaze off of me or even blinked since I started my "short and sweet" piece. She looked like what a fierce predator would resemble as it hunted for it's next meal.

Michael didn't move to approach me, but his face was kind. "You were put into our lives for a reason, love. We need you. She needs you. We are not playing games with you. We would never play games with you." I bit back a sob and walked away from them, feeling broken.

"I can't. I'm sorry." I could never be with a man. My stomach cramped and I fell to the floor, screaming as my bones began to break. I watched her, the heart-wrenching pain in her eyes as I lost myself. I'd rather be wolf right now. I'd rather be wolf forever, free to run and hunt and forget the pain.

But then, I'd lose her. And I couldn't help but wonder, what if I just let her in.

Whoop! Surprise lil teaser in there with Emilee's POV 😜 I'm trying it out, I think I like it. She's a complex character and I'm very behind on her development but I'm working on it. Let me know what y'all think!

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