The Ascension Saga Book 1: Gh...


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Izuka Midoriya is a name that sticks in Katsuki Bakugo's mind. She died one year after her mother, a suicide... More

Chapter 1: Prologue: Appearance of Chaos
Chapter 2: Fall From Order
Chapter 3: Break and Reforge
Chapter 4: The Patchwork Bunny
Chapter 5: Mr. Two-timer
Chapter 6: Stain! Memories...
Chapter 7: Himiko's Vengeance
Chapter 8: Controlled Chaos
Chapter 9: UA! A Different Kind of Crazy
Chapter 10: Split Sides
Chapter 11: Crazy is Fun
Chapter 12: Buildup
Chapter 13: Rage
Chapter 14: Your Symbol Of Despair
Chapter 15: One Who has Ascended
Chapter 16: Just a bit of Spying
Chapter 17: Start! The Sports Festival!
Chapter 18: I Choose Who Wins
Chapter 19: Juiced
Chapter 20: Heroes Are Annoying
Chapter 21: Rabbit and Steel
Chapter 22: His Power
Chapter 23: Douse The Flames
Chapter 24: An Informant... Eventually?
Chapter 25: Ghost
Chapter 26: Awakening
Chapter 27: Clash Of Titans
Chapter 28: Tempered Steel
Chapter 29: Kenji Hikiishi
Chapter 30: Fall Of Steel
Chapter 31: Torture and Terror
Chapter 33: Bonding
Chapter 34: Havoc
Chapter 35: His Daughter
Chapter 36: Recorded Memories
Chapter 37: Froppy. Inko. And a Short Memorial.
Chapter 38: ???
Chapter 39: Possessions
Chapter 40: Say Yes to Compress
Chapter 41: Preparations
Chapter 42: Self Control
Chapter 43: Unbreakable Heart
Chapter 44: Evolutions
Chapter 45: Shopping is Great! Not Deadly at All!
Chapter 46: A Little Girl who Hates Heroes
Chapter 47: Three Third Years
Chapter 48: Begin! The Camp Raid
Chapter 49: Chain Evolutions
Chapter 50: All According To Plan
Chapter 51: Clash Of Gods
Chapter 52: Angel or Demon?
Chapter 53: Villain with a Heart Of Gold
Chapter 54: Betrayal and a Meeting
Chapter 55: Demon Child
Chapter 56: Mina Ashido
Chapter 57: Escape! Feat. Yours Truly
Chapter 58: Night of the Rogues
Chapter 60: Meetings for Everyone!
Chapter 61: The Easy Part
Chapter 62: The Overhaul
Chapter 63: Three Kids? An Escape

Chapter 59: A Truth, A Lie, And A Secret

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Five Minutes Ago: Kamino

Mina watched Durza tear the giant apart. Izuka tapped her on the shoulder.

-I want you to take out the second giant-

Mina blinked. "Really?"

Izuka nodded. -I'll give a signal. My hand on Durza's shoulder.-

The pink girl nodded. "Okay then."

Izuka stood up and called to Durza. The child looked over and leapt to her. He was intercepted by Ryukyu. Mina prepared her attack.

Izuka waited for a moment, before leaping in and saving Durza. Ryukyu blinked and conversed with Izuka. The villainess placed her hand on Durza's shoulder and said something.

' That's the signal '

Mina stood up and generated a large bubble of acid in her hands, before hurling it at the giant. The man's scream fell on deaf ears as the acid ate through him. Mina blinked. Izuka and Durza leapt over to her.

The three dashed away from the crime scene. Mina felt her entire body buzz with excitement. ' Is this what it's like? '


Civilians screamed as Todoroki shouted. Fatgum ran to his injured sidekick's side.

"Are you alright kid?"

Todoroki nodded. He reached into his wound and ripped the bullet out. The bullet was a normal one. The metal gleamed under the street light. Todoroki raised his hand and cauterized the room.

"Let's get 'em."

Kirishima and Tamaki had already taken off. As Todoroki joined the chase, Fatgum looked at the bullets Todoroki blocked.

Several normal bullets had bounced off of the ice. There were four strange bullets lying on the ground. Fatgum picked one up and inspected it carefully.

"Well well well... something new on the streets after all."

Meanwhile, Tamaki and Kirishima had caught up to the four thugs.Tamaki restrained two and wrapped them in capture tape. One of the remaining thugs turned around and shot his gun. The bullet bounced off of Kirishima and stuck to Tamaki. The boy plucked the bullet out of his skin. It was like a thumbtack with a small vial of something on it. Tamaki reached forward, but his quirk didn't activate.


The thugs ran as a blazing figure appeared in the sky. Todoroki slammed down in front of them, blood red flames drifting off of his skin. "Sorry for the wait. I'm ready now... to bring the heat."

The thugs stood back to back as Kirishima and Todoroki closed in.

"Well... we don't have a choice now." One said. The other nodded.

Both took out syringes and stabbed their legs. Blades burst out of the one thugs skin, they raced towards Todoroki, who deflected them with an ice wall. The other flexed his hands as his muscles bulged. With a roar, he ran at Kirishima.

Kirishima took a deep breath and took the full force of a punch without budging. The shock raced through his body. Muscle fibers grew over his arms and hardened. Kirishima delivered a crushing uppercut, sending the man flying back.

Todoroki grit his teeth against the onslaught of blades. ' I only used this against Touya... but it's the only way. '

"Improvised Special Move: Frost Knight!"

Todoroki's flames hardened around his body, becoming a suit of armor. He extended his hand, creating a spear of blue ice.


The thug laughed gleefully and charged. Todoroki whirled his spear around, deflecting blades with ease. With a grunt, he thrust the spear forward, stabbing the man's leg. The thug screamed in pain.

Todoroki melted the armor. "And now, Heat stroke."

Todoroki concentrated flames around the thug, suffocating him with heat. The man passed out, and Todoroki deactivated his quirk. He and Kirishima restrained the thugs and returned to Tamaki. Fatgum was there with the police.

"You guys did good! Caught them quick!"

Tamaki flexed his hands. "They were dangerous. Good job."

"Are you okay dude?" Kirishima asked. Fatgum stopped him.

"One of these guys had strange bullets in his gun. They were probably expensive, so only one of them had 'em. Tamaki was pricked by one. It erased his quirk for a bit."


Fatgum nodded. "You understand what that means. These guys were incredibly dangerous, and this quirk cancelling drug is gonna be showing up more and more."

"They weren't the dealers?" Kirishima asked.

"You think thugs like these would have the tools to manufacture bullets like that? No way. Luckily, we might have a lead. We're meeting up with a couple of agencies to talk about the Shie Hassaikai."

"The yakuza?" Todoroki raised an eyebrow. "I thought they were wiped out."

Fatgum shook his head. "Organized crime was almost wiped out, but small groups went into hiding and bided their time. The Yakuza would have the tools to manufacture these bullets. So we're starting a mission to take them down."

Kirishima and Todoroki nodded. "Which heroes are on board?"

"Several agencies. You'll join the meeting tomorrow after school. So you'll see then."


Fatgum smiled. "Anyways, with that said. Good job. We're gonna head back to the agency and call it a night. I've got to fill out paperwork for this fight."


The heroes all returned to Fatgums agency and ended their patrol.


Izuka, Durza, and Mina stood on the beach. Izuka pulled out a phone and dialed up Kurogiri. No sooner had she called, then a portal swirled to life in front of her.

-go through. I'll be there to help in a moment.-

Mina stepped into the portal, which closed as soon as she did. Durza climbed onto Izuka's back, and the two took off across the water.

Durza laughed under the moon yet again. The sound sent joy through Izuka's heart. Soon, they were back at the league's base.

As Izuka walked in, she heard a discussion taking place.

"What do we do with her?" Dabi wondered.

"I don't know! The real question is, what did you do with Izuka?" The voice of Spinner replied.

"I assume that you guys don't trust her then?" Izuka walked in. Dabi and Spinner blinked at her.

"Do you mean that you recruited her?"

"I recruited her a while ago, but I didn't tell you because I knew that you'd react this way. She's deaf by the way. You can thank the heroes for that."

Dabi and Spinner looked at Mina and signed an apology. Mina was let out of her restraints. She looked at Izuka. "So this is the league's base?"

Izuka nodded, her phone buzzed in her pocket. "Hello?"

" You have Mina with you? " Midnight asked from the other end.

"Yeah. Where are you?"

" Takoba beach. I turned in my resignation to the school, and my hero resignation after she was taken. I'm ready. "

"Alright. Be there in a few seconds." Izuka hung up and turned to Dabi and Spinner. "I'm going to get Midnight. Yes, Midnight. Be back in two minutes."

Izuka zoomed out of the base. Like she said, in two minutes, she was back. Nemuri Kayama was in her arms.

"Well. You certainly move fast." Nemri blinked. Izuka set her down. Before she could say anything else, she was wrapped in a hug from Mina. Nemuri smiled and stroked the pink girls hair affectionately.

-I brought you a present.- Nemuri signed. She handed Mina her eyepiece. The girl's eyes watered, and she hugged Nemuri yet again.

After putting on the eyepiece, Mina and Nemuri were sworn into the league. Izuka told them about the training. Midnight was prepared for it. Mina decided that she was ready as well.

"Tomorrow, after we get everything in order with the Yakuza, we'll bring you in." Izuka said. "For now, allow Bunny to attend to you."

"Bunny?" Midnight asked.

Mirko walked out and planted a kiss on Izuka's cheek. "Hello you two. I assume you've joined then?"

"Mirko?" Midnight blinked. "So you really are with them."

Mirko smiled. "You are too! Where would you two like to sleep?"

Izuka held up her hand. "They'll be with me Bunny."

"Okay miss Izuka." Mirko replied.

"You will too." Izuka smirked. "By attending, I meant is there anything Bunny can get for you?"

"I think we're fine." Midnight said. "You want us to sleep with you?"

"Of course." Izuka smiled, walking forward. She placed a hand on Midnight's cheek, causing the woman to blush. "But only if you want to. I don't know if you'd be comfortable."

"Y-yes... that's fine."

Midnight followed Izuka to her room. Himiko Toga lay on a section of the room which was covered in pillows. The blonde's eyes fluttered open, she saw Midnight and Mina and smiled, before yawning and rolling over.

"Come lay down." Izuka smiled. She walked over and snuggled up to Toga. Midnight lay down and felt herself wrapped in Izuka's arms.

' She's so gentle... '

Mina lay down with them as well. Mirko walked in and shut the door, before laying down and wrapping her ears around them. The large group drifted to sleep.


Ochaco looked up at the large apartment building in Musutafu.

' I'm gonna be late to school for this. '

She walked into the building and quickly found the old Midoriya apartment. She walked in to find it very cluttered. As cluttered as Kirishima had found it.

On the table was a box.

-For Uraraka, if you're curious.-

Ochaco carefully opened the box. Inside was a number of things. A small notebook with a drawing of Uraraka on the cover. A bracelet made out of two strings. One green, one orange. Two beads were on the bracelet. One had the letter 'K' emblazoned on it, the other had the letter 'I'.

A small picture frame held a photo of a young Izuka and Bakugo. Another held a photo of an older Izuka in Middle School.

Ochaco heard a click, and then a whirr. A small audio tape began playing.

" Hello. You finally came for answers. In here is everything you need to know, and a little gift from me. In this message, I am recording a truth, a lie, and a secret. What you choose to do with them is your decision. "

Ochaco blinked at the recording. She emptied sat down at the table and removed the contents of the box as the recording continued.

" First, I know All Might. The number one hero is more, and less than you think. He's a model for our entire society. He appears strong, when he is weak. And when his true form is revealed, people go crazy. That man destroyed my family. He took everything from me. So he will be forced to watch as I take everything from him. "

Ochaco held up a small necklace with an All Might charm attached to it. She blinked, and set the necklace down, before picking up the two photo's.

" Second. There is not a time where I considered Katsuki Bakugo to be a true friend. A friend perhaps, but there was always a side to him that kept us somewhat divided. "

Ochaco looked at the photos. The young Izuka and Bakugo both smiled. On their wrists were friendship bracelets. Each one the same. One of which was in the box that Ochaco held.

"So happy..."

In the second picture, Ochaco could see that Izuka was still smiling. She was unnaturally thin. There were small scars that peeked out of the ends of her shirt sleeves. She still wore the bracelet.

" Before I say anything else, I should explain the notebook. "

Ochaco picked up the notebook.

" I am... rather smart when it comes to quirks. I was always able to analyze them instantly. I find them to be so amazing. I often write my own analysis of new quirks. My sweetheart told me that yours recently underwent an evolution. So I decided to fill you in on what I could. This is my gift to you. Please use it to become a true hero. "

Ochaco flipped through the notebook. It had everything. The science behind her quirk, a way to negate her quirks backlash. Gadgets, suit upgrades. Everything. She had even thought of the black hole special move!


" And finally. A secret. Probably the biggest secret I know. The reason I hate All Might. All Might can give his quirk to others. He was actually born quirkless. He knew that he could give his power to others, yet still told me that I could not be a hero. "

Ochaco felt as if she had been struck with an incredible weight.


" Who that power belongs to now... well I'm sure you can figure that out. After all, they aren't doing a very good job at hiding their multiple quirks. Now. That is all you'll hear from me. Become a great hero Ochaco. Maybe I will spare you and your boyfriend in the future. "

The tape stopped playing. Ochaco stared at it, before rewinding it and putting everything back into the box.

"I'll figure this out. I'll become a hero that will make anybody proud."


Izuka rose that morning to greet the sleeping forms of Nemuri and Mina. Both were snuggled together like a parent and child.

"Wake up sleepyheads..." Izuka chuckled.

Mina yawned and blinked, before smiling. "So... it really happened then..."

Izuka smiled at her. "Yup. Your training begins tonight. Make sure that you are mentally and physically prepared."

Nemuri slowly got up, along with Mina. Both stretched, before walking out of the room.

Tomura was surprised to see them. He almost stole their quirks, but then remembered that Toga had told him about new recruits.

"You got another hero? And another kid?"

Izuka smiled. "Yup!"

"Well... are they going through the training then?"

Izuka nodded. "After we visit the Yakuza. They have that time to prepare with Dabi and Stain."

Tomura nodded. "Okay then. We're meeting Overhaul at his base in a five. Are you prepared?"

Izuka nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be. Nemuri, Mina. Have a good day. We'll be back later."

A portal opened. Toga, Twice, Izuka, and Tomura walked through. Mirko smiled as she held Durza. "So. What do you guys want to do?"


Izuka and her friends stepped into Overhauls compound. The man stood with two of his henchmen.

"Hello. Now, shall we get straight to the point?"

Izuka smiled. Tomura nodded.

"We'd have it no other way.

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